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How to set up email account in the Mail app in Windows 8.1
Go to the Start screen, and open the Mail app—your email is waiting for you. If your email address ends in a different domain, like,, or, here's how to add it. On the Start screen, tap or click Mail.
Configurer la messagerie Office 365 dans Outlook et Importer Gmail ...
Exporter votre Gmail G Suite. Dans Outlook, sélectionnez Fichier > Ouvrir et exporter > Importer/Exporter. Dans l’Assistant Importation et exportation, cliquez sur Exporter vers un fichier, puis sélectionnez Suivant. Sur la page Exporter vers un fichier, sélectionnez Fichier de données Outlook (.pst), puis Suivant. Sur la page Exporter un fichier de données Outlook, vérifiez que votre ...
Set up email and calendar - Microsoft Support
Windows 10 has built-in Mail and Calendar apps. To open them, search for Mail or Calendar on the taskbar, and select the icons from the search results. Introduce yourself to Mail and Calendar. You've found the apps, now make them useful by adding your accounts. If this is the first time you're opening either Mail or Calendar, follow the ...
Set up Outlook with Gmail - Microsoft Support
Before you can set up G Suite Gmail in Outlook, first sign in to the Google Admin console and confirm a few settings. In G Suite, make sure Calendar, Directory, Drive and Docs, and Gmail are ON for everyone. In Gmail Advanced settings, make sure Enable G Suite Sync for Microsoft Outlook is selected.
Настройка электронной почты в почтовом приложении
Для этого выполните действия, описанные в разделе "Добавление учетной записи" с помощью расширенной настройки с помощью для сервера входящей почты и для сервера исходящей почты.
Applicable à : Courrier pour Windows 10, Courrier Outlook pour Windows 10
Ajouter un lien de retour d’e-mail (mailto :) dans un message
Vous pouvez inclure un lien de retour d’e-mail dans le corps de dans vos messages électroniques. Lorsque vous cliquez dessus, le lien ouvre un message vide déjà adressé à une personne, à une entreprise ou à une destination que vous choisissez. Par exemple, un lien tel que mailto : est déjà adressé au représentant du service clientèle de votre entreprise. Comme ...
Applicable à : Outlook pour Microsoft 365, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013
Getting started with the new Outlook for Windows
Outlook for Windows. Windows Mail app. New Outlook for Windows. Pin emails Pin a message to move it to the top of your inbox so it's easy to find later. Yes. No. No. Yes. Snooze emails Snooze an email to temporarily remove it from your inbox and schedule it to appear as a new mail for later, when you can respond. Yes. No. No. Yes. My Day view
Applicable à : Nouveau Outlook pour Windows
Set up Gmail accounts - Microsoft Support
You can add a Gmail account to Microsoft Outlook, and manage it in Outlook, to view and manage all of your email in one place. In Outlook, select File , then Add Account . Enter your Email Address for your Gmail account and select Connect .
Applicable à : Outlook pour Microsoft 365, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016
Configurare account di Gmail - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Formazione: è possibile aggiungere un account di Gmail in Microsoft Outlook in modo da visualizzare e gestire tutta la posta elettronica in un'unica posizione, direttamente in Outlook. Guardare questo video online per saperne di più. Argomenti correlati. ×. Configurare e personalizzare Cos'è Outlook? Video; Aggiungere un account di o di Microsoft 365 Video; Configurare account ...
Applicable à : Outlook pour Microsoft 365, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016
Why you need a Microsoft account, or work or school account with ...
A Microsoft account is a free account you use to access many Microsoft devices and services, such as the web-based email service (also known as,,, online apps like Word or Excel for the web, Skype, OneDrive, Xbox Live, Bing, Windows, or the Microsoft Store. If you already use any of these services chances are you already have a Microsoft account ...
Applicable à : Office 2016, Office 2013