Šiame straipsnyje aprašomas naujinimas pakeitė naujesnė naujinimo. Rekomenduojame įdiegti naujausią kaupiamąjį saugos naujinimą, "Internet Explorer". Jei norite įdiegti naujausią naujinimą, rasite apsilankę šioje "Microsoft" svetainėje:
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.comDaugiau techninės informacijos apie naujausią kaupiamąjį saugos naujinimą, "Internet Explorer", rasite apsilankę šioje "Microsoft" svetainėje:
Šis saugos naujinimas išsprendžia kelias apie pažeidžiamumas Internet Explorer. Iš šių pažeidžiamumas gali sudaryti nuotolinio kodo vykdymo sąlygas, jei vartotojo peržiūros specialiai sukurtas tinklalapis "Internet Explorer". Šis saugos naujinimas padeda apsaugoti nuo yra puola "Internet Explorer".su sauga nesusijusių pataisų "Internet Explorer". Patikrinkite, kad naujinimas žinomos problemos ir informacija apie visuotinį diegimą.
Be to, šį saugos naujinimą yra keliosNaujinimo informacija
Kaip gauti šį naujinimą
"Microsoft update"
Naudokite "Windows" automatinio naujinimo funkciją ir įdiegti naujinimą iš "Microsoft Update". Norėdami tai padaryti, žr. norite gauti Microsoft Safety ir saugos centro svetainėje.
Microsoft Atsisiuntimo centras
Norėdami atsisiųsti saugos naujinimus, matyti atsisiuntimo nuorodos į "Microsoft" saugos biuletenis MS14-065.
Pagalba diegiant naujinimus:"Microsoft Update" palaikymas Saugos sprendimai IT profesionalams:TechNet saugos trikčių šalinimas ir palaikymas Padėkite apsaugoti „Windows“ kompiuterį nuo virusų ir kenkėjiškų programų: apsaugos nuo virusų sprendimų ir saugos centras Vietos palaikymas pagal jūsų šalyje:Tarptautinis palaikymas
Ne saugos pataisų, įtrauktų į šį saugos naujinimąBendrojo naudojimo leidimo (GDR) sprendimai
Atskirų naujinimų gali būti neįdiegta, priklausomai nuo jūsų "Windows" versiją ir susijusio programos versiją. Peržiūrint atskirų straipsnių nustatyti naujinimo būseną.
Žinių bazės straipsnis |
Pavadinimas |
Kai kurių svetainių HTTPS nerodomos Internet Explorer 9 "arba" Internet Explorer 10 |
Naujinimas įtraukia skyrių režimas įmonės režimu tinklalapyje sąrašus Internet Explorer 11 |
"Ketinate peržiūrėti puslapius saugiu ryšiu" įspėjimas nerodomas kaip tikėtasi, Internet Explorer 11 |
Jūs negalite naudoti dešinės pusės pelės mygtuką vilkite tinklalapio vaizdai "Internet Explorer 11 ir" Internet Explorer 10 |
Azijos kalbų simbolių nenaudokite stiliaus atributus span Tag tinklalapį Internet Explorer 11 |
SVG eilutės žymekliai gali išnykti, kai SVG turinys atnaujinamas per scenarijaus kodo Internet Explorer 11 |
SessionStorage yra bendrai naudojamas netinkamai ir Internet Explorer 11 tampa lėtai, kai sukuriate WebBrowser valdikliai |
Mėgstamos tinklalapiai rodomi kai Internet Explorer 11 arba Internet Explorer 10 neprijungtas prie interneto |
Atnaujinti blokai pasenusios "ActiveX" valdiklių "Internet Explorer 9" |
JavaScript Windows Store programos gali sugesti, kai baigiama asinchroninė operacija rodiniu elemente |
Ieškos paslaugų teikėją neatnaujinamas, kaip tikėtasi, Internet Explorer 11 |
SessionStorage yra bendrai naudojamas netinkamai ir Internet Explorer 11 tampa lėtai, kai sukuriate WebBrowser valdikliai |
Atnaujinti palaikyti AppCache tinklapio rodinį Windows 8.1 klasės |
Žinomos problemosKai įdiegiate šį saugos naujinimą, "Internet Explorer" gali sugesti, kai naudojate Patobulintas mažinimas patirtis įrankių rinkinys (EMET) 5.0. Ši problema turi įtakos Internet Explorer 11 Windows 7 "ir" Windows 8.1 sistemas. Norėdami išspręsti šią problemą, įdiekite EMET 5.1 arba laikinai išjunkite Elk + mažinimas Internet Explorer 11.
Daugiau informacijos
Windows Server 2003
Šioje lentelėje pateikiami šios programinės įrangos saugos naujinimo informacija.
Failo informacija |
Internet Explorer 6, skirti visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3003057-x86-ENU.exe |
Internet Explorer 6, skirti visoms palaikomoms x64 64 leidimai Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3003057-x64-ENU.exe |
Internet Explorer 6, skirti visoms palaikomoms "Itanium" pagrindo versijos Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3003057-ia64-ENU.exe |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų 32 bitų Windows Server 2003: IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB3003057-x86-ENU.exe |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų x64 64 leidimai Windows Server 2003: IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB3003057-x64-ENU.exe |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų "Itanium" pagrindo versijos Windows Server 2003: IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB3003057-ia64-ENU.exe |
Internet Explorer 8, skirti visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų Windows Server 2003: IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB3003057-x86-ENU.exe |
Internet Explorer 8, skirti visoms palaikomoms x64 64 leidimai Windows Server 2003: IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB3003057-x64-ENU.exe |
Štai jie: |
Naujinimo žurnalo failas |
Internet Explorer 6, skirti visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų versijos, x64 64 leidimai ir Windows Server 2003 "Itanium" pagrindo versijos: KB3003057.log |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų 32 bitų, x64 64 leidimai ir Windows Server 2003 "Itanium" pagrindo versijos: KB3003057-IE7.log |
Internet Explorer 8, skirti visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų versijos ir Windows Server 2003 versijos x64 pagrindu: KB3003057-IE8.log |
Reikalavimas paleisti iš naujo |
Po to, kai įdiegiate šį saugos naujinimą, turite iš naujo paleisti sistemą. |
Pašalinimo informacija |
Internet Explorer 6, skirti visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų versijos, x64 64 leidimai ir Windows Server 2003 "Itanium" pagrindo versijos: Naudokite valdymo skydo arba paslaugų programa Spuninst.exe yra aplanke %Windir%\$NTUninstallKB3003057$\Spuninst elemente pridėti arba šalinti programas |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų 32 bitų, x64 64 leidimai ir Windows Server 2003 "Itanium" pagrindo versijos: Naudokite valdymo skydo arba paslaugų programa Spuninst.exe yra aplanke %Windir%\ie7updates\KB3003057-IE7\spuninst elemente pridėti arba šalinti programas |
Internet Explorer 8, skirti visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų versijos ir Windows Server 2003 versijos x64 pagrindu: Naudokite valdymo skydo arba paslaugų programa Spuninst.exe yra aplanke %Windir%\ie8updates\KB3003057-IE8\spuninst elemente pridėti arba šalinti programas |
Failo informacija |
Skyriuje failo informacija. |
Registro rakto tikrinimas |
Internet Explorer 6, skirti visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų versijos, x64 64 leidimai ir Windows Server 2003 "Itanium" pagrindo versijos: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows serverio 2003\SP3\KB3003057\Filelist |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų 32 bitų, x64 64 leidimai ir Windows Server 2003 "Itanium" pagrindo versijos: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows serverio 2003\SP0\KB3003057-IE7\Filelist |
Internet Explorer 8, skirti visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų versijos ir Windows Server 2003 versijos x64 pagrindu: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows serverio 2003\SP0\KB3003057-IE8\Filelist |
„Windows Vista“.
Šioje lentelėje pateikiami šios programinės įrangos saugos naujinimo informacija.
Failo informacija |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų 32 bitų "Windows Vista": Windows6.0-KB3003057-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų x64 pagrindo versijos "Windows Vista": Windows6.0-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Internet Explorer 8 visų palaikomų 32 bitų "Windows Vista": IE8-Windows6.0-KB3003057-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 8 visų palaikomų x64 pagrindo versijos "Windows Vista": IE8-Windows6.0-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Internet Explorer 9, skirti visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų "Windows Vista": IE9-Windows6.0-KB3003057-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 9 visos palaikomos x64 pagrindu sukurtoms "Windows Vista": IE9-Windows6.0-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Štai jie: |
Reikalavimas paleisti iš naujo |
Po to, kai įdiegiate šį saugos naujinimą, turite iš naujo paleisti sistemą. |
Pašalinimo informacija |
WUSA.exe nepalaiko pašalinti naujinimų. Norėdami pašalinti WUSA įdiegti naujinimą, spustelėkite Valdymo skydas, ir spustelėkite Sauga. "Windows" naujinimą, spustelėkite Peržiūrėti įdiegtus naujinimusir pasirinkite naujinimų sąrašą. |
Failo informacija |
Skyriuje failo informacija. |
Registro rakto tikrinimas |
Pastaba. Norėdami patikrinti, ar yra Šis naujinimas nėra registro raktą. |
Windows Server 2008
Šioje lentelėje pateikiami šios programinės įrangos saugos naujinimo informacija.
Failo informacija |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų 32 bitų Windows Server 2008: Windows6.0-KB3003057-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų x64 pagrindo versijos "Windows Server 2008": Windows6.0-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų "Itanium" pagrindo versijos "Windows Server 2008": Windows6.0-KB3003057-ia64.msu |
Internet Explorer 8 visų palaikomų 32 bitų Windows Server 2008: IE8-Windows6.0-KB3003057-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 8 visų palaikomų x64 pagrindo versijos "Windows Server 2008": IE8-Windows6.0-KB3003057-x64.msu |
"Internet Explorer 9" visų palaikomų 32 bitų Windows Server 2008: IE9-Windows6.0-KB3003057-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 9 visos palaikomos x64 64 "Windows Server 2008": IE9-Windows6.0-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Štai jie: |
Reikalavimas paleisti iš naujo |
Po to, kai įdiegiate šį saugos naujinimą, turite iš naujo paleisti sistemą. |
Pašalinimo informacija |
WUSA.exe nepalaiko pašalinti naujinimų. Norėdami pašalinti WUSA įdiegti naujinimą, spustelėkite Valdymo skydas, ir spustelėkite Sauga. "Windows" naujinimą, spustelėkite Peržiūrėti įdiegtus naujinimusir pasirinkite naujinimų sąrašą. |
Failo informacija |
Skyriuje failo informacija. |
Registro rakto tikrinimas |
Pastaba. Norėdami patikrinti, ar yra Šis naujinimas nėra registro raktą. |
„Windows 7“
Šioje lentelėje pateikiami šios programinės įrangos saugos naujinimo informacija.
Saugos naujinimo failo pavadinimas |
Internet Explorer 8 visų palaikomų 32 bitų "Windows 7": Windows6.1-KB3003057-v2-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 8 visų palaikomų x64 pagrindo versijos "Windows 7": Windows6.1-KB3003057-v2-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 9, skirti visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų "Windows 7": IE9-Windows6.1-KB3003057-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 9 visos palaikomos x64 64 "Windows 7": IE9-Windows6.1-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Internet Explorer 10, skirta "Windows 7" 32 bitų sistemos pakeitimų paketo 1: IE10-Windows6.1-KB3003057-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 10 "Windows 7" x64 sistemoms paslaugos 1 pakeitimų paketas: IE10-Windows6.1-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Internet Explorer 11 "Windows 7" 32 bitų sistemos pakeitimų paketo 1: IE11-Windows6.1-KB3003057-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 11 "Windows 7" x64 sistemoms pakeitimų paketo 1: IE11-Windows6.1-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Štai jie: |
Reikalavimas paleisti iš naujo |
Po to, kai įdiegiate šį saugos naujinimą, turite iš naujo paleisti sistemą. |
Pašalinimo informacija |
Norėdami pašalinti WUSA įdiegti naujinimą, naudokite/pašalinti sąrankos raktą, arba spustelėkite Valdymo skydas, spustelėkite sistema ir sauga, tada Windows naujinimą, spustelėkite Peržiūrėti įdiegtus naujinimusir naujinimų sąraše pasirinkite. |
Failo informacija |
Skyriuje failo informacija. |
Registro rakto tikrinimas |
Pastaba. Norėdami patikrinti, ar yra Šis naujinimas nėra registro raktą. |
Windows Server 2008 R2
Šioje lentelėje pateikiami šios programinės įrangos saugos naujinimo informacija.
Saugos naujinimo failo pavadinimas |
Internet Explorer 8 visų palaikomų x64 pagrindo versijos "Windows Server 2008 R2": Windows6.1-KB3003057-v2-x64.msu |
Internet Explorer 8 visų palaikomų "Itanium" pagrindo versijos "Windows Server 2008 R2": Windows6.1-KB3003057-v2-ia64.msu |
Internet Explorer 9 visos palaikomos x64 64 "Windows Server 2008 R2": IE9-Windows6.1-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Internet Explorer 10, skirta Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64 sistemoms pakeitimų paketo 1: IE10-Windows6.1-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Internet Explorer 11 Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 sistemoms paslaugos 1 pakeitimų paketas: IE11-Windows6.1-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Štai jie: |
Reikalavimas paleisti iš naujo |
Po to, kai įdiegiate šį saugos naujinimą, turite iš naujo paleisti sistemą. |
Pašalinimo informacija |
Norėdami pašalinti WUSA įdiegti naujinimą, naudokite/pašalinti sąrankos raktą, arba spustelėkite Valdymo skydas, spustelėkite sistema ir sauga, tada Windows naujinimą, spustelėkite Peržiūrėti įdiegtus naujinimusir naujinimų sąraše pasirinkite. |
Failo informacija |
Skyriuje failo informacija. |
Registro rakto tikrinimas |
Pastaba. Norėdami patikrinti, ar yra Šis naujinimas nėra registro raktą. |
"Windows 8" ir "Windows 8.1"
Šioje lentelėje pateikiami šios programinės įrangos saugos naujinimo informacija.
Saugos naujinimo failo pavadinimas |
Internet Explorer 10 visų palaikomų 32 bitų Windows 8: Windows8-RT-KB3003057-v2-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 10 visus palaikomos x64 leidimai Windows 8: Windows8-RT-KB3003057-v2-x64.msu |
Internet Explorer 11 visus palaikomos 32 bitų Windows 8.1: Windows8.1-KB3003057-x86.msu |
Internet Explorer 11 visus palaikomos x64 leidimai Windows 8.1: Windows8.1-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Štai jie: |
Reikalavimas paleisti iš naujo |
Po to, kai įdiegiate šį saugos naujinimą, turite iš naujo paleisti sistemą. |
Pašalinimo informacija |
Norėdami pašalinti WUSA įdiegti naujinimą, naudokite sąrankos raktą , arba spustelėkite Valdymo skydas, spustelėkite sistema ir sauga, spustelėkite "Windows" naujinimo, ir tada dalyje taip pat žr., spustelėkite įdiegti naujinimusir. naujinimų sąraše pasirinkite |
Failo informacija |
Skyriuje failo informacija. |
Registro rakto tikrinimas |
Pastaba. Norėdami patikrinti, ar yra Šis naujinimas nėra registro raktą. |
Windows Server 2012 ir "Windows Server 2012 R2"
Šioje lentelėje pateikiami šios programinės įrangos saugos naujinimo informacija.
Saugos naujinimo failo pavadinimas |
Internet Explorer 10 visų palaikomų versijose "Windows Server 2012": Windows8-RT-KB3003057-v2-x64.msu |
Internet Explorer 11 visus palaikomos versijose "Windows Server 2012 R2": Windows8.1-KB3003057-x64.msu |
Štai jie: |
Reikalavimas paleisti iš naujo |
Taip, jūs turite iš naujo paleisti savo sistemą po to, kai įdiegiate šį saugos naujinimą. |
Pašalinimo informacija |
Norėdami pašalinti WUSA įdiegti naujinimą, naudokite sąrankos raktą , arba spustelėkite Valdymo skydas, spustelėkite sistema ir sauga, spustelėkite "Windows" naujinimo, ir tada dalyje taip pat žr., spustelėkite įdiegti naujinimusir naujinimų sąraše pasirinkite. |
Failo informacija |
Skyriuje failo informacija. |
Registro rakto tikrinimas |
Pastaba. Norėdami patikrinti, ar yra Šis naujinimas nėra registro raktą. |
"Windows RT" ir "Windows RT 8.1"
Šioje lentelėje pateikiami šios programinės įrangos saugos naujinimo informacija.
Visuotinis diegimas |
Šį naujinimą galima atsisiųsti naudojant "Windows" naujinimą. |
Reikalavimas paleisti iš naujo |
Po to, kai įdiegiate šį saugos naujinimą, turite iš naujo paleisti sistemą. |
Pašalinimo informacija |
Spustelėkite Valdymo skydas, spustelėkite sistema ir sauga, spustelėkite "Windows" naujinimą, ir tada dalyje taip pat žr., spustelėkite įdiegti naujinimusir naujinimų sąraše pasirinkite. |
Failo informacija |
Netaikoma |
Šios programinės įrangos naujinimo versija anglų kalba (JAV) įdiegia failus, kurie turi šiose lentelėse nurodytus atributus. Datos ir laiko informacija pateikta pagal universalųjį laiką (UTC). Turėkite omenyje, kad datos ir laikai jūsų vietiniame kompiuteryje rodomi vietiniu laiku ir su į galimą vasaros laiko pataisą. Datos ir laikai gali pasikeisti, kai atliekate tam tikras operacijas su failais.
Windows XP ir Windows Server 2003 failų informacija
Failai, kurie yra susiję su tam tikromis gairėmis (SPn) ir paslaugų šaka (QFE, GDR), yra pažymėti "SP reikalavimai" ir "Paslaugų šaka" stulpelius.
GDR paslaugų šakose yra tik tos pataisos, kurios yra plačiai adresas paplitusioms kritinėms problemoms spręsti. QFE paslaugų šakose yra plačiai išleista karštųjų pataisų.
Šalia šiose lentelėse išvardytų failų Šis programinės įrangos naujinimas taip pat įdiegia susijusio saugos katalogo failą (KBnumerį.cat) pasirašyta Microsoft skaitmeniniu parašu.
Internet Explorer 6
Internet Explorer 6 visų palaikomų 32 bitų Windows Server 2003
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
SP reikalavimas |
Paslaugų šaka |
Spuninst.exe | |
221,488 |
16-May-2014 |
03:14 |
x86 |
Nerasta |
Netaikoma |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,033,728 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5458 |
357,376 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Dxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5458 |
205,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:23 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
82,432 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
253,952 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
3,169,280 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
454,656 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
532,992 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Pngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5458 |
42,496 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,520,128 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Tdc.ocx | |
64,512 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Url.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
37,888 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
713,216 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
854,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
W03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5458 |
46,080 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:13 |
x86 |
SP |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
672,256 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:00 |
x86 |
SP |
Internet Explorer 6 visų palaikomų "Itanium" pagrindo versijos Windows Server 2003
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
SP reikalavimas |
Paslaugų šaka |
Spuninst.exe | |
501,552 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:17 |
IA-64 |
Nerasta |
Netaikoma |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
2,543,104 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5458 |
1,005,568 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Dxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5458 |
637,440 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
997,888 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
154,112 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
717,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
9,486,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,532,416 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,842,688 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Pngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5458 |
116,736 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
3,700,224 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Tdc.ocx | |
205,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Url.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
50,688 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,639,424 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
2,425,344 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
W03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5458 |
45,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,708,032 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Wbrowseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,033,728 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5458 |
357,376 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wdxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5458 |
205,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Whtml.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Wieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
82,432 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wiepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
253,952 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
3,169,280 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
454,656 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
532,992 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wpngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5458 |
42,496 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wshdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,520,128 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wtdc.ocx | |
64,512 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wurl.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
37,888 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wurlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
713,216 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wvgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
854,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Ww03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5458 |
46,080 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wwininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
672,256 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Internet Explorer 6 visų palaikomų x64 "Windows Server 2003" versijoms
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
SP reikalavimas |
Paslaugų šaka |
Spuninst.exe | |
293,168 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:17 |
x64 |
Nerasta |
Netaikoma |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,605,120 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5458 |
559,616 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Dxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5458 |
330,240 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
566,784 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
96,256 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
370,176 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
6,089,728 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
929,792 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
898,560 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Pngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5458 |
64 000 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
2,460,672 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Tdc.ocx | |
94,208 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Url.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
40,960 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,107,456 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,428,480 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
W03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5458 |
46,592 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,196,544 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x64 |
SP |
Wbrowseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,033,728 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5458 |
357,376 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wdxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5458 |
205,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Whtml.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Wieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
82,432 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wiepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
253,952 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
3,169,280 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
454,656 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
532,992 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wpngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5458 |
42,496 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wshdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
1,520,128 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wtdc.ocx | |
64,512 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wurl.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
37,888 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wurlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
713,216 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wvgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
854,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Ww03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5458 |
46,080 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
Wwininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5458 |
672,256 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:14 |
x86 |
SP |
„Internet Explorer 7“
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų 32 bitų Windows Server 2003
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
SP reikalavimas |
Paslaugų šaka |
Spuninst.exe | |
221,488 |
08-Jul-2010 |
14:23 |
x86 |
Nerasta |
Netaikoma |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
124,928 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
347,136 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
214,528 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
132,608 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
25-Oct-2014 |
05:30 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
63,488 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
70,656 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:33 |
x86 |
SP |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
153,088 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
230,400 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
161,792 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:33 |
x86 |
SP |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
11-Jun-2014 |
20:36 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21415 |
388,608 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
6,109,696 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
11-Jun-2014 |
20:36 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
193,024 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
44,544 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
268,288 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
13,824 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:33 |
x86 |
SP |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
643,280 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:33 |
x86 |
SP |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,830,912 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
28,160 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
496,128 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
52,224 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
3,638,272 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
481,280 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
193,024 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
671,232 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
102,912 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
44,544 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
106,496 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,172,992 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
766,976 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
233,472 |
28-Oct-2014 |
01:44 |
x86 |
SP |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
841,216 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
"Internet Explorer 7" visoms palaikomoms "Itanium" Windows Server 2003
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
SP reikalavimas |
Paslaugų šaka |
Spuninst.exe | |
501,552 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:57 |
IA-64 |
Nerasta |
Netaikoma |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
283,136 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
49,152 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
984,576 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
645,632 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
328,192 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
965,632 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
179,712 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
135,680 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
385,536 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
503,808 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
161,792 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
1,074,688 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21415 |
764,416 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
147,456 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
11,785,216 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
980,992 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
460,800 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
99,840 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
556,544 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
30,720 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
795,344 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21415 |
2,440,192 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
82,944 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,045,504 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
144,384 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
10,169,856 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,534,976 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
492,032 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
2,233,856 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
275,968 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
122,368 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
130,048 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
2,600,960 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
2,191,360 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
653,824 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,941,504 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
IA-64 |
SP |
Wadvpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
124,928 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wcorpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
347,136 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wdxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
214,528 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wextmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
132,608 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Whtml.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Wicardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
63,488 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
70,656 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
153,088 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
230,400 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
161,792 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Wieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wiedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21415 |
388,608 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
6,109,696 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Wiepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
193,024 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wiernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
44,544 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wiertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
268,288 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
13,824 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wiexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
643,280 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Winetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,830,912 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Wjsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
28,160 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmsfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
496,128 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmsfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
52,224 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
3,638,272 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
481,280 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmsrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
193,024 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
671,232 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Woccache.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
102,912 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wpngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
44,544 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wurl.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
106,496 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wurlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,172,992 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wvgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
766,976 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wwebcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
233,472 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wwininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
841,216 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
"Internet Explorer 7" Visos palaikomos x64 "Windows Server 2003" versijoms
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
SP reikalavimas |
Paslaugų šaka |
Spuninst.exe | |
293,168 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:57 |
x64 |
Nerasta |
Netaikoma |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
161,280 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
22,016 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
508,416 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
314,368 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
207,360 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
485,376 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
85,504 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
84,992 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
195,584 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
267,776 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
161,792 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
422,400 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21415 |
480,256 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
86,528 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
7,118,848 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
983,552 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
250,368 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
57,344 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
371,712 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
13,824 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
720,080 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21415 |
2,077,184 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
32,768 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
623,104 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
82,432 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
5,753,856 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
764,416 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
242,688 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,129,984 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
164,864 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
64 000 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
108,544 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,441,280 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,104,896 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
295,936 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,052,160 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x64 |
SP |
Wadvpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
124,928 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wcorpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
347,136 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wdxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
214,528 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wextmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
132,608 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Whtml.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Wicardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
63,488 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
70,656 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
153,088 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
230,400 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
161,792 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Wieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wiedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21415 |
388,608 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
6,109,696 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Wiepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
193,024 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wiernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
44,544 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wiertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
268,288 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
13,824 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wiexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21415 |
643,280 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Winetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,830,912 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
Netaikoma |
SP |
Wjsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
28,160 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmsfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
496,128 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmsfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
52,224 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
3,638,272 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
481,280 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmsrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
193,024 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wmstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
671,232 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Woccache.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
102,912 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wpngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
44,544 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wurl.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
106,496 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wurlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
1,172,992 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wvgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
766,976 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wwebcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
233,472 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
Wwininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21415 |
841,216 |
28-Oct-2014 |
02:51 |
x86 |
SP |
"Internet Explorer 8"
"Internet Explorer 8" visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų Windows Server 2003
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
SP reikalavimas |
Paslaugų šaka |
Spuninst.exe | |
221,488 |
16-May-2014 |
03:14 |
x86 |
Nerasta |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23636 |
19,456 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23636 |
385,024 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:21 |
Netaikoma |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23636 |
174,592 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23636 |
387,584 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
743,424 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
11,084,800 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
184,320 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
247,808 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
2,006,528 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23636 |
1,469,440 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
Netaikoma |
SP2 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
522,240 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
25,600 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
43,520 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
630,272 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
55,296 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
6,006,784 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
67,072 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
630,784 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
206,848 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
105,984 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
1,217,536 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
759,296 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
920,064 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Xpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
12800 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
"Internet Explorer 8" Visos palaikomos x64 "Windows Server 2003" versijoms
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
SP reikalavimas |
Paslaugų šaka |
Spuninst.exe | |
293,168 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:52 |
x64 |
Nerasta |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23636 |
23,040 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23636 |
479,232 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
Netaikoma |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23636 |
70,656 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23636 |
459,776 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
1,019,904 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
12,475,904 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
252,928 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
718,848 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
2,359,808 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23636 |
1,538,560 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
Netaikoma |
SP2 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
502,272 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
31,744 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
56,832 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
742,912 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
71,680 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
9,332,224 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
97,792 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
1,068,544 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
243,712 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
108,032 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
1,495,552 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
1,028,096 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
1,151,488 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Xpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
13,824 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wcorpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23636 |
19,456 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2018.0.0.23636 |
385,024 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
Netaikoma |
SP2 |
Wie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23636 |
174,592 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23636 |
387,584 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
743,424 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
11,084,800 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
184,320 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
247,808 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
2,006,528 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Winetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23636 |
1,469,440 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
Netaikoma |
SP2 |
Wjsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
522,240 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wjsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
25,600 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wlicmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
43,520 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
630,272 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
55,296 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
6,006,784 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
67,072 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
630,784 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Woccache.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
206,848 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
105,984 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
1,217,536 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
759,296 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
920,064 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wxpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23636 |
12800 |
02-Nov-2014 |
21:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
"Windows Vista" ir "Windows Server 2008" failų informacija
Failai, susiję su tam tikru produktu, gaire (SPn), ir paslaugų šaka (LDR, GDR), gali būti identifikuojami patikrinus failų versijos numerius, rodomus šioje lentelėje:
Paslaugų šaka
6.0.6002. 18 XXX
"Windows Vista" SP2 ir "Windows Server 2008" SP2
6.0.6002. 23 XXX
"Windows Vista" SP2 ir "Windows Server 2008" SP2
GDR paslaugų šakos turi tik tas pataisas, kurios yra skirtos plačiai paplitusioms kritinėms problemoms spręsti. Be bendrai pasiekiamų pataisų, dar yra LDR paslaugų šakoms skirtų karštųjų pataisų.
Pastaba. Kad MANIFEST failai (.manifest) ir MUM failai (.mum), kurie įdiegti nėra pateikti.
„Internet Explorer 7“
Internet Explorer 7 visų palaikomų 32 bitų "Windows Vista" ir "Windows Server 2008" versijoms
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,177,600 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,178,624 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
671,744 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:00 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
671,744 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,827,328 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,827,328 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
19,968 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
19,968 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
28,160 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
834,048 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
28,160 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
842,240 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
07-May-2014 |
23:40 |
Netaikoma |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
07-May-2014 |
23:40 |
Netaikoma |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
193,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
193,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
347,136 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
214,528 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
347,136 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
214,528 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
498,688 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
07-May-2014 |
23:44 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
498,688 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
07-May-2014 |
23:43 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.19212 |
389,632 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:27 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23517 |
390,144 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:34 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
480,768 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
480,768 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
3,637,248 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,383,424 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:21 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
3,638,272 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,383,424 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:27 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
273408 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.19212 |
129,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:00 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
273408 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23517 |
129,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
766,976 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
766,976 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
106,496 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
106,496 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.19212 |
53,760 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23517 |
53,760 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
6,119,936 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
180,736 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
6,121,472 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
180,736 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.19212 |
282,112 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:21 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.23517 |
282,112 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:28 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.19212 |
304,128 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:21 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23517 |
304,128 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:28 |
x86 |
"Internet Explorer 7" Visos palaikomos "Itanium" pagrindo versijos "Windows Server 2008"
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
2,615,296 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:19 |
IA-64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
2,616,320 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:04 |
IA-64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
2,234,368 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
2,234,368 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:03 |
IA-64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6002.19212 |
2,441,728 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6002.23517 |
2,441,728 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
62,976 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:17 |
IA-64 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
62,976 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
82,432 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,924,608 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:19 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
181,760 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:19 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
82,432 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,941,504 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:04 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
181,760 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:04 |
IA-64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
07-May-2014 |
23:40 |
Netaikoma |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
1,074,688 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
07-May-2014 |
23:40 |
Netaikoma |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
1,074,688 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
IA-64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
460,800 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
461,312 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
IA-64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
984,576 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:17 |
IA-64 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
645,632 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:17 |
IA-64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
984,576 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
IA-64 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
645,632 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,045,504 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
07-May-2014 |
23:42 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,045,504 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:03 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
07-May-2014 |
23:43 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.19212 |
965,632 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:41 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23517 |
965,632 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:40 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,535,488 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,536,000 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:03 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
10,172,928 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,383,424 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:30 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
10,174,464 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:03 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,383,424 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:27 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
567,808 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.19212 |
409,088 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:19 |
IA-64 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
567,808 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23517 |
409,088 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:04 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
2,192,896 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:19 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
2,192,896 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:04 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
130,048 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:19 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
130,048 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:04 |
IA-64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.19212 |
210,432 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23517 |
210,432 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
11,793,408 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
532,992 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:18 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
11,797,504 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
IA-64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
532,992 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:02 |
IA-64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.19212 |
377,856 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:31 |
IA-64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.23517 |
377,856 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:28 |
IA-64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.19212 |
476,672 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:31 |
IA-64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23517 |
476,672 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:28 |
IA-64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,177,600 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,178,624 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
671,744 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:00 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
671,744 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,827,328 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,827,328 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
19,968 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
19,968 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
28,160 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
834,048 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
28,160 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
842,240 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
07-May-2014 |
23:40 |
Netaikoma |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
07-May-2014 |
23:40 |
Netaikoma |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
193,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
193,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
347,136 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
214,528 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
347,136 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
214,528 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
498,688 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
07-May-2014 |
23:44 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
498,688 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
07-May-2014 |
23:43 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.19212 |
389,632 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:27 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23517 |
390,144 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:34 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
480,768 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
480,768 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
3,637,248 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,383,424 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:21 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
3,638,272 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,383,424 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:27 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
273408 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.19212 |
129,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:00 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
273408 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23517 |
129,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
766,976 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
766,976 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
106,496 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
106,496 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.19212 |
53,760 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23517 |
53,760 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
6,119,936 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
180,736 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
6,121,472 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
180,736 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.19212 |
282,112 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:21 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.23517 |
282,112 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:28 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.19212 |
304,128 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:21 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23517 |
304,128 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:28 |
x86 |
"Internet Explorer 7" Visos palaikomos x64 pagrindo versijos "Windows Vista" ir "Windows Server 2008"
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,430,528 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:46 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,430,528 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:35 |
x64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,129,984 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:46 |
x64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,129,984 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:34 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6002.19212 |
2,079,232 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6002.23517 |
2,079,232 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
34,304 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
34,304 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
32,768 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,032,704 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:46 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:46 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
32,768 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,041,408 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:35 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:35 |
x64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
07-May-2014 |
23:40 |
Netaikoma |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
422,400 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
07-May-2014 |
23:40 |
Netaikoma |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
422,400 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
249,856 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
249,856 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
507,392 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
Netaikoma |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
310,784 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
507,392 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
Netaikoma |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
310,784 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
623,104 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
07-May-2014 |
23:45 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
623,104 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
07-May-2014 |
23:44 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.19212 |
485,376 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:52 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23517 |
485,888 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:05 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
764,416 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
764,416 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
5,753,344 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,383,424 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:40 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
5,750,784 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,383,424 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:51 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
379,392 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.19212 |
176,128 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:46 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
379,392 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23517 |
176,128 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:35 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,104,896 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:46 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,104,896 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:35 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
108,544 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:46 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
108,544 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:35 |
x64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.19212 |
146,944 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23517 |
146,944 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
7,053,312 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
224,768 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:45 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
7,054,848 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
224,768 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:33 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.19212 |
301,568 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:40 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.23517 |
301,568 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:51 |
x64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.19212 |
389,632 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:40 |
x64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23517 |
389,632 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:51 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,177,600 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,178,624 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
671,744 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:00 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
671,744 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,827,328 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,827,328 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
19,968 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
19,968 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
28,160 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
834,048 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
28,160 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
842,240 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
07-May-2014 |
23:40 |
Netaikoma |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
07-May-2014 |
23:40 |
Netaikoma |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
193,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
193,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
347,136 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
214,528 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
347,136 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
214,528 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
498,688 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
07-May-2014 |
23:44 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
498,688 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
07-May-2014 |
23:43 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.19212 |
389,632 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:27 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23517 |
390,144 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:34 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
480,768 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
480,768 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
3,637,248 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.19212 |
1,383,424 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:21 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
3,638,272 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23517 |
1,383,424 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:27 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
273408 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.19212 |
129,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:00 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
273408 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23517 |
129,024 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
766,976 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
766,976 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
106,496 |
25-Oct-2014 |
08:01 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
106,496 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:39 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.19212 |
53,760 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23517 |
53,760 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
6,119,936 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.19212 |
180,736 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:59 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
6,121,472 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23517 |
180,736 |
25-Oct-2014 |
07:38 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.19212 |
282,112 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:21 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.23517 |
282,112 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:28 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.19212 |
304,128 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:21 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23517 |
304,128 |
25-Oct-2014 |
06:28 |
x86 |
"Internet Explorer 8"
"Internet Explorer 8" visoms palaikomoms 32 bitų versijos "Windows Vista" ir "Windows Server 2008"
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Paslaugų šaka |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,214,976 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,217,536 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:48 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
630,784 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
630,784 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:44 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,469,440 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:02 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,469,440 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.19575 |
19,456 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:00 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23633 |
19,456 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:40 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
25,600 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
916,992 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
25,600 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
920,064 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.19575 |
387,584 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23633 |
387,584 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:41 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
184,320 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
184,320 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
43,520 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
43,520 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
743,424 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
743,424 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:41 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
630,272 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:25 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
630,272 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:43 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:16 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
55,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,938 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:25 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
13,312 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
55,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:43 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,938 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:16 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
13,312 |
09-Oct-2014 |
06:52 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.19575 |
385,024 |
09-Oct-2014 |
07:29 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23633 |
385,024 |
09-Oct-2014 |
08:51 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
67,072 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
67,072 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:43 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
6,003,712 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,638,912 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
6,005,248 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:43 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,638,912 |
09-Oct-2014 |
06:51 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
247,808 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
247,808 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
198,144 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
198,144 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
133,632 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:45 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
638,112 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:10 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:19 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:19 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:19 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:19 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
133,632 |
09-Oct-2014 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
638,112 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:51 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:10 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:10 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:10 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:10 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
522,240 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
522,240 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Desktop.ini |
Netaikoma |
65 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:16 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
206,848 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Desktop.ini |
Netaikoma |
65 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:07 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
206,848 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:46 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
2,006,016 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.19575 |
129,536 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:07 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
2,006,528 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.23633 |
129,536 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:48 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
174,080 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:44 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
55,808 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
71,680 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
174,592 |
09-Oct-2014 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
55,808 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
71,680 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
109,056 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
X86_MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-IE-SYSPREP_31BF3856AD364E35_8.0.6001.19575_NONE_FE347300CFFE257F |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
109,056 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
X86_MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-IE-SYSPREP_31BF3856AD364E35_8.0.6001.23633_NONE_FEE74EE7E8FD22D7 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
759,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
759,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:48 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
105,984 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:07 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
105,984 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:48 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
11,083,264 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
164,352 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
11,084,800 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
164,352 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
375,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:45 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
375,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
"Internet Explorer 8" Visos palaikomos x64 pagrindo versijos "Windows Vista" ir "Windows Server 2008"
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Paslaugų šaka |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,491,968 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:45 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,495,552 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:15 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,068,544 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:43 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,068,544 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:13 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,538,560 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,538,560 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.19575 |
23,040 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:39 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23633 |
23,040 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:11 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
31,744 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:42 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,147,904 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:46 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:46 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
31,744 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,151,488 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:16 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:16 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.19575 |
459,776 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23633 |
459,776 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
252,416 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
252,928 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
56,832 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:42 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
56,832 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,019,904 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,019,904 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
742,912 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:42 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:41 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
742,912 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:13 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
29-Jan-2013 |
22:12 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
71,680 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:42 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,938 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:41 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
12,288 |
09-Oct-2014 |
04:08 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
71,680 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:13 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,938 |
29-Jan-2013 |
22:12 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
12,288 |
09-Oct-2014 |
03:56 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.19575 |
479,232 |
09-Oct-2014 |
04:52 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23633 |
479,232 |
09-Oct-2014 |
04:38 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
97,792 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:42 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
97,792 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:13 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
9,330,176 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:42 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,638,912 |
09-Oct-2014 |
04:08 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
9,332,224 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:13 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,638,912 |
09-Oct-2014 |
03:55 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
718,848 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
718,848 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
301,056 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
301,056 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
162,816 |
09-Oct-2014 |
04:09 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
660,640 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:47 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:33 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:33 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:33 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:33 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
162,816 |
09-Oct-2014 |
03:56 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
660,648 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:18 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
29-Jan-2013 |
21:53 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
29-Jan-2013 |
21:53 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
29-Jan-2013 |
21:53 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
29-Jan-2013 |
21:53 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
502,272 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:42 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
502,272 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Desktop.ini |
Netaikoma |
65 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:30 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
243,712 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:44 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Desktop.ini |
Netaikoma |
65 |
29-Jan-2013 |
21:51 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
243,712 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:14 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
2,359,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.19575 |
165,888 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:45 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
2,359,808 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.23633 |
165,888 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:15 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
70,656 |
09-Oct-2014 |
04:08 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
72,192 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
77,312 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
70,656 |
09-Oct-2014 |
03:56 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
72,192 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
77,312 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
132,096 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
AMD64_MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-IE-SYSPREP_31BF3856AD364E35_8.0.6001.19575_NONE_5A530E84885B96B5 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
132,096 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
AMD64_MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-IE-SYSPREP_31BF3856AD364E35_8.0.6001.23633_NONE_5B05EA6BA15A940D |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,028,096 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:45 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,028,096 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:15 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
108,032 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:45 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
108,032 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:15 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
12,473,344 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
219,136 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
12,475,904 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
219,136 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:12 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
272,384 |
09-Oct-2014 |
04:09 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
272,384 |
09-Oct-2014 |
03:57 |
x64 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
133,632 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:45 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
638,112 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:10 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
133,632 |
09-Oct-2014 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
638,112 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:51 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
206,848 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
206,848 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:46 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,214,976 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,217,536 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:48 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
630,784 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
630,784 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:44 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,469,440 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:02 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,469,440 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.19575 |
19,456 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:00 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23633 |
19,456 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:40 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
25,600 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
916,992 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
25,600 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
920,064 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.19575 |
387,584 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23633 |
387,584 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:41 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
184,320 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
184,320 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
43,520 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
43,520 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
743,424 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
743,424 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:41 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
630,272 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:25 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
630,272 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:43 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,876 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:16 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
55,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,938 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:25 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
13,312 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
55,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:43 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,938 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:16 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
13,312 |
09-Oct-2014 |
06:52 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.19575 |
385,024 |
09-Oct-2014 |
07:29 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23633 |
385,024 |
09-Oct-2014 |
08:51 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
67,072 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
67,072 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:43 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
6,003,712 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.19575 |
1,638,912 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:41 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
6,005,248 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:43 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.23633 |
1,638,912 |
09-Oct-2014 |
06:51 |
Netaikoma |
Netaikoma |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
247,808 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
247,808 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
198,144 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
198,144 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
522,240 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
522,240 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
2,006,016 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.19575 |
129,536 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:07 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
2,006,528 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.23633 |
129,536 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:48 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
174,080 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:44 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
55,808 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
71,680 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
174,592 |
09-Oct-2014 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
55,808 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
71,680 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
109,056 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
X86_MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-IE-SYSPREP_31BF3856AD364E35_8.0.6001.19575_NONE_FE347300CFFE257F |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
109,056 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
X86_MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-IE-SYSPREP_31BF3856AD364E35_8.0.6001.23633_NONE_FEE74EE7E8FD22D7 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
759,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
759,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:48 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
105,984 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:07 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
105,984 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:48 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
11,083,264 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:01 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.19575 |
164,352 |
09-Oct-2014 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
11,084,800 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.23633 |
164,352 |
09-Oct-2014 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.19575 |
375,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
05:45 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.23633 |
375,296 |
09-Oct-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
Netaikoma |
"Internet Explorer 9"
Internet Explorer 9 visos palaikomos 32 bitų "Windows Vista" ir "Windows Server 2008" versijoms
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,139,712 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:59 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,139,712 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:32 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
757,968 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:20 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
757,976 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:51 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,427,968 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,427,968 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
65,536 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,129,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:59 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
75,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,130,496 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:32 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
678,912 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:59 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
678,912 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:32 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
353792 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
353792 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
607,744 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:25 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
607,744 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
41,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:25 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
10,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
41,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
10,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Mshta.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
11,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Mshta.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
11,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
73,216 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
73,216 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
12,366,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:10 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16592 |
2,382,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
12,367,360 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:44 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20708 |
2,382,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
Netaikoma |
Ielowutil.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ielowutil.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
195,072 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
195,072 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
194,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
194,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
22528 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
22528 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
142,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
142,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
387,584 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
387,584 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,802,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,712 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:20 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,802,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,720 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:51 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
768,512 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
768,512 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
231,936 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
231,936 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
9,739,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:02 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
176,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:54 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
9,740,288 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:36 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
176,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:27 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
470,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
470,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
104,448 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
104,448 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17097 |
717,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,810,944 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:05 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20709 |
717,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,810,944 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:38 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17097 |
421,376 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20709 |
421,376 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
"Internet Explorer 9" visus palaikomos x64-"Windows Vista" ir "Windows Server 2008" versijoms
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,388,032 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:07 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,388,032 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:45 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
763,600 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:38 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
763,600 |
27-Oct-2014 |
21:12 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,494,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,494,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
86,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,392,128 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:06 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
97,280 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,392,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:45 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
887,808 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:06 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
887,808 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:44 |
x64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
453,120 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Dxtrans.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
282,112 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
453,120 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Dxtrans.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
282,112 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
729,088 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
729,088 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:42 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:08 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
55,296 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
11,264 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
55,296 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:08 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
11,264 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Mshta.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
12800 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Mshta.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
12800 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
96,768 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
96,768 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
17,870,336 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:32 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16592 |
2,382,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
17,870,336 |
27-Oct-2014 |
21:07 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20708 |
2,382,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
Netaikoma |
Ielowutil.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
223,744 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Ielowutil.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
223,744 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
550,912 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
550,912 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
305,152 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
305,152 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
173,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
173,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:42 |
x64 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
499,200 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:06 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
499,200 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:44 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
2,157,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
182,992 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:38 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
2,157,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:42 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
182,992 |
27-Oct-2014 |
21:12 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
996,352 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:06 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
996,352 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:44 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
237,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
237,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
10,921,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:12 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
248,320 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
10,921,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:49 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
248,320 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:40 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
483,840 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
483,840 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
141,312 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:06 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
141,312 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:44 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17097 |
816,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
2,339,840 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:13 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20709 |
816,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:42 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
2,339,840 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:51 |
x64 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17097 |
599,040 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20709 |
599,040 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:42 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
757,968 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:20 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
757,976 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:51 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
142,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
142,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,139,712 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:59 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,139,712 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:32 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,427,968 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,427,968 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
65,536 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,129,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:59 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
75,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,130,496 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:32 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
678,912 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:59 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
678,912 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:32 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
353792 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
353792 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
607,744 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:25 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
607,744 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
41,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:25 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
10,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
41,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
10,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Mshta.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
11,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Mshta.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
11,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
73,216 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
73,216 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
12,366,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:10 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16592 |
2,382,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
12,367,360 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:44 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20708 |
2,382,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
Netaikoma |
Ielowutil.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ielowutil.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
195,072 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
195,072 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
194,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
194,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
22528 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
22528 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
387,584 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
387,584 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,802,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,712 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:20 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,802,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,720 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:51 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
768,512 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
768,512 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
231,936 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
231,936 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
9,739,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:02 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
176,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:54 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
9,740,288 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:36 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
176,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:27 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
470,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
470,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
104,448 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
104,448 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17097 |
717,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,810,944 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:05 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20709 |
717,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,810,944 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:38 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17097 |
421,376 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20709 |
421,376 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
"Windows 7" ir "Windows Server 2008 R2" failų informacija
Failai, kurie yra susiję su tam tikru produktu, gaire (RTM, SPn), ir paslaugų šaka (LDR, GDR), gali būti identifikuojami patikrinus failų versijos numerius, rodomus šioje lentelėje:
Paslaugų šaka
„Windows 7“ ir „Windows Server 2008 R2“
„Windows 7“ ir „Windows Server 2008 R2“
„Windows 7“ ir „Windows Server 2008 R2“
„Windows 7“ ir „Windows Server 2008 R2“
GDR paslaugų šakos turi tik tas pataisas, kurios yra skirtos plačiai paplitusioms kritinėms problemoms spręsti. Be bendrai pasiekiamų pataisų, dar yra LDR paslaugų šakoms skirtų karštųjų pataisų.
Pastaba. Kad MANIFEST failai (.manifest) ir MUM failai (.mum), kurie įdiegti nėra pateikti.
"Internet Explorer 8"
"Internet Explorer 8" Visos palaikomos x86 pagrindo versijos "Windows 7"
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,266,688 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,268,224 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
677,024 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
677,016 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:11 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,466,368 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,466,368 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
48 640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
981,504 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
48 640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
982,016 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
861,184 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
861,184 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
345,600 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
216,064 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
345,600 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
216,064 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
627,712 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
627,712 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
64,512 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
16,384 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
64,512 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
16,384 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Mshta.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
50,176 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Mshta.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
50,688 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
67,584 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
67,584 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
1,141 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
6,025,728 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,638,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:29 |
Netaikoma |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
1,141 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
6,026,240 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,638,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:31 |
Netaikoma |
Ielowutil.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
118,784 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ielowutil.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
118,784 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
163,840 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
163,840 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
200,704 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
200,704 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
146,944 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
146,944 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
142,848 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
143,360 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:58 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:58 |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:58 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:58 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
525824 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
525824 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
2,086,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18660 |
189,952 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
2,086,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22867 |
189,952 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
760,320 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
760,320 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
132,096 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
132,096 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
11,019,264 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
13,270 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
176,640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
11,019,264 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
13,270 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:54 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
176,640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
377,344 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
377,344 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
"Internet Explorer 8" visoms palaikomoms "Itanium" pagrindo versijos "Windows Server 2008 R2"
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
2,831,360 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
2,834,432 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
769,688 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:46 |
IA-64 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
769,688 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:02 |
IA-64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,991,168 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:44 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,991,168 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:00 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
114,688 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
2,201,088 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
189,952 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
114,688 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
2,201,600 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
189,952 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
2,020,864 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
2,020,864 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
974,336 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Dxtrans.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
642,560 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
974,336 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Dxtrans.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
642,560 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,354,240 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:44 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,354,240 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:51 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
165,376 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:44 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
41,472 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:44 |
IA-64 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
165,376 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:51 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
41,472 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Mshta.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
101,376 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:44 |
IA-64 |
Mshta.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
101,376 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
222,208 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
222,208 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
1,141 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:43 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
17,419,776 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,638,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:16 |
Netaikoma |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
1,141 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:51 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
17,421,824 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,638,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:31 |
Netaikoma |
Ielowutil.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
145,920 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:44 |
IA-64 |
Ielowutil.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
145,920 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
515,584 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
515,584 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
522,240 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
522,240 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
327,168 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:44 |
IA-64 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
327,168 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:35 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:35 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:35 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:35 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
976,896 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
976,896 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
2,966,016 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18660 |
592,384 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
2,966,016 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22867 |
592,384 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
2,204,160 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
2,204,160 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
155,648 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
155,648 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
18,728,960 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
13,270 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:43 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
519,168 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:45 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
18,729,472 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
13,270 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:51 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
519,168 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
355,840 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:44 |
IA-64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
355,840 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:01 |
IA-64 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
677,024 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
677,016 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:11 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
345,600 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
216,064 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
345,600 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
216,064 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
627,712 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
627,712 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Mshta.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
50,176 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Mshta.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
50,688 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
67,584 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
67,584 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
6,025,728 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,638,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:29 |
Netaikoma |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
1,141 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
6,026,240 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,638,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:31 |
Netaikoma |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
1,141 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
142,848 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
143,360 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
11,019,264 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
176,640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
13,270 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
11,019,264 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
176,640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
13,270 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,266,688 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,268,224 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,466,368 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,466,368 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
48 640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
981,504 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
48 640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
982,016 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
861,184 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
861,184 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
64,512 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
16,384 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
64,512 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
16,384 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Ielowutil.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
118,784 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ielowutil.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
118,784 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
163,840 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
163,840 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
200,704 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
200,704 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
146,944 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
146,944 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
525824 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
525824 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
2,086,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18660 |
189,952 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
2,086,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22867 |
189,952 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
760,320 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
760,320 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
132,096 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
132,096 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
377,344 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
377,344 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
"Internet Explorer 8" Visos palaikomos x64 pagrindo versijos "Windows 7" ir "Windows Server 2008 R2"
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,538,560 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,540,096 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
699,040 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:32 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
699,040 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:39 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,538,048 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,538,048 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:37 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
65,024 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,188,864 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:31 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
95,232 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:31 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
65,024 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,189,376 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
95,232 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,013,248 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,013,248 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
495,616 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Dxtrans.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
314,880 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
495,616 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Dxtrans.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
314,880 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
735,232 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:49 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
735,232 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:56 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
82,944 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:49 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
16,896 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
82,944 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:56 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
16,896 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:37 |
x64 |
Mshta.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
47,616 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Mshta.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
47,616 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:37 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
97,280 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
97,280 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
1,141 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:48 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
9,054,720 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,638,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:42 |
Netaikoma |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
1,141 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:56 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
9,055,744 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,638,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:49 |
Netaikoma |
Ielowutil.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
120,320 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Ielowutil.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
120,320 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:37 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
452,096 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
452,096 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
293,376 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
293,376 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
174,592 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:34 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
174,592 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:37 |
x64 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:35 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:35 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:35 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
14-Aug-2014 |
00:35 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
505,344 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
505,344 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
2,467,328 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18660 |
244,736 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
2,467,840 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22867 |
244,736 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,111,040 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,111,040 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
134,144 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
134,144 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
12,289,024 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
13,270 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:48 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
247,808 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
12,289,536 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
13,270 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:56 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
247,808 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:38 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
274,432 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:30 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
274,432 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:37 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
677,024 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
677,016 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:11 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
345,600 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
216,064 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
345,600 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
216,064 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
627,712 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
627,712 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Mshta.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
50,176 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Mshta.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
50,688 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
67,584 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
67,584 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
6,025,728 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,638,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:29 |
Netaikoma |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
1,141 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
6,026,240 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,638,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
11:31 |
Netaikoma |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
1,141 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
142,848 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
143,360 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
11,019,264 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
176,640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
13,270 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
11,019,264 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
176,640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
13,270 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,266,688 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,268,224 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.7601.18660 |
1,466,368 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.7601.22867 |
1,466,368 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
48 640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
981,504 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
48 640 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
982,016 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
861,184 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
861,184 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
64,512 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:52 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
16,384 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
64,512 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
20-Nov-2014 |
09:55 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
16,384 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Ielowutil.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
118,784 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ielowutil.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
118,784 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
163,840 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
163,840 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
200,704 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
200,704 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
146,944 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
146,944 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
525824 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
525824 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
2,086,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18660 |
189,952 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
2,086,912 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22867 |
189,952 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
760,320 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
760,320 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18660 |
132,096 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22867 |
132,096 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:09 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.18660 |
377,344 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:07 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.22867 |
377,344 |
20-Nov-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
"Internet Explorer 9"
"Internet Explorer 9" visus palaikomos x86 "Windows 7" versijoms
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,139,712 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:59 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,139,712 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:32 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
757,968 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:20 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
757,976 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:51 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,427,968 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,427,968 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
65,536 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,129,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:59 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
75,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,130,496 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:32 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
678,912 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:59 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
678,912 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:32 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
353792 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
353792 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Dxtrans.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
607,744 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:25 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
607,744 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
41,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:25 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
10,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
41,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
10,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Mshta.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
11,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Mshta.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
11,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
73,216 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
73,216 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
2,012 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:23 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
12,366,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:10 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16592 |
2,382,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:55 |
Netaikoma |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
2,012 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:01 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
12,367,360 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:44 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20708 |
2,382,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
Netaikoma |
Ielowutil.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ielowutil.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
223,232 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
195,072 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
195,072 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
194,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
194,048 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
22528 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
x86 |
Extexport.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
22528 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
142,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
142,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
387,584 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
387,584 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,802,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,712 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:20 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,802,752 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,720 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:51 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
768,512 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
768,512 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
231,936 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
231,936 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
9,739,776 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:02 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
20,842 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:23 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
176,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:54 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
9,740,288 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:36 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
20,842 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:01 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
176,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:27 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
470,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:57 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
470,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:30 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
104,448 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:58 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
104,448 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:31 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17097 |
717,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,810,944 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:05 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20709 |
717,824 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,810,944 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:38 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17097 |
421,376 |
27-Oct-2014 |
18:56 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20709 |
421,376 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:29 |
x86 |
"Internet Explorer 9" visus palaikomos x64-"Windows 7" ir "Windows Server 2008 R2" versijoms
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
Platforma |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,388,032 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:07 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,388,032 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:45 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
763,600 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:38 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
763,600 |
27-Oct-2014 |
21:12 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,494,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
Netaikoma |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,494,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
Netaikoma |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
86,016 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
1,392,128 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:06 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
97,280 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
1,392,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:45 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
887,808 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:06 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
887,808 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:44 |
x64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
453,120 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Dxtrans.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
282,112 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
453,120 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Dxtrans.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
282,112 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
729,088 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
729,088 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:42 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,518 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:08 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
55,296 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
27-Oct-2014 |
19:28 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
11,264 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
55,296 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Netaikoma |
1,574 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:08 |
Netaikoma |
Msfeedssync.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
11,264 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Mshta.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
12800 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Mshta.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
12800 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
96,768 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
96,768 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
x64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
2,012 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
17,870,336 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:32 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16592 |
2,382,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
Netaikoma |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
2,012 |
27-Oct-2014 |
21:14 |
Netaikoma |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
17,870,336 |
27-Oct-2014 |
21:07 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20708 |
2,382,848 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
Netaikoma |
Ielowutil.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
223,744 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Ielowutil.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
223,744 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
550,912 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
550,912 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
305,152 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
305,152 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
173,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Netaikoma |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
173,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:42 |
x64 |
Windows informacijos santraukos radimas.wav |
Netaikoma |
19,884 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Windows informacijos juosta.wav |
Netaikoma |
23,308 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Windows naršymo pradžia.wav |
Netaikoma |
11,340 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
"Windows" blokuojamas.wav |
Netaikoma |
85,548 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Netaikoma |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
499,200 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:06 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
499,200 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:44 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
2,157,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
182,992 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:38 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
2,157,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:42 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
182,992 |
27-Oct-2014 |
21:12 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
996,352 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:06 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
996,352 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:44 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
237,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
237,056 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
10,921,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:12 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
20,842 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:41 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
248,320 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:03 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
10,921,472 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:49 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Netaikoma |
20,842 |
27-Oct-2014 |
21:14 |
Netaikoma |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
248,320 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:40 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16592 |
483,840 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:05 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20708 |
483,840 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
141,312 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:06 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20708 |
141,312 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:44 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17097 |
816,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:04 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16592 |
2,339,840 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:13 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20709 |
816,640 |
27-Oct-2014 |
20:42 |