This article describes how to suppress the Address 1 field, the Address 2 field, and the Address 3 field on any check report in Payables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, or in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0.
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 or in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, you can suppress the Address 1 field, the Address 2 field, and the Address 3 field in any of the following check reports in Payables Management:
• The "Check With No Stub" report
• The "Check With Stub on Bottom" report • The "Check With Stub on Top" report • The "Check With Stub on Top and Bottom – Graphical" report • The "Check With Stub on Top and Bottom – Text" report • The "Check With Two Stubs on Top" reportTo suppress the Address 1 field, the Address 2 field, and the Address 3 field in any check report in Payables Management, follow these steps.
Step 1: Back up the Reports.dic file
1. |
If you have any modified Microsoft Dynamics GP reports, back up the Reports.dic file. To locate the Reports.dic file, follow these steps:
Step 2: Start Report Writer, and then open the report
1. |
Use the appropriate step: • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, point to Tools on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Customize , and then click Report Writer . • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, point to Customize on the Tools menu, and then click Report Writer . |
2. |
Use the appropriate step: • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, click Microsoft Dynamics GP in the Product list, and then click OK . • In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, click Great Plains in the Product list, and then click OK . |
3. |
Click Reports . |
4. |
In the Modified Reports list, click the payables check report that you want to modify, and then click Open . Note If the report is not in the Modified Reports list, click the report in the Original Reports list, and then click Insert . Next, click the payables check report in the Modified Reports list, and then click Open . |
5. |
In the Report Definition window, click Layout . |
Step 3: Create the calculated fields to display the Address 1 field, the Address 2 field and the Address 3 field
1. |
In the Toolbox window, click Calculated Fields , and then click New . |
2. |
In the Name field, type Address 1-Calc . |
3. |
In the Result Type list, click String . |
4. |
In the Expression Type area, click Calculated . |
5. |
On the Functions tab, click User-Defined , click System in the Core list, click RW_Address in the Functions list, and then click Add . |
6. |
Click the Constants tab, click Integer in the Type list, type 1 in the Constants box, and then click Add . |
7. |
On the Field tab, click PM Vendor Master File in the Resources list. |
8. |
In the Fields list, click Address 1 , and then click Add . |
9. |
In the Fields list, click Address 2 , and then click Add . |
10. |
In the Fields list, click Address 3 , and then click Add . |
11. |
In the Fields list, click City , and then click Add . |
12. |
In the Fields list, click State , and then click Add . |
13. |
In the Fields list, click Zip Code , and then click Add . |
14. |
Verify that the expression in the Calculated box appears as the following string: FUNCTION_SCRIPT(RW_Address1PM_Vendor_MSTR.Address 1PM_Vendor_MSTR.Address 2PM_Vendor_MSTR.Address 3PM_Vendor_MSTR.CityPM_Vendor_MSTR .StatePM_Vendor_MSTR.Zip Code) Note This expression refers to the first calculated field, the Address 1-Calc field. To create the second calculated field and the third calculated field, repeat step 1 through step 13, and change the value that you type in step 2. For example, when you create the second calculated field, you must type Address 2-Calc in step 2. When you create the third calculated field, you must type Address 3-Calc in step 2. Therefore, the expression of the calculated field for these calculated fields must resemble the following string: • For the second calculated field: FUNCTION_SCRIPT(RW_Address2PM_Vendor_MSTR.Address 1PM_Vendor_MSTR.Address 2PM_Vendor_MSTR.Address 3 PM_Vendor_MSTR.CityPM_Vendor_MSTR.StatePM_Vendor_MSTR.Zip Code) • For the third calculated field: FUNCTION_SCRIPT(RW_Address3PM_Vendor_MSTR.Address 1PM_Vendor_MSTR.Address 2PM_Vendor_MSTR.Address 3 PM_Vendor_MSTR.CityPM_Vendor_MSTR.StatePM_Vendor_MSTR.Zip Code) |
15. |
Click OK . |
Step 4: Add the calculated fields to the report
1. |
In the Toolbox window, click the Layout tab. |
2. |
In the Calculated Fields list, drag the Address 1-Calc field to the report. |
3. |
In the Calculated Fields list, drag the Address 2-Calc field to the report. |
4. |
In the Calculated Fields list, drag the Address 3-Calc field to the report. |
5. |
In the Calculated Fields list, drag the Calc City-State-Zip field to the report. |
Step 5: Save the changes to the report, and then exit Report Writer
• In the Report Layout window, click Close .
• When you are prompted to save the changes to this report layout, click Save . • Click OK . • Use the appropriate method:-
In Microsoft Dynamics GP, click Microsoft Dynamics GP on the File Menu.
• In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, click Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains on the File menu. -
Step 6: Assign security permissions to the modified report
Use the appropriate method, depending on the version that you use.
Method 1: Use the Security tool in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
1. |
On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools , point to Setup , point to System , and then click Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports . |
2. |
If you are prompted, type the system password in the Please Enter Password box, and then click OK . |
3. |
In the ID box, type the ID of the user who will print this modified report. |
4. |
In the Product list, click Microsoft Dynamics GP . |
5. |
In the Type list, click Reports . |
6. |
Expand the Purchasing folder. |
7. |
Expand the |
8. |
Click Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified) . Note A check mark appears at the beginning of the name. |
9. |
Click Save . |
10. |
On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools , point to Setup , point to System , and then click User Security . |
11. |
In the User list, click a user ID. |
12. |
In the Company list, click a company. |
13. |
In the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID list, click the ID that you typed in step 3. |