KB2984923-kumulatīvās atjaunināšanas pakotne 3 for SQL Server 2014
Applies To
SQL Server 2014 Enterprise - duplicate (do not use) SQL Server 2014 Developer - duplicate (do not use) SQL Server 2014 Standard - duplicate (do not use) SQL Server 2014 Web - duplicate (do not use) SQL Server 2014 Business Intelligence - duplicate (do not use)Šajā rakstā ir aprakstīta kumulatīvās atjaunināšanas pakotne 3 (būvējuma numurs: 12.0.2402.0) programmai Microsoft SQL Server 2014. Šajā atjauninājumā ir iekļauti labojumfaili problēmām , kas tika novērstas pēc SQL Server 2014 izlaišanas.
Kā iegūt šo kumulatīvo atjaunināšanas pakotni
Šī zināšanu bāzes raksta augšpusē noklikšķiniet uz "pieejama labojumfaila lejupielāde". Ja nav redzama lapa "Hotfix Request", sazinieties ar Microsoft klientu apkalpošanas un atbalsta dienestu, lai iegūtu kumulatīvās atjaunināšanas pakotni.
Labojumfaili, kas ir iekļauti šajā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumu pakotnē
VSTS kļūdas numurs |
KB raksta numurs |
Aprakstu |
Labošanas apgabals |
2556594 |
Labojums: "neizdevās ģenerēt dinamisku momentuzņēmumu", kad zvanāt sp_MScreatemergedynamicsnapshot programmā SQL Server |
SQL pakalpojums |
2714497 |
Labojums: slikta veiktspēja, ja izmantojat tabulas mainīgos SQL Server 2012 vai SQL Server 2014 |
SQL veiktspēja |
2578278 |
Labojums: "Vaicājuma taimauts ir beidzies", priekšskatot SSIS pakotnes komandu programmā SSDT |
Integrācijas pakalpojumi |
2578282 |
Labojums: Excel atveides paplašinājums rada bojātus failus, atveidojot NaN vai bezgalības vērtību SSRS 2012 vai SSRS 2014 |
Atskaišu izveides pakalpojumi |
2578276 |
Labojums: atribūti tiek kārtoti nepareizi pēc tam, kad izmantojat atribūtu rekvizītu funkciju SQL Server MDS pievienojumprogrammā programmā Excel |
Datu kvalitātes pakalpojumi (DQS) |
2578288 |
Labojums: datu orientēto abonementu nevar izveidot, ja vadītāja vaicājumam ir nepieciešamas vairāk nekā 30 sekundes, lai to izpildītu SQL Server |
Atskaišu izveides pakalpojumi |
2319134 |
Labojums: nevar atvērt ar atmiņu optimizētu tabulu veidni attālināti programmā SQL Server 2014 |
Pārvaldības rīki |
2578302 |
Labojums: nepareiza mape, ja izvietojat SQL Server 2012 vai SQL Server 2014 PowerPivot risinājumus, izmantojot SharePoint 2013 Central administrators |
Analītiskie pakalpojumi |
2578304 |
Labojums: aprēķinātā mērījuma apakšsumma ir nepareiza (nav filtrēta), kad veicat MDX vaicājumu pakalpojumā PPP 2012 vai PPP 2014 |
Analītiskie pakalpojumi |
2823096 |
Labojums: SSRS 2012 vai SSRS 2014 neizdosies ar IsolatedStorageException, ja Excel darblapās eksportētie abonementi ir lielāki par 10 MB |
Atskaišu izveides pakalpojumi |
2782748 |
Labojums: w3wp. exe izraisa avarēšanu sapludināšanas replicēšanā, izmantojot SQL Server Compact Subscribers un apstrādātus nodalījumus |
SQL pakalpojums |
2578285 |
Labojums: "parametra trūkst vērtība", izmantojot saites drillthrough atskaiti vidē SharePoint SSRS 2012 vai SSRS 2014 |
Atskaišu izveides pakalpojumi |
2525292 |
Labojums: nepareizas atsauces uz biznesa kārtulām pēc tam, kad jauniniet SQL Server 2008 R2, kas notikusi ar SQL Server 2012 MDS vai SQL Server 2014 MDS |
2504388 |
Labojums: "non-Yield plānotājs", kad ievietojat vai atjaunināt daudz rindu vienā darbībā SQL Server 2014 |
Atmiņā OLTP |
2906109 |
Labojums: Access pārkāpums, ja vaicājumu sys.extended_properties tabulu SQL Server 2012 vai SQL Server 2014 |
SQL pakalpojums |
2906113 |
Labojums: kļūda, kad ievietojat ierakstu FILESTREAM programmā SQL Server 2012 vai SQL Server 2014 |
SQL pakalpojums |
2906095 |
Labojums: tukša vērtība tiek iestatīta uz vērtību NULL uzņēmuma kārtulā, kas norādīta ar SQL Server 2012 vai SQL Server 2014 |
2906139 |
Labojums: žurnālu lasītāja atteice, kas rodas inicializācijas laikā, kad izmantojat transakciju replicēšanas līdzekli programmā SQL Server |
SQL pakalpojums |
2515653 |
Labojums: kļūda, kad pabeidzat PPP 2014 attēlu pēc noklusējuma saknes direktorija norādīšanas |
Analītiskie pakalpojumi |
2782757 |
Labojums: nepareizs rezultāts, ja izmantojat līdzīgu rakstu atbilstoši japāņu valodas atkārtošanas rakstzīmei (Cho-on) SQL Server |
SQL pakalpojums |
2906893 |
Labojums: priekšraksta UPDATE vai INSERT on CCI Makes sys. ījumi neatbilst faktiskā rindu skaitam SQL Server 2014 |
SQL pakalpojums |
2906137 |
Labojums: žurnālu lasītāja līdzeklis nelīdz, jauninot no SQL Server 2008 uz SQL Server 2012 vai SQL Server 2014 |
SQL pakalpojums |
2906141 |
Labojums: attēla pabeigšanas iestatīšana neizdosies, ja izmantojat SysPrep, lai instalētu lokalizētu SQL Server versiju |
Uzstādīšanas & instalēšana |
2789872 |
Labojums: nevar izveidot indeksētu skatu sagrupētā columnstore indeksā un DVP uz tabulas neizdodas programmā SQL Server 2014 |
SQL pakalpojums |
2796999 |
Labojums: automātiskas statistikas izveide paaugstina kompilēšanas laiku vietēji kompilētajai procedūrai SQL Server 2014 |
Atmiņā OLTP |
2797130 |
Labojums: LCK_M_SCH_M notiek, kad piekļūstat atmiņā optimizētiem tabulu mainīgajiem, kas nav lokāli kompilētas saglabātās procedūras |
Atmiņā OLTP |
2531271 |
Labojums: "pašreizējo SQL Server Edition neatbalsta MDS", pārlūkojot uz MDS tīmekļa vietni |
2704551 |
Labojums: Access pārkāpums notiek, izmantojot atjaunināšanas statistiku aprēķinātā kolonnā programmā SQL Server 2014 |
SQL veiktspēja |
2828009 |
Atjauninājums iespējo SQLDOM atbalsta "service_objective" Microsoft Azure SQL datu bāzē |
SQL pakalpojums |
2718825 |
Labojums: dažas sys.column_store_segments skata kolonnas rāda vērtību NULL, ja tabulai ir SQL Server 2014 shēma bez DBO |
SQL pakalpojums |
2895169 |
Labojums: dimensiju atribūts tiek zaudēts Excel rakurstabulas lauku sarakstā, iestatot AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder uz "\" programmā SSDT-BI |
Analītiskie pakalpojumi |
Piezīmes par šo atjauninājumu
Kumulatīvais atjauninājums
Pirms to izvietošanas ražošanas vidē ieteicams pārbaudīt labojumfailus.
Iesakām lietot visjaunāko atjauninājumu laidienu.
Šī kumulatīvā pakotne ir paredzēta tikai šajā rakstā aprakstīto problēmu novēršanai. Lietojiet to tikai tajās sistēmās, kurās ir radušās šīs specifiskās problēmas.
Jaunākajā atjauninājumu laidienā ir iekļauti visi labojumfaili un visi atjauninājumi, kas iekļauti iepriekšējā SQL Server 2014 atjauninājumu laidienā.
Iesakām jaunināt SQL Server uz nākamo SQL server 2014 servisa pakotni.
Hibrīdās vides izvietošana
Ja labojumfailus izvietojat hibrīdajā vidē (piemēram, AlwaysOn, replicēšanā, klasterī, spoguļos un klasterī), pirms to izvietošanas ieteicams apmeklēt šādus rakstus:
SQL Server atteiču klastera velmēšanas atjauninājums un servisa pakotnes process.Piezīme. Ja nevēlaties izmantot slīdošo atjaunināšanas procesu, veiciet tālāk norādītās darbības, lai lietotu CU vai SP:
Instalējiet servisa pakotni pasīvajā mezglā.
Instalējiet servisa pakotni aktīvajā mezglā (šī darbība pieprasa servicerestart).
Pieejamības grupu serveru jaunināšana un atjaunināšana, kas izmanto minimālu dīkstāvi un datu zudumu.Piezīme. Ja iespējojat AlwaysOn ar SSISDB katalogu papildu apsvērumi par to, kā lietot cu vai SP šajās vidēs, dodieties un skatiet rakstu no šī MSDN emuāra:
Kā lietot SQL Server labojumfailu transakciju replicēšanas un datu bāzes spoguļošanas topoloģijā
SQL Server labojumfaili tagad ir daudzvalodu. Tāpēc šī kumulatīvās atjaunināšanas pakotne nav specifiska vienai valodai. Tas attiecas uz visām atbalstītajām valodām.
Veidlapā "pieejama labojumfaila lejupielāde" ir redzamas valodas, kurām ir pieejama atjaunināšanas pakotne. Ja neredzat savu valodu, tas ir tāpēc, ka šajā valodā nav pieejama kumulatīvas atjaunināšanas pakotne.
Vienā kumulatīvā atjauninājumu pakotnē ir iekļautas visas komponentu pakotnes. Taču kumulatīvās atjaunināšanas pakotne atjaunina tikai tos komponentus, kas ir instalēti sistēmā.
Ja rodas papildu problēmas vai nepieciešama problēmu novēršana, iespējams, ir jāizveido atsevišķs pakalpojuma pieprasījums. Parasti atbalsta izmaksas tiek piemērotas jautājumiem par papildu atbalstu un problēmām, kas neattiecas uz šo specifisko kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotni. Lai iegūtu pilnu Microsoft klientu apkalpošanas un atbalsta tālruņa numuru sarakstu vai izveidotu atsevišķu pakalpojuma pieprasījumu, dodieties uz Microsoft atbalsta tīmekļa vietni.
Lai to izdarītu, veiciet tālāk norādītās darbības.
Vadības panelī noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot vai noņemt programmas. Piezīme. Ja datorā darbojas operētājsistēma Windows 7 vai jaunāka versija, vadības panelī noklikšķiniet uz programmas un līdzekļi .
Atrodiet ierakstu, kas atbilst šīs kumulatīvās atjaunināšanas pakotnei.
Ar peles labo pogu noklikšķiniet uz ieraksta un pēc tam noklikšķiniet uz Atinstalēt.
Kumulatīvās atjaunināšanas pakotnes informācija
PriekšnoteikumiLai lietotu šo kumulatīvo atjaunināšanas pakotni, ir jādarbojas SQL Server 2014.
Restartējiet informāciju Pēc šīs kumulatīvās atjaunināšanas pakotnes instalēšanas, iespējams, būs jārestartē dators.
Informācija par reģistru Lai izmantotu kādu no šīs pakotnes labojumfailiem, jums nav jāveic izmaiņas reģistrā.
Šī kumulatīvā atjauninājuma pakotne, iespējams, nesatur visus failus, kas jums ir nepieciešams, lai pilnībā atjauninātu produktu uz jaunāko būvējumu. Šajā pakotnē ir tikai faili, kas nepieciešami, lai izlabotu šajā rakstā norādītās problēmas. Šīs pakotnes versijai angļu valodā ir tālāk esošajā tabulā norādīti failu atribūti (vai jaunāki failu atribūti). Šo failu datumi un laiki ir norādīti sadaļā koordinētais universālais laiks (UTC). Skatot informāciju par failu, tā tiek konvertēta uz lokālo laiku. Lai noskaidrotu atšķirību starp UTC un vietējo laiku, izmantojiet cilni laika josla vadības paneļa vienuma datums un laiks .
x86 versijas
SQL Server 2014 biznesa informācijas izstrādes studija
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
93856 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqlsqm_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 analīzes pakalpojumi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
35093672 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msmdpump.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6737056 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msmdsrv.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
34896552 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6738080 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7112352 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqlboot.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
168608 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
22249632 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 datu bāzu pakalpojumu Kopējie pamatprincipi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
51880 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.edition.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
37024 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.instapi.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
46240 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 datu kvalitātes klients
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 datu kvalitāte
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
609952 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
88736 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 datu kvalitāte
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Sql_dq_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 sql_dreplay_client
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
51880 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sql_dreplay_client_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 sql_dreplay_controller
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
51880 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sql_dreplay_controller_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 datu bāzes pakalpojumu pamata instance
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqlaccess.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
467624 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Sqlagent.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
454824 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Sqlboot.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
168608 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqldk.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1947808 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqllang.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
28633760 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlmin.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
67072672 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlos.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
25248 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
28320 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
25248 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
5613728 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
546976 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqlservr.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
197800 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Sqltses.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
9013408 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Xpqueue.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60576 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Xprepl.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
82592 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 datu bāzes pakalpojumu kodols kopīgots
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Distrib.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
154784 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
63144 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2556576 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1037984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
867496 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Logread.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
529064 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Mergetxt.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
45216 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.schema.sql.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
8655552 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.utilities.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
477888 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
273600 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.extensions.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
690880 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
32928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50336 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
47776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
43680 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.smometadataprovider.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
151200 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.businesslogicsupport.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50336 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1582760 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
58528 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
151200 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Msgprox.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
208544 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Qrdrsvc.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
445608 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Rdistcom.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
685728 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Replagnt.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
28840 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Repldp.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
237736 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Replerrx.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
122536 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Replisapi.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
279208 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Replmerg.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
433320 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Replprov.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
632480 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Replrec.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
810144 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Replsub.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
365728 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Replsync.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
125088 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Spresolv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
198304 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqldistx.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
181408 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlmergx.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
295584 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
28320 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlwep120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
101024 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Ssradd.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
55456 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Ssravg.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
55968 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Ssrdown.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
43168 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Ssrmax.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
54432 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Ssrmin.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
54432 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Ssrpub.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
43680 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Ssrup.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
42656 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:22 |
x86 |
Xmlsub.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
210600 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 integrācijas pakalpojumi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
63144 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2556576 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtsinstall.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
423584 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1037984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
867496 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
32928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50336 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
47776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
43680 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
58528 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
151200 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
217248 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Msmdpp.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6604448 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 atskaišu izveides pakalpojumi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
3142816 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
11894944 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4305568 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4342952 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4334760 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4355240 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4520096 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4340384 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4368552 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4367520 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4354208 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4383400 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4347560 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4347552 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4331680 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4351648 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4354720 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4493984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4333736 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4342952 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4307104 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4358304 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4359848 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
1412768 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
1412768 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
657064 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
657064 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
321184 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
321184 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
5563048 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
5563048 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
566944 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
95400 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.semanticquerydesign.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
857760 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
238752 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.webmap.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
1352864 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.webmap.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
1352864 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.winmap.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
1343136 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
35093672 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6738080 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7112352 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
2015904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
110240 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
106152 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesservice.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2042016 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
1540776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
2234528 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll.deploy |
2014.120.2402.0 |
546976 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
546976 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
22249632 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 pārvaldības studija
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Dacunpack.exe |
12.0.1294.0 |
170176 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
63144 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2556576 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtsinstall.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
423584 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1037984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
867496 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.common.frontend.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
5150368 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.schema.sql.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
8655552 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.utilities.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
477888 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
1226912 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
4010664 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
524456 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
1412768 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.mapwincontrol.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
928416 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
566944 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
273600 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.extensions.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
690880 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
32928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.upgradeadvisor.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
151208 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.foreachitemenumeratorui.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
57504 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
331936 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
2175136 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50336 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
47776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
43680 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.cloudstorage.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
66208 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.deploymentmanagement.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
97952 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.smometadataprovider.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
151200 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
317088 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1582760 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
93856 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.storageclient.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
334496 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.upgradeadvisor.reportviewer.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
170144 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:50 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
58528 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
151200 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
118944 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6738080 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
110240 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqleditors.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
1589920 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Sqlpackage.exe |
12.0.1294.0 |
110784 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
28320 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
546976 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 rīki un darbstacijas komponenti
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Autoadmin.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1308832 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
63144 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2556576 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1037984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
867496 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
3142816 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
5983392 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2141344 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
752800 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
399008 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
2033824 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
243360 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
32928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50336 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
47776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
43680 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
58528 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
35093672 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msmdpp.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6604448 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6738080 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7112352 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sql_tools_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
60072 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
28320 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
22249632 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
x64 versijas
SQL Server 2014 biznesa informācijas izstrādes studija
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
93864 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Sqlsqm_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 analīzes pakalpojumi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
35093672 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
52010144 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x64 |
Msmdpump.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7782056 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x64 |
Msmdsrv.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
51109536 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7422632 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6738080 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7112352 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
8565928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x64 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Sqlboot.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
177312 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
19106464 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
22249632 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 datu bāzu pakalpojumu Kopējie pamatprincipi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
51880 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
59040 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.edition.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
37024 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.instapi.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
46240 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 datu kvalitātes klients
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 datu kvalitāte
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
609952 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
609952 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
88744 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
88736 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 datu kvalitāte
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Sql_dq_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 sql_dreplay_client
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
59040 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Sql_dreplay_client_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 sql_dreplay_controller
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
59040 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Sql_dreplay_controller_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 datu bāzes pakalpojumu pamata instance
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Hkcompile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
751272 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Hkengine.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1640096 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Hkruntime.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
109224 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Sqlaccess.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
469160 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x64 |
Sqlagent.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
613032 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Sqlboot.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
177312 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqldk.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2407584 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqllang.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
35937448 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqlmin.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
64621216 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqlos.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
26784 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
29864 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
25768 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
5613728 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
770208 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x64 |
Sqlservr.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
370344 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Sqltses.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
8972448 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Xpqueue.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
74400 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Xprepl.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
91296 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 datu bāzes pakalpojumu kodols kopīgots
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Distrib.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
172192 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
67744 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
3003560 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1252000 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
866984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Logread.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
617632 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Mergetxt.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
51360 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Microsoft.data.tools.schema.sql.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
8655552 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.utilities.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
477888 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
273600 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.extensions.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
690880 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
32928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50344 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
47776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
43688 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.smometadataprovider.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
151200 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.businesslogicsupport.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50336 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1639592 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
58536 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
151200 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Msgprox.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
243880 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Qrdrsvc.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
547488 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Rdistcom.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
801440 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:24 |
x64 |
Replagnt.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
30368 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Repldp.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
272032 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:24 |
x64 |
Replerrx.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
145056 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Replisapi.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
335520 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Replmerg.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
500384 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Replprov.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
771232 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Replrec.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
960672 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x64 |
Replsub.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
433824 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Replsync.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
144544 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Spresolv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
240288 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Sqldistx.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
215712 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqlmergx.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
338088 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
28320 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
29864 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqlwep120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
112288 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Ssradd.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
63648 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Ssravg.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
64160 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Ssrdown.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
48800 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Ssrmax.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
61600 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Ssrmin.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
62112 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Ssrpub.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
49312 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Ssrup.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
48288 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Xmlsub.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
285352 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 integrācijas pakalpojumi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
67744 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
3003560 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Dtsinstall.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
423584 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1252000 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
866984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
32928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50344 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
47776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
43688 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
58536 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
151200 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
216744 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x64 |
Msmdpp.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7715488 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x64 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 atskaišu izveides pakalpojumi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
3142816 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
11894944 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4305568 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4342952 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4334760 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4355240 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4520096 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4340384 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4368552 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4367520 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4354208 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4383400 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4347560 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4347552 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4331680 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4351648 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4354720 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4493984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4333736 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4342952 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4307104 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4358304 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
4359848 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
1412768 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
1412776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
657064 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
657056 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
321184 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
321184 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
5563048 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
5563040 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
566944 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
95400 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52896 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2402.0 |
52904 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.semanticquerydesign.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
857760 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
238760 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.webmap.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
1352864 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.webmap.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
1352864 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:50 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.winmap.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
1343136 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
35093672 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
52010144 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7422632 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6738080 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7112352 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
8565928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x64 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
2015912 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
104608 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x64 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
110240 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
100008 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x64 |
Reportingservicesservice.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2462368 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
1540776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
2234528 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x86 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll.deploy |
2014.120.2402.0 |
546976 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
546976 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
770208 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
19106464 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
22249632 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 pārvaldības studija
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Dacunpack.exe |
12.0.1294.0 |
170176 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
63144 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2556576 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtsinstall.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
423584 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1037984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
867496 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.common.frontend.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
5150368 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.schema.sql.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
8655552 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.utilities.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
477888 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
1226912 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
4010664 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
524456 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
1412768 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.mapwincontrol.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
928416 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
566944 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
273600 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.extensions.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
690880 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
32928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.upgradeadvisor.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
151208 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.foreachitemenumeratorui.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
57504 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
331936 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
2175136 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50336 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
47776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
43680 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.cloudstorage.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
66208 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.deploymentmanagement.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
97952 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.smometadataprovider.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
151200 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
317088 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1582760 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
93856 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.storageclient.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
334496 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.upgradeadvisor.reportviewer.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
170144 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:50 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
58528 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
151200 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
118944 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6738080 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
110240 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Sqleditors.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
1589920 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Sqlpackage.exe |
12.0.1294.0 |
110784 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
28320 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
29864 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
546976 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
770208 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 rīki un darbstacijas komponenti
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datumu |
Laika |
Platform |
Autoadmin.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1308832 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
63144 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:20 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2402.0 |
67744 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2556576 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
3003560 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1037984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
1252000 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
866984 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x64 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2402.0 |
867496 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
3142816 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
5983392 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
2141344 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
752800 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
399008 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
2033824 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
243368 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
32928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
32928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50344 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
50336 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
47776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
47776 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
43688 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
43680 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
58536 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2402.0 |
58528 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
35093672 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
52010144 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x64 |
Msmdpp.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6604448 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7422632 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:32 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
6738080 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:33 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
7112352 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
8565928 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:34 |
x64 |
Sql_tools_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
56992 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:35 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
28320 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
29864 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
19106464 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:23 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2402.0 |
22249632 |
13-Aug-2014 |
18:36 |
x86 |