Šis raksts attiecas uz Microsoft Dynamics NAV valodas lokalizācijas ungāru (hu).
Pieņemsim, ka labojumfaila 2664466 ungāru valodā Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2. Ja aprēķināt rēķina statistika iegrāmatotu rēķinu, pievienotās vērtības nodoklis (PVN) summa tiek noapaļots nepareizi.
Lai iegūtu papildinformāciju par labojumfailu 2664466, noklikšķiniet uz šī raksta numura un lasiet Microsoft zināšanu bāzes rakstu:2664466 PVN summa ir nepareizs, kad izliekat rēķinu ārvalstu valūtā ungāru valodas versijā Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 1. servisa pakotne
Informācija par labojumfailu
Pašlaik korporācija Microsoft piedāvā atbalstītu labojumfailu. Tomēr tas ir paredzēts tikai šajā rakstā aprakstītās problēmas novēršanai. Izmantojiet to tikai tām sistēmām, kurām ir radusies tieši šī problēma. Iespējams, tiks veikta šī labojumfaila papildu testēšana. Tādēļ, ja jums ir šī problēma nerada nopietnus traucējumus, ieteicams nogaidīt, līdz tiks izlaista nākamā servisa pakotne Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 vai nākamo Microsoft Dynamics NAV versiju, kurā ir iekļauts šis labojumfails.
Piezīme. Īpašos gadījumos standarta izmaksas par atbalsta zvaniem nav jāsedz, ja tehniskā atbalsta speciālists Microsoft Dynamics un saistītiem produktiem nosaka, ka šo problēmu novērsīs noteikts atjauninājums. Parasti atbalsta izmaksas tiek piemērotas jautājumiem par papildu atbalstu un problēmām, kas neskar specifisko atjauninājumu apspriešanu.Informācija par instalēšanu
Microsoft piedāvā programmēšanas piemērus tikai uzskatāmībai, nesniedzot nekādas tiešas vai netiešas garantijas. Tas ietver, bet neaprobežojas ar netiešām garantijām par piemērotību pārdošanai vai atbilstību noteiktam mērķim. Šajā rakstā tiek pieņemts, ka pārzināt programmēšanas valodu, kas tiek aprakstīta, un rīkus, kas tiek izmantoti, lai izveidotu un atkļūdotu procedūras. Microsoft atbalsta inženieri var palīdzēt izskaidrot kādas noteiktas procedūras funkcionalitāti. Taču viņi nemainīs šos piemērus, lai sniegtu skaidrākus, un neveidos jaunas procedūras, kas atbilstu īpašām prasībām.
Piezīme. Pirms šī labojumfaila instalēšanas pārliecinieties, vai ka visi Microsoft Dynamics NAV klienta lietotāji ir atteikušies sistēmu. Tas ietver Microsoft Dynamics NAV lietojumprogrammu serveris (NAS) pakalpojumi. Jums ir jābūt tikai klienta lietotājam, kurš ir pieteicies datorā, kad izmantojat šo labojumfailu. Lai ieviestu šo labojumfailu, datorā jābūt instalētai izstrādātāja licenci. Ieteicams, ka lietotāja konts tiek atvērts logs Windows lietotājvārdi vai logā datu bāzes lietotājvārdi piešķirt "SUPER" lomas ID. Ja lietotāja kontam nevar piešķirt "SUPER" lomas ID, ir jāpārbauda lietotāja konts ir šādas atļaujas:-
Objektu, kad tiks mainīts modificēt atļaujas.
Izpildes atļauja objekta objekta ID 5210 sistēmas un sistēmas objekta ID 9015
Piezīme. Jums nav tiesības datu krātuvju vien lai veiktu datu labošanu.
Koda izmaiņas
Piezīme. Vienmēr pārbaudes kods novērš kontrolētā vidē pirms lietojat datoru ražošanas labojumus.
Lai novērstu šo problēmu, rīkojieties šādi:-
Nomainiet šo kodu laukos tabulā Pārdošanas rinda (37) šādi:
Kods 1...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Aizstāšanas kods = 1
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Kods 2.
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu 2
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu tabulā Pārdošanas rinda (37) UpdateVATAmounts funkciju šādi:
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu tabulā Pārdošanas rinda (37) UpdateVATOnLines funkciju šādi:
Kods..."VAT Base Amount" := NewVATBaseAmount;
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu
..."VAT Base Amount" := NewVATBaseAmount;
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu tabulā Pārdošanas rinda (37) CalcVATAmountLines funkciju šādi:
// Delete the following line.CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base","VAT Amount" - "VAT Difference", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Difference", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu CalcVATToReportfunkciju tabulas Pārdošanas rinda (37) šādi:
Kods 1...
// Delete the following line. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360001(SalesHeader@1360000 : Record 36;VATBaseAmount@1360001 : Decimal;VATAmount@1360002 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360003 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360004 : Decimal); // End of the deleted line. BEGIN ...Aizstāšanas kods = 1
// Add the following lines. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360001(SalesHeader@1360000 : Record 36;VATBaseAmount@1360001 : Decimal;AmtInclVAT@1360005 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360003 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360004 : Decimal); VAR AmountLCY@1360006 : Decimal; AmtInclVATLCY@1360007 : Decimal; // End of the added lines. BEGIN ...Kods 2.
...ROUND(VATBaseAmount / SalesHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Delete the following lines. VATAmountToReport := ROUND(VATAmount / SalesHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount; VATAmountToReport := VATAmount; // End of the deleted lines. END; ...Aizstāšanas kodu 2
...ROUND(VATBaseAmount / SalesHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Add the following lines. AmountLCY := ROUND(VATBaseAmount / SalesHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); AmtInclVATLCY := ROUND(AmtInclVAT / SalesHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVATLCY - AmountLCY; END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount; VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVAT - VATBaseAmount; // End of the added lines. END; ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu laukos pirkšanas rindu tabulā (39) šādi:
Kods 1...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Aizstāšanas kods = 1
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Kods 2.
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu 2
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu UpdateVATAmounts funkciju pirkšanas rindu tabulā (39) šādi:
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu UpdateVATOnLines funkciju pirkšanas rindu tabulā (39) šādi:
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu CalcVATAmountLines pirkšanas rindu tabulā (39), šādi:
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base","VAT Amount" - "VAT Difference", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Difference", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu CalcVATToReport funkciju pirkšanas rindu tabulā (39) šādi:
Kods 1...
// Delete the following lines. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360000(PurchHeader@1360000 : Record 38;VATBaseAmount@1360001 : Decimal;VATAmount@1360002 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360003 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360004 : Decimal;NonDeductableVATPct@1360005 : Decimal); VAR NonDeductableVATAmount@1360006 : Decimal; BEGIN NonDeductableVATAmount := VATAmount * NonDeductableVATPct / 100; // End of the deleted lines. IF PurchHeader."Currency Code" <> '' THEN BEGIN ...Aizstāšanas kods = 1
// Add the following lines. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360000(PurchHeader@1360000 : Record 38;VATBaseAmount@1360001 : Decimal;AmtInclVAT@1360007 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360003 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360004 : Decimal;NonDeductableVATPct@1360005 : Decimal); VAR NonDeductableVATAmount@1360006 : Decimal; AmountLCY@1360008 : Decimal; AmtInclVATLCY@1360009 : Decimal; BEGIN NonDeductableVATAmount := (AmtInclVAT - VATBaseAmount) * NonDeductableVATPct / 100; // End of the added lines. IF PurchHeader."Currency Code" <> '' THEN BEGIN ...Kods 2.
...ROUND((VATBaseAmount + NonDeductableVATAmount) / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Delete the following lines. VATAmountToReport := ROUND((VATAmount - NonDeductableVATAmount) / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount + ROUND(NonDeductableVATAmount); VATAmountToReport := VATAmount - ROUND(NonDeductableVATAmount); // End of the deleted lines. END ...Aizstāšanas kodu 2
...ROUND((VATBaseAmount + NonDeductableVATAmount) / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Add the following lines. AmountLCY := ROUND(VATBaseAmount / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); AmtInclVATLCY := ROUND(AmtInclVAT / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVATLCY - AmountLCY - ROUND(NonDeductableVATAmount / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount + ROUND(NonDeductableVATAmount); VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVAT - VATBaseAmount - ROUND(NonDeductableVATAmount); // End of the added lines. END ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu laukos pakalpojumu rindu tabulā (5902) šādi:
Kods 1...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Aizstāšanas kods = 1
// Add the following line.CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Kods 2.
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu 2
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu UpdateVATAmounts funkciju tabulas Servisa rinda (5902) šādi:
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu CalcVATAmountLines funkciju tabulas Servisa rinda (5902) šādi:
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base","VAT Amount" - "VAT Difference", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu
// Add the following line.CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Difference", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu UpdateVATOnLines funkciju pakalpojumu rindu tabulā (5902) šādi:
Kods..."VAT Base Amount" := NewVATBaseAmount;
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Aizstāšanas kodu
..."VAT Base Amount" := NewVATBaseAmount;
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu CalcVATToReport funkciju pakalpojumu rindu tabulā (5902) šādi:
Kods 1...
// Delete the following line. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360000(ServHeader@1360004 : Record 5900;VATBaseAmount@1360003 : Decimal;VATAmount@1360002 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360001 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360000 : Decimal); // End of the deleted line. BEGIN ...Aizstāšanas kods = 1
// Add the following lines. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360000(ServHeader@1360004 : Record 5900;VATBaseAmount@1360003 : Decimal;AmtInclVAT@1360007 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360001 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360000 : Decimal); VAR AmountLCY@1360005 : Decimal; AmtInclVATLCY@1360006 : Decimal; // End of the added lines. BEGIN ...Kods 2.
...ROUND(VATBaseAmount / ServHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Delete the following lines. VATAmountToReport := ROUND(VATAmount / ServHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount; VATAmountToReport := VATAmount; // End of the deleted lines. END; ...Aizstāšanas kodu 2
...ROUND(VATBaseAmount / ServHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Add the following lines. AmountLCY := ROUND(VATBaseAmount / ServHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); AmtInclVATLCY := ROUND(AmtInclVAT / ServHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVATLCY - AmountLCY; END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount; VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVAT - VATBaseAmount; // End of the added lines. END; ... -
Nomainiet šo kodu pārdošanas ziņu koda (80) DivideAmount funkciju šādi:
Kods 1...LOCAL PROCEDURE DivideAmount@8(QtyType@1000 : 'General,Invoicing,Shipping';SalesLineQty@1001 : Decimal);
// Delete the following lines. VAR TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360001 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360000 : Decimal; // End of the deleted lines. BEGIN ...Aizstāšanas kods = 1
...LOCAL PROCEDURE DivideAmount@8(QtyType@1000 : 'General,Invoicing,Shipping';SalesLineQty@1001 : Decimal);
BEGIN ...Kods 2.
// Delete the following lines. TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" + "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" + "Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount" - "VAT Difference"; CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; // End of the deleted lines. ...Aizstāšanas kodu 2
// Add the following line. CalcRoundedVATToReport(SalesLine,SalesHeader); // End of the added line. ... -
Izveidojiet funkcija pārdošanas ziņu koda (80) šādi:
LOCAL PROCEDURE CalcRoundedVATToReport@1360026(VAR SalesLine@1360002 : Record 37;SalesHeader@1360003 : Record 36);VAR
TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360005 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360004 : Decimal; BEGIN WITH SalesLine DO BEGIN TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" += "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" += "Amount Including VAT"; CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; END; END; -
Nomainiet šo kodu funkciju DivideAmount pirkšanas.-ziņu koda (90) šādi:
Kods 1...LOCAL PROCEDURE DivideAmount@8(QtyType@1000 : 'General,Invoicing,Shipping';PurchLineQty@1001 : Decimal);
// Delete the following lines. VAR TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360001 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360000 : Decimal; // End of the deleted lines. BEGIN ...Aizstāšanas kods = 1
...LOCAL PROCEDURE DivideAmount@8(QtyType@1000 : 'General,Invoicing,Shipping';PurchLineQty@1001 : Decimal);
BEGIN ...Kods 2.
// Delete the following lines. TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" + "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" + "Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount" - "VAT Difference"; PurchLine.CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY,"VAT % (Non Deductible)"); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; // End of the deleted lines. ...Aizstāšanas kodu 2
// Add the following line. CalcRoundedVATToReport(PurchLine,PurchHeader); // End of the added line. ... -
Funkciju izveidot pirkšanas.-ziņu koda (90) šādi:
LOCAL PROCEDURE CalcRoundedVATToReport@1360026(VAR PurchLine@1360002 : Record 39;PurchHeader@1360003 : Record 38);VAR
TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360005 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360004 : Decimal; BEGIN WITH PurchLine DO BEGIN TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" += "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" += "Amount Including VAT"; CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY,"VAT % (Non Deductible)"); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; END; END; -
Nomainiet šo kodu DivideAmount funkciju summas servisa Mgt. koda (5986) šādi:
Kods 1...ChargeableQty@1006 : Decimal;
// Delete the following lines. TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360001 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360000 : Decimal; // End of the deleted lines. BEGIN ...Aizstāšanas kods = 1
...ChargeableQty@1006 : Decimal;
BEGIN ...Kods 2
// Delete the following lines. TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" + "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" + "Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount" - "VAT Difference"; CalcVATToReport(ServiceHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; // End of the deleted lines. ...Aizstāšanas kods 2.
// Add the following line. CalcRoundedVATToReport(ServiceLine,TempVATAmountLineRemainder,ServHeader); // End of the added line. ... -
Izveidojiet funkcijas, servisa summas Mgt. koda (5986) šādi:
LOCAL PROCEDURE CalcRoundedVATToReport@1360001(VAR ServiceLine@1360002 : Record 5902;VAR TempVATAmountLineRemainder@1360004 : Record 290;ServHeader@1360003 : Record 5900);VAR
TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360006 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360005 : Decimal; BEGIN WITH ServiceLine DO BEGIN TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" += "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" += "Amount Including VAT"; CalcVATToReport(ServHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; END; END;
Ir jābūt instalētai Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2, lai lietotu šo labojumfailu Ungārijas versijai.
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Šis labojumfails nevar noņemt.
Korporācija Microsoft ir apstiprinājusi, ka šī problēma pastāv Microsoft produktos, kas ir minēti sadaļā "Attiecas uz".
Piezīme. Šis ir STEIDZAMI PUBLICĒJAMS raksts, kas izveidots tieši Microsoft atbalsta organizācijā. Šajā rakstā ietvertā informācija ir sniegta, reaģējot uz nesen konstatētām problēmām. Tā kā šis raksts ir tapis pieejams neilgā laikā, materiālos var būt pareizrakstības kļūdas un tās var tikt labotas jebkurā laikā bez paziņojuma. Skatīt Lietošanasciti apsvērumi.