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Προβολή cookies στον Microsoft Edge - Υποστήριξη της Microsoft
Επιλέξτε Διαχείριση και διαγραφή cookies και δεδομένων τοποθεσίας. Επιλέξτε Εμφάνιση όλων των cookies και των δεδομένων τοποθεσίας για να προβάλετε όλα τα cookies. Σημείωση: Αυτό το θέμα αναφέρεται ...
Microsoft Edge for mobile FAQs - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Edge has features that help you and your content stay safe online. We automatically block websites and content downloads that are reported to be malicious. Microsoft Edge checks the address of the webpage you're visiting against a list of webpage addresses stored on your device that Microsoft believes to be legitimate. Addresses that ...
Mengelola cookie di Microsoft Edge: Menampilkan, mengizinkan, memblokir ...
Pilih Kelola dan hapus cookie dan data situs dan aktifkan tombol alih Izinkan situs menyimpan dan membaca data cookie (disarankan) untuk mengizinkan semua cookie. Izinkan cookie dari situs tertentu Dengan mengizinkan cookie, situs web akan dapat menyimpan dan mengambil data di browser Anda, yang dapat meningkatkan pengalaman penjelajahan Anda dengan mengingat preferensi dan informasi masuk Anda.
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
Sign in to your account with a security key - Microsoft Support
Select Security > More security options. Select Add a new way to sign in or verify. Select Use a security key. Identify what type of key you have (USB or NFC) and select Next. You will be redirected to the setup experience where you will insert or tap your key. Create a PIN (or enter an existing PIN if you have already created one).
Permitir temporariamente cookies e dados de sites no Microsoft Edge
Estas permissões temporárias poderão permitir que os sites que fazem esse pedido monitorizem a sua atividade na Web. Pode remover estas permissões em qualquer altura ao aceder a Definições e muito mais > Definições > Permissões do site > Cookies e dados do site ou ao selecionar "Permissões do site" quando limpar os dados de navegação.
Protect a worksheet - Microsoft Support
Protect a worksheet. To prevent other users from accidentally or deliberately changing, moving, or deleting data in a worksheet, you can lock the cells on your Excel worksheet and then protect the sheet with a password. Say you own the team status report worksheet, where you want team members to add data in specific cells only and not be able ...
Applicable à : Excel pour Microsoft 365, Excel pour le web, Excel 2021, Excel 2019, Excel 2016
I am getting license validation errors with Copilot
Make sure you're using the correct account. First, make sure you're signed in. On, look in the upper right corner and if you don't see your account profile, select Sign in. If you're signed in already, you may be signed in with an account that doesn't have a Copilot license. Try selecting your account icon in the upper ...
Applicable à : Excel pour Microsoft 365, Outlook pour Microsoft 365, PowerPoint pour Microsoft 365, OneNote pour Microsoft 365, Excel pour Microsoft 365 pour Mac, Outlook pour Microsoft 365 pour Mac, PowerPoint pour Microsoft 365 pour Mac, OneNote pour Microsoft 365 pour Mac, Excel pour iPad, PowerPoint pour iPad, Excel pour iPhone, PowerPoint pour iPhone, Excel pour les tablettes Android, PowerPoint pour les tablettes Android, Excel pour les téléphones Android, OneNote pour Android, OneNote pour iPhone et iPad, Outlook pour Android, Outlook pour iOS, PowerPoint pour les téléphones Android
Správa souborů cookie v Prohlížeči Microsoft Edge: Zobrazení, povolení ...
Microsoft Edge umožňuje blokovat soubory cookie z konkrétního webu, ale když to uděláte, může se stát, že se některé stránky nezobrazí správně, nebo se vám z webu může zobrazit zpráva, že pro zobrazení tohoto webu potřebujete povolit soubory cookie. Blokování souborů cookie z konkrétního webu:
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
Enhanced Sign-in Security in Windows - Microsoft Support
In the Settings app on your Windows device, select Accounts > Sign-in options or use the following shortcut: Sign-in options. Under Additional settings > Sign in with an external camera or fingerprint reader, there's a toggle that allows you to enable or disable ESS: When the toggle is Off, ESS is enabled and you can't use external peripherals ...
Microsoft Edge browsing activity for personalized advertising and ...
How we use your Microsoft Edge browsing history for personalized advertising and experiences. With your permission, we'll collect and use your browsing activity from within Microsoft Edge to personalize advertising, recommendations, and experiences for Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Bing, Microsoft News, and other Microsoft services.