Applies ToLync 2013 for Office 365 Lync 2013 Lync Basic 2013

If you have several Lync-based communications going on at the same time, Lync displays them all in one place, in the tabbed conversations section on the left side of the conversation window. This lets you quickly toggle back and forth among them, keeping them going simultaneously.

Tabbed conversations work only with instant messages and persistent chats. If you have multiple Lync audio and video calls, each opens in a separate window.

Move between conversations

  1. Click the listing or tab for the conversation or other interaction you want to take part in. That conversation now appears in the display area.

  2. To display a different conversation, click its tab. It now replaces the other conversation in the display area.

Turn off tabbed conversations

The tabbed conversations feature is on by default. To turn it off or adjust how it behaves:

  1. On the Lync main window, click Options > General.

  2. Under Conversation window (at the top of the General options window), check or clear the appropriate boxes to adjust the settings.


What the setting is for and default value

Enable tabbed conversations

Displays each active conversation as a clickable tab on the left side of conversation window. Default value: On

Make tabs one line only

Changes number of lines per conversation in tabbed display from two to one. Default value: Off

Reopen my conversations when I sign in to Lync

Restores your conversation display to the state it was in when you logged off. Reinstates open chat rooms and other interactions. Default value: Off

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