Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 8.2.3 is now available. This article describes the hotfixes and updates that are included in Service Update 8.2.3.

As this release is deployed globally, we will continue to add fixes and the version number may change.  Check this article regularly as we continue to document fixes added to this release.


Update package

Version number

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 8.2.3 (or higher)

To determine whether your organization had this update applied, check your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online version number. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and then click About.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) Update 8.2.3 resolves the following issue:

Performance Improvements

The following list details issues whose resolutions improve the speed or functionality of Dynamics.

  • Incremental system-wide performance improvements have been made in this update.

Unexpected Behavior

The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions performed in Dynamics that do not work as intended.

  • In entitlements with empty Remaining Terms and Remaining Terms values, the Remaining Terms failed to update when saved.

Repaired Functionality

The following list details issues whose resolutions repair items in Dynamics that are not functioning.

  • Emails auto-promoted unintentionally when some users received an email with a queue that was set to promote all incoming email.

  • In a case, users could not use the "Similar Cases" field when the field was already used more than once and the second occurrence of the field was then selected.

  • Tasks were being automatically deleted or completed without manual intervention.

  • Users could not rename the "Case" button label.

  • SLAs created on non-working days (such as weekends and holidays) started immediately instead of not considering the non-working time.

  • Alert page would not load in users' mailboxes.

  • The ribbon menu was displaying even when the appointment was set to "Read-only" status.

Error Messages, Exceptions, and Failures 

The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions that produce errors, unhandled exceptions, or system or component failures.

  • An error occurred when attempting to show Activity Feeds.

  • An error occurred when attempting to send emails with attachments.

  • An error occurred when selecting the "Remove Selected Subject" button.

  • An error occurred when attempting to run a test with the JavaScript Dom Benchmark diagnostic tool.

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