Troubleshoot the error: Event Message Not Found
This article helps you troubleshoot the error in Event Viewer: Event Message Not Found.
Original product version: Windows
Original KB number: 166902
The following error message may appear for events in Event Viewer:
The description for Event ID ( <####> ) in Source (<application name>) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s): <the text of the message logged by ReportEvent>.
Listed below are the possible causes and more information on how to resolve the problem. The cause may be one or more of the following ones:
Make sure the source name in the registry matches what's passed to RegisterEventSource
. This function will succeed even if the source isn't found in the registry. The source name in the registry should be in a sub key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog
Typically an application source is listed under the application sub key.
In the registry value named EventMessageFile
found at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\sourcename
, verify that the path to the .dll or .exe file is correct and the name of the .dll or .exe file is correct. In this case, the Event Viewer application fails to load the source of the message resources. Also, if you use %SystemRoot%
or some other macro, you must use the REG_EXPAND_SZ registry value type. Otherwise, the macro doesn't get expanded.
In the registry value named EventMessageFile
found at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\sourcename
, verify that the path to the .dll or .exe file is the one that contains the expected message resources. Be careful of listing an EventMessageFile
without a path and having multiple files with the same name. Event Viewer follows the rules to find the message source by using the search algorithm documented in the comments for the LoadLibrary API.
A version of the Logging sample failed to include the .rc file as part of the build in the makefile. As a result, the DLL is built, but no message resources are included in the build. Some developers have tried to include the .bin file, which is output from the message compiler, as the resource. It doesn't properly bind the resource to the DLL. You must use the .rc file that's output from the message compiler, because it marks the resource with an ID of 1 and type 11 (RT_MESSAGETABLE
). It's required for Event Viewer to find the message resources.
If you're using Visual C++ to build the EventMessageFile
DLL, you must add the .rc file that is output from the message compiler as a source file of the Visual C++ project. It will tell Visual C++ to compile the .rc file and then link the resources to the DLL.
Many think that the literal ID number found in the .mc
file is the correct ID. It isn't so, because the message compiler bitwise ORs the ID number into the LOWORD
and bitwise ORs the severity and facility bits into the HIWORD
. An application should always use the symbolic name in the header file that is output from the message compiler.
Verify the MessageIdTypedef=
statement in the .mc
file. Some example .mc
files show how to define the MessageIDTypedef
for Category IDs. However, it causes Event IDs to loose the HIWORD
. To correct this issue, define MessageIdTypedef=
only once, and set it to DWORD
Also be sure that the MC -c
command line is consistently used for the message resources and header file. The -c
switch turns on a bit in the HIWORD
of the message ID.
Event Viewer caches the DLLs it loads for event sources. If you have changed the registry to give a proper directory or source name after the event viewer has been started, you need to restart Event Viewer.