Applies ToAccess for Microsoft 365 Access 2021 Access 2019 Access 2016

Applies to

Form Object

Sets or returns the value of the On Current box in the Properties window of a form. Read/write String.


expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This property is helpful for programmatically changing the action Microsoft Office Access 2007 takes when an event is triggered. For example, between event calls you may want to change an expression's parameters, or switch from an event procedure to an expression or macro, depending on the circumstances under which the event was triggered.

The Current event occurs when the focus moves to a record, making it the current record, or when the form is refreshed or requeried.

The OnCurrent value will be one of the following, depending on the selection chosen in the Choose Builder window (accessed by clicking the Build button next to the On Current box in the form or report's Properties window):

  • If Expression Builder is chosen, the value will be "=expression", where expression is the expression from the Expression Builder window.

  • If Macro Builder is chosen, the value is the name of the macro.

  • If Code Builder is chosen, the value will be "[Event Procedure]".

If the On Current box is blank, the property value is an empty string.


The following example associates the Current event with the macro "Current_Macro" for the "Order Entry" form.

Forms("Order Entry").OnDeactivate = "Current_Macro"

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