Applies ToWord for Microsoft 365 Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac Word 2024 Word 2024 for Mac Word 2021 Word 2021 for Mac Word 2019 Word 2016

Sometimes, putting a border around text will work better in your document than inserting a text box or a one-cell table, to achieve a similar look.

Example of three paragraphs, the second paragraph being enclosed by a thin line.
  1. Select a word, line, or paragraph.

  2. Go to Home > Borders and then open the menu of border choices.

    Add a border to some text

  3. Choose the type of border you want:

    Table border location

Customize the border

  1. After you've selected your text and found the basic type of border you'd like, open the Borders menu again, and choose Borders and Shading.

  2. Make your choices for style, color, and width, and then apply the choice with the buttons in the Preview section of the dialog box. When the preview is the way you want it, select OK.

    The Apply to drop-down menu in the Borders and Shading dialog box

    Note: Make sure that the Apply to box has the correct setting: Text or Paragraph.

See Also

Add, change, or delete borders from documents or pictures

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