To help you explore the vast, beautiful world, Bing has a new homepage image every day. You can also bring your desktop to life every day with the Bing Wallpaper app.
Find out more about the image
Discover more about the subject of the daily image:
For a basic caption to the image, hover over the image headline in the lower-right corner. To see more detailed information, click the headline or the caption info.
For a fun way to see how much you already know, move your mouse in the area under the homepage search box to reveal the daily quiz. Each homepage quiz has information about the subject and links to find out even more.
Use as wallpaper
Most of the daily images are available for download to use as wallpaper. Hover over the image headline and select Download today's image. If licensing restrictions don't allow downloads of a given image, there's a link to download the Bing Wallpaper app, which offers a library of images featured on Bing.
See previous images
Next to the daily image headline, select the < or > to see the last seven days of images.
Customize your homepage
In the upper-right corner of the page, click
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Show news and interests
Show homepage image
Set Bing as your homepage and search engine
Use these links to set as your homepage and make Bing your default search engine for this browser. If Bing can't automatically set the homepage or the search engine, follow the on-screen instructions.
Stay in the know
To get updates about the homepage and other news about Bing, like Bing on Facebook or follow Bing on Twitter.
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