IMPORTANT If your device is out of support, it is no longer receiving security updates from Microsoft and may become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you update to the latest version of Windows. Each version of Windows is supported for 18 months. After support ends, you must update to a newer version of Windows to continue receiving Windows updates and security fixes. To learn more about the Windows lifecycle, see Windows 10 lifecycle fact sheet.Â
Update Stack Packages make improvements to the update experience for a specific set of files before a Windows monthly or feature update is installed on your device. This update will make sure that your device has the highest probability of successfully installing new updates with the most robust and reliable update stack available.
This Update Stack Package is limited to a select set of update related system files.
How to get the update
Install this updateÂ
Release Channel |
Available |
Next Step |
Windows Update or Microsoft Update |
Yes |
Go to Settings > Windows Update > Advanced options > Optional updates. On the Optional updates page, you’ll find the link to download and install this update. |
Windows Update for Business |
No |
See the other release channel options. |
Microsoft Update Catalog |
No |
See the other release channel options. |
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) |
No |
See the other release channel options. |
There are no prerequisites to apply this update.
Restart information
You might have to restart your device after you apply this update.
Check Update history
To determine whether this update is present on the device, go to Settings > Windows Update > Update history.
File information
The English (United States) version of this software update installs files that have the attributes that are listed in the following tables.Â
File name |
File version |
Date |
Time |
File size |
DeliveryOptimization.psd1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
1,491 |
Microsoft.Windows.DeliveryOptimization.AdminCommands.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
75,776 |
DeliveryOptimizationVerboseLogs.psm1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
3,179 |
DeliveryOptimizationStatus.psm1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
17,297 |
DeliveryOptimization.admx |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
37,698 |
domgmt.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
399,360 |
dosettings.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
223,744 |
DeliveryOptimizationMIProv.mof |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
16,352 |
DeliveryOptimizationMIProvUninstall.mof |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
915 |
Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.DOSettings.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
52,736 |
dosvc.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
1,388,544 |
2213703c9c64cc61ba900531652e23c84728d2a2.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
4,110 |
OneSettingsClient.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
141,312 |
storewuauth.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
253,440 |
musdialoghandlers.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
126,976 |
MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
81,408 |
MusNotifyIcon.exe.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
6,144 |
usosvc.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
3,584 |
5ffea6126f02e78b9099eb4614d2d339f03ca5a8.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
6,270 |
MusNotification.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
562,688 |
MusNotifyIcon.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
554,336 |
usosvc.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
456,192 |
usocoreworker.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
1,154,560 |
MoUsoCoreWorker.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
1,283,584 |
WindowsUpdateElevatedInstaller.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
33,792 |
MusNotificationUx.exe.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
40,960 |
SBCModel.json |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
79,552 |
SBCModel.txt |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
230,263 |
17499b8d805e9480903b0df0326a3d231841049e.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
3,870 |
MusNotificationUx.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
528,896 |
@WindowsUpdateToastIcon.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
518 |
@WindowsUpdateToastIcon.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
518 |
@WindowsUpdateToastIcon.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
810 |
OkDone_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
423 |
RestartNowPower_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
759 |
ScheduleTime_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
538 |
Snooze_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
925 |
X_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
627 |
RestartTonight_80_contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
1,091 |
OkDone_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
438 |
RestartNowPower_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
785 |
ScheduleTime_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
551 |
Snooze_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
901 |
X_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
579 |
RestartTonight_80_contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
1,003 |
OkDone_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
423 |
RestartNowPower_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
759 |
ScheduleTime_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
538 |
Snooze_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
925 |
X_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
627 |
RestartTonight_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
1,091 |
LaptopPlugInToastImg.gif |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
190,760 |
DesktopKeepOnToastImg.gif |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
278,879 |
MusUpdateHandlers.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
924,672 |
ActiveHours.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
8,321 |
SvBannerBackground.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
1,296,045 |
UNPUX.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
556,512 |
UpdateNotificationMgr.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
353,760 |
UNPUXHost.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
100,336 |
UNPUXLauncher.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
428,016 |
UpdateNotificationHelpers.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
326,112 |
usoapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
84,992 |
upshared.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
488,320 |
UsoClient.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
92,672 |
usocoreps.dll |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
30,208 |
updatepolicy.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
202,752 |
UpdatePolicy.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
8,192 |
wuapihost.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
9,728 |
wudriver.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
99,328 |
WindowsUpdate.psd1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
1,078 |
WindowsUpdateLog.psm1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
15,398 |
wuapi.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
10,240 |
wuuhext.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
421,888 |
wuuhosdeployment.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
216,576 |
wups.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
37,376 |
wuapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
762,880 |
UpdateDeploymentProvider.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
270,336 |
wuapi.dll.mun |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
149,504 |
WindowsUpdate.adml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
70,681 |
wuaueng.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
2,590,720 |
wups2.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
28,160 |
wuauclt.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
55,352 |
14a3f9e824793931d34f7f786a538bbc9ef1f0d6.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
4,212 |
WindowsUpdate.admx |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
104,607 |
SIHClient.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:27 |
326,992 |
File name |
File version |
Date |
Time |
File size |
DeliveryOptimization.psd1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,491 |
Microsoft.Windows.DeliveryOptimization.AdminCommands.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
75,776 |
DeliveryOptimizationVerboseLogs.psm1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
3,179 |
DeliveryOptimizationStatus.psm1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
17,297 |
DeliveryOptimization.admx |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
37,698 |
domgmt.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
525,312 |
dosettings.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
293,888 |
DeliveryOptimizationMIProv.mof |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
16,352 |
DeliveryOptimizationMIProvUninstall.mof |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
915 |
Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.DOSettings.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
68,096 |
dosvc.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,535,488 |
2213703c9c64cc61ba900531652e23c84728d2a2.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
4,110 |
OneSettingsClient.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
182,784 |
storewuauth.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
307,712 |
musdialoghandlers.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
169,472 |
MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
81,408 |
MusNotifyIcon.exe.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
6,144 |
usosvc.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
3,584 |
5ffea6126f02e78b9099eb4614d2d339f03ca5a8.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
6,270 |
MusNotification.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
693,248 |
MusNotifyIcon.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
645,656 |
usosvc.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
570,368 |
usocoreworker.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,413,120 |
MoUsoCoreWorker.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,693,184 |
WindowsUpdateElevatedInstaller.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
43,520 |
MusNotificationUx.exe.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
40,960 |
SBCModel.json |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
79,552 |
SBCModel.txt |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
230,263 |
17499b8d805e9480903b0df0326a3d231841049e.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
3,870 |
MusNotificationUx.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
629,760 |
@WindowsUpdateToastIcon.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
518 |
@WindowsUpdateToastIcon.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
518 |
@WindowsUpdateToastIcon.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
810 |
OkDone_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
423 |
RestartNowPower_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
759 |
ScheduleTime_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
538 |
Snooze_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
925 |
X_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
627 |
RestartTonight_80_contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,091 |
OkDone_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
438 |
RestartNowPower_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
785 |
ScheduleTime_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
551 |
Snooze_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
901 |
X_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
579 |
RestartTonight_80_contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,003 |
OkDone_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
423 |
RestartNowPower_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
759 |
ScheduleTime_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
538 |
Snooze_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
925 |
X_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
627 |
RestartTonight_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,091 |
LaptopPlugInToastImg.gif |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
190,760 |
DesktopKeepOnToastImg.gif |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
278,879 |
MusUpdateHandlers.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,205,760 |
ActiveHours.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
8,321 |
SvBannerBackground.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,296,045 |
UNPUX.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
721,376 |
UpdateNotificationMgr.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
463,328 |
UNPUXHost.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
112,624 |
UNPUXLauncher.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
540,144 |
UpdateNotificationHelpers.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
425,440 |
usoapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
141,824 |
upshared.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
717,792 |
UsoClient.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
115,200 |
usocoreps.dll |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
39,424 |
updatepolicy.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
251,904 |
UpdatePolicy.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
8,192 |
wuapihost.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
11,264 |
wudriver.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
127,488 |
WindowsUpdate.psd1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,078 |
WindowsUpdateLog.psm1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
15,398 |
wuapi.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
10,240 |
wuuhext.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
521,728 |
wuuhosdeployment.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
267,264 |
wups.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
85,504 |
wuapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
962,560 |
UpdateDeploymentProvider.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
328,704 |
wuapi.dll.mun |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
149,504 |
WindowsUpdate.adml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
70,681 |
wuaueng.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
3,456,512 |
wups2.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
64,000 |
wuauclt.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
66,664 |
14a3f9e824793931d34f7f786a538bbc9ef1f0d6.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
4,212 |
WindowsUpdate.admx |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
104,607 |
SIHClient.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
411,768 |
Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.DOSettings.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
52,736 |
OneSettingsClient.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
141,312 |
usoapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
84,992 |
updatepolicy.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
202,752 |
wudriver.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
99,328 |
wups.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
37,376 |
wuapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
762,880 |
File name |
File version |
Date |
Time |
File size |
DeliveryOptimization.psd1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,491 |
Microsoft.Windows.DeliveryOptimization.AdminCommands.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
75,776 |
DeliveryOptimizationVerboseLogs.psm1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
3,179 |
DeliveryOptimizationStatus.psm1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
17,297 |
DeliveryOptimization.admx |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
37,698 |
domgmt.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
568,832 |
dosettings.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
327,168 |
DeliveryOptimizationMIProv.mof |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
16,352 |
DeliveryOptimizationMIProvUninstall.mof |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
915 |
Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.DOSettings.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
69,632 |
dosvc.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,672,192 |
2213703c9c64cc61ba900531652e23c84728d2a2.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
4,110 |
OneSettingsClient.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
164,352 |
storewuauth.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
355,840 |
musdialoghandlers.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
176,640 |
MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
81,408 |
MusNotifyIcon.exe.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
6,144 |
usosvc.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
3,584 |
5ffea6126f02e78b9099eb4614d2d339f03ca5a8.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
6,270 |
MusNotification.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
758,272 |
MusNotifyIcon.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
675,128 |
usosvc.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
620,544 |
usocoreworker.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,570,304 |
MoUsoCoreWorker.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,903,104 |
WindowsUpdateElevatedInstaller.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
44,032 |
MusNotificationUx.exe.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
40,960 |
SBCModel.json |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
79,552 |
SBCModel.txt |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
230,263 |
17499b8d805e9480903b0df0326a3d231841049e.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
3,870 |
MusNotificationUx.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
673,280 |
@WindowsUpdateToastIcon.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
518 |
@WindowsUpdateToastIcon.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
518 |
@WindowsUpdateToastIcon.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
810 |
OkDone_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
423 |
RestartNowPower_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
759 |
ScheduleTime_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
538 |
Snooze_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
925 |
X_80.contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
627 |
RestartTonight_80_contrast-black.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,091 |
OkDone_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
438 |
RestartNowPower_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
785 |
ScheduleTime_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
551 |
Snooze_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
901 |
X_80.contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
579 |
RestartTonight_80_contrast-white.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,003 |
OkDone_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
423 |
RestartNowPower_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
759 |
ScheduleTime_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
538 |
Snooze_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
925 |
X_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
627 |
RestartTonight_80.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,091 |
LaptopPlugInToastImg.gif |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
190,760 |
DesktopKeepOnToastImg.gif |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
278,879 |
MusUpdateHandlers.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,338,368 |
ActiveHours.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
8,321 |
SvBannerBackground.png |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,296,045 |
UNPUX.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
739,312 |
UpdateNotificationMgr.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
483,712 |
UNPUXHost.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
111,472 |
UNPUXLauncher.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
562,032 |
UpdateNotificationHelpers.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
443,760 |
usoapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
148,992 |
upshared.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
814,056 |
UsoClient.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
123,392 |
usocoreps.dll |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
39,424 |
updatepolicy.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
265,728 |
UpdatePolicy.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
8,192 |
wuapihost.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
11,776 |
wudriver.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
134,144 |
WindowsUpdate.psd1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,078 |
WindowsUpdateLog.psm1 |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
15,398 |
wuapi.dll.mui |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
10,240 |
wuuhext.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
550,912 |
wuuhosdeployment.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
284,672 |
wups.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
87,552 |
wuapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
1,012,736 |
UpdateDeploymentProvider.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
340,992 |
wuapi.dll.mun |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
149,504 |
WindowsUpdate.adml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
70,681 |
wuaueng.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
3,130,880 |
wups2.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
65,536 |
wuauclt.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
65,120 |
14a3f9e824793931d34f7f786a538bbc9ef1f0d6.xml |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
4,212 |
WindowsUpdate.admx |
Not versioned |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
104,607 |
SIHClient.exe |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
443,768 |
OneSettingsClient.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
139,264 |
usoapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
102,400 |
updatepolicy.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
221,184 |
wudriver.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
114,688 |
wups.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
53,248 |
wuapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
786,432 |
Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.DOSettings.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
52,736 |
OneSettingsClient.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
141,312 |
usoapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
84,992 |
updatepolicy.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
202,752 |
wudriver.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
99,328 |
wups.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
37,376 |
wuapi.dll |
10.0.19041.3635 |
7-Dec-23 |
22:33 |
762,880 |
Learn about the standard terminology that is used to describe Microsoft software updates.