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Visual changes to Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
We are always striving to improve our browser experience and value your feedback. We understand that you may prefer the previous Microsoft Edge design. To switch back to the classic look and feel of the browser, do the following: Open Microsoft Edge Settings (go to edge://settings) or select Settings and more > Settings > Appearance .
Microsoft Edge browsing activity for personalized advertising and ...
With your permission, we'll collect and use your browsing activity from within Microsoft Edge to personalize advertising, recommendations, and experiences for Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Bing, Microsoft News, and other Microsoft services. This means we'll use your browsing activity to make your web experience, including ads, search results, shopping recommendations, and news articles you see ...
Regolare le impostazioni di privacy in Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge è progettato per rilevare e bloccare gli strumenti di monitoraggio noti. Consente di decidere quali strumenti di monitoraggio bloccare. È possibile scegliere tra tre livelli di prevenzione del monitoraggio: Base, Bilanciato e Limitato. Il valore predefinito è Bilanciato
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Internet Explorer mode is now enabled. To view a website using Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge, use the following steps. Navigate to the website you want to view in Internet Explorer mode. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of the browser window. Select Reload in Internet Explorer Mode. If you are on Microsoft Edge version 92 or earlier select More tools > Reload in ...
How can SmartScreen help protect me in Microsoft Edge?
Screening downloads: SmartScreen checks your downloads against a list of reported malicious software sites and programs known to be unsafe. If it finds a match, SmartScreen warns you that the download has been blocked for your safety. SmartScreen also checks your downloaded files against a list of well-known and popular downloads by Microsoft Edge users and warns you if your download is not on ...
Správa souborů cookie v Prohlížeči Microsoft Edge: Zobrazení, povolení ...
Microsoft Edge umožňuje blokovat soubory cookie z konkrétního webu, ale když to uděláte, může se stát, že se některé stránky nezobrazí správně, nebo se vám z webu může zobrazit zpráva, že pro zobrazení tohoto webu potřebujete povolit soubory cookie. Blokování souborů cookie z konkrétního webu: Otevřete prohlížeč Edge a v pravém horním rohu okna prohlížeče ...
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
Passen Sie Ihre Datenschutzeinstellungen in Microsoft Edge an
Microsoft Edge wurde entwickelt, um bekannte Tracker zu erkennen und blockieren. Wir lassen Sie entscheiden, welche Tracker blockiert werden sollen. Sie können zwischen drei Stufen der Tracking-Verhinderung wählen: Standard, Ausgewogen und Streng. „Ausgewogen” ist die Standardeinstellung . Wählen Sie in Microsoft Edge Einstellungen und mehr > Einstellungen > Datenschutz, Suche und ...
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
Learn about tracking prevention in Microsoft Edge
Select the level of tracking prevention that’s right for you: Basic: Blocks potentially harmful trackers but allows most other trackers and those that personalize content and ads. Balanced (Recommended): Blocks potentially harmful trackers and trackers from sites you haven’t visited.Content and ads will likely be less personalized. Strict: Blocks potentially harmful trackers and most ...
Applicable à : Tableau de bord de compte Microsoft
Mode Internet Explorer dans Microsoft Edge - Support Microsoft
Certains sites sont conçus pour fonctionner avec Internet Explorer et présentent une fonctionnalité qui n’est pas prise en charge par les navigateurs modernes tels que Microsoft Edge. Si vous devez afficher l’un de ces sites, vous pouvez utiliser le mode Internet Explorer dans Microsoft Edge.
Microsoft Edge help & learning
Delete your cookies. Microsoft Edge makes it easy to control what browser cookies are stored on your device. Learn how. Print in Microsoft Edge. We know there may be times you need to print something from the web and Microsoft Edge can help. Show me how. If you're a small business owner. Find the information you need to build, run, and grow your small business with Microsoft 365. Visit Small ...