Features that are no longer available in Microsoft Teams Free
We’re always working hard to improve the Microsoft Teams Free experience. Sometimes this means that we may discontinue certain features or products when we feel they can no longer help you get the most from Microsoft Teams Free.
The following is a list of features that have been discontinued in Microsoft Teams Free:
Location Sharing: A feature that allowed you to share your live location with your contacts. To prevent data loss, make sure to export your data before the feature is no longer available.
Safe: A feature that allowed you to store valuable and sensitive information across your mobile devices.
mini Teams: A feature that allowed you to have a compact-sized chat view placed anywhere on the desktop.Google calendar sync: A feature that allowed you to connect your Google calendar in Microsoft Teams Free.export your data before the feature is no longer available.
Tasks: A feature that allowed you to share to-do items with contacts or entire groups. To prevent data loss, make sure toContact us
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