Šajā rakstā ir aizstāts ar jaunāku atjauninājumu. Iesakām instalēt jaunāko Internet Explorer kumulatīvo drošības atjauninājumu. Lai instalētu jaunāko atjauninājumu, apmeklējiet šādu Microsoft vietni:
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.comLai saņemtu plašāku tehnisko informāciju par visjaunāko programmai Internet Explorer paredzēto kumulatīvo drošības atjauninājumu, apmeklējiet šo Microsoft vietni:
Korporācija Microsoft ir izlaidusi drošības biļetenu MS13 088. Uzziniet vairāk par to, kā iegūt šajā drošības biļetenā iekļauto labojumfailu:
Personām, mazajiem uzņēmumiem un organizācijas lietotājiem: izmantojiet Windows automātiskās atjaunināšanas līdzekli, lai instalētu labojumus no Microsoft Update. Lai to izdarītu, skatiet drošības atjauninājumi automātiski vietnē Microsoft Safety centrs.
IT speciālisti, skatiet Microsoft drošības biļetenu MS13 088 drošības TechCenter vietnē.
Palīdzība un atbalsts par šo drošības atjauninājumu iegūšanu
Palīdzības atjauninājumu instalēšanu:Microsoft Update atbalsts Drošības risinājumi IT profesionāļiem:TechNet drošības problēmu novēršana un atbalsts Sistēma Windows datora aizsardzību pret vīrusiem un ļaunprātīgu programmatūru: pretvīrusu risinājumu un drošības centrs Vietējā atbalsta atbilstoši jūsu valstī:Starptautiskais atbalsts
Ar drošību saistītus labojumus, kas ir iekļauts drošības atjauninājumā
Tiek novērsta vispārējas izplatīšanas laidiens (GDR)
Atsevišķus atjauninājumus nevar instalēt, atkarībā no jūsu sistēmas Windows versiju un ietekmētās programmas versija. Lūdzu, skatiet atsevišķu rakstu noteikt atjaunināšanas statusu.
Raksta numurs |
Raksta nosaukums |
Ēnas izkārtojuma elementu izmēri nav lietojot rekvizītu "rūtiņu ēnas" Internet Explorer 10 |
Izgriezumu ActiveX vadīklu rodas nepareizā pusē, vadīkla tiek parādīti pārklājuma, IFRAME RTL režīmā Internet Explorer 10 |
Internet Explorer zaudē HTTP savienojumu, aizverot tīmekļa lapu, pirms tiek parādīts XHR atbilde |
Mirgo kursoru pazūd, kad noklikšķināt uz teksta lodziņa, kas vieso WebBrowser ActiveX vadīklu MFC programmā Internet Explorer 10 |
Tīmekļa lapu, kas izmanto raksturīgās HTML vadīklas var avarēt Internet Explorer 10 |
Atlasiet Internet Explorer 10 lodziņā pārvieto lejup novietojot peles rādītāju virs |
Fokusu uz tīmekļa lapas tiek zaudēts aizstājot apkārtējās konteinera mērķtiecīga elementu, izmantojot rekvizītu innerHTML Internet Explorer 10, lietojot saderības skats |
Ir pieejams atjauninājums, lai atspējotu apmeklētās sektoru rekvizītu vērtības no Internet Explorer 10 CSS pārejas un animācijas procesors |
Nepareiza šūnas savienošana notiek kādu dokumentu veidiem Internet Explorer 10 |
SVG saturu, kas satur objektu SVGUseElement var izraisīt atmiņas noplūdi, izmantojot DOMParser.parseFromString metodi pārlūkprogrammas Internet Explorer |
Internet Explorer var noplūde atmiņas, izmantojot DOMParser.parseFromString metodi parsēt SVG saturs, kas atrodas script tag |
Daži modeļi mērogojamu vektoru grafikas netiek parādīti pareizi Internet Explorer 10 |
XMLHttpRequest objekts nevar publicēt datus, jaunais http savienojums ir izveidots, ir nepieciešams klienta sertifikāts pārlūkprogrammā Internet Explorer |
Fragmentu identifikators netiek saglabāts rekvizītā Window.Location.href IZLIKŠANAS pieprasījumu programmā Internet Explorer |
IFRAME vertikālā ritjosla netiek rādīti pareizi pārlūkprogrammā Internet Explorer 10 |
Sīkfaili netiek nosūtīti no Sākumlapa uzticamo vietņu vai jūsu iekštīkla zonai programmā Internet Explorer 10, atverot jaunu cilni |
Atjauninājums, kas atspējo uzlabotā aizsargrežīms pēc noklusējuma Internet Explorer 11 |
Programmā Internet Explorer 11 SSO pakalpojums nedarbojas |
Sīkfailu saistītas problēmas rodas, pārejot uz noteiktām vietnēm un EPM ir iespējota Internet Explorer 11 |
Tukša tīmekļa lapa tiek parādīta, atverot saiti jaunā cilnē programmā Internet Explorer 11 |
Jutīga teksta netiek rādīts, ja jums mijiedarboties ar RTL tekstu, izmantojot skārienekrānu tastatūras Windows 8.1 |
Tiek parādīts melns reģiona Lync 2010 tērzēšanas logu Windows 8.1 datorā, kurā ir instalēta Internet Explorer 11 |
Windows XP un Windows Server 2003 drošības atjauninājumu 2888505 pakotnes ietver Internet Explorer labojumfailu un vispārējas izplatīšanas laidiens (GDR) faili. Ja Internet Explorer esošie faili no vides labojumfailu, drošības atjauninājumu 2888505 instalē GDR failus.
Labojumfailu ir paredzēts tikai problēmas, kas aprakstīti šajā Microsoft zināšanu bāzes raksti, kas saistīti ar labojumfailus. Lietojiet labojumfailu tikai tām sistēmām, kurām ir radušās tieši šīs problēmas. Šo labojumfailu, iespējams, tiks veikts papildu tests. Tādēļ, ja jums ir šī problēma nerada nopietnus traucējumus, ieteicams nogaidīt, līdz tiks izlaista nākamā servisa pakotne, kurā ir iekļauts šos labojumfailus. Lai iegūtu papildinformāciju par to, kā instalēt labojumfailus, kas iekļauti drošības atjauninājumu 2888505, noklikšķiniet uz šī raksta numura un lasiet Microsoft zināšanu bāzes rakstu:897225 Kā instalēt labojumfailus, kas iekļauti programmas Internet Explorer kumulatīvo drošības atjauninājumu Piezīme. Papildus failu labojumfailu instalēšana, pārskatiet ir saistīta ar konkrētu labojumfailu, ir jāinstalē noteikt reģistra modifikāciju, ir nepieciešams, lai iespējotu šo konkrēto labojumfailu Microsoft zināšanu bāzes rakstu. Lai iegūtu papildinformāciju par to, kā noteikt, vai esošo failu Internet Explorer ir no labojumfailu vai GDR vides, noklikšķiniet uz šī raksta numura un lasiet Microsoft zināšanu bāzes rakstu:
824994 Apraksta saturu Windows XP 2. servisa pakotni un Windows Server 2003 programmatūras atjaunināšanas pakotnēm
Šī programmatūras atjauninājuma versiju angļu valodā (ASV) tiek instalēti faili, kuru atribūti ir norādīti tālāk esošajās tabulās. Šo failu datumi un laiki ir norādīti atbilstoši universālajam koordinētajam laikam (UTC). Ņemiet vērā, ka lokālajā datorā šo failu datumi un laiki tiek rādīti atbilstoši vietējam laikam un pašreizējai vasaras laika nobīdi. Datumi un laiki var mainīties arī, ja ar failiem tiek veiktas noteiktas darbības.
Failus, kas attiecas uz noteiktu atskaites punktu (SPn) un pakalpojuma jomu (QFE, GDR) ir norādītas "SP nepieciešamība" un "Pakalpojuma jomu" kolonnas.
GDR pakalpojuma jomās ir ietverti tikai tie labojumi, kas ir plaši izlaists, lai novērstu izplatītas, kritiskas problēmas. QFE pakalpojuma jomās ir ietverti ne tikai plaši izlaists labojumi, bet arī labojumfaili.
Ne tikai šajās tabulās norādītie faili, bet šo programmatūras atjauninājumu tiek instalēti arī saistītais drošības kataloga fails (KBnumuru. CAT), kas parakstīts ar Microsoft ciparparakstu.
Internet Explorer 6
Internet Explorer 6 uz visām atbalstītajām Windows XP 32 bitu versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.2900.6462 |
1,025,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
11:54 |
Neattiecas |
SP3 |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
81,920 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.2900.6462 |
251,904 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.2900.6462 |
3,094,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:24 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.2900.6462 |
450,048 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.2900.6462 |
532,480 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
Neattiecas |
SP3 |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.2900.6462 |
1,510,400 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Tdc.ocx | |
61,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Url.dll |
6.0.2900.6462 |
37,888 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.2900.6462 |
633,856 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.2900.6462 |
852,992 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.2900.6462 |
668,672 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:54 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Internet Explorer 6 uz visām atbalstītajām Windows Server 2003 32 bitu versijas
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,033,728 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5238 |
361,472 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5238 |
209,920 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
82,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
253,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
3,164,672 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
459,264 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
537,600 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5238 |
42,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,520,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Tdc.ocx | |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
37,888 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
713,216 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
854,016 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
W03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5238 |
46,080 |
12-Oct-2013 |
11:26 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
672,256 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 6 uz visām atbalstītajām Windows Server 2003 versijām, kuru pamatā ir Itanium
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
2,543,104 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5238 |
1,009,152 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5238 |
640,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
997,888 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
154,112 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
717,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
9,471,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,533,440 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,845,760 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5238 |
116,736 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
3,700,224 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Tdc.ocx | |
205,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
50,688 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,639,424 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
2,425,344 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
W03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5238 |
45,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,708,032 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Wbrowseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,033,728 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5238 |
361,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5238 |
209,920 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
82,432 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
253,952 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
3,164,672 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
459,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
537,600 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wpngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5238 |
42,496 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wshdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,520,128 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wtdc.ocx | |
64,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
37,888 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
713,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
854,016 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ww03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5238 |
46,080 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
672,256 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 6 uz visām atbalstītajām sistēmas Windows Server 2003 un Windows XP Professional x64 platformas versijas
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,605,120 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5238 |
562,176 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5238 |
332,288 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
566,784 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
96,256 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
370,176 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
6,067,712 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
930,816 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
900,608 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5238 |
64,000 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
2,460,672 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Tdc.ocx | |
94,208 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
40,960 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,107,456 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,428,480 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
W03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5238 |
46,592 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,196,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wbrowseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,033,728 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5238 |
361,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5238 |
209,920 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
82,432 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
253,952 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
3,164,672 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
459,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
537,600 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wpngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5238 |
42,496 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wshdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
1,520,128 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wtdc.ocx | |
64,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
37,888 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
713,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
854,016 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ww03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5238 |
46,080 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5238 |
672,256 |
13-Oct-2013 |
04:27 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 7
Visu programmas Internet Explorer 7 atbalsta sistēmas Windows XP 32 bitu versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
124,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
347,136 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
214,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
132,608 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
12-Oct-2013 |
10:48 |
Neattiecas |
SP3 |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
63,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
70,656 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:43 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
153,088 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
230,400 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
161,792 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
04-Sep-2013 |
13:47 |
Neattiecas |
SP3 |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21359 |
388,608 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
6,108,672 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
04-Sep-2013 |
13:47 |
Neattiecas |
SP3 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
193,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
44,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
268,288 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
13,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:43 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
643,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:39 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,830,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
Neattiecas |
SP3 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
27,648 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
496,128 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
52,224 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
3,628,032 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
480,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
193,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
671,232 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
102,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
44,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
106,496 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,172,992 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:46 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
766,976 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
233,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
841,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:16 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Visu programmas Internet Explorer 7 atbalsta sistēmas Windows Server 2003 32 bitu versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
124,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
347,136 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
214,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
132,608 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:56 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
63,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
70,656 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:07 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
153,088 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
230,400 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
161,792 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:02 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
08-Jul-2010 |
23:31 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21359 |
388,608 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
6,108,672 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
08-Jul-2010 |
23:35 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
193,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
44,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
268,288 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
13,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:07 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
643,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:03 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,830,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
27,648 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
496,128 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
52,224 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
3,628,032 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
480,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
193,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
671,232 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
102,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
44,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
106,496 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,172,992 |
13-Oct-2013 |
22:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
766,976 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
233,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
841,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Visu programmas Internet Explorer 7 atbalsta Windows Server 2003 versijām, kuru pamatā ir Itanium
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
283,136 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
49,152 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
984,576 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
645,632 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
328,192 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
965,632 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
179,712 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
135,680 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
385,536 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
503,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
161,792 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
1,074,688 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21359 |
764,416 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
147,456 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
11,782,656 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
980,992 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
460,800 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
99,840 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
556,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
30,720 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
795,376 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21359 |
2,440,192 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
82,432 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,045,504 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
144,384 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
10,157,568 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,532,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
492,032 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
2,233,344 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
275,968 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
122,368 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
130,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
2,600,960 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
2,191,360 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
653,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,940,992 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Wadvpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
124,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wcorpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
347,136 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
214,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wextmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
132,608 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wicardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
63,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
70,656 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
153,088 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
230,400 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
161,792 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21359 |
388,608 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
6,108,672 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
193,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
44,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
268,288 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
13,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
643,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Winetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,830,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wjsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
27,648 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
496,128 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
52,224 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
3,628,032 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
480,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
193,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
671,232 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Woccache.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
102,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wpngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
44,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
106,496 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,172,992 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
766,976 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwebcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
233,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
841,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:57 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Visu programmas Internet Explorer 7 atbalsta sistēmas Windows Server 2003 un Windows XP Professional x64 platformas versijas
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
161,280 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
22,016 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
508,416 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
314,368 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
207,360 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
485,376 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
85,504 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
84,992 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
195,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
267,776 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
161,792 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
422,400 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21359 |
480,256 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
86,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
7,116,800 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
983,552 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
250,368 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
57,344 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
371,712 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
13,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
720,112 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21359 |
2,077,184 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
32,256 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
623,104 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
82,432 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
5,737,984 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
763,392 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
242,688 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,129,984 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
164,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
64,000 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
108,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,441,280 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,104,896 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
295,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,051,648 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:58 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wadvpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
124,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wcorpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
347,136 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
214,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wextmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
132,608 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wicardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
63,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
70,656 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
153,088 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
230,400 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
161,792 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21359 |
388,608 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
6,108,672 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
193,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
44,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
268,288 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
13,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21359 |
643,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Winetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,830,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wjsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
27,648 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
496,128 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
52,224 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
3,628,032 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
480,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
193,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
671,232 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Woccache.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
102,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wpngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
44,544 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
106,496 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
1,172,992 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
766,976 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwebcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
233,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21359 |
841,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
21:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 8 visos atbalsta sistēmas Windows XP 32 bitu versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23536 |
18,944 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:24 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23536 |
385,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
06:57 |
Neattiecas |
SP3 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
174,592 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:28 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23536 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:24 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
743,424 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:24 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
11,113,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:24 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
184,320 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:24 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
247,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:24 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
2,006,016 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:24 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,469,440 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
Neattiecas |
SP3 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
522,240 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
25,600 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
43,520 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
630,272 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
55,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
6,021,120 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
67,072 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
611,840 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
206,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
105,984 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,215,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
759,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
920,064 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Xpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
12.800 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:25 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Internet Explorer 8 visos atbalsta 32 bitu versijas Windows Server 2003
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23536 |
18,944 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23536 |
385,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:00 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
174,592 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23536 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
743,424 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
11,113,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
184,320 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
247,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
2,006,016 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,469,440 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
522,240 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
25,600 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
43,520 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
630,272 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
55,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
6,021,120 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
67,072 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
611,840 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
206,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
105,984 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,215,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
759,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
920,064 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Xpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
12.800 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:14 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 8 uz visām atbalstītajām sistēmas Windows Server 2003 un Windows XP Professional x64 platformas versijas
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
SP prasības |
Pakalpojums |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23536 |
23,040 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:53 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23536 |
479,232 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
70,656 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:53 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23536 |
459,776 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:53 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,019,904 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:53 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
12,512,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:53 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
252,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
718,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:53 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
2,358,272 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:53 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,539,072 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:53 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
502,272 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:53 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
31,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
56,832 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
742,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
71,680 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
9,346,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
98,304 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,062,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
243,712 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
108,032 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,493,504 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,028,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,151,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Xpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
13,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wcorpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23536 |
18,944 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2018.0.0.23536 |
385,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
174,592 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23536 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
743,424 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
11,113,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
184,320 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
247,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
2,006,016 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Winetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,469,440 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
Neattiecas |
SP2 |
Wjsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
522,240 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wjsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
25,600 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wlicmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
43,520 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
630,272 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
55,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
6,021,120 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
67,072 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
611,840 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Woccache.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
206,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
105,984 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,215,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
759,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
920,064 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wxpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
12.800 |
13-Oct-2013 |
20:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Failus, kas attiecas uz noteiktu produktu, atskaites punktu (SPn) un pakalpojuma jomu (LDR, GDR), var identificēt, skatot faila versijas numurus, kā tas ir norādīts tālāk redzamajā tabulā:
Atskaites punkts
6.0.6002. 18 XXX
Windows Vista SP2 un Windows Server 2008 SP2
6.0.6002. 23 XXX
Windows Vista SP2 un Windows Server 2008 SP2
GDR pakalpojuma jomās ir ietverti tikai tie labojumi, kas tiek izlaisti plašam lietotāju lokam, lai novērstu izplatītas, kritiskas problēmas. LDR pakalpojuma jomās ir ietverti ne tikai plaša laidiena labojumi, bet arī labojumfaili.
Piezīme. MANIFEST faili (. manifest) un MUM faili (. Mum), kas ir instalēti nav norādīti.
Internet Explorer 7
Visu programmas Internet Explorer 7 atbalsta 32 bitu versijas Windows Vista un Windows Server 2008
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,177,600 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,178,624 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
671,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
671,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
19,456 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
19,456 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:12 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
27,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
834,048 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:13 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:13 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
27,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
842,240 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:35 |
Neattiecas |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
24-May-2013 |
17:09 |
Neattiecas |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
193,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
193,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
498,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:41 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
498,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
09-Sep-2011 |
11:34 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.18961 |
389,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
10:52 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23244 |
390,144 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:14 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
480,256 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
480,256 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
3,627,008 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,383,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
10:41 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
3,628,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,383,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:55 |
Neattiecas |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
271,872 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.18961 |
129,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
272,384 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23244 |
129,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
766,976 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
766,976 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
106,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
106,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.18961 |
53,760 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23244 |
53,760 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
6,119,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
180,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
6,120,960 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
180,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.18961 |
304,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
10:41 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23244 |
304,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:55 |
x86 |
Visu programmas Internet Explorer 7 atbalsta Windows Server 2008 Itanium tipa versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
2,615,296 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:49 |
IA-64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
2,616,320 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:18 |
IA-64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
2,234,368 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:48 |
IA-64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
2,234,368 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:16 |
IA-64 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
62,464 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:46 |
IA-64 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
62,464 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:14 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
81,920 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:47 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,924,096 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:50 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
181,760 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:50 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
81,920 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:15 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,940,992 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:18 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
181,760 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:18 |
IA-64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
18-Jun-2009 |
06:57 |
Neattiecas |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
1,074,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:47 |
IA-64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
15-Mar-2011 |
05:10 |
Neattiecas |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
1,074,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:15 |
IA-64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
460,800 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:47 |
IA-64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
461,312 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:15 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,045,504 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:47 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
03-Apr-2009 |
21:19 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,045,504 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:16 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
15-Mar-2011 |
05:41 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.18961 |
965,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:35 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23244 |
965,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:37 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,533,440 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:47 |
IA-64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,533,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:16 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
10,160,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:47 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,383,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:00 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
10,161,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:16 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,383,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
Neattiecas |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
564,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:47 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.18961 |
409,088 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:49 |
IA-64 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
564,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:15 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23244 |
409,088 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:17 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
2,192,896 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:49 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
2,192,896 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:18 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
130,048 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:49 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
130,048 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:18 |
IA-64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.18961 |
210,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:47 |
IA-64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23244 |
210,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:15 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
11,790,848 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:47 |
IA-64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
532,992 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:47 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
11,794,944 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:15 |
IA-64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
532,992 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:15 |
IA-64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.18961 |
476,672 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:02 |
IA-64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23244 |
476,672 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:13 |
IA-64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,177,600 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,178,624 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
671,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
671,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
19,456 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
19,456 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:12 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
27,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
834,048 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:13 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:13 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
27,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
842,240 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:35 |
Neattiecas |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
24-May-2013 |
17:09 |
Neattiecas |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
193,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
193,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
498,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:41 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
498,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
09-Sep-2011 |
11:34 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.18961 |
389,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
10:52 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23244 |
390,144 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:14 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
480,256 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
480,256 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
3,627,008 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,383,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
10:41 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
3,628,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,383,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:55 |
Neattiecas |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
271,872 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.18961 |
129,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
272,384 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23244 |
129,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
766,976 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
766,976 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
106,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
106,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.18961 |
53,760 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23244 |
53,760 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
6,119,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
180,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
6,120,960 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
180,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.18961 |
304,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
10:41 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23244 |
304,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:55 |
x86 |
Visu programmas Internet Explorer 7 atbalsta sistēmas Windows Vista un Windows Server 2008 x64 platformas versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,430,528 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:36 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,430,528 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:37 |
x64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,129,984 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:33 |
x64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,129,984 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:35 |
x64 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
33,792 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:31 |
x64 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
33,792 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:33 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
32,256 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:33 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,032,192 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:36 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:36 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
32,256 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:34 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,041,408 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:37 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:37 |
x64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
18-Jun-2009 |
06:57 |
Neattiecas |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
422,400 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:32 |
x64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
15-Nov-2011 |
15:03 |
Neattiecas |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
422,400 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:34 |
x64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
249,856 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:32 |
x64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
249,856 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:34 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
623,104 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:33 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
03-Apr-2009 |
21:18 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
623,104 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:35 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
15-Nov-2011 |
15:14 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.18961 |
485,376 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:02 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23244 |
485,888 |
12-Oct-2013 |
15:45 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
763,392 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:33 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
763,392 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:35 |
x64 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
5,737,984 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:33 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,383,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:23 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
5,735,936 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:35 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,383,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
15:12 |
Neattiecas |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
377,856 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:32 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.18961 |
176,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:35 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
377,856 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:34 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23244 |
176,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:37 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,104,896 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:36 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,104,896 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:37 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
108,544 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:36 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
108,544 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:37 |
x64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.18961 |
146,944 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:32 |
x64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23244 |
146,944 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:34 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
7,051,776 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:32 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
224,768 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:33 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
7,053,824 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:34 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
224,768 |
12-Oct-2013 |
16:34 |
x64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.18961 |
389,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:24 |
x64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23244 |
389,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
15:12 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,177,600 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,178,624 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
671,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
671,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
19,456 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
19,456 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:12 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
27,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
834,048 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:13 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:13 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
27,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
842,240 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:35 |
Neattiecas |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
24-May-2013 |
17:09 |
Neattiecas |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
193,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
193,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
498,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:41 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
498,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
09-Sep-2011 |
11:34 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.18961 |
389,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
10:52 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23244 |
390,144 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:14 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
480,256 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
480,256 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
3,627,008 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.18961 |
1,383,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
10:41 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
3,628,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23244 |
1,383,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:55 |
Neattiecas |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
271,872 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.18961 |
129,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
272,384 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23244 |
129,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
766,976 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
766,976 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
106,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
106,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:16 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.18961 |
53,760 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23244 |
53,760 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
6,119,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.18961 |
180,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:12 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
6,120,960 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23244 |
180,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.18961 |
304,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
10:41 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23244 |
304,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:55 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 8 visos atbalsta 32 bitu versijas Windows Vista un Windows Server 2008
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,212,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,215,488 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
611,840 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
611,840 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:07 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,469,440 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
Neattiecas |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,469,440 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
Neattiecas |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.19483 |
18,944 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:47 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23536 |
18,944 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:03 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
25,600 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:50 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
916,992 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
25,600 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
920,064 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.19483 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23536 |
387,584 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
184,320 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
184,320 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
43,520 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:50 |
x86 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
43,520 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
743,424 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
743,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
630,272 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:25 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
630,272 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:06 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:16 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
55,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,938 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:25 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
13,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:26 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
55,296 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:06 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,938 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:16 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
13,312 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:30 |
x86 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.19483 |
385,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:09 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23536 |
385,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
11:17 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
67,072 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
67,072 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:06 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
6,018,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,638,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:25 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
6,021,120 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:06 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:29 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
247,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
247,808 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
198,144 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
198,144 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
133,632 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
638,120 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:57 |
x86 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:19 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:19 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:19 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:19 |
Neattiecas |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
133,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
638,120 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:13 |
x86 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:10 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:10 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:10 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:10 |
Neattiecas |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
522,240 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:50 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
522,240 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Desktop.ini |
Neattiecas |
65 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:16 |
Neattiecas |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
206,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:53 |
x86 |
Desktop.ini |
Neattiecas |
65 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:07 |
Neattiecas |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
206,848 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
2,005,504 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.19483 |
129,536 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
2,006,016 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.23536 |
129,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
174,080 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
55,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
71,680 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
174,592 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
55,808 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
71,680 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
109,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
109,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
759,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
759,296 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
105,984 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
105,984 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
11,111,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
164,352 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
11,113,472 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
164,352 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 8 visos atbalsta sistēmas Windows Vista un Windows Server 2008 x64 platformas versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,489,920 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:21 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,493,504 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:10 |
x64 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,062,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:18 |
x64 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,062,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:05 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,538,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
Neattiecas |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,539,072 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:02 |
Neattiecas |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.19483 |
23,040 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:11 |
x64 |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23536 |
23,040 |
12-Oct-2013 |
11:58 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
31,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,147,392 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:22 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:22 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
31,744 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:02 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,151,488 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:10 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:10 |
x64 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.19483 |
459,776 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x64 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23536 |
459,776 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
252,416 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x64 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
252,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
56,832 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:15 |
x64 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
56,832 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:02 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,019,904 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,019,904 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
742,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:17 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:41 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
742,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:03 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
29-Jan-2013 |
22:12 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
71,680 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:17 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,938 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:41 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
12,288 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:54 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
71,680 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:03 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,938 |
29-Jan-2013 |
22:12 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
12,288 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:51 |
x64 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.19483 |
479,232 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:24 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23536 |
479,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
11:04 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
98,304 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:17 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
98,304 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:04 |
x64 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
9,344,000 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:17 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,638,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:53 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
9,346,560 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:04 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:51 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
718,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
718,848 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
301,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
301,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
162,816 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:55 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
660,648 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:23 |
x64 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:33 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:33 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:33 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:33 |
Neattiecas |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
162,816 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:52 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
660,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:14 |
x64 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
29-Jan-2013 |
21:53 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
29-Jan-2013 |
21:53 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
29-Jan-2013 |
21:53 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
29-Jan-2013 |
21:53 |
Neattiecas |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
502,272 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
502,272 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:02 |
x64 |
Desktop.ini |
Neattiecas |
65 |
29-Jan-2009 |
19:30 |
Neattiecas |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
243,712 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:20 |
x64 |
Desktop.ini |
Neattiecas |
65 |
29-Jan-2013 |
21:51 |
Neattiecas |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
243,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:08 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
2,357,760 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.19483 |
165,888 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:21 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
2,358,272 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.23536 |
165,888 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:09 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
70,656 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:55 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
72,192 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
77,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
70,656 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:52 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
72,192 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
77,312 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
132,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x64 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
132,096 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,028,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:21 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,028,096 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:10 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
108,032 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:21 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
108,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:10 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
12,510,208 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:13 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
219,136 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:14 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
12,512,768 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
219,136 |
12-Oct-2013 |
12:01 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
133,632 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
638,120 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:57 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
133,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
638,120 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:13 |
x86 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
206,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:53 |
x86 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
206,848 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:09 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,212,928 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,215,488 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
611,840 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
611,840 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:07 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,469,440 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
Neattiecas |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,469,440 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
Neattiecas |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.19483 |
18,944 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:47 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23536 |
18,944 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:03 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
25,600 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:50 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
916,992 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
25,600 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
920,064 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.19483 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23536 |
387,584 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
184,320 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
184,320 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
43,520 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:50 |
x86 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
43,520 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
743,424 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
743,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
630,272 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:25 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
630,272 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:06 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,876 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:16 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
55,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,938 |
15-Apr-2010 |
01:25 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
13,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:26 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
55,296 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:06 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,938 |
19-Apr-2010 |
23:16 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
13,312 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:30 |
x86 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.19483 |
385,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:09 |
Neattiecas |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23536 |
385,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
11:17 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
67,072 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
67,072 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:06 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
6,018,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.19483 |
1,638,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:25 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
6,021,120 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:06 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.23536 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:29 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
247,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
247,808 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
198,144 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
198,144 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
522,240 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:50 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
522,240 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
2,005,504 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.19483 |
129,536 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
2,006,016 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.23536 |
129,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.19483 |
174,080 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
55,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
71,680 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23536 |
174,592 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
55,808 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
71,680 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
109,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
109,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
759,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
759,296 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
105,984 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:55 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
105,984 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:11 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
11,111,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.19483 |
164,352 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
11,113,472 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.23536 |
164,352 |
12-Oct-2013 |
13:05 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 9
Internet Explorer 9 visos atbalsta 32 bitu versijas Windows Vista un Windows Server 2008
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,104,896 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:37 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,104,896 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
757,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
757,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:43 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,427,968 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:35 |
Neattiecas |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,427,968 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:08 |
Neattiecas |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
65,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,129,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:35 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
75,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,130,496 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
678,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
678,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:10 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
607,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:27 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:01 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
607,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:58 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
73,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:26 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
73,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
12,344,832 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16520 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:25 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
12,344,832 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:37 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20631 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:02 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
142,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:30 |
x86 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
142,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:05 |
x86 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,796,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:27 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,796,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:43 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
768,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:33 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
768,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
231,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:33 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
231,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:07 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
9,739,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:08 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
176,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:20 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
9,739,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:18 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
176,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:59 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
104,448 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
104,448 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
717,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:30 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,806,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:48 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
717,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:04 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,806,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:16 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
420,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:29 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
420,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:04 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 9 visos atbalsta sistēmas Windows Vista un Windows Server 2008 x64 platformas versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,346,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:48 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,347,072 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
763,632 |
13-Oct-2013 |
16:04 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
763,632 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:41 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,494,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:46 |
Neattiecas |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,494,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:47 |
Neattiecas |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
85,504 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,392,128 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:47 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
96,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:45 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,392,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:48 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:46 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
887,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:52 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
887,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
729,088 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:38 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:06 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
729,088 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:10 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
96,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:36 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
96,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:40 |
x64 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
17,847,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
15:58 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16520 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:35 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
17,847,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:35 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20631 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:39 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
548,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:45 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
548,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:46 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
305,152 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
305,152 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:45 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
173,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:42 |
x64 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
173,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:44 |
x64 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
499,200 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:51 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
499,200 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
2,147,840 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:39 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
183,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
16:04 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
2,147,840 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
183,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:41 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
996,352 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:46 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
996,352 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:46 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
237,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:46 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
237,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:47 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
10,926,080 |
13-Oct-2013 |
15:09 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
248,320 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:29 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
10,926,592 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:57 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
248,320 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:36 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
141,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:50 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
141,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
816,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:42 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
2,334,720 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:55 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
816,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:44 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
2,334,720 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:56 |
x64 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
599,040 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:42 |
x64 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
599,040 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:44 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
757,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
757,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:43 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
142,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:30 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
142,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:05 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,104,896 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:37 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,104,896 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,427,968 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:35 |
Neattiecas |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,427,968 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:08 |
Neattiecas |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
65,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,129,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:35 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
75,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,130,496 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
678,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
678,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:10 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
607,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:27 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:01 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
607,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:58 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
73,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:26 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
73,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
12,344,832 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16520 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:25 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
12,344,832 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:37 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20631 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:02 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,796,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:27 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,796,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:43 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
768,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:33 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
768,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
231,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:33 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
231,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:07 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
9,739,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:08 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
176,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:20 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
9,739,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:18 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
176,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:59 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
104,448 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
104,448 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
717,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:30 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,806,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:48 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
717,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:04 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,806,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:16 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
420,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:29 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
420,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:04 |
x86 |
Failus, kas attiecas uz noteiktu produktu, atskaites punktu (RTM, SPn), un pakalpojuma jomu (LDR, GDR), var identificēt, apskatot faila versijas numurus, kā norādīts tālāk redzamajā tabulā:
Atskaites punkts
6.1.7600. 17xxx
Windows 7 un Windows Server 2008 R2
6.1.7600. 21xxx
Windows 7 un Windows Server 2008 R2
6.1.7601. 18xxx
Windows 7 un Windows Server 2008 R2
6.1.7601. 22xxx
Windows 7 un Windows Server 2008 R2
GDR pakalpojuma jomās ir ietverti tikai tie labojumi, kas tiek izlaisti plašam lietotāju lokam, lai novērstu izplatītas, kritiskas problēmas. LDR pakalpojuma jomās ir ietverti ne tikai plaša laidiena labojumi, bet arī labojumfaili.
Piezīme. MANIFEST faili (. manifest) un MUM faili (. Mum), kas ir instalēti nav norādīti.
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 8 uz visām atbalstītajām Windows 7 x86 bitu versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,232,384 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,234,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
48,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
981,504 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:15 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
48,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
982,016 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:13 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
860,672 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
860,672 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
627,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:02 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
627,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:18 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
67,584 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:02 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
67,584 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
1.141 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:16 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
6,038,528 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:02 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:15 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
1.141 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
6,040,064 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:13 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
163,328 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
163,328 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
200,704 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
200,704 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
525,312 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
525,312 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
2,078,208 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18283 |
189,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
2,078,208 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22479 |
189,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
760,320 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
760,320 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
132,096 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
132,096 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
11,020,800 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
13,270 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:16 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
176,640 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
11,020,800 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
13,270 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
176,640 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 8 visos atbalsta Windows Server 2008 R2 Itanium tipa versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
2,732,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:37 |
IA-64 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
2,736,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:26 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
114,176 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:34 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
2,200,576 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:37 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
189,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:37 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
114,176 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:24 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
2,201,088 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:26 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
189,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:26 |
IA-64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
2,020,352 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:34 |
IA-64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
2,020,352 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:24 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,354,240 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:35 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:05 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,354,240 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:25 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:05 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
222,208 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:35 |
IA-64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
222,208 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:25 |
IA-64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
1.141 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:04 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
17,466,368 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:35 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:00 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
1.141 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:04 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
17,468,416 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:25 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
00:54 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
514,048 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:34 |
IA-64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
514,048 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:24 |
IA-64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
521,216 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:34 |
IA-64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
521,216 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:24 |
IA-64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
976,384 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:34 |
IA-64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
976,384 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:24 |
IA-64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
2,955,264 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:34 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18283 |
592,384 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:37 |
IA-64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
2,955,264 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:24 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22479 |
592,384 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:26 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
2,203,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:37 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
2,203,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:26 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
155,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:37 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
155,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:26 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
18,783,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:34 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
13,270 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:04 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
519,168 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:34 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
18,783,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:24 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
13,270 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:04 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
519,168 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:24 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
627,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:02 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
627,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:18 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
67,584 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:02 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
67,584 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
6,038,528 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:02 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:15 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
1.141 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
6,040,064 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:13 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
1.141 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
11,020,800 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
176,640 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
13,270 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
11,020,800 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
176,640 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
13,270 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,232,384 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,234,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
48,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
981,504 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:15 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
48,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
982,016 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:13 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
860,672 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
860,672 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
163,328 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
163,328 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
200,704 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
200,704 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
525,312 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
525,312 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
2,078,208 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18283 |
189,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
2,078,208 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22479 |
189,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
760,320 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
760,320 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
132,096 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
132,096 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 8 visos atbalsta sistēmas Windows 7 un Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 platformas versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,494,016 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:31 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,495,040 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:26 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:29 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,188,864 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:31 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
95,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:31 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
64,512 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:24 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,189,888 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:26 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
95,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:26 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,012,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:29 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,012,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:24 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
735,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:30 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:16 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
735,232 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:25 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
97,792 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:30 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
97,792 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:25 |
x64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
1.141 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:15 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
9,071,104 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:30 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:32 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
1.141 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:16 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
9,075,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:25 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:32 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
451,072 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:29 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
451,072 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:24 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
293,376 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:29 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
293,376 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:24 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
505,344 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:29 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
505,344 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:24 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
2,458,112 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:29 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18283 |
244,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:31 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
2,458,624 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:24 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22479 |
244,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:26 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,111,040 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:31 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,111,040 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:26 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
134,144 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:31 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
134,144 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:26 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
12,295,168 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:29 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
13,270 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:15 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
247,808 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:29 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
12,295,680 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:24 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
13,270 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:16 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
247,808 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:24 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
627,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:02 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
627,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:18 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
67,584 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:02 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
67,584 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
6,038,528 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:02 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:15 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
1.141 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
6,040,064 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,638,912 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:13 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
1.141 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
11,020,800 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
176,640 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
13,270 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
11,020,800 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
176,640 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
13,270 |
11-Oct-2013 |
23:17 |
Neattiecas |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
1,232,384 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
1,234,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
48,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
981,504 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:15 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
48,128 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
982,016 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:13 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
860,672 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
860,672 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
163,328 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
163,328 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
200,704 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
200,704 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
525,312 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
525,312 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
2,078,208 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18283 |
189,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
2,078,208 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:56 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22479 |
189,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
760,320 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
760,320 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18283 |
132,096 |
12-Oct-2013 |
02:04 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22479 |
132,096 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:57 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 9
Internet Explorer 9 uz visām atbalstītajām Windows 7 x86 bitu versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,104,896 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:37 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,104,896 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
757,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
757,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:43 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,427,968 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:35 |
Neattiecas |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,427,968 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:08 |
Neattiecas |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
65,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,129,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:35 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
75,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,130,496 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
678,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
678,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:10 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
607,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:27 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:01 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
607,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:58 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
73,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:26 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
73,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
2,012 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:58 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
12,344,832 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16520 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:25 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
2,012 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:02 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
12,344,832 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:37 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20631 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:02 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
142,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:30 |
x86 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
142,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:05 |
x86 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,796,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:27 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,796,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:43 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
768,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:33 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
768,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
231,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:33 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
231,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:07 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
9,739,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:08 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
20,842 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:58 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
176,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:20 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
9,739,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:18 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
20,842 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:02 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
176,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:59 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
104,448 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
104,448 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
717,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:30 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,806,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:48 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
717,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:04 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,806,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:16 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
420,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:29 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
420,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:04 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 9 uz visām atbalstītajām Windows 7 un Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 platformas versijas
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,346,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:48 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,347,072 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
763,632 |
13-Oct-2013 |
16:04 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
763,632 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:41 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,494,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:46 |
Neattiecas |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,494,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:47 |
Neattiecas |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
85,504 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,392,128 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:47 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
96,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:45 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,392,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:48 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:46 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
887,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:52 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
887,808 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:51 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
729,088 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:38 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:06 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
729,088 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:10 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
96,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:36 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
96,768 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:40 |
x64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
2,012 |
13-Oct-2013 |
16:07 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
17,847,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
15:58 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16520 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:35 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
2,012 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:44 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
17,847,296 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:35 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20631 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:39 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
548,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:45 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
548,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:46 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
305,152 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:44 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
305,152 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:45 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
173,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:42 |
x64 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
05-Mar-2011 |
05:23 |
Neattiecas |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
173,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:44 |
x64 |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
05-Mar-2011 |
11:01 |
Neattiecas |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
499,200 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:51 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
499,200 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
2,147,840 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:39 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
183,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
16:04 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
2,147,840 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
183,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:41 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
996,352 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:46 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
996,352 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:46 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
237,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:46 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
237,056 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:47 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
10,926,080 |
13-Oct-2013 |
15:09 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
20,842 |
13-Oct-2013 |
16:07 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
248,320 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:29 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
10,926,592 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:57 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
20,842 |
13-Oct-2013 |
12:44 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
248,320 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:36 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
141,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:50 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
141,312 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:49 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
816,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:42 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
2,334,720 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:55 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
816,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:44 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
2,334,720 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:56 |
x64 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
599,040 |
13-Oct-2013 |
14:42 |
x64 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
599,040 |
13-Oct-2013 |
11:44 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
757,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
757,488 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:43 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
607,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:27 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:01 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
607,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
13-Oct-2013 |
07:58 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
73,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:26 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
73,216 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:02 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
12,344,832 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16520 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:25 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
2,012 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:59 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
12,344,832 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:37 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20631 |
2,382,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:02 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
2,012 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:03 |
Neattiecas |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16520 |
142,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:30 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20631 |
142,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:05 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
9,739,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:08 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
176,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:20 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
20,842 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:59 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
9,739,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:18 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
176,640 |
13-Oct-2013 |
08:59 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
20,842 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:02 |
Neattiecas |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
717,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:30 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,806,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:48 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
717,824 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:04 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,806,848 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:16 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17020 |
420,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:29 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20631 |
420,864 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:04 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,104,896 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:37 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,104,896 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,427,968 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:35 |
Neattiecas |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,427,968 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:08 |
Neattiecas |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
65,024 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,129,472 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:35 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
75,264 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,130,496 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:08 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
678,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
678,912 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:10 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:32 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
194,560 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
387,584 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
1,796,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:27 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
10:49 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
1,796,096 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:03 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:43 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
768,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:33 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
768,512 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:06 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
231,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:33 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
231,936 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:07 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16520 |
104,448 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20631 |
104,448 |
13-Oct-2013 |
09:09 |
x86 |
10. Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 10 uz visām atbalstītajām Windows 7 x86 bitu versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,138,176 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,137,152 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
770,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:44 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
770,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:16 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
39,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,767,936 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
38,400 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,777,152 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:55 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
493,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:39 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
493,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:38 |
Neattiecas |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
09-Oct-2012 |
01:08 |
Neattiecas |
Registeriepkeys.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
71,680 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:15 |
x86 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
10-Oct-2012 |
01:36 |
Neattiecas |
Registeriepkeys.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
71,680 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:36 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
14,355,968 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,706,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:08 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:35 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
14,381,568 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,706,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:04 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
257,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
257,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
236,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
236,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Msdbg2.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
285,080 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:44 |
x86 |
Pdm.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
392,080 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:44 |
x86 |
Pdmproxy100.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
70,568 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:44 |
x86 |
Pdmsetup.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
69,120 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:28 |
x86 |
Msdbg2.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
285,080 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:52 |
x86 |
Pdm.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
392,080 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:52 |
x86 |
Pdmproxy100.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
70,568 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:52 |
x86 |
Pdmsetup.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
69,120 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:26 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,049,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.2.9200.16736 |
217,600 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,079,744 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.2.9200.20848 |
219,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
42,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:04 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
33,280 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
61,440 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
42,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:55 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
33,280 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
61,440 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
109,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
109,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
817,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
817,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
13,761,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:36 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
391,168 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
13,737,984 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:35 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
391,168 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
108,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
108,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,877,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,881,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.16736 |
690,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.20848 |
690,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 10 visas atbalstītās sistēmas Windows 7 un Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 platformas versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,364,992 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:45 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,349,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
775,344 |
12-Oct-2013 |
21:42 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
775,344 |
12-Oct-2013 |
09:49 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
53,248 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,241,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:45 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
53,248 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,249,216 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
603,136 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:39 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
603,136 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:38 |
Neattiecas |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
09-Oct-2012 |
03:09 |
Neattiecas |
Registeriepkeys.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
89,600 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:44 |
x64 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
22-Jul-2013 |
22:14 |
Neattiecas |
Registeriepkeys.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
89,600 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:35 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
19,269,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,706,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:35 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:35 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
19,510,784 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,706,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:27 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
701,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
701,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
356,864 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
356,352 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Msdbg2.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
368,024 |
06-Jul-2012 |
20:11 |
x64 |
Pdm.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
514,952 |
06-Jul-2012 |
20:11 |
x64 |
Pdmproxy100.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
72,624 |
06-Jul-2012 |
20:11 |
x64 |
Pdmsetup.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
86,528 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:59 |
x64 |
Msdbg2.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
368,024 |
22-Jul-2013 |
22:13 |
x64 |
Pdm.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
514,952 |
22-Jul-2013 |
22:13 |
x64 |
Pdmproxy100.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
72,624 |
22-Jul-2013 |
22:13 |
x64 |
Pdmsetup.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
86,528 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:50 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,648,576 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.2.9200.16736 |
278,528 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:44 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,671,616 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.2.9200.20848 |
277,504 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
51,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:45 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
39,936 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
67,072 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
51,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
39,936 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
67,072 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
136,704 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
136,704 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,084,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:45 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,084,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
15,404,544 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:35 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
526,336 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
15,414,784 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:34 |
Neattiecas |
Ieui.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
531,456 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
148,992 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
148,992 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
3,959,808 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
3,968,000 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.16736 |
855,552 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.20848 |
854,528 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
770,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:44 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
770,736 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:16 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
493,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:39 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
493,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:38 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
14,355,968 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,706,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:08 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:38 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
14,381,568 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,706,432 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:04 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:37 |
Neattiecas |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
33,280 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
61,440 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
33,280 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
61,440 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
09-Oct-2012 |
01:08 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
13,761,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
391,168 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:38 |
Neattiecas |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
10-Oct-2012 |
01:36 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
13,737,984 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
391,168 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
12-Oct-2013 |
01:37 |
Neattiecas |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,877,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,881,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.16736 |
690,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.20848 |
690,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,138,176 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,137,152 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
39,424 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,767,936 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
38,400 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,777,152 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:55 |
x86 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
09-Oct-2012 |
01:08 |
Neattiecas |
Registeriepkeys.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
71,680 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:15 |
x86 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
10-Oct-2012 |
01:36 |
Neattiecas |
Registeriepkeys.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
71,680 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:13 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
257,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
257,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
236,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
236,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Msdbg2.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
285,080 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:44 |
x86 |
Pdm.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
392,080 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:44 |
x86 |
Pdmproxy100.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
70,568 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:44 |
x86 |
Pdmsetup.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
69,120 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:28 |
x86 |
Msdbg2.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
285,080 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:52 |
x86 |
Pdm.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
392,080 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:52 |
x86 |
Pdmproxy100.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
70,568 |
06-Jul-2012 |
19:52 |
x86 |
Pdmsetup.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
69,120 |
12-Oct-2013 |
05:26 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,049,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.2.9200.16736 |
217,600 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,079,744 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.2.9200.20848 |
219,648 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
109,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
109,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
817,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
817,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
108,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
108,032 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Failus, kas attiecas uz noteiktu produktu, atskaites punktu (RTM, SPn), un pakalpojuma jomu (LDR, GDR), var identificēt, skatot faila versijas numurus, kā norādīts šajā tabulā:
Atskaites punkts
6.2.920 0.16 xxx
Windows 8 un Windows Server 2012
6.2.920 0,20 xxx
Windows 8 un Windows Server 2012
GDR pakalpojuma jomās ir ietverti tikai tie labojumi, kas tiek izlaisti plašam lietotāju lokam, lai novērstu izplatītas, kritiskas problēmas. LDR pakalpojuma jomās ir ietverti ne tikai plaša laidiena labojumi, bet arī labojumfaili.
Piezīme. MANIFEST faili (. manifest) un MUM faili (. Mum), kas ir instalēti nav norādīti.
Internet Explorer 10
Internet Explorer 10 visos atbalsta Windows 8 versijām, kuru pamatā ir x86
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,138,176 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,137,152 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.16537 |
770,608 |
21-Feb-2013 |
11:28 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.20641 |
770,624 |
21-Feb-2013 |
11:11 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16537 |
39,424 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:29 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,767,936 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16384 |
38,400 |
26-Jul-2012 |
03:18 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,777,152 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:55 |
x86 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
09-Oct-2012 |
01:08 |
Neattiecas |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
10-Oct-2012 |
01:36 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
493,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
07-Nov-2012 |
23:41 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
493,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
25-Jul-2012 |
20:36 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
15-May-2013 |
01:21 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
14,355,968 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.16611 |
2,706,432 |
14-May-2013 |
09:23 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
15-May-2013 |
01:22 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
14,381,568 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.20716 |
2,706,432 |
14-May-2013 |
05:33 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
257,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
257,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.16679 |
236,032 |
01-Aug-2013 |
08:36 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.20787 |
236,032 |
01-Aug-2013 |
08:57 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,049,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,079,744 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
42,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:04 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.16453 |
33,280 |
08-Nov-2012 |
04:24 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.16537 |
61,440 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:29 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
42,496 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:55 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.16384 |
33,280 |
26-Jul-2012 |
03:18 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.16384 |
61,440 |
26-Jul-2012 |
03:18 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.16537 |
109,056 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:29 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.20641 |
109,056 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
817,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
817,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
13,761,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
21-Feb-2013 |
07:41 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
13,737,984 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
21-Feb-2013 |
07:43 |
Neattiecas |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.16598 |
108,032 |
28-Apr-2013 |
22:30 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.20702 |
108,032 |
28-Apr-2013 |
22:32 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,877,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,881,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.16736 |
690,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.20848 |
690,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Uxinit.dll |
6.2.9200.16611 |
44,032 |
15-May-2013 |
22:37 |
x86 |
Uxinit.dll |
6.2.9200.20716 |
44,032 |
15-May-2013 |
22:35 |
x86 |
Uxtheme.dll |
6.2.9200.16537 |
661,504 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:30 |
x86 |
Uxtheme.dll |
6.2.9200.20641 |
662,016 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 10 visos atbalsta sistēmas Windows 8 un Windows Server 2012 x64 platformas versijām
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielumu |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,364,992 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:45 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,349,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.16537 |
775,216 |
21-Feb-2013 |
12:59 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.20641 |
775,216 |
21-Feb-2013 |
13:13 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16537 |
53,248 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:14 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,241,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:45 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16384 |
53,248 |
26-Jul-2012 |
03:05 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,249,216 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
09-Oct-2012 |
03:09 |
Neattiecas |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
10-Oct-2012 |
01:36 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
603,136 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
07-Nov-2012 |
23:40 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
603,136 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
25-Jul-2012 |
20:32 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
15-May-2013 |
01:43 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
19,269,632 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.16611 |
2,706,432 |
14-May-2013 |
13:14 |
Neattiecas |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
15-May-2013 |
03:47 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
19,510,784 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.20716 |
2,706,432 |
14-May-2013 |
08:30 |
Neattiecas |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
701,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
701,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.16679 |
356,864 |
01-Aug-2013 |
10:29 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.20787 |
356,352 |
01-Aug-2013 |
12:23 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,648,576 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,671,616 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.16736 |
51,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:45 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.16453 |
39,936 |
08-Nov-2012 |
04:20 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.16453 |
67,072 |
08-Nov-2012 |
04:20 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.20848 |
51,712 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.16384 |
39,936 |
26-Jul-2012 |
03:05 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.16384 |
67,072 |
26-Jul-2012 |
03:05 |
x64 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.16537 |
136,704 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:14 |
x64 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.20641 |
136,704 |
21-Feb-2013 |
12:46 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,084,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:45 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,084,928 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
15,404,544 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
21-Feb-2013 |
07:39 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
15,414,784 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
21-Feb-2013 |
09:53 |
Neattiecas |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.16598 |
148,992 |
28-Apr-2013 |
22:28 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.20702 |
148,992 |
28-Apr-2013 |
22:26 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
3,959,808 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
3,968,000 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.16736 |
855,552 |
12-Oct-2013 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.20848 |
854,528 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Uxinit.dll |
6.2.9200.16611 |
53,760 |
15-May-2013 |
22:35 |
x64 |
Uxinit.dll |
6.2.9200.20716 |
53,760 |
16-May-2013 |
00:53 |
x64 |
Uxtheme.dll |
6.2.9200.16598 |
915,968 |
28-Apr-2013 |
22:28 |
x64 |
Uxtheme.dll |
6.2.9200.20702 |
907,776 |
28-Apr-2013 |
22:27 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.16537 |
770,608 |
21-Feb-2013 |
11:28 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.20641 |
770,624 |
21-Feb-2013 |
11:11 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
493,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
07-Nov-2012 |
23:41 |
Neattiecas |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
493,056 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Neattiecas |
1,518 |
25-Jul-2012 |
20:36 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
14,355,968 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.16611 |
2,706,432 |
14-May-2013 |
09:23 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
15-May-2013 |
01:22 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
14,381,568 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.20716 |
2,706,432 |
14-May-2013 |
05:33 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
15-May-2013 |
01:24 |
Neattiecas |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.16537 |
33,280 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:29 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.16537 |
61,440 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:29 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.20641 |
33,280 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.20641 |
61,440 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
09-Oct-2012 |
01:08 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
13,761,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
07-Nov-2012 |
23:39 |
Neattiecas |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
10-Oct-2012 |
01:36 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
13,737,984 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
25,923 |
25-Jul-2012 |
20:34 |
Neattiecas |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,877,952 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,881,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.16736 |
690,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.20848 |
690,688 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Uxtheme.dll |
6.2.9200.16537 |
534,528 |
19-Feb-2013 |
09:53 |
x86 |
Uxtheme.dll |
6.2.9200.20641 |
534,528 |
19-Feb-2013 |
07:22 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,138,176 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,137,152 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16537 |
39,424 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:29 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
1,767,936 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16384 |
38,400 |
26-Jul-2012 |
03:18 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
1,777,152 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:55 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
257,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
257,536 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.16679 |
236,032 |
01-Aug-2013 |
08:36 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.20787 |
236,032 |
01-Aug-2013 |
08:57 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
2,049,024 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:02 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
2,079,744 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.16537 |
109,056 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:29 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.20641 |
109,056 |
21-Feb-2013 |
10:42 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.16736 |
817,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
07:03 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.20848 |
817,664 |
12-Oct-2013 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.16598 |
108,032 |
28-Apr-2013 |
22:30 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.20702 |
108,032 |
28-Apr-2013 |
22:32 |
x86 |
Uxinit.dll |
6.2.9200.16611 |
44,032 |
15-May-2013 |
22:37 |
x86 |
Uxinit.dll |
6.2.9200.20716 |
44,032 |
15-May-2013 |
22:35 |
x86 |
Informācija par failu Windows Windows 8.1 un Windows Server 2012 R2
Internet Explorer 11
Internet Explorer 11 visos atbalsta Windows 8.1 versijām, kuru pamatā ir x86
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
1,156,608 |
19-Oct-2013 |
03:02 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
11.0.9600.16438 |
1,926,656 |
19-Oct-2013 |
03:55 |
Neattiecas |
Jsproxy.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
43,008 |
22-Aug-2013 |
03:46 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
1,818,112 |
19-Oct-2013 |
03:09 |
x86 |
F12resources.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
7,211,008 |
26-Sep-2013 |
08:57 |
x86 |
F12tools.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
184,320 |
26-Sep-2013 |
08:08 |
x86 |
F12.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
1,587,200 |
19-Oct-2013 |
04:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
21-Aug-2013 |
23:39 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
17,142,784 |
19-Oct-2013 |
06:37 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
11.0.9600.16384 |
2,724,864 |
22-Aug-2013 |
04:16 |
Neattiecas |
Ieetwcollector.exe |
11.0.9600.16438 |
108,032 |
19-Oct-2013 |
04:43 |
x86 |
Ieetwcollectorres.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
4096 |
22-Aug-2013 |
04:16 |
x86 |
Ieetwproxystub.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
51,200 |
22-Aug-2013 |
03:55 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
270,848 |
26-Sep-2013 |
06:34 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
242,688 |
26-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
x86 |
Bing.ico |
Neattiecas |
5,430 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:22 |
Neattiecas |
Ieunatt.exe |
11.0.9600.16384 |
112,128 |
22-Aug-2013 |
03:40 |
x86 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-internetexplorer-ppdlic.xrm-ms |
Neattiecas |
2,956 |
19-Oct-2013 |
07:13 |
Neattiecas |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:26 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:26 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:26 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:26 |
Neattiecas |
Memoryanalyzer.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
1,389,056 |
26-Sep-2013 |
08:23 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
2,166,272 |
19-Oct-2013 |
04:52 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
11.0.9600.16438 |
208,896 |
19-Oct-2013 |
04:28 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
no 32,768 |
22-Aug-2013 |
03:45 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
61,952 |
22-Aug-2013 |
03:56 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
11,220,992 |
19-Oct-2013 |
03:56 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
24,486 |
21-Aug-2013 |
23:39 |
Neattiecas |
Jscript9.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
4,240,384 |
19-Oct-2013 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Jscript9diag.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
553,472 |
26-Sep-2013 |
08:24 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 11 visos atbalsta Windows 8.1 un Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 platformas versijas
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Urlmon.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
1,394,176 |
19-Oct-2013 |
03:23 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
11.0.9600.16438 |
1,993,728 |
19-Oct-2013 |
04:31 |
Neattiecas |
Jsproxy.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
53,760 |
22-Aug-2013 |
11:11 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
2,332,160 |
19-Oct-2013 |
03:53 |
x64 |
F12resources.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
7,211,520 |
26-Sep-2013 |
09:52 |
x64 |
F12tools.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
258,560 |
26-Sep-2013 |
08:50 |
x64 |
F12.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
1,742,336 |
19-Oct-2013 |
04:51 |
x64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
22-Aug-2013 |
06:44 |
Neattiecas |
Mshtml.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
23,212,544 |
19-Oct-2013 |
08:08 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
11.0.9600.16384 |
2,724,864 |
22-Aug-2013 |
11:45 |
Neattiecas |
Ieetwcollector.exe |
11.0.9600.16438 |
111,616 |
19-Oct-2013 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Ieetwcollectorres.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
4096 |
22-Aug-2013 |
11:44 |
x64 |
Ieetwproxystub.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
48,640 |
22-Aug-2013 |
11:21 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
721,408 |
26-Sep-2013 |
06:34 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
344,576 |
26-Sep-2013 |
06:57 |
x64 |
Bing.ico |
Neattiecas |
5,430 |
18-Jun-2013 |
14:48 |
Neattiecas |
Ieunatt.exe |
11.0.9600.16384 |
139,264 |
22-Aug-2013 |
11:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-internetexplorer-ppdlic.xrm-ms |
Neattiecas |
2,956 |
19-Oct-2013 |
08:47 |
Neattiecas |
Windows discovered.wav plūsma |
Neattiecas |
19,884 |
18-Jun-2013 |
14:55 |
Neattiecas |
Informācija par Windows bar.wav |
Neattiecas |
23,308 |
18-Jun-2013 |
14:55 |
Neattiecas |
Windows navigācijas start.wav |
Neattiecas |
11,340 |
18-Jun-2013 |
14:55 |
Neattiecas |
Windows uznirstošo blocked.wav |
Neattiecas |
85,548 |
18-Jun-2013 |
14:55 |
Neattiecas |
Memoryanalyzer.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
1,836,544 |
26-Sep-2013 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
2,764,288 |
19-Oct-2013 |
06:02 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
11.0.9600.16438 |
218,624 |
19-Oct-2013 |
05:19 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
33,792 |
22-Aug-2013 |
11:10 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
66,048 |
22-Aug-2013 |
11:22 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
12,995,584 |
19-Oct-2013 |
04:37 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
24,486 |
22-Aug-2013 |
06:44 |
Neattiecas |
Jscript9.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
5,765,120 |
19-Oct-2013 |
05:10 |
x64 |
Jscript9diag.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
708,608 |
22-Aug-2013 |
11:02 |
x64 |
Mshtml.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
17,142,784 |
19-Oct-2013 |
06:37 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
11.0.9600.16384 |
2,724,864 |
22-Aug-2013 |
04:16 |
Neattiecas |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
3,228 |
21-Aug-2013 |
23:41 |
Neattiecas |
Ieetwproxystub.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
51,200 |
22-Aug-2013 |
03:55 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
11.0.9600.16384 |
112,128 |
22-Aug-2013 |
03:40 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
– 32,768 |
22-Aug-2013 |
03:45 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
61,952 |
22-Aug-2013 |
03:56 |
x86 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Neattiecas |
2,843 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:22 |
Neattiecas |
Ieframe.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
11,220,992 |
19-Oct-2013 |
03:56 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Neattiecas |
24,486 |
21-Aug-2013 |
23:41 |
Neattiecas |
Jscript9.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
4,240,384 |
19-Oct-2013 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Jscript9diag.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
553,472 |
26-Sep-2013 |
08:24 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
1,156,608 |
19-Oct-2013 |
03:02 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
11.0.9600.16438 |
1,926,656 |
19-Oct-2013 |
03:55 |
Neattiecas |
Jsproxy.dll |
11.0.9600.16384 |
43,008 |
22-Aug-2013 |
03:46 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
1,818,112 |
19-Oct-2013 |
03:09 |
x86 |
F12tools.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
184,320 |
26-Sep-2013 |
08:08 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
270,848 |
26-Sep-2013 |
06:34 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
11.0.9600.16412 |
242,688 |
26-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
11.0.9600.16438 |
2,166,272 |
19-Oct-2013 |
04:52 |
x86 |
Informācija par failu Jaucējalgoritms
Informācija par failu Jaucējalgoritms
Faila nosaukums |
SHA1 Jaucējalgoritms |
SHA256 Jaucējalgoritms |
IE10-Windows6.1-KB2888505-x64.msu |
8FDA288DD31F6E5B3360581E9673F227DDA24B9D |
B46D8505215CE6E6B661FC50658A5CCE2A7728E4FD902FFF6BAEF42942E44B66 |
IE10-Windows6.1-KB2888505-x86.msu |
EC21D4466D254A7BD9BD61FB93B7F340EA110443 |
3B2B0D2BA49442C8373008647F4979A3180D9C2F1C142568F222B0FB3CB4FD3A |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-ia64-DEU.exe |
353D2CCB8055AF48F834BA8F7334E8F1F469B5B9 |
1B341459828BE0786328A6A3A39EF4AF95969823D3FBAA84126B4EF5C8067E24 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-ia64-ENU.exe |
86BB22EAC338390A63510E06BD6D6F03AEBF60F7 |
47E2470FCEF9C46F96385162F699F8A72AFEA99C5924E5B0F83835B68F663E39 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-ia64-FRA.exe |
0E5A56AE1E24266130D825C0853E9EB0C9AE999A |
28020404000B15268697B7CECCF7ADB5BFFAA96977367C8C0C0BA167D817B496 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-ia64-JPN.exe |
1DD6EB34970CF0C0DA316E616AC30BB7943597D5 |
BF9B51A407A3699B651A1CC62E6AFD1AE96F23F0993A6D4248E3B08822124F96 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-CHS.exe |
785B7D00C032BDAB35E85185A331B1B30B8FB516 |
421E4D020A7BC67702279165524AD9A87B66036A079D6B01AB7E311DF0931C39 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-CHT.exe |
0D5985987D7717844764AEF0E552B1C14D74FD30 |
0D46C84D84F56A4E58845FA8C4513535AAF99DE889D6E90BB3215C21C7825B2E |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-CSY.exe |
9CA0DA5DEC07E77449E1C8E8074B492B7E7B771E |
8E6AAD4122339380BB3468FD4D7DFD089D5C113D4421986B86D0C866E7A7838F |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-DEU.exe |
E00866EE5F57BF0FF755FD427354ED7176EE12E0 |
32338635CBFEE6FEA970E5F4586F2892C0281677063089AF26A20F6E82BB709B |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-ENU.exe |
E1CEA0298DF208C35EF04DBECB233C5981752702 |
754BCC55DE94438177B655F1A6C538F9856EA02A6B40F5DBB2B13EA98AC7376D |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-ESN.exe |
E32028464F84869A8A3060D9C02C04FC2CFCB1D5 |
A845F5D9A7EA9FB2C0398B27D47C99FE9A02F28D8CB8537711C51A0EB964C9CD |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-FRA.exe |
E1DE7741E24B9CAD26E17E36F3A94DCAE69FF546 |
FD68D3A644696F350CB16EB07DE1DD8EB0AD612A28E019ED5B664FFF1ACC53BE |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-HUN.exe |
CE325BBA8404596D448F7EDEB6091E43ED0255DA |
BD16138AD9C0ECF3B01545B9C1C3FBA4064B9C66EE24CA135DF71CB0F9C7A641 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-ITA.exe |
86FC5770E227044360E8357E09D6AFEF95DE4628 |
FE4EB3A1E3DB4E07F17D6AE3990B00873B02D5DB1E3BEA0E42FF85D369DFE8A0 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-JPN.exe |
F3996DDAF7D32A669487E297EEBA8025AC0BDDD3 |
69C80036D02822E187BA11B5A42F7309EC1B81167251B0C0E7C0A4FF9578DB47 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-KOR.exe |
B67115CE7713D4FC134E586236363A5D424E8FF2 |
B28CC3E8D6365F4C2CE392F7EDACF7A25A8A972775685C0066AA87D89E9FAE52 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-NLD.exe |
E85B9112ECA1365917B22A35507E46E94F5858FB |
134FF8598178DAC576C80C98B5B214EE85D294294F8C19C5F085F956D56CD82F |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-PLK.exe |
64055EF91976DCA466FCAD0BD4C84F611B3C48C6 |
5503EC638550F6F797FBE5F5D158D453715B0C26989528B93237C1C0B10FB703 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-PTB.exe |
AF1911CB2B387BBB5EF8FE57F990EFEE9A80CB91 |
648353665A19D289A1974E0E9C0F0541920E6E087E18F920C220F49630A59F58 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-PTG.exe |
86AEA1DF47B0EEA8BC066BA8959233A528D8488B |
639F8B2C6CDF2D7CCFC10104507963053D349CD4C2B97DD738320E1F6D85C970 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-RUS.exe |
40F12F826022A206566B5B47B5DA5B0B96D43415 |
E0CFA28DFAA2614095CF04687285052E68C08F23E4B1B54DD2146D050905CE8F |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-SVE.exe |
FD527AAFD50F2FF1960615A36C2678DE615C1DD3 |
207F23E75E5171B9B0CC208044055EDD46913EA8927F5A79E10429E58C4161E2 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-TRK.exe |
C9634E9ECC380C6B7C13E29D3E589D424EFEEBE1 |
10679E64FF3373C4D3B94B6802362041BFCB5BEFFCE56DE4A70823ECC3AF7DA6 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-CHS.exe |
B0DC0704F6108E0DCA2CB6A23B3C5DB9524F5D2A |
9DF74CEC0AD55A280AAC189041D70ECC1D78AE1C24C41D7A0A37EE543DDB634E |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-CHT.exe |
7C38A39EA94793F03F059ACD77B59F1883A20C9E |
8B7AC07F6027554FA398F425764FD3A40BA9DFD47EB8DC47F231DFC59D7D5984 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-DEU.exe |
0EA364507678A8896B2D2DC3710F095E7A07F4F4 |
2074AA8B363CC3BA81325582D83C01BECF4E0324456ED5718AC7A3DECB39DF1B |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-ENU.exe |
8105EE7605FFE240A088723A94A6F047FFA32403 |
E8EA752B123A266A05FBA49EA940D87B90B065BF46CBFF31B2DDFED7AC6FC816 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-ESN.exe |
A3F1B5EC5D797BA87FC81F50F256E48CC6AC2EF1 |
04C046F750E5F688CA6972123FE55506E273BEF2C5198B6CA4DD239060E4DC61 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-FRA.exe |
1020F0B4A77D000D71121F26312A07D3A8D0AFAA |
6C93BED36A1CCB440E93F1EFE36111911A46979A674A70B49082F3287C457DE0 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-ITA.exe |
436D86CB507AB43C770E75AC06A11EBD4BB594F6 |
0A9E0C83D0E5A176C6E6B8928BE62DAB576CE37A897E8FAF65DD5EC29324A7A5 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-JPN.exe |
DEDB641FCC03DEE13F6ED0FE38730D1F72D29C25 |
0440B432DA2A77605DC131AAA1146FCBE14B4FD0E768DFE986C5720FE231E45F |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-KOR.exe |
35877157F9E39E3F740B3EEFE39AB75F43E5F9FD |
1C5C78B04B826F4AAF97830B740EFC5935BD6DBC835CFB58F6965C763BA22D59 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-PTB.exe |
1DE5CC2DF9598A729453E5CE4AF9B23C1BDF7A0F |
457FFA4C3B377221B99D18C1B7C8115010FBB8B6AD24BE3F366E30876B326BD5 |
IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-RUS.exe |
FC37FF0DE59851049A7092F09E5B323EB9620B98 |
5ABCEA74E36386B7AF37FEDB68AE469AF424A8B5AE28CD7995CF7A1513F402E2 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ARA.exe |
85527EF24F2C59DFEC5ACAF9559DC97694A8B909 |
A39FC2A1A0C25A4ACF22552F3B81E009D07E266870ABE10CB000F0C25D1D52CC |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-CHS.exe |
F2427F442F873A465412046B895BE85634152C5D |
218C9CFF8E96571B0FA6A0FF558572A4B6FC1A5B6C92D28812612658B53659E7 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-CHT.exe |
0658AC8C3C4FC2E714B23170301E4C95ABB834C2 |
4B3C7F8A1B3BE0212BF725918CC48D996CE4D01D903E23625E4B81AF62C36099 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-CSY.exe |
F4B863E9F5936C031BB24175ECB0BB08A394CBD2 |
CCD1EABEA174832AA98EFF12AAF6F22DE1C94A0707F398E7CF74F4A70CC828B8 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-DAN.exe |
5F398448BF58E94850E485D2CCF5694A6011BFF2 |
FF0F5E40BA31182FACB7A803E36F1CD24FB984BEDB9670CD02A37F4313C23E6E |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-DEU.exe |
2BDCCFDF9992842198C0AF1DEC0B79CF4A20ECFA |
B1FBD5C880AA4762B4C13D2FE36A67AC8497F6CCD1501161DFF2DDA60FDDFA3E |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ELL.exe |
C272DA44E1737253C0EC76F42F6EE1847A0128E4 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ENU.exe |
5D77F89EF4DF311BB485CF5182DEF8B761D37A0F |
2C53768E700BD00A2E370695DE48CDF0063D4BBDF9F1CC4A4FE6DD601D88ADF9 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ESN.exe |
5F871F68AF250827710B5333B4DCBA9088D67E65 |
755ADE58BBB75D0AC727120BAE2643038BED9B79E78753CDD89524515A44B997 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-FIN.exe |
A2BC64B916B639DC2AD4CE52199C4EA3C6487B77 |
70CC6E9A676F177272D8211ADFE80D57DD17EE41997AB99E0CD0B5CF6525A4C6 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-FRA.exe |
37DA7E9558AF6BBCE0929A9D922BAB7221755C1889DB1C80D2C89ACC6E2B34A4 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-HEB.exe |
66ECB8BC3BA944E607B1607B5AB0BACB206E5C3B |
4380092E39FF9243B245452D703F6D70855034AD6732CAF84174269FAD3B64A4 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-HUN.exe |
D506B822363A81D1087D083A3D9E117F5DD7595E |
9174E74627F714AF2FCAFB25BB91885A23F9FDE11A45759277BB771344C2EF44 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ITA.exe |
EC751B319E6E066CBFD75ACD1CDC201EEA63C5C8 |
06F30F35141BA3EC92181AE52B11E11D7F9035FABB23231CB8537F1594A2A6E4 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-JPN.exe |
C6AE9751F2FE6104AE7F32C8BDE5F3B41F8518BE |
E18EB61AAE312CB667CA31727754A5B06F2DB99248B3A5770901D0AB1F9EE357 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-KOR.exe |
876CD0641D88D1951B76A0155127FCAE8AF9F079 |
887ED7C8E64C31D3AECB60ED6B8CE1EF367D423AE8D69526D6BC10C461CB6BCC |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-NLD.exe |
70B27352627E560B1380A5E18252A3C329E42AA0 |
DA039862419FD11DBE25537A454F64105BA60F0F3DDFE606ECAF07C949F4ECF3 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-NOR.exe |
BEFE60DE216B70CE0BF179ECEF57A3F9082B6BC8 |
1CA74256236B1DF8C93374F50F10F8B319593B146686F324A513EDC07281D1A1 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-PLK.exe |
2C13A4A607BDA074CC22AA0A57F1E9109E2E8D6B |
302210649635C4C3975B09650898B89084FC6863E54031519E8EC35C3BA3C4AE |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-PTB.exe |
35FE9EB1DC3589E482EB1DFDB5348E7D47FEA1C5 |
34F1354F7DF614BDAC79E037408E59830DC6A815001A818FDA208330DC83B663 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-PTG.exe |
00C809ED52799FCEC2480851645D8B6C3CDB2703 |
C76C5E01D255ED60FC9FB24500F3741D5DE4E1D9AC146399C4ED3DEE8EF05921 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-RUS.exe |
0E9F56E4549C53D8F6EF94AB6F623ED2E6A7694A |
B0544FF58F0E444119B2DF6012F85EE5BE1E9F39EA20A560B744F7C08D3F1CD6 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-SVE.exe |
519EE53D98138AC390E0241B58D6ED1006A7221B |
19FB95ABDE4AE095CD5C33F79E2D023656E75AD1596109B74955BAD4DF7EF673 |
IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-TRK.exe |
90C5A24B47C8960F350AA03B419FE07F015558C8 |
26DF647A7E424E376E31280F24BE22A7D01FD597B3867065284DDA62EFAFDA0B |
IE8-Windows6.0-KB2888505-x64.msu |
88C59112F034181FCC4EF06A461D94AFCAF2739D |
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IE8-Windows6.0-KB2888505-x86.msu |
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6A430A6F6042707DD27DFDFA4C93FA17B5123BF8FA33B240C7F895660D63E299 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-CHS.exe |
E62190479060424DD01C40B14507B790CBBCA396 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-CHT.exe |
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44B0F769BDCC629E8675873699A9B7C19B75E015C00EF5276E3F0D1577C825F8 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-CSY.exe |
8B1E3F942FB8E06FFE9795416315B852A2A959D0 |
33F6693A077F1AB2EC22FB405C45FA8DFE1EDB9C7561331F0F1ABF0EE89D89EA |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-DEU.exe |
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F872AC88D2C4D1C4A09CD2A81BFB5E04E0855DF0EF3DE11284E9E1F0510BF8E1 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-ENU.exe |
00E5D9564A479FD8C703AFE8FB03C7A43673FFAC |
39ED07281903FE2474E64E42F46EDD50D352D5D1BFB569BA36686CD7AD92C47A |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-ESN.exe |
4BDD0C92457329CD6CB854945B325EA48369B7DA |
587D647EBB329732ADDC10CD2DC2C385AD0F6FFD327A46394299D0F2F7A4C7BE |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-FRA.exe |
60EA52934A759F432CEFE772883126E2EAAD2C21 |
FB76E60589AF2968FC24CCDD4E4C56AC8BF0D108ADA2A3F72570ECC58294E6DF |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-HUN.exe |
84FB8606A1FABC16863C9B08B35BB3A3E8F673C9 |
76831B19D84DC803DD488410DF80335735EAB5CD236676FE5CCC6D9A2D8FFB9F |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-ITA.exe |
C155942FB7E4502DC0997DF52C74140C1321B010 |
70D2758B04AD8BE84F9455E46E57CE5D8AD612D59617DCA8DB8080854AE776D7 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-JPN.exe |
A87097ABA77C07DB622C2BE5BB98014757398039 |
8B989EA3066EFD54A98D4652B61EC4C9A636CA8EA89830EFC5035A2572FFA653 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-KOR.exe |
A8540377F8C28B89BFFDA8E1A54F971CAAFED2AA |
A17A8D3E81C4027F5D87091DBEFB4BCAE2053B88E9B7DBAA1558F3EB0B4615B5 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-NLD.exe |
F9A80D2CF2870BFF05CFE1DF5AD0A2A507B6CB78 |
DC0AABA21599051A3B9EFDD3858D8B78D28409F9731ADD8468D8289DD0546638 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-PLK.exe |
88C139683261B948ABA6EAC45DA7D75C6EC10B97 |
9D92D9AB9F8C0EDC07BD4491DD93AE6CE1E291264FE8085D8408B1B40207EE09 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-PTB.exe |
331F51D7B07FD3C1C5C5DF1582A685F6D14E509C |
C662B803570110656FE01D1484EE9DB3231012F26A62BB3411E553323CCCA9BF |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-PTG.exe |
F5FDF6F2EE50CA36843A256575C92ABDB6E95E43 |
B1F90E4CD286E511492E1B1A7146C076254F2DFFF5BBA0FBF32E255F940EE014 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-RUS.exe |
9FF7A6CCE38ED14DECEE307AE52E6D6F86AF2973 |
DE7691A855D06AF4325A6735486DC4CA0A9B75D1397FC65080171CCFDAB30EB9 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-SVE.exe |
6BC4AE68DED41BA9FCA5C31D4EF77C682A373FA1 |
19624400F284E646FFB7467EBAF6C2A04167FA54556183DF3180A67362E53B38 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-TRK.exe |
43425E6BAEA712FA38672A354643798BDAC5D437 |
FA42832FFDA350B837AA90814D6D807646C81418B0886B3B036FFBFEC5478F7A |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-CHS.exe |
11C1CD53A06097AB370F756F27FA1F9FE9AE3988 |
546540DCDE9C51935DB77C6F7D0EE8A033CC837188596DC6A4DABCA0B8C1B4C6 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-CHT.exe |
A9E31E682E29D9CF8D1D520D53C1E13056A8614E |
C9D2F84FBED0DC28B8E04818C4E200E4506488964B845A100DF83F8FA278BFA0 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-DEU.exe |
E989016E154F065B444034AFF41FBAF507B93C09 |
F216189F66CE7BA620D56419BC28AAD060D02F15570836DB8BBF83C43C983F7E |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-ENU.exe |
C058FF4E4FFBD45092E2FE0C25FF5ED73A8D5818 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-ESN.exe |
E7597E8C1663734F81D3A338CD0EC792DE23F26E |
EED1DB1D910640D751A97D9CD85EC76DDDAE791CFB1A3D4F4DB2880B4F3CE5B2 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-FRA.exe |
961EBAE3D2C45AC4B0A1AC20B6B827DDB048FA9D4F3490401398BC2F42D620D2 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-ITA.exe |
39585A090E71B4DBD5927326E2A22541BFF56F81 |
A114DF78E0CF8F69526662105BACBA2339AD04BF2A4F5B18A5CADAD815ECF430 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-JPN.exe |
076C720428830D64CD40E1D8C8CC9B8D1F50550B |
302EE1E35B9F1E9DEEBD45820DE361CDD5B3D0C36D3BEF5FC21F7D7331A03DBC |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-KOR.exe |
D107C0DA8C55DF1163E6944127147774B2AA2A8E |
28C2143914E47D756E8A001C499F761AB86907CDF6A4746DBF924BF533CBEF9F |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-PTB.exe |
9F8CB81E4E1C78E7CB88A39D1CF6FF6FE659FC96 |
8FD0F93BF38D04A7DCBA511FFD5D6E03BEF2529B767C7072602D36E814A39122 |
IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-RUS.exe |
99A4630DB7DB6313F05ADA94D3160B2FD52627BF |
88A11AF7FADCD6B04F21C8FFA230F1358E159EE093F68E491978AAB4B318E730 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ARA.exe |
A2F4F6B55346A8F9499B9E2902A32E93B810BF26 |
A8B2D49360F111BE26C6AAF2AD09AD5A8AC0B983E8929816519B575BE35F3A09 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-CHS.exe |
6634D730114A4C7248ED53FD323818F6F7FD5F33 |
1A0C4DF9CB6508C02893560EB372AEF893B7186897E4BB44F88E622AAF66AB96 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-CHT.exe |
F0D9999D2806D809EA5D286851FEB97AD1C6CB54 |
FDFE6FFB78F9E67F933FB5D6352B1571C984F4462F5E33659724A417AC1097C4 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-CSY.exe |
2869BDF9CD22A158D505B9C484E170A6AB85CB92 |
1EFC91D96FB1FFCEF57E5575BA978107AE181421BC9E42BEBA9411A24F564A73 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-DAN.exe |
10490F160F1F1CA951E697D8A203D42716DF3344 |
E75ACCC3B207FCEA6DC43B3FFCFB8203FCF8B212E3873CDB05018E4D3F0D7E6A |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-DEU.exe |
CDF11832507BF99D450E5FF3044BEC7993DCBD3A |
A829580102620448708AE413C3815257A38875790D04703959BB5AE248EC0874 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ELL.exe |
ABD977E1F9214430297E6B5209D92744206DCAB5 |
26D04752A65218866C266298DF1B93BB38169CC3B6E473B473B72CB9CE5B71E0 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ENU.exe |
85F7BC416DDFCA589D5C96F5412A994C3A649CA6 |
E11C639EB3AEDE768198BC6298AAF778E83259E02FE765B986D0DB3184D89C90 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ESN.exe |
089754A6ECB1B7560B8ABE4CC82D5AE3E488041F |
FCBA120F0A422AD7F264BF25EE4D89939B9AE266F9D63B58E3B5FA0A799C2C28 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-FIN.exe |
6444AFEE6DE5ACEBFC3D100882527D6580642FF5 |
7EB64F76E3A3CB515DD445276A36544A2300113A99218E565AF339DE9E3E219D |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-FRA.exe |
58A21D27281D671ED48E9464C85D8E9856D97C56 |
A9A0FA529CBBF784D2781D1041A1C66E6D888F6DB1DF01AD7137FBC47BF9E522 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-HEB.exe |
E7C2C544EAF14600C078A29B11639B0B04F56451 |
2B605C16F27E10AFB658955F2764417B4AE719FC7EC07E15924BCB5869752469 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-HUN.exe |
095AB7F66AF4290C5EA2AD500F7A0CA4275D9F66 |
AC71BEBCC270B42F3049CD0967EF238ED26630ACAE8DF5ED77CA5179AD31DB33 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ITA.exe |
D35326F7733020B87B1F4B7BD4010A83CDC73711 |
258DE054DC99852BE1346A9710745BB8F78B5D8142AF0D42DEDDF9C88039B229 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-JPN.exe |
0BBA51B5D41484809505CC87FC4AFAF32BA9302D |
7FAEB6984E90853D90A59563BEF7C4D87E8306FF5A649F801856C3EEBB365DAD |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-KOR.exe |
25A4C9C85B145FCF880BF4E70DF35C5E0CAB66EA |
A07121C1FA22A2C58AE71B39B3F1564082889180D9DDE5433ADD3DA391E2209B |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-NLD.exe |
C03246BAF79FEAFAA959F443EFD320111D54EF1A |
489A3ADE664EE22DE2A5AE837836B9CB2DD20A38253CFBF5E8939A4166922B00 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-NOR.exe |
D58F20132913E89803DB0C99C911826A9990B4D8 |
38775E71B4E15FB54D438141830C5B4FE88E017324C06FFAB2E6A25797943521 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-PLK.exe |
4946D653A627AF84C114A29D337F0DBA5E2984B6 |
B174C38BF5CE98BC58D648AC6A9420BFAB46FC845B0ADA37D75CDBF4E07C93D1 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-PTB.exe |
11593C9406151C52900A572308823982C574922F |
EAE2B984759311152B2145E3DEEBF56E6589B08204BB1F1A4E829588D2441BA7 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-PTG.exe |
A69DF72E7FABC4908A4742BAA96637163DF98C19 |
5D1FDE1594D3930481C61A1C3AB155B8EBFEF0F50EAE03EFAC3AE0992E3CB630 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-RUS.exe |
48872F3F84E2934458DF89C27DF33D6B7F88CD89 |
6B0CF181F031B3427C24E99827D5EA760E6331E7F729BB31FA63774F788193B5 |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-SVE.exe |
87E79152A5A2862F0973C96F5D6E80553D72EC7E |
EAC4765759B83C56A741CC9919DAE4F1EBE2636B1FEE5BC9C8B27F915FAD064D |
IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-TRK.exe |
78E03A96E39CDF7AF7DA334E268432C25E29B9E4 |
89B222787F4313BAC78DEF7201F7FA8DF7B085714F0C1C2E8D2B82AD02B14BFD |
IE9-Windows6.0-KB2888505-x64.msu |
B071424CB9260692561952E1EEAE494AE2EB46EE |
B89434A7ED2E11573F1598A097CAE370612C6D173F031AB44C99A649C57F2CED |
IE9-Windows6.0-KB2888505-x86.msu |
0F6FAF14C30510E756BFA4D3333AD08369F45787 |
8FF41D49D03A3154FE11FB81602313118F11B600DA1882374B585AA22EA2883D |
IE9-Windows6.1-KB2888505-x64.msu |
4C380343E5C962F8505720AEDF1412F2E38BD92F |
4CE3B8EC85CECE60EDE1B7D83700F49E73F1383E40AA35703F250811FF5ED065 |
IE9-Windows6.1-KB2888505-x86.msu |
D092259EFD113175C7040E757BC503FFFF1B688F |
B4E20D87A5B6812F8D28613FAB95953BC787CB98F6D3156D9CCDC333B21724C3 |
Windows6.0-KB2888505-ia64.msu |
178D1BA5A430E856370766D1E36987EAFE635C66 |
64765FCDE01868846DD43C85940795020272509CCD28E1D69A4438D21CA2DCCA |
Windows6.0-KB2888505-x64.msu |
8B420CC364A67494023E28EBC4426985ED0F8DBA |
456F0BCC5BBB38B2744A3BF870DBAF9A6A03A34DBECC4F53426E7129E9E0A991 |
Windows6.0-KB2888505-x86.msu |
171C02E4E4F2066F69D76E09747C61CD4E2EB145 |
DFCC36014043243D54A80CB909B60D975F0FB019C2E03E90ABF8CACABE7F5C51 |
Windows6.1-KB2888505-ia64.msu |
AEFACE2A4BC21D89275D70F4DF12701FEE67C446 |
E26326EC1C7287128B32DA0D594B9473240D0E4C20D6C884A2B791CD89E8CDB6 |
Windows6.1-KB2888505-x64.msu |
9F62BB687401197A89F01494CB12A5318FEFD89C |
0289932802F7497BB42404DDB836986061C9512D110AE0E42D08803C74A2CF1E |
Windows6.1-KB2888505-x86.msu |
66A6D530B0ADA49DDF5CB218880EEF080E7A0C9F |
696052DE9C3DAF89A3CD8F2DF995ED3C1A5A3E3EE147C69FFB707D2D16D4C1AC |
Windows8-RT-KB2888505-x64.msu |
A9456F5A6CD7D8106D7C913D5DE59F51CA57461B |
FF8E185BEC9AD852972F7EB48FCEE7BB02FE845206677B32070774861A107385 |
Windows8-RT-KB2888505-x86.msu |
A78F71EFD6E8BF006E24C6676DE8D03AB0EE228D |
9CC39ADE430A1B5D0CDBCE07AFA376E55DDC1A384F724E799667F84A1A0F61B1 |
Windows8.1-KB2888505-x64.msu |
96ED446C0963B7A8B9DD6B0ACAFDFB94F8A2F28A |
9CB036B7FB97D7C9230561EF521BF4ADA2EB46B730EA9346831E738A0140A3AD |
Windows8.1-KB2888505-x86.msu |
E6083D6E43692DBEB7D9090F89E40F3CC030D736 |
A0EE957CCD48FE79004DD1BE653563D80633B9EBC5ABA3213CE6097E65A81346 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-ia64-DEU.exe |
4F7A9727A1055D63D178E94AA24DED85568DDE77 |
E34160CE5BC781EDC3395FDDAF4A9B8E1FEF2624AB743C3BE4AD371743C73268 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-ia64-ENU.exe |
44221B9E0596D897E03163A8FFB77DC6FCE38DDA |
F8BAB0F76BD47D2E4414823A746D649BC060BF1C810F0CDB99B14EA3EE533F15 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-ia64-FRA.exe |
2E6D6223E30AD2A2A731378193BE44323B0EBB97162B5AE31BCAB92689F2AC06 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-ia64-JPN.exe |
4A5C49F13B71573EF5F376076F588CA36536F001 |
81F469DA8B79A131E91B4FF40CB6533C7420ACB23DFBC61E77FEC947B83E5B4A |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-CHS.exe |
2C62A06F6D670057C0201FBF884686924B493409 |
8DEBF28EFF5600E9015A3FF0AFEC7C336C073020067DBDB31C3D7C1DA0FCC8FF |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-CHT.exe |
373442875A04888D3E83D32431F04F31C39AD868 |
5EDE6B87427C3080FBA12847E469BF5DD7693F6945D16660700E3A22D27542EC |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-CSY.exe |
86D86DD0BB4B64FDAF5DCFB146851DBCF12801C6CDA862EB118E759D145637E6 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-DEU.exe |
30A71CEB2866B46A3DB4162CC91C876BE2CC7C16 |
66F476CAD33A61D351DCEF20AF4869E976DB576C3FDC657185059FFF83C75F8E |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-ENU.exe |
8CC6171967FF649B40536122EF7F27303FB10762 |
55359721DCCA54785A473B2926F93A368C8F859D16281BB790CF18B6016EE0B1 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-ESN.exe |
4AB34BF491697B716DF8AB08B0B5BD92A0933C8A |
D277452EDEB5216947BB56AC11F7A17C50E101B0AC762C578923A3771510845D |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-FRA.exe |
E890D305A63784DAF0F7FD4898543CC53233D73F |
DD43B6168B0E7B601C86084BB8030950013CE7983E9158BFD293538C296740EB |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-HUN.exe |
4BFD188FDAA718647139119466123203C83F9F31 |
91C9A13199AB0E604EA6C023F487428F98DDA74F015B45570849D19C87291EFF |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-ITA.exe |
9705FC219C535F5CFBD7C29E6B8746E18D7B3666 |
1D4A9043C21884FEFE24EE5D081759262927E4DED37A901AA1DB581597F8CC05 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-JPN.exe |
3C277C4C0EF9D6D11CE623C7D11A79EDE8979413 |
B4465E5F2AC037BF98389AFE5340C487A2DF6EC209FC9C9A7D3221468476FF93 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-KOR.exe |
033A6017D46350C08D3AA2B9EFC419EEDADF1A5B |
836C8441BACBE65F9954DC63BFECA5DD93AE1D1D8422C97DE2F374FB8EB3B2B7 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-NLD.exe |
9BB8FAE072379955269A5E6F3760476E88164CAC |
D2FBDE3C02B3050AA8C99E7C0324BF82F0D0EBBD1C6855FC9FFEF505C500E6DC |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-PLK.exe |
9506CF4F10261A6AB043B869C1A88B6FB57F9515 |
4C99C2CA4A144023012E7109E34629B3B226E65F4588C557EEC9FDFAF98285E2 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-PTB.exe |
840A8F15B1F44AE8833D9435B4473F09B921C37B |
2348BEB41862D56DCBF2F081AE4491A64AF962DB07F68DAC008ED44CA4AAEEF8 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-PTG.exe |
4981DF2CF1145C1FEF195EFED0B161E5142EC685 |
6C6DACB5A686434BC4212649A6A4F7FD84AD21CD6E123A3C99D87D66B154FB3F |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-RUS.exe |
64720600CB8C8749EA6C608181A336EFAC6F97FC |
900D7C93465EBF7F04145E2BA20A20314FFF261A34B827459DEC08A4A5920B62 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-SVE.exe |
8D440F9B44E6651644835DCC2274D189BBE9A4BF |
7A69301AB676BB06D68185372CB66ACAC8FBB371E1C9DE690BA0E034303B64D3 |
WindowsServer2003-KB2888505-x86-TRK.exe |
D018266782A06F8C35713F3AB6AF78EC3E1CA3A2 |
1DBBB718D97B944CEB357797747D5754CE402FF43CDD7A7CD9C6EAB30E700C6A |
WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-CHS.exe |
7C0B0905AC99A60531649299A1BFE1FA3AE540D0 |
EA27F4D16093D94C634A6B8DE799DE21E8A9862DB5CC8C2AC390FA72BD160B29 |
WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-CHT.exe |
8C9E94A95E310E081872350E59F48D021B539FDF |
DF7D494287806BC2E2F6C88C7CBF6E768237BC0E46015FBF244DEFF288D41554 |
WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-DEU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-ENU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-ESN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-FRA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-ITA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-JPN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-KOR.exe |
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WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-PTB.exe |
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WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2888505-x64-RUS.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ARA.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-CHS.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-CHT.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-CSY.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-DAN.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-DEU.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ELL.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ENU.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ESN.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-FIN.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-FRA.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-HEB.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-HUN.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ITA.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-JPN.exe |
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095A09175B53DBCC7EDE37D8F9EB8FBD780481CFD55311BD432E1604AEE4D8BA |
WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-KOR.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-NLD.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-NOR.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-PLK.exe |
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0E8560C916296C754479C3C9EC83E833271B6610B07905A847B2BB19FC946015 |
WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-PTB.exe |
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WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-PTG.exe |
8F1C609D8E1DA808386AFBABC44F4A0967262E44 |
901A53E1B42AEA88AE11C63BE22C3F67CF366AE1AAD4E2DD68621E8238A67C7D |
WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-RUS.exe |
E5F076AAE26FD260A6B9D2D0AE5CBB57A34E7D3E |
1C0D0DDB78B9B76C3645566279BBDB5E4E506280AF98D5987781D19F66ED9DF3 |
WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-SVE.exe |
8F04BAA0BCAC57263A66A5A4DCD5E6D31E8EEA1C |
92301C7330666DD831F61B5C0AC34FD87B8F2ABA2F8C874E90F023DEE1B4E424 |
WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-TRK.exe |
54F01C201CEFA108912FF0481DA6B250C45FD8BC |
A3F8DD30F32B54ECD96CEBE18AAF72418A71382D3C4D9EC0F85B380A9555D36B |
Kā noteikt, vai datorā darbojas 32 bitu vai 64 bitu izdevumsJa neesat pārliecināts, kura Windows versija, kas darbojas un vai tā ir 32 bitu vai 64 bitu versija, atveriet sadaļu sistēmas informācija (Msinfo32.exe), un skatiet vērtību, kas norādīta Sistēmastips. Lai to izdarītu, izpildiet tālāk norādītās darbības.
Noklikšķiniet uz Sākt, un pēc tam noklikšķiniet uz palaist, vai noklikšķiniet uz Sākt meklēšanu.
Ierakstiet msinfo32.exe un pēc tam nospiediet taustiņu ENTER.
Informāciju par sistēmu, skatiet vērtību Sistēmastips.
Sistēmas tips vērtība Windows 32 bitu versijās ir x86 datorā.
Sistēmas Windows 64 bitu izdevumiem, Sistēmas tips vērtība ir x64 bitu dators.
Papildinformāciju par to, kā noteikt, vai datorā darbojas Windows 32 bitu vai 64 bitu versija, noklikšķiniet uz šī raksta numura un lasiet Microsoft zināšanu bāzes rakstu:
827218 Kā noteikt, vai datorā darbojas 32 bitu versija vai 64 bitu operētājsistēmas Windows versiju