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Use custom properties to customize the view, layout, toolbar, and interactivity of the Microsoft Office Excel Web Access Web Part. The following sections provide reference information for each property.

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Workbook Display Section

Workbook (WorkbookUri)

Enter in the text box the URL or UNC of the workbook that you want to display in Excel Web Access.

To easily locate a workbook, click Select a Link Builder button and then use the Select a Link -- Web Page Dialog window to find the workbook.

Named Item (VisibleItem)

Enter the named range, or name of a worksheet, table, chart, PivotTable report, or PivotChart report that you want to display in Excel Web Access.

To make it easier to edit long strings, click Select a Link Builder button and use the Text Builder -- Web Page Dialog window to edit the string.

Note: You can use this property whether you selected specific worksheets or named items when you saved the workbook to Excel Services.

Rows (RowsToDisplay)

Enter the number of rows to display when you page a sheet up, down, left, or right. Valid values are from 1 through 500. The default value is 75. A larger value can create a smaller font size.

This value can be personalized. For more information on personalizing a Web Part, see Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Help.

Columns (ColumnsToDisplay)

Enter the number of rows to display when you page a sheet up, down, left, or right. Valid values are from 1 through 500. The default value is 75. A larger value can create a smaller font size.

This value can be personalized. For more information on personalizing a Web Part, see Windows SharePoint Services Help.

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Toolbar and Title section

Title Bar:    

Auto-Generate Web Part Title (AutoGenerateTitle)

Select this check box to automatically create a title based on the file name of the workbook specified in the Title property in the Appearance section, and then add that title to the Web Part title bar. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to either use the current value entered in the Title property or to hide a title if that property has no value.

Auto-Generate Web Part Title URL (AutoGenerateDetailLink)

Select this check box to automatically create a hyperlink in the Web Part title bar that, when clicked by a user, displays the workbook in the Browser window. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to use another value entered in the Title URL property in the Advanced section, which can be any valid URL or no value, after this check box is cleared. Clearing this check box also removes the current value in the Title URL property.

Type of Toolbar (ToolBarStyle)

Select one of the following options to show or hide commands and buttons on the toolbar:

Full     Shows the full toolbar. By default, this check box is selected.

The full toolbar includes the following: Open menu (Open in Excel command and Open Snapshot in Excel command), Update menu (Refresh Selected Connection command, Refresh All Connections command, Calculate Workbook command, and Reload Workbook command), Find Button image button, the View drop-down list when in Named item view, and Help.

You might use the full toolbar view when you are displaying Excel Web Access by itself on a Web Part Page and when you want the user to have access to all available commands and buttons.

Summary     Shows only the following: Open menu (Open in Excel and Open Snapshot in Excel), Update menu (Refresh Selected Connection and Reload Workbook), the View drop-down list when in Named item view, the navigation buttons if needed, and Help.

You might use the Summary toolbar, when you are connecting Excel Web Access with other Web Parts on a dashboard or other Web Part page, and you only need this limited subset of commands and buttons.

Navigation Only     Depending on the following circumstances, displays the following commands and buttons:

  • If Excel Web Access is in Worksheet view, the navigation buttons, if needed, and Help.

  • If Excel Web Access is in Named Item view, the View drop-down list, the navigation buttons, if needed, and Help.

None     Hides the toolbar.

You might select None when have selected a specific named item, such as a named range or chart, that you want to just display, and the user does not require any interaction or help, for example, when you are creating a dashboard or Web Part Page.

Toolbar Menu Commands:    

Open in Excel, Open Snapshot in Excel (AllowInExcelOperations)

Select this check box to display the Open in Excel and Open Snapshot in Excel commands on the Open menu of the toolbar so that a user can open the workbook in Microsoft Office Excel, if Excel is installed on that user's computer. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to hide the Open in Excel command and Open Snapshot in Excel commands, and to prevent users from opening the workbook in Excel.

Refresh Selected Connection, Refresh All Connections (AllowManualDataRefresh)

Select this check box to display the Refresh Selected Connection and Refresh All Connections commands on the Update menu of the toolbar, and to enable a user to manually refresh all or selected connections to external data sources. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to hide the Refresh Selected Connection and Refresh All Connections commands on the Update menu of the toolbar.

Note: A manual refresh operation can also occur when performing an interaction that runs an Online Analysis Processing (OLAP) query in a PivotTable report.

Calculate Workbook (AllowRecalculation)

Select this check box to show the Calculate Workbook command on the Update menu of the toolbar. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to hide the Calculate Workbook command on the Update menu of the toolbar.

Note: This property only affects the display of the command and has no effect on the current calculation setting in the workbook.

Named Item Drop-Down List (ShowVisibleItemButton)

Select this check box to show the View drop-down list on the toolbar. By default, this check box is selected. Excel Web Access must also be in Named Item view.

Clear this check box to hide the View drop-down list on the toolbar. You might want to disable this drop-down list if you are in Named Item view, but you don't want a user to change items and you want a specific item displayed in a dashboard or a Web Part Page.

For more information, see View a named item in Excel Web Access.

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Navigation and Interactivity section


Workbook Navigation (AllowNavigation)

Select this check box to enable users to move around the workbook by using the Page buttons and Sheet tabs to page or move to different sheets and by using Find Button image. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to prevent users from moving around the workbook by using the Page buttons, Sheet tabs, and Find button. You might clear this check box if you are using Excel Web Access to display only a specific named item, such as a named range or chart, or Excel Web Access is connected to another Web Part on a dashboard or Web Part Page.

Hyperlinks (AllowHyperlinks)

Select this check box to enable active hyperlinks to locations within the workbook or to files and documents outside the workbook. The Workbook Navigation property must also be enabled to enable hyperlinks to locations within the workbook.

Clear this check box to disable hyperlinks, whether to locations within the workbook or to files and documents outside the workbook. The hyperlink is converted to an inactive text string.

For more information, see Work with hyperlinks in Excel for Windows.


Workbook Interactivity (AllowInteractivity)

Select or clear this check box to enable or disable interaction with the workbook. By default, this check box is selected.

Interacting with the workbook includes the following operations: manual, periodic, and automatic refresh of external data, setting parameter values, sorting, filtering, outlining, and expanding or collapsing levels of data in a PivotTable report.

Parameter Modification (AllowParameterModification)

Select this check box to show the Parameters Task Pane and enable the ability to change parameter values if they have been defined for the workbook. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to hide the Parameters Task Pane and to prevent viewing and changing parameter values if they have been defined for the workbook.

Note: If the Workbook Interactivity check box is cleared, the Parameter Modification property is dimmed and you cannot select or clear it.

Display Parameters Task Pane (ShowWorkBookParameters)

Select this check box to enable the viewing of the Parameters Task Pane if parameters have been defined for the workbook. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to prevent the viewing of the Parameters Task Pane, even if parameters have been defined for the workbook. You might also clear this check box to prevent a user from changing parameters because you want the values changed by using Filter Web Parts instead.

Note: If the Parameter Modification property check box is cleared, the Display Parameters Task Pane property is dimmed, and you cannot select or clear it.

Sorting (AllowSorting)

Select this check box to enable sorting of a cell range, Excel Table, and PivotTable report. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to prevent sorting of a cell range, Excel Table, and PivotTable report. However, sorting that is already applied to the workbook is still maintained.


Select this check box to enable filtering of a cell range, Excel Table, and PivotTable report, and to enable outlining. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to prevent filtering of a cell range, Excel Table, and PivotTable report, and to prevent outlining. However, filtering that is already applied to the workbook is still maintained.

All PivotTable Interactivity (AllowPivotSpecificOperations)

Select or clear this check box to enable or disable the following interactive PivotTable operations: expanding (drilling down) and collapsing (drilling up) levels of data, sorting, and filtering. By default, this check box is selected.

Periodically Refresh if Enabled in Workbook (AllowPeriodicDataRefresh)

Select this check box to control the display of periodic refresh operation messages at the bottom of the Excel Web Access Web Part. By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box to prevent a workbook from periodically refreshing external data, and to prevent any periodic refresh operation messages from appearing at the bottom of the Excel Web Access Web Part.

For more information, see Refresh external data in Excel Services.

Display Periodic Data Refresh Prompt (AutomaticPeriodicDataRefresh)

Select one of the following options to control automatic periodic refresh:

Always     Display the periodic refresh prompt without the Always option. By default, this option is selected. Use this option to enable the user to decide whether to refresh the data at each scheduled interval, but without the ability to choose Always.

Optionally    Display the periodic refresh prompt with the Always option. Use this option to enable the user to decide whether to refresh the data at each scheduled interval, and to decide whether to automatically refresh at each scheduled interval without subsequent prompting.

Never     Hide the periodic refresh prompt and the Always option. Use this option to enable refreshing the data at each scheduled interval without any prompting.

Note: To set this property, the Periodically Refresh if Enabled in Workbook check box must be selected.

For more information, see Refresh external data in Excel Services.

Close Session Before Opening a New One (CloseWorkbookSessions)

Select this check box to close the current workbook after you open a new workbook. You might select this check box to help improve performance when many users are viewing the same workbook.

Clear this check box to keep the current workbook open after you open a new workbook. By default, this check box is selected. You might clear this check box to preserve any interaction with the current workbook, such as filters, sorts, or parameter value settings, after opening another workbook.

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