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En savoir plus sur les PC Copilot+ et les PC Windows 11 à partir de ...
Les PC Copilot+ sont une classe différente des PC Windows 11 qui sont alimentés par une unité de traitement neuronal (NPU) turbocompressée qui peut effectuer plus de 40 billions d’opérations par seconde (TOPS).
Learn more about Copilot+ PCs and Windows 11 PCs from Surface
The difference between Copilot+ PCs and Windows 11 PCs from Surface is the AI integration. Here's a summary to help explain it better. Copilot+ PCs are a different class of Windows 11 PCs that are powered by a turbocharged neural processing unit (NPU) that can perform more than 40 trillion operations per second (TOPS).
Bienvenue dans Copilot sur Windows - Support Microsoft
Copilot est conçu pour fournir une assistance basée sur l’IA de manière pratique, ce qui vous permet d’interagir en toute transparence avec l’IA générative sur Windows. Vous pouvez redimensionner, déplacer et utiliser Snap Assist avec Copilot, comme vous le pouvez avec d’autres applications Windows.
Welcome to Copilot on Windows - Microsoft Support
Copilot is designed to deliver AI-powered assistance in a convenient manner, enabling you to seamlessly engage with generative AI on Windows. You can resize, move, and use Snap Assist with Copilot, just like you can with other Windows apps.
Copilot+ PC hardware requirements - Microsoft Support
Copilot+ PCs are a class of Windows 11 devices that are powered by a neural processing unit (NPU) capable of performing 40+ trillion operations pers second (TOPS). An NPU is a specialized computer chip for AI-intensive processes like real-time translations and image generation.
Copilot tutorial: Start using Copilot - Microsoft Support
Unlock faster task management with Microsoft Copilot in this video guide. Linked to your Microsoft 365 account, enjoy seamless access in-app, on the web, or on the move.
Copilot tutorial: Meet Microsoft Copilot - Microsoft Support
See how Microsoft Copilot can transform the way you work and make life easier by seamlessly integrating with the Microsoft 365 apps you use daily to boost productivity, spark creativity, and save valuable time.
Copilot tutorial: What you can do with Copilot - Microsoft Support
Learn how Microsoft Copilot can make your work and daily life easier. Effortlessly draft emails, catch up on meetings, and organize your week with intuitive prompts, all designed to help you achieve more every day.
Microsoft Copilot video tutorials - Microsoft Support
Create a branded presentation from a file. Create a presentation with a prompt. Create an outline with Copilot in OneNote. Draft and rewrite. Watch our video tutorials to learn how to use Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion. Get tips and tricks to boost your productivity with Copilot.
Create a summary of your document with Copilot
Summarize a long document using the power of AI in Microsoft 365 Copilot in Word.
Applicable à : Word pour Microsoft 365, Word pour Microsoft 365 pour Mac, Word pour iPad, Word Web App