This article applies to Microsoft Dynamics AX for the India (in) region.
Title - RG23D Requirement - Purchase/Import/Stock transfer invoice reference in sales Invoice
CENVAT Credit Rule 2004 does not prescribe any statutory record but as per rule 9(4) of CENVAT Credit Rule 2004 requires the maintenance of records indicating the fact that the input or capital goods are supplied from the stock on which duty is paid by the producer of such input or capital goods and only an amount of such duty on pro rata basis has been indicated in the invoice issued by him. There should be an ability to define the excise duties in the absolute values and needs to be registered in the RG 23 D register. When these batches are sold or transferred, the duty availed should be proportionate to the quantities purchased and passed on the relevant customer / warehouse.
Solution Summary Parameter set up Enable Forced Batch tracking for Excise record type. Navigation path - General ledger > Set up > General Ledger parameter > Sales tax fast tab. Select Forced Batch tracking for Excise record type = RG23D.After selecting the Excise record type = RG23D, Batch number is mandatory for all kind of Transactions. If the Forced Batch tracking for Excise record type = RG23D selected means excise can be calculated on pro rata basis in sales and stock transfer transactions. If Forced Batch tracking for Excise record type = RG23D un-checked then standard AX RG 23D feature will be used. Enable RG 23 D check box field will be enabled only if Excise field is True in General ledger parameters. If the Excise Record Type = RG23D is selected, and user has not selected the batch at the time of posting of SO/PO/STO, then a warning shall be displayed, "Batch No. must be specified." Manufacturer / importer details Excise manufacturer / Importer master form introduced for enter the third party details. Navigation path - General Ledger > Set up > Sales tax > India > Excise manufacturer or importer. For Excise Vendor type = First stage dealer and second stage dealer, Excise Manufacturer / importer button is enabled. User can attach the manufacturer / importer details under Purchase order form. This Manufacturer / importer details enter by the user will flow to Posted invoice journal and at the time of sales invoice manufacturer / importer details will flow on Sales Excise invoice report. Excise tax details Excise tax details menu button introduced under Sales order line > Financial > Tax and Shipment > Setup, Receive > Set up under Inventory and warehouse management for Checking the Excise tax details, balance duty and Excise duty per unit. Duty pass on User need to specify Batch number at the time of Purchase order Transactions at the time of sales user will specify Batch number and based on batch number AX application pick latest batch and compute duty based on quantity. Duty will be passed based on batch number. Sales order Tax code match with Purchase order, Duty will be passed on. Not Duty pass on Sales order tax code not match with Purchase order tax code, duty will not pass on. Refund of SAD At the time of sale either user can pass on all the tax code or some tax code that used at the time of Purchase. User can refund SAD duty from government if SAD tax code not pass on at the time of Sales, AX application will generate related voucher for the same that can be claim from government. RG23D register A new register RG23D introduced. Navigation path - General ledger > Report > India > Excise > Excise RG23D register report. RG23D register reporting code field introduced (General Ledger > Setup > Sales Tax > India > Tax Reporting code) for identifying Excise Duty in words and Excise CESS in words amount in RG23D register. In this form user can define the reporting codes as RG23D register. Click Aggregate Category tab in which the user can group the excise duty and accordingly Amount in words for the duty and cess shall be printed on the Report. Rg23D report shows the PO opening balance, Purchase quantity, Unit, rate, Excise duty per unit, Total Excise duty and corresponding sales transactions details with duty pass on and not pass on.Title: Apply Excise on Service Tax to transfer service tax to CENVAT Credit Account
This article describes a country-specific update for India to provide the below functionality:
Excise Registers should display CENVAT credit (RG23 A/C) utilization against Service Tax Liability and other taxes
Service Tax Registers should display utilization of Service tax credit against Excise Liability and other taxes
User can post Purchase order with Excise type None with Excise record type None in order to cover the scenario for the user who is only a service provider but required to claim Cenvat.
Solution Summary
The above requirement is based on the new sales tax hierarchy feature. This can be activated from General Ledger > Setup > General ledger parameters > Sales tax > Use the sales tax hierarchy framework.
2 new fields have been introduced in the current form Excise Register Balance under RG 23 A and C under General Ledger > Inquiries > Tax > India Posted tax > Excise > Excise Register Balance.
Credit utilized/Adjusted
Service tax
The values in the credit utilized/adjusted shall be populated after excise settlement is run.
A new form is introduced named "Service tax register balance" under General Ledger > Inquiries > Tax >India Posted tax > Service Tax > Service Tax Register Balance.
Service tax register balance will also show the record of service tax utilized against Excise RG 23 A and C and other taxes.
The values in the credit utilized/adjusted will populate the values after service tax settlement is run.
A new form "Tax register balance" is also introduced to view service tax and excise on the following journals and documents:
General Journal
Invoice approval journal
Invoice journal
Customer payment journal
Vendor payment journal
Purchase order
Sales order
Free text invoice
With the introduction of Tax register balance, existing Excise register balance will not be available.
Title: Avail 100% CENVAT credit on removal of capital goods in the year of purchase
This article describes a country-specific update for India to provide the below functionality:
Provide an interface wherein the user can view all the deferred amounts for a particular ECC no. and claim CENVAT accordingly.
Provide a Deferment schedule setup for tax type Excise
Avail 100% CENVAT if capital goods purchased are removed in the same year of purchase
Solution Summary
In General Ledger parameter, "Forced batch tracking for Excise record type" must be enabled for Excise record type RG23 A or RG23 C which forced the user to enter batch number at the time of creating the transaction.
A new field Tax journal name is introduced in General ledger parameter which shall be used while creating the related voucher.
A new field Excise interim is also introduced in General ledger parameter which shall be used to create related voucher for excise deferment.
A new number sequence "Excise deferment" shall be added under Organization Administration à Common Forms à Number sequences à Segment configuration.
Attach the above no. sequence under General Ledger > Setup > General Ledger Parameters > Number Sequences.
Under General ledger > Setup > Enterprise registration number, for tax type Excise Deferment schedule is created to define the deferment installments.
After posting the purchase order, user can click Tax deferment (earlier VAT deferment) button to view the installments created on the basis of the Deferment schedule setup.
A new batch job for Tax type Excise is created under General ledger > Periodic > India > Tax deferment with the following details:
Tax type – Excise
Excise record type – RG23A/C
Registration number
Tax settlement period
From date
Transaction date
The above Tax deferment shall work in the same way as the existing VAT deferment periodic process.
For tax type VAT, existing VAT deferment periodic process shall work.
When capital items are removed in the same year of purchase, as per law we can claim 100% Cenvat in the same year of purchase.
There are 3 conditions of removal:
Capital goods removed as write off – Shall be written off using Inventory Movement Journal – System will fetch the tax of the original Purchase order transaction on the basis of Batch number selected on the inventory movement journal lines.
Related voucher shall be created to reverse the excise deferment and post to excise recoverable using excise interim account
Capital goods removed in good condition – Shall be removed using Sales order - System will fetch the tax of the original Purchase order transaction on the basis of Batch number selected on the sales order line.
Related voucher shall be created to reverse the excise deferment and post to excise recoverable using excise interim account.
Capital goods removed as waste/scrap – Scrap is identified using Is scrap Boolean in the sales order – System will calculate tax on the actual transaction value.
Related voucher shall be created to reverse the excise deferment and post to excise recoverable using excise interim account.
When periodic batch job is run for Tax deferment for a particular ECC number, all the excise deferment and reversed deferment transactions shall populate. By default, all the entries are marked but user can unmark the transactions and then post.
After posting the periodic process, the entries can be viewed from Audit trail.
Title : Excise Credit Utilization on receipt of goods(packing slip stage)
This article describes a country-specific update for India to provide the below functionality:
Option to claim CENVAT after posting the product receipt
Update RG II immediately after posting the product receipt
CENVAT should be available during sales tax payment process
Will work for Excise type manufacturers
Solution Summary
A new parameter is introduced in General Ledger named “Avail Cenvat on receipt” under sales tax tab which if marked will allow user to claim Cenvat at the time of posting the product receipt
Tax journal name needs to be filled in to create the journal for excise.
Required to fill in Excise Interim account which will be used to offset the Cenvat accounts during creation of related voucher.
License configuration key Reversing entries should be marked under General ledger to update Amount origin in case of correction and cancellation in the posted sales tax transaction created through Ledger journal.
Title: Assessable Value on return goods and Quarterly dealer return
This article describes a country-specific update for India to provide the below functionality:
Excise record type automatically populated as RG23D in PO / SO / STO, if user has selected Excise type as Trader on purchase order/ sales order / stock transfer order line under Tax Information tab.
Excise record type RG23D should be by default and editable field if Excise type = Trader.
Provision to read the assessable value from the posted Purchase order line against which return order is created for returning goods, and calculate proportionate assessable value for the quantity being returned through the return order and default that assessable value in the return order line.
It is desired that the assessable value which was used to calculate duty at the time of purchase of the goods, be defaulted to the assessable value field in the purchase return order line while creating purchase return order in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2.
A new check box Assessable value for original invoice provided in Create credit note form for fetch the assessable value as per original invoice.
Tax as per original invoice and Assessable value for original invoice checkbox get true by default in creating a credit note form If Excise Vendor type is selected as 1st stage or 2nd stage dealer and any one of the tax (VAT, Service tax, Customs, Excise, Sales tax) Under Apply India tax is true.
Correct calculation of Excise duty for return goods if basis of calculation is Assessable value in formula designer of selected item sales tax group.
The excise invoice Trader report printed for the return of goods reflects the correct Assessable value.
Quarterly return for traders SSRS report designed with filters parameter ECC No. and Date for showing outward transactions and corresponding inward transactions.
Solution Summary
Excise Record Type-
Create PO/SO/STO with Excise type = Trader.
Excise record type flow as RG23D and editable, user can change Excise record type if required.
Assessable value on return order
Create a Purchase order-
Go to Account payable > Common > Purchase orders > All Purchase orders.
Create Purchase order.
Line1: Item 1000, Quantity 10.00, Unit price = 100.00 Net Amount = Quantity * Unit Price (10.00*100.00 = 1,000 .00), Assessable value = 1500.00, sales tax group, Item sales tax group, Excise type = Trader.
Post the Purchase order.
Create Purchase credit note with Quantity = -5.00 against Purchase order created above.
Assessable value should be flow as -750.00 (1500.00/2 = 750.00).
Click invoice, in invoice form click post > print settings under print settings mark Excise invoice check box = true and select print address = warehouse / company address. User can choose the option based on which address is required to be printed on excise invoice (selected print address will be print on Excise invoice report).
The excise invoice Trader report printed for the return of goods reflect the correct Assessable value.
Quarterly return for traders
Enable Forced Batch tracking for Excise record type. Navigation path General ledger > Set up > General Ledger parameter > Sales tax fast tab.Select Forced Batch tracking for Excise record type = RG23D. A new SSRS reports "Quarterly Return for Traders" introduced in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Navigation path – General Ledger > Reports > India > Excise > Quarterly Return for Traders. Fields Description:-
ECC Number: Choose the ECC No from the lookup list for which user want to generate quarterly return.
Date: Mention the date for quarterly return to be generated.
Period end: Period end field will show last month that fall in quarter based on date. Suppose From date 25 April, based on from date, Period end will show June (end month of Quarter i.e. June).
Report show the details of all the outward transactions such as sales / transfer shipment / purchase return order in which Excise type is Trader and corresponding all inward transactions irrespective of time frame such as purchase / transfer receipt / sales return order which are marked against the outward transactions and all inward transactions that lying in the quarter in which report is generating.
Create some inward transactions like purchase / transfer receipt / sales return order and some outward transactions like sales / transfer shipment / purchase return order.
Go to General Ledger > Reports > India > Excise > Quarterly Return for Traders.
Enter period.
Click ok and generate the report.
Title: Excise invoice Trader
This article describes a country-specific update for India that is available to generate Excise invoice by Trader for sales, transfer and Purchase return of goods in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2.
An option provide to generate an Excise invoice report for Trader whenever there is sales of excisable goods, transfer of excisable goods from one location to another or return of excisable goods to the vendor.
An option provide to print either warehouse address or company address in Excise invoice report for sales order, stock transfer order and purchase returned order.
An Excise invoice report consist all required details related to excise duty, sales tax, service tax, charges, date and time of removal of goods, registration number, address of the Central Excise Division, name of the consignee, description, classification, Packing slip along with Transporter details which gets populated when Gate entry is attached to the packing slip.
Excise Vendor type filed introduced under Vendor master with below options.
First stage dealer
Second stage dealer
A new Reporting Code “Excise Invoice" and “Manufacturer / Importer Excise invoice” is created in Tax Reporting Code. Click on Aggregate category to create the tax codes. Max. 5 columns will be shown on report.
Excise manufacturer / Importer master form introduced for enter the third party details. Navigation path - General Ledger > Set up > Sales tax > India > Excise manufacturer or importer.
For Excise Vendor type = First stage dealer and second stage dealer, Excise Manufacturer / importer button is enabled.
User can attach the manufacturer / importer details under Purchase order form.
This Manufacturer / importer details enter by the user will flow to Posted invoice journal and at the time of sales invoice manufacturer / importer details will flow on Sales Excise invoice report.
Excise reporting code field introduced (General Ledger > Setup > Sales Tax > India > Tax Reporting code) for identifying Excise Duty in words and Excise CESS in words amount in Excise Invoice. In this form user can define the reporting codes as Excise Invoice. Click Aggregate Category tab in which the user can group the excise duty and accordingly Amount in words for the duty and cess shall be printed on the Report.
Sales Excise invoice report shows the details in INR excise even transactions made in foreign currency because invoice.
Process details
Excise sales invoice:-
Go to Account Receivable > Common > Sales orders > All sales orders.
Enter Item, Quantity, Site, Warehouse, Excise information and other required details.
Post packing slip.
Click invoice, in invoice form under print options section mark Excise invoice check box = true and select print address = warehouse / company address. User can choose the option based on which address is required to be printed on excise invoice (selected print address will be print on Excise invoice report).
Warehouse address will be picked from the warehouse selected on the first line of sales Invoice. In case there are multiple lines in sales invoice with multiple warehouses, then primary warehouse address will be printed on excise invoice of the warehouse which is selected on the first line of sales invoice.
If user select company address then company primary address will be printed on the report.
User can also print report after posting sales invoice.
Click Invoice tab > Invoice button on the Journals form.
Click Overview tab >> Preview/ Print > Select Excise invoice.
Excise invoice report will generate.
Excise stock transfer report:
While posting shipment from Transfer Order, Excise Invoice will be generated.
Go to Inventory and warehouse management > Periodic > Transfer orders.
Enter From warehouse, To warehouse, Item, Quantity, Excise information and other required details.
Click posting > Ship transfer order.
User can Print excise invoice report at the time of shipment, Print excise Invoice checkbox provided on the shipment form under overview tab.
Click OK. Excise report will generate.
User can also print excise report after posting of shipment.
Click Print > Excise invoice (Excise Invoice option under Print button will be enabled only after transfer shipment is posted).
Purchase return invoice report:
Go to Account payable > Common > Purchase orders > All Purchase orders.
Enter Item, Quantity, Site, Warehouse, Excise information and other required details.
Click invoice, in invoice form click post > print settings under print settings mark Excise invoice check box = true and select print address = warehouse / company address. User can choose the option based on which address is required to be printed on excise invoice (selected print address will be print on Excise invoice report).
Warehouse address will be picked from the warehouse selected on the first line of sales Invoice. In case there are multiple lines in sales invoice with multiple warehouses, then primary warehouse address will be printed on excise invoice of the warehouse which is selected on the first line of sales invoice.
If user select company address then company primary address will be print on the report.
User can also print report after posting purchase return invoice.
Click Invoice tab > Invoice button on the Journals form.
Click Overview tab >> Preview/ Print > Select Excise invoice.
Excise invoice report will generate.
Title: Rate Under Notifications
This article describes a country-specific update for India to provide the below functionality:
Rate under notifications is the new feature introduced to India Localization where certain items can be applied with special rate under notifications. There could be Nil or reduced rate under notifications.
This feature provide the facility to record the notification number, notification date, serial number, effective date of notifications, expiry date of notifications, extension date of notifications, extension document reference number, extension history of notification for certain items in which special rate is applicable.
Notifications details like serial no. , Notification no. and Notification date attach with Tariff code that print on Sales Excise Invoice report.
Rate under notifications is applicable for Excise sales order invoice only.
Rate under notifications is applicable for Excise type = Manufacturer only.
Details of expired notification not print on Sales Excise invoice report.
Solution Summary
Create Notifications details-
A new form Notifications details introduced for enter the details of notifications (notification number, notification date, serial number, Apply from date, expiry date of notifications, Print on Invoice) etc.
Navigation path: General Ledger > Set up > Sales tax > India > Notification details.
User can enter the required notifications details like notification number, notification date, serial number, Apply from date, expiry date etc. in Notifications details form.
Extend notifications
Depending upon the requirement user can extend the Notifications expiry date.
Extend button provided for extensions of Notifications expiry date. Once user click on Extend button, a dialog box will appears.
User need to enter Extension Document Reference No. and new expiry date (Extended to date) on Extend form.
After clicking the Ok button, main master form Notifications details will updated with new Expiry date.
Extension History
User can check the History of notifications that extended. Extension History button provided on Notification details form.
If a notification extended one or more times and user want to track the History of notifications, user can click on Extension History button.
Attach Notifications to Tariff code
It is required to attach Notifications details to Tariff code.
Navigation path: General Ledger > Set up > Sales tax > India > Excise Tariff code
User can select the Tariff code in which he want to attach the notifications details.
Notification details button is provided on Excise tariff code which is link with Notifications details master form.
Based on selection of Notification No. and serial number other notifications details like, Notifications date, Apply from and Expiry date will populate.
Print Notifications details on Excise Invoice
Sales Excise invoice report will consist the notifications details like Serial No., Notifications No., Notifications date etc.
User need to select the Item No., Excise tariff code on transaction line based on entered tariff code system will check the Notifications details of selected tariff code.
If Notifications expiry date > Transactions posted date.
System will print the notifications details on excise invoice report.
If Notifications expiry date < Transactions posted date.
System will not print the notifications details on excise invoice report.
Expired Notifications details will not print on Excise invoice report.
Title: Feature 7 – Excise reports
Purchase and Sales register
This report shall contain the posted invoices for the vendors and customers with the excise duty amounts. However, no prescribed format is available for the report. Solution Summary-
Report menu item "Purchase and sales register" is available under General ledger module > Reports > India > Excise
A new Reporting Code "Purchase and sales register" is created in Tax Reporting Code. Click on Aggregate category to create the tax codes.
Tax reporting Aggregate Category can have unlimited columns but Purchase and sales register will be having maximum of 5 columns (BED Amt., E Cess Amt., She Cess Amt., Others). For additional columns, user has to modify the same.
In the dialog form, the following fields are available under the Parameters field group:
Party – Options available are Vendor and customer
From date – Mention the starting date of generating the report.
To date - Mention the Ending date of generating the report.
All the above fields are mandatory to fill in.
Under the Tax transaction field group, there is a field and gets changed upon Party selected above, which can be used to filter the report customer and vendor wise.
This report will display the transactions for the posted purchase and sales invoices when party is selected as Vendor then all posted purchase transactions shall display.
When party is selected as customer then all posted sales transactions shall display.
CENVAT credit utilization (debit) report
This report shall contain the transactions related to sales and its utilization with CENVAT credit. However, no prescribed format is available for the report. This report will display data for the settled period only. Solution Summary-
Report menu item "Cenvat credit utilization (debit) report" is available under General ledger module > Reports > India > Excise
In the dialog form, the following fields are available under the Parameters field group:
ECC number - Select the ECC number for which the report is to be generated.
Settlement period – Select the settlement period for which the settlement is run
From date – It will show the settled period dates.
To date – This will auto populate based on the settled period selected.
Transactions posted through sales order and purchase credit note (after settlement as it goes to payable account) shall be displayed.
Scenarios related to internal liability and recoverable (like Stock transfer shipment) shall not be considered in the Cenvat Credit utilization debit report.
Only Transactions wherein the item is sold using excise invoice shall be part of the Cenvat credit utilization debit report.
Free text invoice shall not be part of the Cenvat credit utilization debit report.
Transactions through journals shall not be part of the Cenvat credit utilization report.
Inter Unit transaction register inquiry
Requirement This report shall contain the details of excisable goods transferred from one warehouse to another. Solution Summary-
Inquiry form menu item "Inter Unit transaction register " is available under General ledger module > Inquiries > Tax > India posted tax > Excise
In the dialog form, the following fields are available under the Parameters field group:
Warehouse direction – Choose the direction from or to
ECC number - Select the ECC number for which the report is to be generated.
From date – Mention the starting date of generating the report.
To date - Mention the Ending date of generating the report.
All the above fields are mandatory to fill in.
If Direction is set to From warehouse, then transactions posted through stock transfer order shall be displayed in the inquiry with the details of shipped quantity, Assessable value, Excise %, Excise invoice number etc.
If Direction is set to To Warehouse, then transactions posted through stock transfer order shall be displayed in the inquiry with the details of received quantity, scrapped quantity, Excise % etc.. Here Invoice number field shall be blank and user will enter the information after exporting the inquiry to an excel.
Personal ledger account
This report shall contain the details of amount deposited in Personal ledger account and the same utilized for payment of excise liability. This report will display data for the settled period only. Solution Summary-
Report menu item "Personal ledger account " is available under General ledger module > Reports > India > Excise
A new Reporting Code "Personal ledger account" is created in Tax Reporting Code. Click on Aggregate category to create the tax codes.
Tax reporting Aggregate Category can have unlimited columns but Purchase and sales register will be having maximum of 5 columns (BED Amt., E Cess Amt., She Cess Amt., Others). For additional columns, user has to modify the same.
In the dialog form, the following fields are available under the Parameters field group:
ECC number - Select the ECC number for which the report is to be generated.
Settlement period - Select the settlement period for which the settlement is run
From date – Mention the starting date of generating the report.
To date - Mention the Ending date of generating the report.
All the above fields are mandatory to fill in.
The report will include transactions posted through deposit into PLA through Payment journal or General Journal.
Direct settlement of SO using PLA
Sales tax payment when setoff against PLA
It is advisable not to use Interim PLA account while doing the sales tax settlement process otherwise PLA report will show negative balance.
Sample register
This report shall contain the details of excisable goods sold as free sample. Invoice amount for the sample invoice shall be zero and the excise duty shall be debited to Excise Expense. Also functionality is required to identify the transaction as free sample. Solution Summary-
Free supply checkmark is provided on the sales order under shipping tab. In the header view, Free supply is available under delivery tab. When user marks on the header, it shall flow on the sales line and user can also unmark the checkbox on the line which shall be treated as normal sales item.
A single sales order can contain normal as well as free supply items.
Report menu item "Sample register " is available under General ledger module > Reports > India > Excise
In the dialog form, the following fields are available under the Parameters field group:
From date – Mention the starting date of generating the report.
To date - Mention the Ending date of generating the report.
All the above fields are mandatory to fill in.
The report can filtered for the items as well.
At the posting of excise invoice, user will be able to print 2 types of excise invoices – one containing items with free supply checked named as Sample invoice and another invoice containing normal items named as Excise invoice.
RG23 A/C Part I
A report is required which will display the details of the quantity of the input items and capital items purchased and issued to the manufacturer or sold as such on payment of excise duty. However, no prescribed format is available for the report. Solution Summary-
Report menu item "Excise register part I" is available under General ledger module > Reports > India > Excise
In the dialog form, the following fields are available under the Parameters field group:
Register – 2 options shall be available – RG 23A Part – I, RG 23C Part – I. If user selects RG 23A Part I then Report RG 23A Part I shall be printed. If user selects RG23C Part I then Report RG 23C Part I shall be printed.
ECC number - Select the ECC number for which the report is to be generated.
From date – Mention the starting date of generating the report.
§ To date - Mention the Ending date of generating the report. All the above fields are mandatory to fill in.
Under the Tax transaction field group, there is an Item field which can be used to filter the report item wise.
The report will display the data for all the receipt of inputs posted through Excise record type RG23A like transactions through Purchase order, Stock transfer receipt, Inventory movement journal, Sales return order.
For the issuance of goods, items sent for production, sale of items, purchase returns shall be displayed.
Also RG Part I report shall be generated with the quantity in inventory unit of measure.
RG23 A/C Part II
A report is required which will display the details of the duty paid on the quantity of the input items purchased. However, no prescribed format is available for the report. Solution Summary-
Report menu item "Excise register part II" is available under General ledger module > Reports > India > Excise
A new Reporting Code "Excise Register 23A Part II" and "Excise Register 23C Part II" is created in Tax Reporting Code. Click on Aggregate category to create the tax codes.
Tax reporting Aggregate Category can have unlimited columns but the Excise Register 23 A and C Part II will be having maximum of 5 columns (BED Amt., E Cess Amt., She Cess Amt., Others). For additional columns, user has to modify the same.
In the dialog form, the following fields are available under the Parameters field group:
Register – 2 options shall be available – RG 23A Part II, RG 23C Part II. If user selects RG 23A Part II then Report RG 23A Part II shall be printed. If user selects RG23C Part II then Report RG 23C Part II shall be printed.
ECC number - Select the ECC number for which the report is to be generated.
From date – Mention the starting date of generating the report.
To date - Mention the Ending date of generating the report. All the above fields are mandatory to fill in.
This report shall display the data for all the recoverable transactions posted through purchase order, Sales return, stock transfer receipt, general journal (vendor with credit amount), and tax journal.
In the summary part, there are following sections which will summarize the excise duty for the recoverable and settlement entries:
Opening balance: Display the opening balance of the excise duty prior to the From date.
Credit taken during the period: Display the sum of all recoverable transactions (negative and positive).
Duty debited for payment of excise: Display the settled excise amount used to pay off the excise liability.
Duty debited for payment of service tax: Display the settled service tax liability which is paid off using excise recoverable.
Closing balance: Display the calculated value considering the sum of opening balance and credit taken during the period minus the duty debited for payment of excise and service tax.
Daily stock account register
This shall contain the daily movement of stock from factory/warehouse with or without payment of duty on goods. However, no prescribed format is available for the report. Solution Summary-
Report menu item "Daily stock account register" is available under General ledger module > Reports > India > Excise
A new Reporting Code "Daily stock account register" is created in Tax Reporting Code. Click on Aggregate category to create the tax codes.
Tax reporting Aggregate Category can have unlimited columns but the Excise Register 23 A and C Part II will be having maximum of 5 columns (BED Amt., E Cess Amt., She Cess Amt., Others). For additional columns, user has to modify the same.
In the dialog form, the following fields are available under the Parameters field group:
ECC number - Select the ECC number for which the report is to be generated.
From date – Mention the starting date of generating the report.
To date - Mention the Ending date of generating the report.All the above fields are mandatory to fill in.
Under the Tax transaction field group, there is an Item field which can be used to filter the report item wise.
This report will display the transactions for the quantity manufactured (production order, stock transfer receipt, sales return order, positive inventory movement journal), issuances through sales order with normal duty (Issued for clearance), sales order with exempt duty (Issued for exempt), stock transfer shipment (Issued to other factories or warehouses), scrap quantity and negative inventory movement journal (Issued for other purposes).
The Assessable value shall be the sum of the AV of the SO – normal and exempt duty, stock transfer shipment.
Excise notification shall be printed against the sales order if it active between the dates of generating the report.
Also daily stock account report shall be generated with the quantity in inventory unit of measure.
More Information
Install additional KBs:
KB Number |
Action |
Note |
3025115 |
Install |
After installing Excise Phase II package |
3031611 |
Install |
After installing Excise Phase II package |
Install |
After installing Excise Phase II package |
Install |
After installing Excise Phase II package |
Hotfix information
A supported hotfix is available from Microsoft. There is a "Hotfix download available" section at the top of this Knowledge Base article. If you are encountering an issue downloading, installing this hotfix, or have other technical support questions, contact your partner or, if enrolled in a support plan directly with Microsoft, you can contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics and create a new support request. To do this, visit the following Microsoft website: You can also contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics by phone using these links for country specific phone numbers. To do this, visit one of the following Microsoft websites: Partners special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Technical Support Professional for Microsoft Dynamics and related products determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to any additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.
Installation information
If you have customizations for one or more of the methods or the tables that are affected by this hotfix, you must apply these changes in a test environment before you apply the hotfix in a production environment.
For more information about how to install this hotfix, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:893082 How to install a Microsoft Dynamics AX hotfix
You must have Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 installed to apply this hotfix.
Restart requirement
You must restart the Application Object Server (AOS) service after you apply the hotfix.
File information
The global version of this hotfix has the file attributes (or later file attributes) that are listed in the following table. The dates and times for these files are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time item in Control Panel.
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Aximpactanalysis.exe |
Not Applicable |
62,144 |
12-Dec-2013 |
05:24 |
x86 |
Axupdate.exe |
Not Applicable |
61,616 |
12-Dec-2013 |
05:24 |
x86 |
Dynamicsax2012r2-kb2909140-foundation.axmodel |
6.2.1000.4748 |
17,136 |
08-Nov-2013 |
13:17 |
Not Applicable |
Dynamicsax2012r2-kb3024150-dmflabels.axmodel |
6.2.1000.9606 |
1,563,368 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
Not Applicable |
Dynamicsax2012r2-kb3024150-foundation.axmodel |
6.2.1000.9606 |
34,413,800 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
Not Applicable |
Dynamicsax2012r2-kb3024150-fpplabels.axmodel |
6.2.1000.9606 |
18,664 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
Not Applicable |
Dynamicsax2012r2-kb3024150-rupayroll.axmodel |
6.2.1000.9606 |
668,392 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
Not Applicable |
Dynamicsax2012r2-kb3024150-syplabels.axmodel |
6.2.1000.9606 |
13,880,040 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
Not Applicable |
Axsetupsp.exe |
6.2.1000.8459 |
1,886,888 |
10-Jul-2014 |
10:52 |
x86 |
Axsetupsplib.dll |
6.2.1000.8459 |
80,048 |
10-Jul-2014 |
10:52 |
x86 |
Axsetupui.exe |
6.2.1000.5369 |
211,632 |
12-Dec-2013 |
05:24 |
x86 |
Axutillib.dll | |
929,960 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Install-dixfservice.ps1 |
Not Applicable |
16,934 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
Not Applicable |
Microsoft.dynamics.servicing.operations.dll |
6.2.1000.3174 |
41,712 |
12-Dec-2013 |
05:24 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
387,768 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
375,480 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
375,480 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
379,576 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
379,576 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
371,384 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
375,480 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
383,672 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
395,960 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
375,480 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
379,576 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
387,768 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
375,480 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
375,480 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
375,480 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
379,576 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
379,576 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
379,576 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
395,960 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
375,480 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
416,440 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Axsetupsp.resources.dll | |
371,384 |
24-Dec-2014 |
01:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.
Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained here in is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.