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Microsoft Edge, data penjelajahan, dan privasi
Microsoft Edge baru membantu Anda menelusuri, mencari, berbelanja online, dan banyak lagi. Seperti semua browser modern, Microsoft Edge memungkinkan Anda mengumpulkan dan menyimpan data tertentu pada perangkat Anda, seperti cookie, dan memungkinkan Anda mengirimkan informasi kepada kami, seperti riwayat penelusuran, untuk menghadirkan pengalaman yang paling kaya, cepat, dan pribadi.
Use Power Query in Excel for the Web - Microsoft Support
Excel incorporates Power Query (also called Get & Transform) technology to provide greater capability when importing, refreshing, and authenticating data sources, managing Power Query data sources, and shaping the data into a table that fits your requirements.
Applicable à : Excel pour le web
Enable or disable AutoComplete in a text box - Microsoft Support
By default, the AutoComplete feature is enabled for text boxes on a form template. This means that when users type the first few characters into a text box on a form, they see a list of possible matches from among entries that they have typed before. Users can then select the entry that they want, or if none of the suggestions matches what they are typing, they can continue typing into the ...
Applicable à : InfoPath 2010, InfoPath 2013
Mengelola cookie di Microsoft Edge: Menampilkan, mengizinkan, memblokir ...
Setelah fitur ini diaktifkan, setiap kali Anda menutup browser Edge, semua cookie dan data situs lainnya dihapus. Ini akan mengeluarkan Anda dari sebagian besar situs. Gunakan cookie untuk memuat halaman terlebih dahulu agar penjelajahan lebih cepat. Buka browser Edge, pilih Pengaturan dan lainnya di sudut kanan atas jendela browser Anda. Pilih Pengaturan > Cookie dan izin situs. Pilih Kelola ...
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
Cookies in Microsoft Edge löschen - Microsoft-Support
In Microsoft Edge können Sie alle Cookies oder Cookies von einer bestimmten Website löschen. Sie können Edge auch so einstellen, dass Cookies bei jedem Schließen ihres Edge-Browsers automatisch gelöscht werden. Löschen aller Cookies. Wählen Sie in Edge in der oberen rechten Ecke ihres Browserfensters Einstellungen und mehr aus.
Microsoft Edge で一時的に Cookie とサイト データを許可
お客様のプライバシーを保護するために、新しい Microsoft Edge 追跡防止は既定でバランスが取れたものに設定されています。 保護を強化するために、追跡防止を厳密に切り替えたり、サードパーティ製 Cookie をすべてブロックしたりできます。
Persistent cookies are not roamed in Internet Explorer 10 or Internet ...
In this scenario, persistent cookies are not roamed correctly. This can result in website preferences and authentication being lost between user sessions. For example, you sign in to a website by using Internet Explorer 10 on computer A. Then, you log off of computer A, and you log on to computer B. When you access the website on computer B ...
How to use Microsoft Edge on Xbox | Xbox Support
Enable Ask for my PIN to launch Microsoft Edge to protect your browsing experience on console. Things to keep in mind: Some features that exist on other versions of Edge (like downloads or browser extensions) aren't supported on the console version of the browser. Edge can be used to watch videos, but it may run into issues with video playback on various websites, depending on whether those ...
Change font style and size for immersive reader in Microsoft Edge
In the new Microsoft Edge , you can customize how fonts look when you're using immersive reader. Here's how: In Microsoft Edge, go to the website you want to read.
Applicable à : Lecteur immersif
Retrace your steps with Recall - Microsoft Support
To enable Recall, you’ll need at least 50 GB of storage space free. Saving screenshots automatically pauses once the device has less than 25 GB of storage space . How to use Recall. To open Recall, use the keyboard shortcut Windows logo key +J, or select the following Recall icon on your taskbar: Your timeline in Recall is broken up into segments, which are the blocks of time that Recall was ...