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Téléchargement de pilotes et de microprogrammes pour Surface
Mettre à jour automatiquement Windows 10, Windows 11 et les pilotes et le microprogramme Surface. Après avoir suivi les étapes de préparation, consultez Mise à jour Windows pour savoir comment rechercher les mises à jour et les installer.
Download drivers and firmware for Surface - Microsoft Support
Update Surface devices and Windows. Download the latest drivers and firmware updates to keep your Surface devices performing their best.
Des problèmes pour installer les mises à jour de Surface
Si l’installation des mises à jour échoue, si vous obtenez un message d’erreur ou si votre Surface se bloque lors de l’installation d’une mise à jour, essayez ces solutions. Exécution de l'utilitaire de résolution des problèmes de Windows Update. Vérification de vos paramètres de date et d'heure. Charge de la batterie.
Surface update history - Microsoft Support
Surface devices get updates through Windows Update. Find out what's included in each update and how to manually update your Surface. Select your device from the following list to see its update history. If you don't know your Surface model, find out which Surface model you have.
Surface Laptop 5 (historique des mises à jour) - Support Microsoft
Si des mises à jour sont disponibles, sélectionnez la touche Rechercher les mises à jour pour ouvrir Windows Update et installer les mises à jour disponibles. Si vous n'avez pas installé l'application Surface, vous pouvez la télécharger à partir du Microsoft Store.
Surface Laptop (7th Edition) update history - Microsoft Support
How to get updates. Surface updates are released in stages—not every Surface will receive updates at the same time, but they'll be delivered to all devices. If you haven’t previously received updates, you can manually update by following the steps at Download drivers and firmware for Surface.
Trouble installing Surface updates? - Microsoft Support
Windows 11 Windows 10. If updates won't install, you get an error message, or your Surface freezes while its updating, here are a few things to try. Run the Windows Update troubleshooter. Check your date and time settings. Charge your battery. Restart your Surface. Install Surface updates manually.
Surface Laptop 4 update history - Microsoft Support
How to get updates. Surface updates are released in stages—not every Surface will receive updates at the same time, but they'll be delivered to all devices. If you haven’t previously received updates, you can manually update by following the steps at Download drivers and firmware for Surface .
Surface Pro 7 update history - Microsoft Support
If you haven’t previously received updates, you can manually update by following the steps at Download drivers and firmware for Surface. You can quickly check the health of your Surface drivers and firmware using the Surface app.
Update for the Surface Pro – Surface UEFI – Firmware
How to get this update. Windows Update. This update will be downloaded and installed automatically. It will be listed in the Windows Update history as follows: Surface – Firmware – 233.2110.770.0. Prerequisites. There are no prerequisites for installing this update. Restart information.