Se connecter avec Microsoft
S'identifier ou créer un compte.
Sélectionnez un autre compte.
Vous avez plusieurs comptes
Choisissez le compte avec lequel vous voulez vous connecter.
Sign in to Xbox | Xbox Support
Signing in to the Xbox app: When you open the Xbox app on your device, be sure you sign in to the app using your own Xbox account.This will sync up your personal gaming profile info, including your stats, settings, and achievements. (For more info on how to sign in to the Xbox app, see the section “Signing in to the Xbox app for Windows” below.)
Switch between Microsoft accounts for gaming on your ... - Xbox Support
You can only sign in to the Xbox app for Windows PC with one Microsoft account at a time. However, you can switch between different Microsoft accounts. However, you can switch between different Microsoft accounts.
Switch between Microsoft accounts for gaming on your ... - Xbox Support
You can only sign in to the Xbox app for Windows PC with one Microsoft account at a time. However, you can switch between different Microsoft accounts. However, you can switch between different Microsoft accounts.
Switch between Microsoft accounts for gaming on your ... - Xbox Support
You can only sign in to the Xbox app for Windows PC with one Microsoft account at a time. However, you can switch between different Microsoft accounts. However, you can switch between different Microsoft accounts.
How to use Discord with Xbox | Xbox Support
Set up Discord with your Xbox console, the mobile app, or a PC browser app so you can use voice channels.
Switch between Microsoft accounts for gaming on your ... - Xbox Support
You can only sign in to the Xbox app for Windows PC with one Microsoft account at a time. However, you can switch between different Microsoft accounts. However, you can switch between different Microsoft accounts.
Sign in to Xbox | Xbox Support
Signing in to the Xbox app: When you open the Xbox app on your device, make sure that you sign in to the app using your own Xbox account.This will sync up your personal gaming profile info, including your stats, settings, and achievements. (For more info on how to sign in to the Xbox app, see the section “Signing in to the Xbox app for Windows” below.)
Schakelen tussen Microsoft-accounts voor gamen op je ... - Xbox Support
Je kunt zich slechts met één Microsoft-account tegelijk aanmelden bij de Xbox-app voor Windows-pc. Maar je kunt wel schakelen naar een andere Microsoft-account. Maar je kunt wel schakelen naar een andere Microsoft-account.
Switch between Microsoft accounts for gaming on your ... - Xbox Support
You can only sign in to the Xbox app for Windows PC with one Microsoft account at a time. However, you can switch between different Microsoft accounts. However, you can switch between different Microsoft accounts.
Change the personal details on your Microsoft account | Xbox Support
To use Xbox features and services, your Xbox profile is required to be linked to a Microsoft account. Keeping your account info updated makes it easier for Microsoft/Xbox to contact you when something comes up, and it helps avoid problems when trying to make purchases from the Microsoft Store.