Applies ToHost Integration Server 2013


This article describes updates and usability improvements that resolve functional and usability issues that occur when you use the Transaction Integrator (TI) Configuration Tool that is included with Microsoft Host Integration Server 2013.To resolve these issues, apply the hotfix that is described in this article. To learn more about some TI Configuration Tool issues that are resolved by this hotfix, see the "More Information" section.


Cumulative update information

The fix that resolves this problem is included in Cumulative Update 1 for Host Integration Server 2013.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.

More Information

TI Configuration Tool issues that are fixed

The TI Configuration Tool does not detect an empty "Link To Program" property

The TI Configuration Tool does not detect that the Link To Program property is empty when a host-initiated processing (HIP) resolution entry is saved. After you apply this update, the TI Configuration Tool verifies that the Link To Program property contains a value for ELM Link, TRM Link, and SNA Link resolution entries.

The TI Configuration Tool does not validate methods that are assigned to the implementing assembly

After you apply this update, the TI Configuration Tool verifies that the implementing assembly has at least one method that is assigned after the interface is selected or reselected. If the number of methods is zero, an error message is displayed. This change makes sure that the OK button to save the changes is disabled until all properties have valid content.

The TI Configuration Tool does not enforce the correct "Request Header Format" property setting for TRM Link and ELM Link HIP services

The TI Configuration Tool incorrectly lets the Request Header Format property to be set to either Microsoft or IbmSuppliedUserExit for HIP services that are defined to use TRM Link or ELM Link. After you apply this update, the TI Configuration Tool lets only Microsoft be used for the Request Header Format value for HIP services that use TRM Link or ELM Link. HIP services that use ELM User Data can use either Microsoft or IbmSuppliedUserExit for the Request Header Format property.

The TI Configuration Tool saves only TI-related data

You load a configuration file that contains TI and web configuration data into the TI Configuration Tool. For example, you load a Web.config file. When you make some changes and then save the configuration file, you may have a configuration file that contains only the TI-related information.

Usability improvements

This update for the TI Configuration Tool includes some additional usability improvements and fixes.

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