Applies ToDynamics 365 for Finance and Operations


As of 1 July 2018, National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary announced that companies in Hungary obliged to supply data of their invoices issued through electronic platform of Online Invoicing System.

On March 12, 2019, National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary published information about introduction of a new version 1.1 of the formats supported by Online Invoicing System. The new version of the formats must be effective since May 2, 2019.

It is officially announced on  the following changes must be supported:

1) XSD version is updated from 1.0 to 1.1.

2) Version of transport layer security (TLS) protocol update to TLS 1.2.

Table below provides references on previously published articles about implementation of interoperation with Hungarian Online Invoicing System:

Version of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Link on KB article






According to the latest requirements the following changes were considered:

- Version of the request is changed to "1.1" which becomes effective from May 2, 2019.

- Line expression indicator

- Line description

- Unit of measure

- Unit of measure own

- TLS version change to 1.2

- Some improvements in the package of Electronic messages functionality setup

Implementation details

This section of the article provides details of investigation and implementation of the required changes in Hungarian Online Invoicing System.

Version of the request is changed to "1.1" which becomes effective from May 2, 2019.

The change is implemented respectively in all the formats included to the feature and new versions of the format must be imported from the LCS portal:

Configuration name

Configuration type


Invoices Communication Model



RTIR mapping

Model mapping (export)


RTIR Invoice Data (HU)

Format XML (export)


RTIR Token Exchange Request (HU)

Format XML (export)


RTIR Manage Invoice Request (HU)

Format XML (export)


RTIR Query Invoice Status Request (HU)

Format XML (export)


RTIR Query Invoice Data Request (HU)

Format XML (export)


Electronic Messages framework model



RTIR import model mapping

Model mapping (import)


RTIR import format (HU)

Format XML (import)


Latest versions of all of the formats must be imported from the Shared asset library of the LCS portal.

The new versions of the formats will be imported with Effective from date defined as May 2, 2019. Starting from this date the new versions of the formats will be used by the system during interoperation with Online Invoicing System.

Line expression indicator

New <lineExpressionIndicator> tag of type Boolean must be reported for invoice lines in all the cases covered by the scope of the Online invoicing system on Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

The <lineExpressionIndicator> tag must be reported with "true" value for natural units of measure. When unit of measure is not indicated for an invoice line, <lineExpressionIndicator> tag must be reported with "false" value.

Before starting using of the new version of the report, user will need to setup Application specific parameters. Open Electronic reporting work-space, select latest imported version of the RTIR Invoice Data (HU) format, select Configurations > Application specific parameters > Setup on the Action pane, select UnitOfMeasureTypeLookup on Lookups fast tab for the latest version of the format and define which units of measurement must be reported as natural ("true" for Line expression indicator in Online invoicing system). Match all the units in your Legal entity. As for example, for kilometer you would add the following line:

- Lookup result: "Natural"

- Line: 1

- Unit of measure code: "km" (value from Units of your Legal entity)

Important note! At the end of the list add the following two lines:

Lookup result


Unit of measure


Must be penultimate



Must be the last in the list

*Not blank*

When all the necessary correspondences are established, change "State" of the Application specific parameters configuration to "Completed" and save the configuration.

Line description

<lineDescription> tag must be reported when <lineExpressionIndicator> tag is reported.

Previously this field in the report was optional and when there was no value in the related line of the invoice, this tag was not reported. Version 1.1 of the report requires this tag to be reported when <lineExpressionIndicator> tag is reported.

For the cases when there is no value in the related line of the invoice, this tag will indicate voucher of the related invoice, but it is recommended to define description in all the lines of the invoices of all the types (excepting the invoices posted from a sales order - for this case <lineDescription> tag will report item as it was implemented before).

Unit of measure

<unitOfMeasure> tag type is changed with version 1.1 and it must be reported with one of the value from enumerated list.

Before starting using of the new version of the report, user will need to setup Application specific parameters. Open Electronic reporting work-space, select latest imported version of the RTIR Invoice Data (HU) format, select Configurations > Application specific parameters > Setup on the Action pane, select UnitOfMeasureLookup on Lookups fast tab for the latest version of the format and establish the correspondence between the reference units of measurement and enumerated list of the Online invoicing system. As for example, for kilometer you would add the following line:

- Lookup result: "KILOMETER"

- Line: 1

- Unit of measure code: "km" (value from Units of your Legal entity)

Match all the units in your Legal entity for which you can find related value in the enumerated list:


Description (hu)

Description (en-us)








Metrikus tonna

Metric ton


Kilowatt óra

Kilowatt hour





















Cubic meter






Linear meter








Saját mennyiségi egység megnevezés

Own unit of measure

Important note! You may skip adding all the "own" values to list, define "*Not blank*" for "OWN" Lookup result, this will mean that all the others values will be reported as OWN. The "OWN" Lookup result must be mandatory added and be the last in the list.

When all the necessary correspondences are established, change "State" of the Application specific parameters configuration to "Completed" and save the configuration.

Unit of measure own

New <unitOfMeasureOwn> tag is added with version 1.1 and it must report information about a unit of measure for which there is no value found from the enumerated list of <unitOfMeasure>. This tag must be reported when <unitOfMeasure> tag is represented with "OWN" value.

The new <unitOfMeasureOwn> tag is added to the ER format. No specific setup is needed.

TLS version change to 1.2

No specific changes are implemented to support this requirement. For versions 10 UAT and PROD platform supports TLS 1.2 (Dev deployments currently support 1.0, 1.1, 1.2). But in case of report submission problem due to the version of TLS, an IcM request need to be addressed, and the environment will be updated to TLS 1.2.

Some improvements in the package of Electronic messages functionality setup (optionally for 7.3 and 10.0.2+ only)

New version of the package providing predefined set of values in data entities involved in the setup of Electronic messages for the process of interoperation with Hungarian Online Invoicing System can be downloaded from the Data package section of Shared asset library of the LCS portal –

HU RTIR setup”. This package provides the following changes in comparison with the previous version:

1.       New resulting status of “Technical error” type is added to the actions of “Electronic reporting import” type (Import token response, Import invoice response, Import status response). These statuses are added as initial for the following actions:


Status added as initial

Reset EM status

Error token response importing;

Error invoice response importing

Generate status request

Error response import of status request

2.       The “HU RTIR setup”package includes setup of Electronic reporting formats. For now, no additional setup of Electronic reporting configurations is needed after importing of the package.

The new version of the package is not mandatory for importing but recommended. After importing if you import with “Truncate entity data” marked, you will need to setup again:

-          Executable classes parameters (Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Executable class settings).

-          Web services parameters (Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Web service settings).

-          Batch settings on Electronic message processing (Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Electronic message processing), if it was used.

-          Security roles on Electronic message processing (Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Electronic message processing), if it was used.

Hotfix information

Fix downloading instructions:

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