Data Type Currency
Entry Type Calculated or Entered
Description The Enterprise Project Cost1 through Enterprise Project Cost10 fields can store any custom project cost information as defined by your project management administrator or other user with administrative permissions. These fields are then made available to all users throughout the organization.
How Calculated Depending on how they were customized, an Enterprise Project Cost field might be defined with formulas or other conditions to display specific results.
Best Uses You can see a list of available Enterprise Custom Project fields and change their values as needed in the Project Information dialog box. You can also add any defined enterprise project field to a task view by first adding the project summary task. This is especially useful when working with master projects and subprojects, particularly when you need to filter, sort, or group information in a table.
Example You are the project management administrator, and you've received requests from project managers for custom cost fields to track travel expenses by the project. You define the Enterprise Project Cost2 field as the new Travel Expenses field. You define the field in the checked-out enterprise global template, and then check it in again to make it available to all users.
You are a project manager, and you see in the Project Information dialog box that there is a new Enterprise Project Cost field available: Travel Expenses are defined for the Enterprise Project Cost2 field. You add the project summary task to the Gantt Chart, and then add the Travel Expenses (Enterprise Project Cost2) field so you can keep an eye on your overall cost for various subprojects in your master project.
Remarks Only someone with permission to save the enterprise global template (for example, the project management administrator) can check out and edit items in the enterprise global template. All users throughout the organization can then view enterprise fields that have been defined and checked in.