Service Update 20 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 9.0.2 is now available. This article describes the hotfixes and updates that are included in Service Update 20.

Please note that our naming conventions have changed to clarify the link between the version number and service update.  For example, Service Update20will correspond to version number 20XX.  Occasionally a Service Update will be canceled and all the associated fixes will be rolled into the next Service Update, thus Service Update numbers will not always increase incrementally.


Update package

Version number

Service Update 20 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 9.0.2

To determine whether your organization had this update applied, check your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online version number. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and then click About.

Service Update 20 resolves the following issues:

Performance Improvements

The following list details issues whose resolutions improve the speed or functionality of Dynamics.

  • The message "Create contact first to avoid duplicates" that appears when receiving an email from an unknown sender cannot be closed or removed

  • The uninstall or 'apply solution upgrade' UI remains in loading mode even though backend operations have succeeded or failed

  • The Est. Close Date dropdown button causes the save /cancel button to go off-screen

  • The Contact sync produces an update loop every sync cycle when the birthdate in crmxml in extended properties contains a time other than 11:59:00

  • The Portal Package installation fails intermittently

  • The editable subgrid is not properly rendered on refresh method

  • When creating bar charts, the x-axis labels are not properly rendered

  • Upgrading to version 9.0 causes performance issues during upgrade

  • Editable grids are not displayed correctly

Unexpected Behavior

The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions performed in Dynamics that do not work as intended.

  • When a user inserts a dynamic field in the URL configuration of a hyperlink in a workflow, it is displayed as "NULL"

  • There is no prompt that the Description field is mandatory when left blank when creating a Phone Call activity in the Social Pane

  • Incorrect inputs are accepted in any lookup field without producing an initial error

  • The Scheduledstart and Scheduledend dates are automatically updated to incorrect values when the time is changed

  • BPF controls are not disabled for inactive forms

  • The Insert Template function doesn't populate the templateid field in UCI, it is stored as null in the db

  • User-created charts are visible to managers who do not have permission to view them

  • Custom security role names revert back to the default name upon upgrade

  • The Unified Interface ignores required field validations that are set at run-time via JavaScript and saves the form without running the required field validation.

  • An associated workflow or plug-in doesn't get triggered on the creation of a Document Location record

Repaired Functionality

The following list details issues whose resolutions repair items in Dynamics that are not functioning.

  • Alternate Keys become stuck in Status Failed and cannot be reactivated with the GUI functionality

  • When an Excel table is exported, text formatting is lost from CRM upon refreshing

  • The Feedback sub-grid doesn't have the (+) sign to create records on custom activity entity

  • When no titles are defined for a particular language, the sitemap group is not shown

  • Emails with attachments are not synchronizing into CRM

  • Scripts written to lock fields within editable grids are not working

  • When creating a Quick Campaign with the activity email, the hyperlink button is not functional

  • Within an open opportunity, text is displayed prompting the user to open the opportunity they are already in

  • Sorting functionality is broken for grids in the Web Client Dynamics 365 App for the Outlook settings page

  • When multiple contacts are added to the Call With field, mousing over the field only shows the first contact added

  • The Est. Revenue (estimatedvalue) field in the Opportunity form cannot be set to read-only

  • Double spaces show as single spaces in entity titles

  • Customized Global Help URLs are not working in the Unified Interface

  • Charts added to a form are not loading after navigation in the system

  • Users with approve/reject permissions for Exchange mailboxes in CRM online cannot approve mailboxes with an on-premises profile

  • User is unable to add existing opportunities in a Sub-Grid using the Unified Interface

Error Messages, Exceptions, and Failures 

The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions that produce errors, unhandled exceptions, or system or component failures.

  • The error "Error reading Approvals" occurs when approving multiple Project Approvals

  • When a customer creates two appointments at the same time with the same required attendee, the resulting error message does not give enough info to allow the user to fix the problem

  • When creating a chart with a calculated field and later attempting to edit that chart, an error occurs

  • When using Quick Create on a subgrid, an error occurs

  • When the user tries to create a Case from a Sales Order, an error occurs

  • Dynamics 365 Marketing solution creates a cyclic relationship which produces an error

  • Applying a system upgrade produces the error: "There must be one and only one sitemap in the system." and the upgrade fails

  • When selecting existing account records and selecting connect subgrid associated view and attempting to add a connection, an error occurs: "There was an error with this fields customized event. Field:record2roleid Eventsetadditionalparams Error undefined"

  • Attaching very small text files to emails results in an error

  • On a phone call, the lookup field 'Call To' returns an error: "An error has occurred." After selecting Ok, the page becomes unusable as this error continues to appear.

  • An error occurs while adding connections in the account entity in UCI

  • An error occurs when creating a case with an entitlement that is not linked to the product

  • An error occurs when opening Audit logs for Create and Delete events of emails

  • The Lead Management PD fails on update

  • The refresh method in Bing Maps Control produces an exception which causes a form load failure

  • Enabling a specific FCB to use a sandbox plugin to retrieve custom activity produces an error, this FCB should be disabled

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