Applies ToTeams Microsoft Teams

This article applies to frontline workers. Here's how to request time off in Shifts. ​​​​​​​

In this article

Request time off

View your time-off requests

Request time off

  1. At the upper-right corner of the Shifts home screen, tap the plus icon (Add button), and then tap Time off.

  2. If you’re on more than one team, choose the team in which you want to request time off.

  3. Choose the type of time off you're requesting.

  4. Set the duration:

    • If you’re requesting the whole day off, turn on the All Day toggle.

    • If you’re requesting part of the day off, turn off the All Day toggle, and select the applicable times.

  5. Fill in the reason (optional), and then tap Done. Your request is sent to your manager for approval. When your manager approves (or denies) your request, you’ll get notified in your Teams Activity feed. If your request is approved, you’ll see your time off in the schedule.

View your time-off requests

In Shifts, tap Requests Requests icon.​​​​​​​. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹From here, you'll see all your time-off and shift requests:

  • The In progress section lists requests that are pending manager approval. You can cancel any request that’s still in progress.

  • The Completed section lists requests that were approved (or denied) by a manager.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Choose a request to see its details. 

Tip: You can also select the notification in your Teams Activity feed for a request that’s approved or denied by a manager. Doing this takes you to the specific request in Shifts.  

See also

Set your availability in Shifts 

For IT admins

Shifts for your frontline organization

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