This article applies to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 for all countries and all language locales.
This cumulative update includes all hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, including hotfixes and regulatory features that were released in previous cumulative updates.
This Cumulative Update replaces previously released cumulative updates. You should always install the latest cumulative update. Note Implementing this cumulative update will require a database conversion unless you have already implemented cumulative update 5. Licenses versioning Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 cumulative updates and license key versioning:-
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 license keys are backward compatible with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 instances.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 license keys may not be used with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 instances. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 license keys will not work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 CU10 (or later) instances.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 license keys are not forward compatible with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 instances.
More details is made available in the October 2014 release of the Microsoft Dynamics Perpetual Licensing Guide.released cumulative updates for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2. For a complete list of all hotfixes released in cumulative updates for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, view the following CustomerSource and PartnerSource pages:
It may be necessary to update your license after implementing this hotfix to gain access to new objects included in this or a previous cumulative update (this only applies to customer licenses). For a list of cumulative updates released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, seeCustomerSource
Overview of Released Application Hotfixes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2
Overview of Released Platform Hotfixes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2
Overview of Released Application Hotfixes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2
Overview of Released Platform Hotfixes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2Cumulative updates are intended for new and existing customers who are running Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2. Important We recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before you install hotfixes or updates. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates being installed. A hotfix or update may cause interoperability issues with customizations and third-party products that work with your Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution.
Problems that are resolved in this cumulative update
The following problems are resolved in this cumulative update:
Platform hotfixes
Note You may have to compile the objects in your database after you apply this hotfix.
ID |
Title |
372054 |
The ADCS - Cursor position is wrong on the terminal when double-byte character sets are used. |
372147 |
Error is not catched in Codeunit OnRun when the Buffered Insert setting is active. |
371852 |
XMLPort crashes the client. |
371614 |
Mouse pointer for cues, links, and drilldowns in the Windows client does not change when the Windows pointer for Link Select is changed in Windows and it is always a "hand." |
373099 |
The Web client stops responding in Safari after iOS is updated to the 8.x version. |
363531 |
The upgrade process deletes all database logins. |
364609 |
The G/L Total-Balance report does not show the name of some accounts if you save it as a PDF, Word, or Excel file in the German version. |
372061 |
Error when you rename a Windows user. |
374727 |
Data is changed after you run the Export to Excel function. |
Application hotfixes
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
371796 |
Permission error when you rename a user with the changelog activated. |
Administration |
COD 418 |
372248 |
The Description field is not updated in a journal when you change an account type. |
Cash Management |
TAB 81 |
371520 |
It should not be possible to delete a bank account if there are one or more ledger entries associated with the bank account. |
Cash Management |
TAB 287 TAB 288 |
371786 |
If you delete a record on the Posting Exchange Mapping page, all field mappings for this code are deleted. |
Cash Management |
TAB 1224 |
371776 |
When you post an undo receipt to an item for a job, the Invoiced Quantity field is not updated, and it creates incorrect costs after re-receiving the item and posting the invoice. |
Costing |
COD 5813 COD 5817 |
372046 |
When you consolidate by using two different G/L accounts for debit and credit, the system does not import the correct transaction for debit and credit. |
Finance |
COD 432 |
372068 |
Payment lines with the same Document No value is printed as multiple lines in the Vendor Payment Receipt report when you create the payment journal by using the Suggest Vendor Payments function. |
Finance |
REP 411 |
372017 |
For some roles, the Security filter stops the navigate action from working. |
Finance |
PAG 344 |
364529 |
Creating large sales or purchase orders is slow. |
Finance |
TAB 37 TAB 39 TAB 5902 |
371567 |
When you run the Close Inclome Statement report, you receive a time-out error message. |
Finance |
REP 94 |
371668 |
The Customer - Summary Aging report prints the last column of the layout on a separate page and the column names are cut into several lines. |
Finance |
REP 105 REP 109 REP 305 |
371720 |
"The No. Series already exists. Identification fields and values: Code=XXXX" error message when you create a new number series. |
Finance |
PAG 456 |
371723 |
When you create a sales invoice with the Price Including VAT field by using the Intercompany functionality, the line amount is not correct. |
Finance |
COD 427 |
372001 |
When you print the Aged Accounts Receivable report and you do not select some Print Amount in LCY fields (such as Balance), a wrong amount formatting is displayed. |
Finance |
REP 120 |
371712 |
The Outstanding Amount (LCY) field is not updated on the Check Credit Limit page if you change the Quantity field on the sales lines, and the customer's credit limit has been exceeded. |
Finance |
PAG 343 |
372130 |
The status of the approval request entry for a sales quote is Approved whereas the status of the sales quote is pending approval when you approve a sales quote having only the Sell-to Contact No. value and no customer is created during the approval. |
Finance |
COD 439 |
371480 |
When you use the Unapply function with unrealized VAT and adjust for payment discount, incorrect VAT entries are created. |
Finance |
COD 12 |
364573 |
"The transaction cannot be completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry table." error message when you post a final invoice based on a prepayment sales order with currency. |
Finance |
COD 80 COD 90 |
372197 |
If you apply a payment to an invoice and you are using a payment tolerance and a rounding precision, the remaining amount is incorrect. |
Finance |
PAG 232 |
372241 |
The item being transferred to the IC Partner page is wrong when the Outboud Sales Item No. Type or Inbound Purchase Item No. Type value is set to Common Item No. |
Finance |
371840 |
The Payment Amount Not Allocated field is wrongly printed in the Vendor Receipt Payment report when you apply a posted payment in LCY to a posted invoice in FCY. |
Finance |
REP 411 |
372126 |
The Amount (LCY) field that is printed in the Vendor Detail Trial Balance report is incorrect when you print the report with the Show Amounts in LCY field checked on the Options FastTab on the request page. |
Finance |
REP 304 |
371912 |
The default dimensions for the vendors are not copied in the journal lines when you run the Suggest Vendor Payments batch job with the Summarize per Vendor field checked. |
Finance |
REP 393 |
363665 |
If you enter acquisition costs with dimensions and you activate the Use Duplication List field in a FA journal, the dimensions are not transferred to the other journal. |
Fixed Assets |
COD 5640 |
374906 |
If you have a long description, it is truncated when you run the Employee - Confidential Info. report. |
Human Resources |
REP 5203 |
372232 |
The Post Inventory Cost to G/L Batch job does not post all remaining value entries. |
Inventory |
REP 1002 |
372133 |
The Adjust Cost Item Entries batch job creates a rounding value entry with a big amount when the standard cost item has been revalued. |
Inventory |
COD 5895 |
364616 |
The Reserved Receipt and Projected Inventory field displays an unexpected value on the Item Availability by Event page after reserving the same item from several sales order lines against different item ledger entries. |
Inventory |
TAB 5530 |
364376 |
Sales order containing an assembly item does not properly update the Reserved Quantity field when you drill down in the Qty. to Assemble to Order field when it is created from an intercompany transaction. |
Inventory |
COD 427 |
371671 |
The production order number is missing in the dialog box when you run the Post Inventory Costs to G/L batch job. |
Inventory |
REP 1002 |
371768 |
The Adjust Cost Item Entries batch job recognizes wrong costs on adjustment value entries when an inbound item ledger entry is reversed on a later date with a fixed cost application. |
Inventory |
TAB 339 TAB 5802 |
371760 |
The Inventory Valuation report provides inconsistent results when no item ledger entries are posted. |
Inventory |
REP 1001 |
374884 |
When you post a partial quantity for a sales order with a lot tracked item, you receive the error message "The Item Entry Relation does not exist. Identification fields and values: Item Entry No.='0'." |
Inventory |
PAG 6510 |
371894 |
The Total WIP Sales amount is not calculated correctly for a job when you set up the WIP posting method to Per Job Ledger Entry for the job. |
Jobs |
COD 1000 |
371580 |
After you post a purchase order for a job with an item that uses item tracking, the line amount in the job ledger entry is wrong. |
Jobs |
COD 1012 COD 1004 TAB 210 |
371949 |
When you create a job journal from a time sheet for a resource where you have setup the discount, this is not taken into account on the created lines. |
Jobs |
REP 952 |
372245 |
Reservation entries are not created when you copy the requisition line to the requisition worksheet from the Order page and the related demand is a service order. |
Manufacturing |
COD 99000813 |
364487 |
The Qty. Picked field is reset to 0 when you run the Refresh Production Order report with an already picked component and there is no warning to the user. |
Manufacturing |
REP 99001025 |
371557 |
When you use the Exchange Production BOM Item function, a phantom BOM component is replaced with its components. |
Manufacturing |
REP 99001043 |
364569 |
The Calculate Regenerative Plan batch job provides overlapping starting and ending dates when you run the batch job with the Constrained Resources option. |
Manufacturing |
COD 99000810 |
371942 |
The Detailed Calculation report does not include the components of the production BOM in the active BOM version. |
Manufacturing |
REP 99000756 |
371759 |
The assembly order is not created when you use the Standard Customer Sales Code option. |
Manufacturing |
TAB 172 |
364536 |
The Start Date-Time field differs from the Start Date and Start Time fields when you create a firm planned production order on the Planning Worksheet page. |
Manufacturing |
COD 99000813 |
364485 |
The Supplied by Line No. field is linked to the same component when you create a firm planned production order from the Planning Worksheets page. |
Manufacturing |
COD 99000854 COD 99000810 |
364499 |
"The record that you tried to open is not available. The page will close or show the next record." error message after you change a filtered value on the Customers page. |
Marketing |
TAB 18 TAB 23 |
372172 |
If you set the Ext. Doc. No. Mandatory field to true and post a prepayment invoice without an external document number, the status of the sales order changes from Pending Prepayment to Open. |
Prepayments |
COD 80 |
372231 |
"This is an IC document. If you post this document and the invoice you receive from your IC partner, it will result in duplicate postings" error message when you post a purchase order with the Intercompany option. |
Purchase |
COD 427 COD 90 TAB 37 TAB 39 |
372236 |
"This is an IC document. If you post this document and the invoice you receive from your IC partner, it will result in duplicate postings" error message when you post a purchase order where the IC partner has the Inbox Type value set to No IC Transfer. |
Purchase |
COD 427 COD 90 TAB 37 TAB 39 |
371845 |
If you open the Purchase Line Discounts page from the Item page, a vendor name is displayed. |
Purchase |
PAG 7014 |
371939 |
Duplicate item ledger entries when you post a purchase invoice that is created with the Intercompany option. |
Purchase |
COD 427 TAB 427 TAB 431 TAB 437 TAB 441 |
372106 |
If you select the Recalculate Lines field on the Copy Document page, the default dimensions should be added to the lines but not the dimensions that are used in the document lines where you are copying from. |
Sales |
COD 6620 |
374786 |
The Sales Document - Test report does not show the External Document No. value that is entered on the sales return order header correctly. |
Sales |
REP 202 |
364564 |
When you rename the code of a customer price group, the code is not updated in the Sales Price table. |
Sales |
TAB 6 |
371801 |
Some additional blank pages are printed incorrectly if you use the Post and Print function from the Sales Credit Memo page. |
Sales |
REP 207 |
371882 |
In the Sales Invoice Header table and the Sales Cr.Memo Header table, the Canceled field uses a different field number. |
Sales |
TAB 114 |
374924 |
Revert changes of renumbering field from 1300 to 1301 in table 114. |
Sales |
TAB 114 |
372030 |
Incorrect shortcut dimensions are inherited from the service item line. |
Service |
TAB 5901 |
372111 |
"The length of the string is 59, but it must be less than or equal to 50 characters." error message when you create a service invoice from a service contract and the Description field on the service contract is fully filled. |
Service |
COD 5940 |
364477 |
After you enter a description line on the Service Item Worksheet page, the new line will not retain its original position. |
Service |
COD 5900 PAG 5907 TAB 5902 |
371937 |
When a line is inserted on the Service Item Worksheet page, anywhere but the last line, the system appends the line at the end of the list. |
Service |
COD 5900 PAG 5907 TAB 5902 |
364524 |
"The length of the string is 52, but it must be less than or equal to 50 characters" error message when you sign a service contract with a service item description of 50 characters. |
Service |
COD 5940 |
372163 |
The Qty. (Calculated) column on the Phys. Inventory Journal page shows negative values when you run the Calculate Inventory report. |
Warehouse |
REP 790 TAB 307 TAB 83 |
372165 |
Wrong Qty. (Calculated) value and Qty. (Phys. Inventory) value in the Phys. Inventory Journal dialog box when there is alternate UOM. |
Warehouse |
REP 7320 REP 790 TAB 307 TAB 83 |
371931 |
The lot number is not validated on the Warehouse Pick page with the FEFO option. |
Warehouse |
COD 7312 TAB 7312 |
371765 |
"The Item does not exist. Identification fields and values: No.='' error message when you click the drop-down button on the Whse. Change Unit of Measure Page. |
Warehouse |
PAG 5404 |
371798 |
Inconsistent warehouse entries when you run a physical inventory journal for a location with the Directed Put-away and Pick option. |
Warehouse |
REP 7320 REP 790 TAB 307 TAB 83 |
371473 |
The Whse. Adjustment Bin report does not show all warehouse entries that are registered against the adjustment bin. |
Warehouse |
REP 7320 |
364486 |
Wrong pick lines when you create a pick with the FEFO option. |
Warehouse |
COD 7312 |
371848 |
The Lot No. value is not defined in a warehouse pick when you have the FEFO option and the Bin Mandatory option disabled on the location. |
Warehouse |
PAG 5703 |
371965 |
The Pick Qty. value on the Warehouse Shipment page is greater than the quantity which leads to pick more quantity than what the shipment is requested for. |
Warehouse |
REP 7318 |
371808 |
The Bin Code field is not updated in a warehouse activity line when you rename the bin on the Bin page. |
Warehouse |
TAB 5767 |
372023 |
The posting dates of the shipment, item ledger entry, and value entry are not the same as the posting date of the warehouse shipment when you change the posting date of the warehouse shipment to a date less than the posting date of the sales order. |
Warehouse |
COD 5760 COD 5763 |
372282 |
"The Item Unit Of Measure does not exist" error message when you run the Calc. Whse. Adjustment report from the Item Journal page. |
Warehouse |
TAB 7311 |
371485 |
The user encounters an error when you register an inventory movement when there are two different items that use the same lot number. |
Warehouse |
COD 7307 |
Local application hotfixes
AU - Australia
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
374875 |
"There is no Value Entry within the filter" error message from the Stock Card report when an item is received and shipped without invoicing in the Australian version. |
Inventory |
REP 14311 |
362633 |
"The transaction cannot be completed as it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L entry table..." error message when you post a payment journal that is applied to purchase invoices with WHT in the Australian version. |
Purchase |
COD 28040 |
BE - Belgium
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
371736 |
When you export the Link to Accon report, there are spaces before the G/L Account No. field in the Belgian version. |
Finance |
REP 11313 |
371770 |
The Enterprise No. field from the Company Information table is missing in the Intrastat xml file that is exported in the Belgian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
REP593 |
371746 |
The Non-Deductible VAT % field in invoices should be limited to values between zero and one hundred in the Belgian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
TAB 39 |
371608 |
The Intrastat - Make Disk Tax Auth report does not take the Intrastat Code field but the Code field from the Country/Region table when you export the Intrastat xml file in the Belgian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
REP 593 |
CH - Switzerland
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
372205 |
When you run the DTA Suggest Vendor Payment report, you receive an error message and there is no detail about the affected line in the Swiss version. |
Cash Management |
COD 3010541 |
371584 |
The Bank Account No. field is cut to 21 characters even 27 are allowed when using the Generate DTA File function in the Swiss version. |
Cash Management |
REP 3010541 |
371966 |
The Bank Account No. field is allowed to have 21 characters only when using the Generate DTA File function in the Swiss version. |
Cash Management |
REP 3010541 |
371722 |
When you run the Provisional Trial Balance report, you do not have the correct result in the total account in Swiss version. |
Finance |
REP 11500 |
372012 |
The Vendor Payment List report totals in a wrong way if there are vendors with only one payment and you select the Vendor with Group Total option under the Sorting field in the Swiss version. |
Purchase |
REP 11507 |
371981 |
The SR Cust. Paymt List Standard report prints incorrect total values for a customer if the customer only has one entry in the Swiss version. |
Sales |
REP11568 REP11569 |
CZ- Czech
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
372195 |
The Total Amount field is incorrect when you post to a cash account in the Cash Document module in the Czech version. |
Cash Management |
COD 11735 TAB 11730 TAB 11731 |
371743 |
"R594 Get Item Ledger Entries" error message when you process additional costs in other periods in the Czech version. |
Finance |
REP 594 TAB 5802 |
371478 |
The Accounting Sheets report always duplicates the credit amount in the debit amount in the Czech version. |
Finance |
REP 11770 |
372094 |
The Total Incl. VAT field is wrongly calculated on the posted sales credit memo statistics that is created if you pay a sales invoice document with a payment discount and the Adjustment for Payment Discount field is activated in the setup in the Czech version. |
Sales |
COD 11763 COD 11764 COD 11765 COD 12 |
371922 |
The VAT Registration No. field is missing in the VAT Entry table if you post a cash document including VAT in the Czech version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
COD 11735 TAB 11730 TAB 11731 |
DE - Germany
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
364605 |
The Cash Receipt Journal FactBox displays wrong amounts if account and balance accounts are switched in the German version. |
Cash Management |
PAG 35516 PAG 35517 |
372039 |
If you use a Profit and Loss account as a balance account for a payment and have the Ajust for Payment Disc. option activated, the system creates too many vat entries on unapply. |
Finance |
COD 13 |
372091 |
The Vendor Payment List report has several translation errors in the German version. |
Purchase |
REP 11507 |
372092 |
The Vendor Payment List report does show reversed and original payments in the German version. |
Purchase |
REP 11507 |
372095 |
If you apply a payment to multiple invoices, the Vendor Payment List report does not show the applied entries correctly in the German version. |
Purchase |
REP 11507 |
374779 |
"The length of the string is 11, but it must be less than or equal to 10 characters. Value: XXXXX-XXXXX" error message when you try to print a posted credit memo in the German version. |
Sales |
REP 407 |
ES - Spain
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
372229 |
The 340 VAT Declaration report does not correctly calculate the EC%, EC Amount, and VAT Amount fields on the 340 Declaration Lines page for purchase documents if you use equivalence charge in the Spanish version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
REP 10743 |
FR - France
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
371732 |
When you post a disposal for a fixed asset, some negatives are not displayed in FA entries and in G/L entries in the French version. |
Fixed Assets |
COD 5605 |
372192 |
The Total Amount field is printed with a negative sign in the Recapitulation Form report if you run the Print Check Remittance report from a cash receipt journal in the French version. |
Sales |
REP 10843 |
371689 |
The total number of checks is always displayed as one in the Recapitulation Form report if you run the Print Check Remittance report process from a cash receipt journal in the French version. |
Sales |
REP 10843 |
IT - Italy
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
364571 |
The Bank Sheet - Print report shows a blank page if you run it for a period with no bank ledger entries even if the progressive total amount from previous periods is not zero in the Italian version. |
Cash Management |
REP 12112 |
374853 |
"You must specify Activity Code in Gen. Journal Line Journal Template Name='',Journal Batch Name='',Line No.='0'" error message when you try to post a Vendor Bill List Issued activity in the Italian version. |
Cash Management |
COD 12173 |
372301 |
When you print the G/L book Print report, the subtotals are incorrect on the last pages in the Italian version. |
Finance |
REP 12121 |
364602 |
When the VAT Exemption option is enabled and you print a sales invoice or a service invoice, some information for the intent letter is missing in the Italian version. |
Finance |
REP 206 REP 5911 |
364505 |
When you print the G/L Book - Print report, the subtotals are not corrected if you have more than 50 pages in the Italian version. |
Finance |
REP 12121 |
371717 |
When you print the G/L Book - Print report as final, the totals of the previous period are not reported in the Italian version. |
Finance |
REP 12121 |
371649 |
'You do not have the permission to read records in VAT Entry Table..." error message when you run the Update VAT Transaction Data report with a customer license in the Italian version. |
Finance |
REP 12190 |
374866 |
When you partially dispose of a fixed asset, the Depreciation Book report is incorrect in the Italian version. |
Fixed Assets |
COD 5626 REP 12119 |
371968 |
"The option identifier 'Type::Vendor' is invalid." error message when you try to run the VAT Exemption page from a customer card in the Italian version. |
Purchase |
PAG 12100 |
371885 |
On the Vendor page, the Special Categories field is set to 0 if it is empty, but it must be blank in the Italian version. |
Purchase |
TAB 23 |
374757 |
When you print a sales invoice that uses a split payment, the VAT Specification section wrongfully shows an amount in the Line Amount and Invoice Discount Base Amount fields for the Full VAT line in the Italian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
REP 206 |
371988 |
When you insert a new VAT exemption line for a vendor, a wrong number series is used when you look up in the Vat Exempt Int.Registry No field in the Italian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
PAG 12100 |
372007 |
When you post a purchase invoice for a fixed asset with non-deductible VAT, after posting, the system uses a wrong G/L account for the VAT in the Italian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
COD 12 |
371820 |
When you export the VAT report by using the Italian language, the Record Identifier field is exported as SUDEST in the Italian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
REP 741 |
371812 |
When you use the Split Payment functionality, the reverse VAT is inserted in the VAT Amount field and not in the VAT Base field. This leads to a wrong posting in the Italian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
TAB 36 |
371653 |
When you post a purchase invoice for a fixed asset with non-deductible VAT, after posting, the system uses a wrong G/L account for the VAT in the Italian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
COD 12 |
374830 |
When you run the Calc. and Post Bat Settlement periodic activity for a VAT period without an entry, the report does not report the input or output VAT amounts that exist in the previous period in the Italian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
REP 20 TAB 12135 |
NA - North America
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
371566 |
When you run suggest lines from the Bank Rec. Worksheet page, you may receive an error if the External Document No. field contains more than 20 characters in the North American version. |
Cash Management |
TAB 10121 |
371906 |
The Customer Account Detail report calculates different totals based on the data filter that is used in the North American version. |
Finance |
REP 10042 |
371982 |
When you run the Reconcile AP to GL report, you receive an error if the item description exceeds 30 characters in the North American version. |
Purchase |
REP 10101 |
371843 |
When exporting an electronic funds transfer that includes a vendor with a name that is more than 30 characters, you receive an error in the North American version. |
Purchase |
COD 10090 COD 10092 |
374765 |
The Return Authorization report does not show the External Document No. value correctly that is entered in the P.O. Number field on the sales return order in the North American version. |
Sales |
REP 10081 |
NL - Netherlands
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
371699 |
When you post a payment by using the Telebanking functionality and you use the discount for the purchase credit memo, the system leaves the credit memo open for the discount amount in the Dutch version. |
Cash Management |
COD 12 |
364555 |
When you submit an ICP declaration by using the Digipoort feature, the Status Description field in the response message contains a code but not a description in the Dutch version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
REP 11408 |
NO - Norway
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
371973 |
When you import a return remittance file that is received from the bank, the system inserts wrong lines in the payment journal in the Norwegian version. |
Cash Management |
REP 15000062 |
371979 |
When you print the Test report for a remittance payment, where you need to have a balance account, system returns that no balance account must be specified in the Norwegian version. |
Cash Management |
REP 15000002 |
371680 |
The E-Invoice functionality should take into account the Bill-to Customer field and not the Sell-to Customer field to mark the invoice as an electronic one or not in the Norwegian version. |
Sales |
TAB 36TAB 5900 |
371847 |
If you print the Sales - Invoice 2 report in a foreign currency and with the Show Internal Information option checked, incorrect totals are printed in the layout in the Norwegian version. |
Sales |
REP 10604 |
371752 |
The Sales - Credit Memo 2 report shows the information in an incorrect layout in the Norwegian version. |
Sales |
REP 10604 REP 10605 |
371917 |
If you print the Sales - Invoice 2 report with an invoice discount, incorrect totals are printed in the footer section in the Norwegian version. |
Sales |
REP 10604 |
RU - Russia
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
372271 |
Unexpected Document No. value in the G/L Entries records during the unapply entries process in the Russian version. |
Finance |
COD 12 |
372299 |
"The value of COPYSTR parameter 3 is outside of the permitted range" error message when you use the Export to Excel option for the statutory reports in the Russian version. |
Finance |
TAB 26570 |
372305 |
The system does not show any dialog for select folders in which you should save files on the Account Schedule page in the Russian version. |
Finance |
TAB 84 |
372032 |
The Preview feature does not work when you apply a prepayment to an invoice and you use a foreign currency in the Russian version. |
Finance |
COD 80 COD 90 |
371908 |
The Purch VAT Ledger report does not fill column 7 correctly when using a custom declaration in the Russian version. |
Finance |
REP 12460 |
371925 |
The Preview feature does not work when you post an advance statement with an Empl. Purchase line in the Russian version. |
Finance |
COD 90 |
371934 |
The Preview feature does not work when you unapply vendor entries in the Russian version. |
Finance |
PAG 624 |
372018 |
"Vendor VAT Invoice No. must have a value in Vendor Ledger Entry: Entry No.=5405. It cannot be zero or empty." error message when you use the Change Vendor VAT Invoice option in the Russian version. |
Finance |
REP 14907 |
371855 |
Unexpected G/L entries during the unapply entries process in the Russian version. |
Finance |
COD 12 |
371887 |
The Order Item Shipment TORG-12 report and the Order Item Waybill 1-T report show unexpected result in the Signatures section in the Russian version. |
Finance |
COD 12401 COD 14933 REP 12407 REP 12412 REP 12419 REP 12420 |
371814 |
The CVLedgEntryBuf variable does not initiate in the Adjust Exchange Rates report in the Russian version. |
Finance |
REP 595 |
371809 |
The Cust variable does not initiate in the Sales-Post codeunit in the Russian version. |
Finance |
COD 80 |
364585 |
When you post a purchase invoice document with the Preview option, the cursor focus on the Purchase Invoices page moves to the previous line in the Russian version. |
Finance |
PAG 9301 PAG 9308 COD 80 COD 90 |
364587 |
"The record that you tried to open is not available. The page will close or show the next record." error message when you delete an advance statement document on the Purchase Invoices page in the Russian version. |
Finance |
PAG 9308 |
374873 |
The system shows an error when a user tries to use the Export Setting option on the Account Schedule page in the Russian version. |
Finance |
TAB 84 |
374874 |
The system does not import files from a desktop folder on the Account Schedule page in the Russian version. |
Finance |
TAB 84 |
371940 |
The system blocks change of the Transfer-from Code field in transfer order documents in the Russian version. |
Inventory |
TAB 5741 |
371943 |
The dimensions are not copied from the header to the lines for the item receipt and item shipment documents in the Russian version. |
Inventory |
COD 12460 COD 12461 PAG 12450 PAG 12452 PAG 12460 TAB 12450 TAB 12453 TAB 12454 |
371961 |
The Purchaser Code field is not copied to posted documents for the item receipt and item shipment documents in the Russian version. |
Inventory |
COD 12460 COD 12461 PAG 12450 PAG 12452 PAG 12460 TAB 12450 TAB 12453 TAB 12454 |
371962 |
The default dimension for the Purchaser Code field is not copied to the document for the item receipt and item shipment documents in the Russian version. |
Inventory |
COD 12460 COD 12461 PAG 12450 PAG 12452 PAG 12460 TAB 12450 TAB 12453 TAB 12454 |
371964 |
The default dimension for an item is not copied to the document for the item receipt and item shipment documents in the Russian version. |
Inventory |
COD 12460 COD 12461 PAG 12450 PAG 12452 PAG 12460 TAB 12450 TAB 12453 TAB 12454 |
372011 |
"The length of the string is 27, but it must be less than or equal to 20 characters. Value: 12345678/123456/1234567/001" error message when you use the Customs Declaration feature in the Russian version. |
Inventory |
COD 99000845 |
372016 |
No menu item for the CD No. Format page and the Direct Transfer page in the Russian version. |
Inventory |
MEN 1030 |
SE - Sweden
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
371859 |
If you use an Automatic Acc. group in a general journal with a foreign currency amount and split transactions, the system creates incorrect general ledger entries in the Finnish and Swedish versions. |
Finance |
COD 12 |
UK - United Kingdom
ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
372251 |
The Inventory Analysis report shows wrong values when you use the Comparison Date Formula option on the Analysis Column page. |
Inventory |
PAG 7119 PAG 9201 |
How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics NAV update files
This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.
Which hotfix package to download
This cumulative update has multiple hotfix packages. Select and download one of the following packages depending on the country version of your Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 database:
Country |
Hotfix package |
AT - Austria |
Download the ATKB3069271 package |
AU - Australia |
Download the AUKB3069271 package |
BE - Belgium |
Download the BEKB3069271 package |
CH - Switzerland |
Download the CHKB3069271 package |
CZ - Czech Republic |
Download the CZKB3069271 package |
DE - Germany |
Download the DEKB3069271 package |
DK - Denmark |
Download the DKKB3069271 package |
ES - Spain |
Download the ESKB3069271 package |
FI - Finland |
Download the FIKB3069271 package |
FR - France |
Download the FRKB3069271 package |
IS - Iceland |
Download the ISKB3069271 package |
IT - Italy |
Download the ITKB3069271 package |
NA - North America |
Download the NAKB3069271 package |
NL - Netherlands |
Download the NLKB3069271 package |
NO - Norway |
Download the NOKB3069271 package |
NZ - New Zealand |
Download the NZKB3069271 package |
RU - Russia |
Download the RUKB3069271 package |
SE - Sweden |
Download the SEKB3069271 package |
UK - United Kingdom |
Download the GBKB3069271 package |
All other countries |
Download the W1KB3069271 package |
How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 cumulative update
See how to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 cumulative update.
You must have Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 installed to apply this hotfix.
More Information
See more information about software update terminology and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.