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Change security and privacy settings for Internet Explorer 11
Internet Explorer 11 has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. If any site you visit needs Internet Explorer 11, you can reload it with Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge. We recommend you use Microsoft Edge for a faster, more secure and more modern web browsing experience.
How to use Microsoft Edge on Xbox | Xbox Support
Enable Ask for my PIN to launch Microsoft Edge to protect your browsing experience on console. Things to keep in mind: Some features that exist on other versions of Edge (like downloads or browser extensions) aren't supported on the console version of the browser. Edge can be used to watch videos, but it may run into issues with video playback on various websites, depending on whether those ...
Aanmelden en meerdere profielen maken in Microsoft Edge
Aanmelden bij Microsoft Edge. De nieuwe Microsoft Edge nodig? Download hier. Selecteer in de Edge-browser de optie profiel > Meld u aan om gegevens te synchroniseren. Meerdere profielen maken. Met de rand chroom kunt u meerdere profielen toevoegen. Met profielen kunnen meerdere gebruikers in een gedeelde omgeving werken terwijl ze toegang ...
Cookies in Microsoft Edge löschen - Microsoft-Support
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Cookies in Microsoft Edge löschen. Löschen Sie alle Cookies, Cookies von einer bestimmten Website oder jedes Mal, wenn Sie den Browser schließen.
Gestionarea modulelor cookie în Microsoft Edge: Vizualizarea ...
Microsoft Edge vă permite să blocați modulele cookie de la un anumit site, însă acest lucru poate împiedica afișarea corectă a unor pagini sau este posibil să primiți un mesaj de la un site care vă anunță că trebuie să permiteți module cookie pentru a vizualiza site-ul respectiv. Pentru a bloca modulele cookie de pe un anumit site:
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
Retrace your steps with Recall - Microsoft Support
To enable Recall, you’ll need at least 50 GB of storage space free. Saving screenshots automatically pauses once the device has less than 25 GB of storage space . How to use Recall. To open Recall, use the keyboard shortcut Windows logo key +J, or select the following Recall icon on your taskbar: Your timeline in Recall is broken up into segments, which are the blocks of time that Recall was ...
Internet Explorer-modus in Microsoft Edge
Als u een van deze sites wilt bekijken, kunt u de Internet Explorer-modus in Microsoft Edge gebruiken. De meeste sites zijn beter geschikt voor moderne browsers. Ondersteuning voor Internet Explorer is beëindigd op 15 juni 2022. U wordt aangeraden alleen Internet Explorer-modus in Microsoft Edge te gebruiken wanneer dat nodig is.
Wachtwoorden bewerken in Microsoft Edge
U moet ervoor zorgen dat het wachtwoord dat in Microsoft Edge is opgeslagen, overeenkomt met het wachtwoord dat u voor de website hebt ingesteld. Ga naar Instellingen en meer > instellingen > profielen >wachtwoorden. Naast het wachtwoord dat u wilt wijzigen, selecteert u Meer acties en vervolgens Bewerken. Wanneer u daarom wordt gevraagd, verifieert u uzelf bij het besturingssysteem om toegang ...
Quản lý cookie trong Microsoft Edge: Xem, cho phép, chặn, xóa và sử ...
Microsoft Edge cho phép bạn chặn cookie từ một trang web cụ thể, tuy nhiên, việc này có thể ngăn một số trang hiển thị chính xác hoặc bạn có thể nhận được thông báo từ một trang web cho bạn biết rằng bạn cần cho phép cookie để xem trang web đó. Để chặn cookie từ một trang web cụ thể: Mở trình duyệt Edge, chọn ...
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
在 Microsoft Edge 中檢視 Cookie - Microsoft 支援服務
在 Microsoft Edge 中檢視 Cookie. Microsoft Edge Windows 10 Windows 8 Windows 7 Edge for Mac 更多... 更少 . 開啟 Edge 瀏覽器,選取瀏覽器視窗右上角的 [ 設定及其 他]。 選取 [設定] > [Cookie 和網站許可權]。 選 取 [管理和刪除 Cookie 和網站數據]。 選取 [查看所有 Cookie 和網站數據 ] 以檢視所有 Cookie。 附註: 本主題適用於 ...