Applies ToOneNote for Microsoft 365 OneNote 2024 OneNote 2021 OneNote 2016

If your pages in OneNote are full of notes, you can create extra writing space in the left margin or in the middle of a page.

Insert extra writing space

  1. Click Insert > Insert Space.

    Screenshot of the Insert Space button in OneNote 2016.

  2. Move the mouse to area where you want to add the space

    The mouse pointer will turn into an arrow so you know which direction you can drag it.

  3. Click and drag the arrow until you’ve created the space you need.

    Tip:  If you make a mistake, press Ctrl+Z to undo your action, and try again.

Remove extra writing space

If you remove content from a page, and you want to remove the blank space created by the deletion, you can bring the remaining note containers and objects on the page closer together.

  1. On page with too much space, click Insert > Insert Space.

  2. Move the mouse to the bottom of the space you want to remove.

    The pointer will turn into a double-sided arrow.

  3. Click and drag the arrow upward until you’ve removed as much space as you want.

    Tip:  If you make a mistake, press Ctrl+Z, and then try again.

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