What information does Scheduling Poll store?

Scheduling poll stores encrypted personal information about organizers, attendees, and meetings.


  • Encrypted name, email, time zone, and the default settings used to create polls (including your Skype information).

  • Encrypted information about every poll created, completed, and canceled. This includes the attendees, poll subject, body, and the votes submitted by all participants.

  • All information about deleted polls is purged, except for the time it was created and deleted, and how it was deleted (organizer deletion, expiration, etc.).


  • Encrypted name and email address as provided by the organizer.

Where is the information stored?

Poll data is stored in the organizer’s mailbox.

What information is visible to others?

Information about organizers and attendees is only visible to people who have access to the voting page URL of a poll. Available information is limited to what is displayed on the page, i.e., your display name, email, the votes you submitted, who you are meeting with, and the subject of the meeting.

Who can access the organizer dashboard?

Only the organizer can see information in the dashboard after being authenticated by signing into their Microsoft 365 for business account.

Who can view the voting page?

Anyone who receives an email poll invite can access and view the voting page. This typically includes the organizer, recipients of email polls invite, and attendees added manually on the voting page. When creating the poll, organizers can do the following to limit access to the voting page:

  • Lock a poll to prevent recipients from sharing it further. For more information, refer to How to create a Scheduling Poll.

  • Require attendees to verify their identity to prevent anonymous voting. For more information, refer to section 4. d. in How to create a Scheduling Poll.

  • Tenant admins can also update these settings at the organization level by using appropriate cmdlets. For more information, look for the following settings in Set-OrganizationConfig (ExchangePowerShell):

    • FindTimeAttendeeAuthenticationEnabled

    • FindTimeAutoScheduleDisabled

    • FindTimeLockPollForAttendeesEnabled

    • FindTimeOnlineMeetingOptionDisabled

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