Applies ToDynamics AX 2012 R3


According to the new legislation changes in Spain (Real Decreto 596/2016, de 2 de diciembre), a new VAT management system based on Immediate Provision of Information (SII system) allows a two-way, automated and instant relationship between the AEAT and a taxpayer. The SII system basically consists of the electronic delivery of the invoices so that, the different Registration Books will be configured, practically in real time. Almost all the companies in Spain will be obliged to send information on their invoices to AEAT since July 1st 2017. A general deadline of four days for electronic remittance of information from the date of issuance of the invoice, or from its accounting registration (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays) is established. However, during the first half-year of the SII, taxpayers will have a period for sending information that will be eight days (also excluding Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays).

According to the new legislation changes it is required:

  • Maintenance of invoices register with additional statuses for export/import.

  • Required input formats generation in XML.

  • Additional setup for automatic files sending and receiving.

  • Sending generated XML file.

  • Receiving a response XML file and appropriate update of invoices that were sent.

To meet this new legislation changes requirements in Microsoft Dynamics AX there was implemented a new functionality SII Register. This functionality lets users to:

  • Set up specific SII web-service certificate that should be used to automatically transmit data directly to the Authority.

  • Set up additional parameters needed to automatically fill in the appropriate XML reports.

  • Maintain a register of invoices to support the process of transmission and re-transmission and receiving a response the following schemas: Customer invoices, Vendor invoices, Intra-community invoices, Customer payments, Vendor payments.

  • Automatically generate and send XML reports to the SII system in the format of the following schemas: Customer invoices, Vendor invoices, Intra-community invoices, Customer payments, Vendor payments.

  • Automatically receive and interpret responses from the SII system.

  • Store and review all the transmitted and received XML reports.


This document is a guidance for users of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 SP1, AX 2012 RTM, AX 2012 R2, AX 2012 R3.

This guidance describes how to set up and use Microsoft Dynamics AX to interact with the SII system according to the new legal requirements.

The document includes two parts:

  • Setup

  • SII register.

The Setup part describes how Microsoft Dynamics AX should be set up to let SII register work correctly.

The SII register part describes how to work with Microsoft Dynamics AX to interact with the SII system (SII official website.).



To get Dynamics AX ready to work with SII you need to do the following setup:

  • Install your Company’s SII certificate (non-AX side)

  • Certificate purposes

  • Certificate for SII in AX

  • SII register services

  • Legislative types

  • Customers and Vendors Registration IDs

  • Customer special scheme codes

  • Vendor special scheme codes

  • Property locations

  • Financial reasons

  • Intra-Community transactions setup

  • Exclude negative Sales tax percentage from SII register

Install your Company’s SII certificate (non-AX side)

To let Microsoft Dynamics AX automatically transmit files to SII system you should first install the SII certificate of your Company in the operation system of the machine (computer) from which you are going to transfer files.

To do so you may use the following instruction as an example:

Installing for the feature (e.g. example.p12 or .pfx)

1. Win+R, mmc, Enter

2. Ctrl+M, Certificates, Computer account, Local computer, Finish, OK

3. Personal, Certificates, right-click, Action >> All tasks >> Import

  • Certificate Import Wizard opens

  • Select the certificate file type and path (e.g. …\Kit Certificados 8.7.4\FNMT\ejemploPJ_ACTIVO.p12)

  • Enter the password (see passwords.txt).  Note: do NOT select "Mark this key as exportable…" unless you really mean to export it later.

  • Place all certificates in the following store - Personal (default)

  • Next, Finish

4 . Select newly added certificate ('000..0T PRUEBAS…'), Action >> All tasks >> Manage private keys

  • Add 'NETWORK SERVICE' alias, grant it Full control

  • OK

Installing for the manual collaboration with SII (or, for example, to manually test the certificate is OK) - same as above with small differences:

1. In 1.2 should be User account

2. 1.3.4 not needed

3. Test link:

4. Select the correct certificate

Certificate purposes

When you have managed to install the SII certificate of your Company on the machine, enter Microsoft Dynamics AX and set it up to work with SII register.

First, open Certificate purpose (General ledger > Setup > Certificate purpose) and add 2 records:

  • "ES SII send", "SII reporing - sending"

  • "ES eInvoice sign", "ES eInvoice signature creation"


Then, open Parameters (Accounts receivable > Setup > eInvoices > Electronic invoice parameters) and set up Certificate > Purpose to "ES eInvoice sign". This step doesn’t relate to SII register directly, but it is needed to let eInvoice functionally work correctly after the update.


SII certificate of your Company need to be set up in General ledger parameters of your AX company. To do so, open General ledger > Setup > General ledger parameters, find Reporting group on Ledger tab and set up SII certificate purpose to "ES SII send".


Certificate for SII in AX

To set up certificates that you previously installed in the operation system of the machine in AX, open General ledger > Setup > Certificates form. Certificates can be differentiated by their purpose (for eInvoice signature creation or for SII reporting authentication). Certificates without Purpose selected are assumed to be universal. Certificates can be assigned to a particular user or to the whole company. a. Certificates can be temporarily disactivated.






Operator name



ES eInvoice sign




ES SII send




ES SII send




ES SII send



John Doe



According to this example, all electronic invoicing for Spain will be signed with certificate C1, certificate C2 is not used (temporarily disactivated), SII reporting performed by John Doe will be performed using certificate C4 and the rest SII reporting will be performed using certificate C3.

SII register services

To let Microsoft Dynamics AX automatically send reports generated according to different XML schema types you need to set up SII register services. To do so, open General ledger > Setup > Sales tax > Spain > SII register services form and add lines:


Consult the official SII web site to get actual Internet address for sending appropriate types of schemes.

Legislative types

To generate correct XML reports you need to set up correct tax identification for your Company and all your customers and vendors. To make it possible you need to set up first additional Legislative types in AX. To do so, open General ledger > Setup > Sales tax > Legislative tax.


The following new Legislative types were added for Spain:



SII Code





Should be used for customers and vendors NIF

Passport (PASAPORTE)



Should be used for customers and vendors instead of NIF if NIF (TAX ID) is not registered for corresponding customer or vendor




Residence certificate (CERTIFICADO DE RESIDENCIA)



Other identification document (OTRO DOCUMENTO PROBATORIO)



For example, add a line like:


Customers and Vendors Registration IDs

To generate correctly all types of SII XML schemes you should set up Registrations IDs for:

  • Company NIF

  • All Customers

  • All Vendors

Company NIF

To setup your Company’s NIF open Organization administration > Setup > Organization > Legal entity and set your Company’s NIF in Tax registration number field on Tax registration tab.

Customers registration IDs

To setup a Customer’s NIF open Accounts receivable > Common > All customers, select a customer, open Address tab, select a primary address, click Edit, open Tax registration tab, add a line setting up Registration type equal to NIF (previously setup see Legislative types paragraph of this document) and set up Customer’s NIF in the Registration number field. You may setup another applicable to SII Registration type for a customer. On XML scheme generation AX will use NIF value (corresponded to the TAX ID) first or if there is no NIF set up for a customer then the first one from the list of Registration IDs set up for the customer.

Vendors registration IDs

To setup a Vendor’s NIF open Accounts payable > Common > All vendors, select a vendor, open Address tab, select a primary address, click Edit, open Tax registration tab, add a line setting up Registration type equal to NIF (previously setup see Legislative types paragraph of this document) and set up Vendor’s NIF in the Registration number field. You may setup another applicable to SII Registration type for a vendor. On XML scheme generation AX will use NIF value (corresponded to the TAX ID) first or if there is no NIF set up for a vendor then the first one from the list of Registration IDs set up for the vendor.

Tax exempt number

If for Customers and Vendors tax identification in your AX company, the Tax exempt number field is used you do not need to set up tax identification number in Registration IDs using Legislative tax. The algorithm of identifying tax identificatory for Customers and Vendors invoices in SII schemes is the following:


Customer special scheme codes

To correctly generate XML schemas for customers invoices you should set up Customer special scheme codes. To do so, open General Ledger > Setup > Sales tax > Spain > SII Customer special scheme code. Add special scheme codes that are applicable for your company’s customers. According to this setup the values will be used as default values for customers invoices in SII register. The corresponding value will be taken on automatically creating of new invoice in the SII register. After a new invoice was added into the SII register, a user will be allowed to change the value manually for each invoice. You may set up a special scheme code for all customers, for group of customers or for a particular customer. The following values of Special scheme code or effect on invoices issued are applicable for SII system:




Operación de régimen general




Operaciones a las que se aplique el régimen especial de bienes usados, objetos de arte, antigüedades y objetos de colección.


Régimen especial del oro de inversión.


Régimen especial de las agencias de viajes.


Régimen especial grupo de entidades en IVA (Nivel Avanzado)


Régimen especial del criterio de caja.


Operaciones sujetas al IPSI / IGIC (Impuesto sobre la Producción, los Servicios y la Importación / Impuesto General Indirecto Canario).


Facturación de las prestaciones de servicios de agencias de viaje que actúan como mediadoras en nombre y por cuenta ajena (D.A.4ª RD1619/2012)


Cobros por cuenta de terceros de honorarios profesionales o de derechos derivados de la propiedad industrial, de autor u otros por cuenta de sus socios, asociados o colegiados efectuados por sociedades, asociaciones, colegios profesionales u otras entidades que realicen estas funciones de cobro.


Operaciones de arrendamiento de local de negocio sujetas a retención


Operaciones de arrendamiento de local de negocio no sujetos a retención.


Operaciones de arrendamiento de local de negocio sujetas y no sujetas a retención.


Factura con IVA pendiente de devengo en certificaciones de obra cuyo destinatario sea una Administración Pública.


Factura con IVA pendiente de devengo en operaciones de tracto sucesivo.


Primer semestre 2017.

Vendor special scheme codes

To correctly generate XML schemas for vendor invoices you should set up Vendor special scheme codes. To do so, open General Ledger > Setup > Sales tax > Spain > SII Vendor special scheme code. Add special scheme codes that are applicable for your company’s vendors. According to this setup the values will be used as default values for vendor invoices in SII register. The corresponding value will be taken on automatically creating of new invoice in the SII register. After a new invoice was added into the SII register, a user will be allowed to change the value manually for each invoice. You may set up a special scheme code for all vendors, for group of vendors or for a particular vendor. The following values of Special scheme code or effect on invoices received are applicable for SII system:




Operación de régimen general.


Operaciones por las que los empresarios satisfacen compensaciones en las adquisiciones a personas acogidas al Régimen especial de la agricultura, ganaderia y pesca.


Operaciones a las que se aplique el régimen especial de bienes usados, objetos de arte, antigüedades y objetos de colección.


Régimen especial del oro de inversión.


Régimen especial de las agencias de viajes.


Régimen especial grupo de entidades en IVA (Nivel Avanzado).


Régimen especial del criterio de caja.


Operaciones sujetas al IPSI / IGIC (Impuesto sobre la Producción, los Servicios y la Importación / Impuesto General Indirecto Canario).


Adquisiciones intracomunitarias de bienes y prestaciones de servicios.


Operaciones de arrendamiento de local de negocio.


Factura correspondiente a una importación (informada sin asociar a un DUA).


Primer semestre 2017.

Property locations

For Customer invoices with Special scheme code (ClaveRegimenEspecialOTranscedencia) value equal to 13 or 14 or 15 the Property location should be setup. According to the official documentation the following Property location values are applicable:

Property location



Property with a land register reference located in any part of Spain, with the exception of the Basque Country and Navarre


Property located in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country or the Chartered Community of Navarre


Property in any of the foregoing locations with no land register reference


Property located abroad

To set up Property location, open General Ledger > Setup > Sales tax > Spain > SII Property location. Then the corresponding values will be available to set them up to the invoices in the SII register.

If no Property location value was set up to a customer invoice with Special scheme code equal to 13 or 14 or 15, then SituacionInmueble tag will be filled in with value “1” by default.

Financial reasons

According to the official SII documentation each (customers and vendors) invoice should be sent to the SII system with a mandatory indication of its type (TipoFactura tag). By default, for all the invoices this tag will have a value “F1”.

According to the official documentation SII system suppose that a (customers and vendors) invoice may be a kind of correction of a previously registered in SII invoice due to one of the following reasons (that are applicable to Microsoft Dynamics AX):


Description of a reason


Corrected Invoice (Art 80.1 and 80.2 and error grounded in law)


Corrected Invoice (Art. 80.3)


Corrected Invoice (Art. 80.4)


Corrected Invoice (Other)

Besides that, a Vendor invoice may have the following additional specific types that are applicable to Microsoft Dynamics AX:


Description of a type


Imports (DUA)


Other accounting support material

To meet this requirement for Spain an existing functionality of Financial reasons was extended for the following documents:

  • Sales order

  • Free text invoice

  • Purchase order

  • Projects

  • AP journal

  • GL general journal

Thus, on invoice creation from all types of AX document where it is possible to create an invoice, user may set up a specific reason for an invoice. This reason will be transmitted with the invoice to the SII register. SII register functionality let user to change the reason manually if needed.

To set up Financial reasons, open:

  • Organization administration > Setup > Financial reasons

  • Accounts receivable > Setup > Customers > Customer reasons

  • Accounts payable > Setup > Vendors > Vendor reasons

The Financial reasons was extended with two additional field:

  • Invoice type – to set up a specific code applicable for SII system

  • SII code description – to enter a description


If an invoice or a credit note does not correspond to a particular code (R1, R2, R3, R4, F5, F6) user may leave the field Reason on invoice black. Then the invoice will be transmitted with TipoFactura equal to F1 or F2 (simplified invoice). If a user fill in a Reason field on invoice or a credit note creation with another value (not equal R1, R2, R3, R4, F5, F6) invoice will be transmitted with TipoFactura equal to F1 or F2 (simplified invoice).

On Customers and Vendors invoices schemes generation the following invoice type identification algorithm is implemented:


Intra-Community transactions setup

To generate correctly XML report on Intra-community scheme, Intra-Community transactions setup should be done. According to the official SII documentation the following values are applicable:

Intra-Community transaction ID



The transmission or receipt of goods to undertake partial reports or works stipulated in Article 70, section one, Number 7 of the Tax Law (Law 37/1992).


Transfers of goods or intra-Community acquisitions of goods listed in Article 9.3 and Article 16.2 of the Tax Law (Law 37/1992).

To do Intra-Community transactions setup, open General Ledger > Setup > Sales tax > Spain > SII Intra-Community transactions setup form and add lines according to your company’s customers and vendors peculiarity. The values you set up will be used by AX on Intra-community scheme generation to fill in TipoOperacion tag. You may set up corresponding values for all, groups or particular Customers and Vendors.

Exclude negative Sales tax percentage from SII register

If in your AX company several types of tax are set up, you can include or exclude from SII register invoices with tax transactions Sales tax code of which is set up as “Negative tax percentage”. To do so, use General ledger > Setup> General ledger parameters > Reporting Negative sales tax percentage check box.

If Negative sales tax percentage check box not marked in General ledger parameters then :

- on Add records function invoices that have only tax transactions with Negative sales tax percentage will not be added into the SII register.

- on Send and Re-send function tax transactions by a Sales tax codes with unmarked Negative sales tax percentage will only be include into the XML report.

SII register

To work with VAT management system based on Immediate Supply of Information (SII) for Spain in Microsoft Dynamics AX use General Ledger > Periodic > Sales tax payments > Spain > SII register.

Fields description:

Field name

Field description


Identifies type of scheme the related invoice should be included. This field can be filled in automatically only on adding an invoice to the register and can have the following values:

  • Customer invoice

  • Vendor invoice

  • Intra-community invoice

  • Customer payment

  • Vendor payment


The field reflects the actual status of the invoice in correspondence with the Type of scheme. This field can be filled in automatically only on adding an invoice to the register and can have the following values:

  • Created – when an invoice is added to the register but is not sent to the web service yet.

  • Rejected – when an invoice was sent to the web service but was rejected by the SII system due to some reasons.

  • Accepted – when an invoice was sent to the web service and was accepted by the SII system.

  • Accepted with errors – when an invoice was sent to the web service and was accepted with errors by the SII system.

Transmission date

This is the date and time of the last invoice Status change.


It is unique identifier of an invoice within a corresponding Type of scheme. It is composed of TableID_RecID_InvoiceID. Where TableID is 62 for Customers invoices, 49 – for Vendor invoices, 592 – for Project invoices. This field can be filled in automatically only on adding an invoice to the register.

Reference should be the same for the same document included to the different schemes types (for example an invoice can be included into Customer invoice and Intra-community invoice schemes, then there will be two lines in the SII register with the same Reference, but different Type).

Account number

Account number of a Customer or Vendor corresponding to the Type of scheme. This field can be filled in automatically only on adding an invoice to the register.


Invoice number of a Customer or Vendor invoice corresponding to the Type of scheme. This field can be filled in automatically only on adding an invoice to the register.

Invoice date

Invoice date. This field can be filled in automatically only on adding an invoice to the register.


This check box shows whether an invoice was already registered in the SII system or not. This is needed when an invoice was already registered once (TipoComunicacion = A0), but user needs to change some manual parameter of the invoice and must re-sent it, then TipoComunicacion = A1.

Invoice Type

Type of invoice in terms of SII. Can be updated manually if needed and have the following values:

  • R1 – fill in automatically if financial Reason of an invoice is set to a value that corresponds to R1.

  • R2 – fill in automatically if financial Reason of an invoice is set to a value that corresponds to R2.

  • R3 – fill in automatically if financial Reason of an invoice is set to a value that corresponds to R3.

  • R4 – fill in automatically if financial Reason of an invoice is set to a value that corresponds to R4.

This field’s value will be used to fill in TipoFactura tag.

If this field’s value is empty or has some other value (not R1, R2, R3, R4, F5, F6) then the TipoFactura tag will be filled in F1 or F2.

See Invoice type identification algorithm in Financial reason setup description.

Special scheme code

The field value is taken from Customer or Vendor special scheme code (see setup part of this document) by default and can be changed by user manually.


You can setup Location in General Ledger > Setup > Sales tax > Spain > SIIProperty location. For Customer invoices with Special scheme code (ClaveRegimenEspecialOTranscedencia) value equal to 13 or 14 or 15 the Location should be setup. If no Location value was set up to a customer invoice with Special scheme code equal to 13 or 14 or 15, then SituacionInmueble tag will be filled in with value “1” by default.

Cadastral reference

You can enter in this field an appropriate cadastral reference manually.

Created by

If an invoice is an auto invoice (was created by a third party) fill in in this field “Third party” manually. Otherwise, leave empty. If the “Third party” value was selected the appropriate <EmitidaPorTerceros> tag will be reported with “S” values. Otherwise, <EmitidaPorTerceros> tag will be reported with “N”.

Error code

If an invoice was transmitted to the SII system but was Rejected or Accepted with errors, this field will show an error code received from SII system.

Error description

If an invoice was transmitted to the SII system but was Rejected or Accepted with errors, this field will show an error description received from SII system.

The following functions can be done in the SII register:

  • Add records

  • Send

  • Re-send

  • Status

  • Review communications

  • Invoice journal

Add records

Use this function to automatically update SII register by adding in it new invoices. To do so, click Add records button on the Menu of the SII register form. You can customize which invoices should be added to the register by clicking the Select button. If there are some invoices date of which are in the future, these invoices will be added to the SII register as well, but SII system will reject them until the current date becomes equal or later then invoice date.

Use Ctrl+F3 to set up filters on SII register form.

Use Ctrl+G to set up filters on columns of register.

Add records function works for all types of invoices at the same time:

  • Customer invoices

  • Vendor invoices

  • Intracommunity operations

  • Customer payments

  • Vendor payments

Add records for Customer invoices

Add records function for Customer invoices adds into SII register Customers invoices (Sales and Project) that were not added into SII register earlier and Invoice date of which satisfies the query criteria on the Select button.

Add records for Vendor invoices

Add records function for Vendor invoices adds into SII register Vendor invoices (Purchase) that were not added into SII register earlier and Invoice date of which satisfies the query criteria on the Select button.

Add records for Intracommunity operations

Add records function for Intracommunity operations adds into SII register Customers and Vendors invoices which have at least one tax transaction with a Sales tax code in a Sales tax group as Intra-community VAT:


Note: Make sure that AX set up for intra-community transactions: Go to Accounts payable > Setup > Accounts payable parameters > Ledger and sales tax and mark Intra-community VAT in the Sales tax fast tab.

Add records for Customer payments

Add records function for Customers payments adds into SII register Customers invoices in status Accepted or Accepted with errors a Special scheme code of which is “07”.

Add records for Vendor payments

Add records function for Vendor payments adds into SII register Vendor invoices in status Accepted or Accepted with errors a Special scheme code of which is “07”.


Use Send function when you want to create and send an XML report to SII system.

To do so, click Send button on the SII register form Menu. Use Select button to set up query according to which the XML report will be generated. For example, if you want to send a particular invoice, you can add a line to the Range grid, select in Field column Reference and in the Criteria column particular invoice reference.

Click OK button on the dialog form to let AX generate XML report according to criteria set up by Select button and send it to the SII system. The response from the SII system will be received and interpreted by AX automatically just after the XML report will be sent to SII system.

You can set up SII reporting to work in batch regime. To do so, use Batch tab on Send SII register report form by Send function.


Invoices that were already sent and have Status equal to Accepted or Accepted with errors can be re-sent to SII system. To do so, use Re-send button on the SII register Menu.

The dialog form of the Re-send function has the same options as Send function.


It an invoice in the SII register is in status Created or Rejected user can manually change the status to Excluded to optimize queries and work with the register. To do so, use Status > Excluded button. An Excluded invoice status can be manually changed to Created with the same button Status > Created.

Review communications

AX stores all the sent to SII system XML reports and receiver from SII system responses. You can review all the sent and received XML files correspondent to the selected invoice. To do so, click Review communications button on the SII register Menu.

Review communications form fields description:

Field name

Field description


Reflects the status of each of communications with SII. May have the following values:

  • None - when XML file was generated but was not sent due to some technical issues.

  • Sent - when XML file was generated and sent, but a response was not received yet.

  • Received - when the response from the SII system was received.

Created date and time

Reflects the date and time when the corresponding XML report was created.

Modified date and time

Reflects the date and time when the corresponding response was received.


The tab shows the XML report that was sent to the SII system


The tab shows the XML response from the SII system

Invoice journal

Use this function to open Invoice journal line for the selected invoice.

Hotfix information

How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics AX updates files

This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.


You must have one of the following products installed to apply this hotfix:

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

Restart requirement

You must restart the Application Object Server (AOS) service after you apply the hotfix.

If you are encountering an issue downloading, installing this hotfix, or have other technical support questions, contact your partner or, if enrolled in a support plan directly with Microsoft, you can contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics and create a new support request. To do this, visit the following Microsoft website:

You can also contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics by phone using these links for country specific phone numbers. To do this, visit one of the following Microsoft websites:



In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Technical Support Professional for Microsoft Dynamics and related products determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to any additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

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