IssueWhat will Account Modifier/Combiner do for segment overrides in Project Accounting and Transactions within PDK?Also what happens if a timesheet is In Progress within PDK when we use this tool?ResolutionYou will need to reenter the segment overrides as this tool will not change them. The reason for this is that the tool looks at the account index and changes it in any table that the account index is stored. The segment override tables do not contain an account index, they only contain account format information. The posting accounts will be changed in Project Accounting using this tool because these tables store the account index.In PDK, it does not verify the account until the timesheet is approved and then it will be sent to Project Accounting with the accounts that were setup at the time it was approved in PDK. Therefore, all the timesheets do not need to be processed or posted before running the tool.This article was TechKnowledge Document ID:24708

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