Podpora za Windows Vista s servisnim paketom SP1 se konča julija 12, 2011. Če želite še naprej prejemati varnostne posodobitve za Windows, se prepričajte, da uporabljate Windows Vista s servisnim paketom SP2. Če želite več informacij, glejte to Microsoftovo spletno stran: Podpora se končuje za nekatere različice sistema Windows.
Podpora za Windows Vista s servisnim paketom SP1 se konča julija 12, 2011. Če želite še naprej prejemati varnostne posodobitve za Windows, se prepričajte, da uporabljate Windows Vista s servisnim paketom SP2. Če želite več informacij, glejte to Microsoftovo spletno stran: Podpora se končuje za nekatere različice sistema Windows.
Microsoft je izdal varnostni bilten MS08-052. Če si želite ogledati popoln varnostni bilten, obiščite eno od teh Microsoftovih spletnih mest:
Domači uporabniki:
http://www.microsoft.com/protect/computer/updates/bulletins/200809.mspxPreskočite podrobnosti: Prenesite posodobitve domačega računalnika ali prenosnika s spletnega mesta Microsoft Update zdaj:
Strokovnjaki za IT:
Kako pridobiti pomoč in podporo za to varnostno posodobitev
Pomoč pri nameščanju posodobitev: podpora za varnostne rešitve za Microsoft Updateza strokovnjake za IT: technet security odpravljanje težav in podporazaščitite računalnik, v katerem je nameščen Windows pred virusi in zlonamerno programsko opremo:rešitev virusa in varnostna središčaza lokalno podporo v skladu s svojo državo: Mednarodna podpora
Dodatne informacije o tej varnostni posodobitvi
Če želite več informacij o tej varnostni posodobitvi in informacijah o morebitnih znanih težavah s posebnimi izdajami te programske opreme, kliknite to številko članka iz Microsoftove zbirke znanja:
938464 MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za vse izdaje sistema Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 in Windows Server 2000 z Internet Explorerjem 6 Service Pack 1
947736 MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Visual Studio .NET 2002 Service Pack 1: september 9, 2008
947737 MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Visual Studio .NET 2003 Service Pack 1: september 9, 2008
947738MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1: september 9, 2008
952241MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Visual Studio 2008: september 9, 2008
947739MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za ogrodje .NET Framework 1,0 Service Pack 3: september 9, 2008
947742MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za ogrodje .NET Framework 1,1 Service Pack 1: september 9, 2008
947746MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za ogrodje .NET Framework 2,0: september 9, 2008
947748MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za ogrodje .NET Framework 2,0 Service Pack 1: september 9, 2008
954326MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za sistem Office 2007: september 9, 2008
954478MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Office 2003: september 9, 2008
954479MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Visio 2002: september 9, 2008
954606MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za strežnik SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 NDR: september 9, 2008
954607MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za strežnik SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 – popravek: september 9, 2008
954609MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za storitve za poročanje v storitvi SQL Server 2000 Services Pack 2: september 9, 2008
954765MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Microsoft Report Viewer 2005 Service Pack 1: september 9, 2008
954766MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Microsoft Report Viewer 2008: september 9, 2008
955368MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Visual FoxPro 8,0 Service Pack 1: september 9, 2008
955369MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Visual FoxPro 9,0 Service Pack 1: september 9, 2008
955370MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za Visual FoxPro 9,0 Service Pack 2: september 9, 2008
955992MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za digitalno slikovno zbirko 2006: september 9, 2008
956483MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za dela 8: september 9, 2008
956500MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za pregledovalnik za PowerPoint 2003: september 9, 2008
957177MS08-052: opis varnostne posodobitve za GDI+ za ospredje varnosti odjemalcev, ki je nameščen v sistemu Windows 2000: september 9, 2008
953405MS08-052 in MS08-055: opis varnostne posodobitve za Office XP: september 9, 2008
Informacije o datoteki za Microsoft Visual Studio
Različica te varnostne posodobitve v angleščini (Združene države) ima atribute datoteke (ali kasnejše atribute datoteke), ki so navedeni v tej tabeli. Datumi in ure za te datoteke so navedeni v koordiniranem univerzalnem času (UTC). Ko si ogledujete informacije o datoteki, je pretvorjena v lokalni čas. Če želite poiskati razliko med UTC-jem in lokalnim časom, uporabite zavihek časovni pas v elementu datum in čas na nadzorni plošči.
Za Visual Studio 2002 Service Pack 1
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:54 |
1.724.416 |
Gdiplus.msm |
13-Jun-2008 |
13:58 |
882.688 |
Mso.dll |
10.0.6844.0 |
10-May-2008 |
23:22 |
9.819.136 |
Mso7ftp.exe |
11-Jul-1997 |
08:37 |
3.072 |
Mso7ftpa.exe |
11-Jul-1997 |
08:37 |
3.072 |
Mso7ftps.exe |
11-Jul-1997 |
08:37 |
3.072 |
Msoicons.exe | |
26-Jul-2000 |
01:58 |
40.960 |
Za Visual Studio 2003 Service Pack 1
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:54 |
1.724.416 |
Gdiplus.msm |
12-Jun-2008 |
20:38 |
883.712 |
Mso.dll |
10.0.6844.0 |
10-May-2008 |
23:22 |
9.819.136 |
Za Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Microsoft.Reportviewer.Webforms.dll |
8.0.50727.1843 |
04-Jul-2008 |
06:53 |
540.672 |
Microsoft.Reportviewer.Webforms.dll |
8.0.50727.1843 |
04-Jul-2008 |
06:53 |
540.672 |
ReportViewerLP.exe |
2.0.50727.1843 |
05-Jul-2008 |
14:14 |
520.200 |
ReportViewerLP.exe |
2.0.50727.1843 |
05-Jul-2008 |
14:16 |
520.712 |
ReportViewerLP.exe |
2.0.50727.1843 |
05-Jul-2008 |
19:43 |
534.024 |
ReportViewerLP.exe |
2.0.50727.1843 |
05-Jul-2008 |
19:46 |
530.440 |
ReportViewerLP.exe |
2.0.50727.1843 |
05-Jul-2008 |
19:48 |
531.464 |
ReportViewerLP.exe |
2.0.50727.1843 |
05-Jul-2008 |
19:50 |
530.440 |
ReportViewerLP.exe |
2.0.50727.1843 |
05-Jul-2008 |
07:53 |
525.320 |
ReportViewerLP.exe |
2.0.50727.1843 |
05-Jul-2008 |
14:19 |
523.272 |
ReportViewerLP.exe |
2.0.50727.1843 |
04-Jul-2008 |
08:14 |
1.929.224 |
Za Visual Studio 2008
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Microsoft.Reportviewer.Webforms.dll |
9.0.21022.143 |
21-Jul-2008 |
10:50 |
1.810.432 |
Reportviewer.exe |
9.0.21022.143 |
31-Jul-2008 |
00:28 |
3.008.064 |
RSClientPrint.cab |
21-Jul-2008 |
14:15 |
1.184.828 |
Informacije o datoteki za ogrodje Microsoft .NET Framework
Različica te varnostne posodobitve v angleščini (Združene države) ima atribute datoteke (ali kasnejše atribute datoteke), ki so navedeni v tej tabeli. Datumi in ure za te datoteke so navedeni v koordiniranem univerzalnem času (UTC). Ko si ogledujete informacije o datoteki, je pretvorjena v lokalni čas. Če želite poiskati razliko med UTC-jem in lokalnim časom, uporabite zavihek časovni pas v elementu datum in čas na nadzorni plošči.
Za .NET Framework 1,0 Service Pack 3
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:54 |
1.724.416 |
Za ogrodje .NET Framework 1,1 Service Pack 1
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:54 |
1.724.416 |
Za ogrodje .NET Framework 2,0
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
15-May-2008 |
09:39 |
1.724.416 |
Za ogrodje .NET Framework 2,0 Service Pack 1
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
23-May-2008 |
11:19 |
1.724.416 |
Informacije o datoteki za Microsoft Office
Različica te varnostne posodobitve v angleščini (Združene države) ima atribute datoteke (ali kasnejše atribute datoteke), ki so navedeni v tej tabeli. Datumi in ure za te datoteke so navedeni v koordiniranem univerzalnem času (UTC). Ko si ogledujete informacije o datoteki, je pretvorjena v lokalni čas. Če želite poiskati razliko med UTC-jem in lokalnim časom, uporabite zavihek časovni pas v elementu datum in čas na nadzorni plošči.
Za sistem Office 2007
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Ogl.dll |
12.0.6325.5000 |
1.663.008 |
25-Jul-2008 |
03:16 |
Za Office 2003
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
GDIPlus.dll |
11.0.8230.0 |
1.693.184 |
26-Jul-2008 |
00:15 |
Za Visio 2002
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Mso.dll |
10.0.6844.0 |
9.819.136 |
10-May-2008 |
23:22 |
Opomba Za kumulativne namene je ta paket vključen tudi v te datoteke. Vendar ta datoteka ni del varnostne posodobitve za Visio 2002 (KB954479):
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.1360 |
1.638.400 |
02-Mar-2004 |
21:19 |
Ne velja |
Če želite več informacij o viru za datoteko gdiplus. dll, kliknite to številko članka iz Microsoftove zbirke znanja:
831932Opis varnostne posodobitve za Visio 2002: oktober 12, 2004
Za Works 8
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
1.724.416 |
18-Aug-2008 |
19:36 |
Gifimp32.flt |
2003.1100.8165.0 |
222.048 |
18-Aug-2008 |
19:36 |
Png32.flt |
2003.1100.8165.0 |
207.704 |
18-Aug-2008 |
19:36 |
Pptview.exe |
11.0.8164.0 |
1.661.280 |
18-Aug-2008 |
19:37 |
Wkssole.dll | |
234.504 |
18-Aug-2008 |
19:36 |
Wksssdb.dll | |
2.028.904 |
18-Aug-2008 |
19:36 |
Wpgimp32.flt |
2003.1100.8202.0 |
136.712 |
18-Aug-2008 |
19:36 |
Za pregledovalnik za PowerPoint 2003
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Gdiplus.dll |
11.0.8230.0 |
1.702.408 |
13-Aug-2008 |
07:31 |
Intldate.dll |
11.0.5510.0 |
64.064 |
14-Jul-2003 |
22:57 |
Pptview.exe |
11.0.8164.0 |
1.661.280 |
19-Apr-2007 |
13:49 |
Ppvwintl.dll |
11.0.8161.0 |
131.424 |
22-Mar-2007 |
19:05 |
Pvreadme.htm |
Ne velja |
4.189 |
19-Jun-2008 |
12:24 |
Saext.dll |
11.0.8161.0 |
218.456 |
22-Mar-2007 |
19:25 |
Unicows.dll |
1.0.3703.0 |
246.424 |
30-Oct-2002 |
12:21 |
Za digitalno sliko Suite 11
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
Advpack.dll |
6.0.2900.2180 |
99.840 |
19-Aug-2008 |
14:29 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
1.724.416 |
10-Jul-2008 |
17:44 |
x86 |
W95inf16.dll |
4.71.704.0 |
2.272 |
19-Aug-2008 |
14:29 |
Ne velja |
W95inf32.dll | |
4.608 |
19-Aug-2008 |
14:29 |
x86 |
Informacije o datoteki za Microsoft SQL Server
Različica te varnostne posodobitve v angleščini (Združene države) ima atribute datoteke (ali kasnejše atribute datoteke), ki so navedeni v tej tabeli. Datumi in ure za te datoteke so navedeni v koordiniranem univerzalnem času (UTC). Ko si ogledujete informacije o datoteki, je pretvorjena v lokalni čas. Če želite poiskati razliko med UTC-jem in lokalnim časom, uporabite zavihek časovni pas v elementu datum in čas na nadzorni plošči.
Za različice, ki temeljijo na x86 strežnika SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 NDR
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
799760 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
295952 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasksui.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
721936 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
msdtssrvr.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
205840 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
msmdsrv.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
14894608 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
nsservice.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
21520 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2005.90.3073.0 |
133136 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
reportingservicesservice.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
16912 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
1725456 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
1332240 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
rsclientprint.cab |
Ne velja |
1183366 |
5-Aug-08 |
18:00 |
Ne velja |
sqlaccess.dll |
2005.90.3073.0 |
350224 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
sqlservr.exe |
2005.90.3073.0 |
29184016 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
sqlwb.exe |
2005.90.3073.0 |
823824 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
Za različice, ki temeljijo na različici x64 strežnika SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 NDR
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
799760 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
295952 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasksui.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
721936 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
microsoft.visualstudio.templatewizardinterface.dll |
8.0.50727.42 |
15872 |
23-Sep-05 |
6:56 |
x86 |
msdtssrvr.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
201744 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:56 |
x64 |
msmdsrv.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
30126096 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:56 |
x64 |
nsservice.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
21520 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:56 |
x86 |
reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2005.90.3073.0 |
161296 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:56 |
x64 |
reportingservicesservice.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
16912 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:56 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
1725456 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:56 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
1332240 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:56 |
x86 |
rsclientprint.cab |
Ne velja |
1183366 |
5-Aug-08 |
18:00 |
Ne velja |
sqlaccess.dll |
2005.90.3073.0 |
357392 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:56 |
x86 |
sqlservr.exe |
2005.90.3073.0 |
39633936 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:56 |
x64 |
sqlwb.exe |
2005.90.3073.0 |
823824 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
Za različice, ki temeljijo na procesorju Itanium za strežnik SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 NDR
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
799760 |
6-Aug-08 |
4:24 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
799760 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
295952 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasksui.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
721936 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
microsoft.visualstudio.templatewizardinterface.dll |
8.0.50727.42 |
15872 |
23-Sep-05 |
6:56 |
x86 |
msdtssrvr.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
201744 |
6-Aug-08 |
4:24 |
ia64 |
msmdsrv.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
48762896 |
6-Aug-08 |
4:24 |
ia64 |
nsservice.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
21520 |
6-Aug-08 |
4:24 |
x86 |
reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2005.90.3073.0 |
274448 |
6-Aug-08 |
4:24 |
ia64 |
reportingservicesservice.exe |
9.0.3073.0 |
16912 |
6-Aug-08 |
4:24 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
1725456 |
6-Aug-08 |
4:24 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
9.0.3073.0 |
1332240 |
6-Aug-08 |
4:24 |
x86 |
rsclientprint.cab |
Ne velja |
1183366 |
5-Aug-08 |
18:00 |
Ne velja |
sqlaccess.dll |
2005.90.3073.0 |
351760 |
6-Aug-08 |
4:24 |
x86 |
sqlservr.exe |
2005.90.3073.0 |
72529424 |
6-Aug-08 |
4:24 |
ia64 |
sqlwb.exe |
2005.90.3073.0 |
823824 |
5-Aug-08 |
17:58 |
x86 |
Za različice storitve SP2 za strežnik SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 za x86
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
autoadmin90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
901656 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
bcp.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
68632 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
connectiondlg.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
959512 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
dts.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1102360 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
dtsconn.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
250392 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
dtspipeline.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
605208 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
flatfiledest.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
256024 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
flatfilesrc.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
264728 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
mergetxt.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
32280 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
2765848 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.design.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
5456920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1217560 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.managementdialogs.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1717272 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.wizards.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
6161432 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.datawarehouse.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1279000 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
160792 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.sapbw.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
42008 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
562200 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.designer.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
4817944 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.designer.wizards.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
2221080 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
799768 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
336920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
308248 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
291864 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1676312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
111640 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
156696 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytask.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
332824 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.dtstransferprovider.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
115736 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
295960 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasksui.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
721944 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1628184 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.scripttask.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
160792 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.scripttaskui.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
62488 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.servicebrokerenum.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
42008 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1606680 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.smoenum.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
222232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
898072 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.transfersqlserverobjectstask.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
95256 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msadomdx.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
502296 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msdtssrvr.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
205848 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msgprox.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
200216 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msmdlocal.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
15973912 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msmdredir.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
4022808 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msmdspdm.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
201752 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msmdsrv.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
14944280 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msmgdsrv.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
6046232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msolap90.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
4300312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
nsservice.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
21528 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
osql.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
53784 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replerrx.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
114712 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replisapi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
272920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replprov.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
554520 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replrec.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
786968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
408088 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.application |
Ne velja |
18796 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:15 |
Ne velja |
reportbuilder.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
5616664 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.exe.manifest |
Ne velja |
45326 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:14 |
Ne velja |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1066008 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1070104 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1070104 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1082392 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1090584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1090584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1094680 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1094680 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1143832 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilderlocalintranet.application |
Ne velja |
18848 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:15 |
Ne velja |
reportbuilderlocalintranet.exe.manifest |
Ne velja |
37420 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:14 |
Ne velja |
reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
82968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1119256 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
133144 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportingservicesservice.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
16920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1725464 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1332248 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswmi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
3382296 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
rsclientprint.cab |
Ne velja |
1185621 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:10 |
Ne velja |
sac.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
82968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlbrowser.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
242712 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlcmd.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
143896 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqldiag.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1074712 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqldumper.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
68632 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlmanagerui.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
6083608 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlmgmprovider.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
236568 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlsac.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1246232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlsqm.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
140312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
sqlwb.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
823832 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
sqlwtsn.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
99352 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssradd.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
42520 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssravg.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
43032 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssrmax.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
40984 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssrmin.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
40984 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssrpub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
30232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
svrenumapi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
614936 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
txagg.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
204312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
txlookup.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
244760 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
txmergejoin.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
140824 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
xmlsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
194584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
Za različice sistema Microsoft SQL Server 2005 s servisnim paketom SP2, ki temeljijo na x64
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
autoadmin90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
901656 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
bcp.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
88088 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
chsbrkr.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
1694056 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
chtbrkr.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
6109032 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
connectiondlg.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
959512 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
databasemailengine.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
78872 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
databasemailprotocols.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
46104 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
distrib.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
86552 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
dts.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1102360 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
dts.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1893400 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
dtsconn.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
250392 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
dtsconn.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
408088 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
dtspipeline.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
605208 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
dtspipeline.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1065496 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
flatfiledest.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
256024 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
flatfiledest.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
420888 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
flatfilesrc.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
264728 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
flatfilesrc.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
430616 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
fteref.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
433152 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
infosoft.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
621416 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
korwbrkr.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
101736 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
langwrbk.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
236904 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
logread.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
525848 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
mergetxt.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
32280 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
mergetxt.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
37912 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
2765848 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.design.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
5456920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1217560 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.managementdialogs.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1717272 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.wizards.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
6161432 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.datawarehouse.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1279000 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
160792 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.sapbw.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
42008 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
562200 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.designer.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
4817944 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.designer.wizards.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
2221080 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
799768 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
336920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
336920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
308248 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
308248 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
291864 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1676312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
111640 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
156696 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytask.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
332824 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.dtstransferprovider.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
115736 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
295960 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasksui.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
721944 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1628184 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1834520 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
microsoft.sqlserver.scripttask.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
160792 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.scripttaskui.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
62488 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.servicebrokerenum.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
42008 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1606680 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.smoenum.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
222232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
898072 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.transfersqlserverobjectstask.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
95256 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.transfersqlserverobjectstask.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
95256 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
microsoft.visualstudio.templatewizardinterface.dll |
8.0.50727.42 |
15872 |
23-Sep-05 |
6:56 |
x86 |
msadomdx.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
502296 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msdtssrvr.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
201752 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
msfte.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
3808104 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
msftefd.exe |
12.0.7822.0 |
99176 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
msftepxy.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
127336 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
msftesql.exe |
12.0.7822.0 |
158568 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
msgprox.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
200216 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msgprox.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
261656 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
msgprox.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
261656 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
msir5jp.dll |
5.0.2130.0 |
3421544 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
msmdlocal.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
15973912 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msmdlocal.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
32253464 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
msmdredir.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
4022808 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msmdspdm.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
201752 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
msmdsrv.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
31643160 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
msmgdsrv.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
6046232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msmgdsrv.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
9803288 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
msolap90.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
4300312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msolap90.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
5932056 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
msxmlsql.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1384984 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
nlhtml.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
191848 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
nls400.dll |
5.0.4217.0 |
14101352 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
nsservice.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
21528 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
odsole70.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
90136 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
osql.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
86040 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
query.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
68456 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
rdistcom.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
829464 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
repldp.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
187928 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
repldp.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
239128 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
replerrx.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
114712 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replerrx.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
145944 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
replisapi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
272920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replisapi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
395800 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
replmerg.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
417816 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
replprov.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
554520 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replprov.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
754200 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
replrec.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
786968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replrec.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1014296 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
replsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
408088 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
519192 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
replsync.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
131096 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
reportbuilder.application |
Ne velja |
18796 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:15 |
Ne velja |
reportbuilder.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
5616664 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.exe.manifest |
Ne velja |
45326 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:14 |
Ne velja |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1066008 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1070104 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1070104 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1082392 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1090584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1090584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1094680 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1094680 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1143832 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilderlocalintranet.application |
Ne velja |
18848 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:15 |
Ne velja |
reportbuilderlocalintranet.exe.manifest |
Ne velja |
37420 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:14 |
Ne velja |
reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
82968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1119256 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
161304 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
reportingservicesservice.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
16920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1725464 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1332248 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswmi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
3382296 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswmi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
3667480 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
rsclientprint.cab |
Ne velja |
1185621 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:10 |
Ne velja |
sac.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
82968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlaccess.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
357400 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
sqladhlp90.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
66584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqlagent90.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
428568 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqlbrowser.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
242712 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlcmd.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
338968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqlctr90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
67608 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlctr90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
90648 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqldiag.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1248280 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqldumper.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
68632 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqldumper.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
83992 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqlmaint.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
93208 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqlmanagerui.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
6083608 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlmergx.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
236568 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqlmgmprovider.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
236568 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlmgmprovider.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
317976 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqlrepss90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
36888 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqlsac.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1246232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlservr.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
39720984 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqlsqm.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
140312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
sqlwb.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
823832 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
sqlwep.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
90648 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
sqlwep.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
123416 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
sqlwtsn.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
99352 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
sqsrvres.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
82968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
ssradd.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
42520 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssradd.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
50712 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
ssravg.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
43032 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssravg.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
51736 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
ssrmax.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
40984 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssrmax.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
48152 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
ssrmin.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
40984 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssrmin.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
48152 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
ssrpub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
30232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssrpub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
34840 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
svrenumapi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
614936 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
svrenumapi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
836120 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
tablediff.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
87064 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x86 |
thawbrkr.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
209768 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
txagg.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
204312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
txagg.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
330264 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
txlookup.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
244760 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
txlookup.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
406040 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
txmergejoin.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
140824 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
txmergejoin.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
235544 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
xmlfilt.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
271208 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:51 |
x64 |
xmlsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
194584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
xmlsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
319000 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
xpadsi90.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
69656 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
xpqueue.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
71192 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
xprepl.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
89112 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
xpstar90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
551448 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:04 |
x64 |
Za različice v strežniku Itanium, ki temeljijo na storitvi SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
autoadmin90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
901656 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
bcp.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
157208 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
chsbrkr.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
1883496 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
chtbrkr.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
6153576 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
connectiondlg.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
959512 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
databasemailengine.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
78872 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
databasemailprotocols.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
46104 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
distrib.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
200728 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
dts.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1102360 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
dts.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
3516440 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
dtsconn.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
250392 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
dtsconn.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
725016 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
dtspipeline.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
605208 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
dtspipeline.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1932824 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
flatfiledest.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
256024 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
flatfiledest.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
908312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
flatfilesrc.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
264728 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
flatfilesrc.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
934424 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
fteref.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
433152 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
infosoft.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
1915240 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
korwbrkr.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
182632 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
langwrbk.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
333160 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
logread.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1098776 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
mergetxt.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
32280 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
mergetxt.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
72216 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
2765848 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.design.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
5456920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1217560 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.managementdialogs.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1717272 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.analysisservices.wizards.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
6161432 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.datawarehouse.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1279000 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
160792 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.sapbw.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
42008 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
562200 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
799768 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
336920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
308248 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
291864 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1676312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
111640 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
156696 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytask.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
332824 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.dtstransferprovider.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
115736 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
295960 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasksui.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
721944 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1628184 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
2545688 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
microsoft.sqlserver.scripttask.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
160792 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.scripttaskui.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
62488 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.servicebrokerenum.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
42008 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1606680 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.smoenum.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
222232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
898072 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.sqlserver.transfersqlserverobjectstask.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
95256 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
microsoft.visualstudio.templatewizardinterface.dll |
8.0.50727.42 |
15872 |
23-Sep-05 |
6:56 |
x86 |
msadomdx.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
502296 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msdtssrvr.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
201752 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
msfte.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
7072104 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
msftefd.exe |
12.0.7822.0 |
173416 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
msftepxy.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
135528 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
msftesql.exe |
12.0.7822.0 |
294760 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
msgprox.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
200216 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msgprox.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
544792 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
msir5jp.dll |
5.0.2130.0 |
3824488 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
msmdlocal.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
15973912 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msmdlocal.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
50010648 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
msmdredir.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
6298648 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
msmdspdm.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
201752 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
msmdsrv.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
48960024 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
msmgdsrv.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
6046232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msmgdsrv.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
13173272 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
msolap90.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
4300312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
msolap90.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
7915032 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
msxmlsql.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
2733592 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
nlhtml.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
295784 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
nls400.dll |
5.0.4217.0 |
14750056 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
nsservice.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
21528 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
odsole70.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
179224 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
osql.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
125464 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
query.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
123240 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
rdistcom.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1887256 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
repldp.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
187928 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
repldp.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
513560 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
replerrx.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
114712 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replerrx.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
310296 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
replisapi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
272920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replisapi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
784920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
replmerg.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
957976 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
replprov.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
554520 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replprov.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1630744 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
replrec.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
786968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replrec.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
2151448 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
replsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
408088 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
replsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1160216 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
replsync.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
278040 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
reportbuilder.application |
Ne velja |
18796 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:15 |
Ne velja |
reportbuilder.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
5616664 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.exe.manifest |
Ne velja |
45326 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:14 |
Ne velja |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1066008 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1070104 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1070104 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1082392 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1090584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1090584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1094680 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilder.resources.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1094680 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportbuilderlocalintranet.application |
Ne velja |
18848 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:15 |
Ne velja |
reportbuilderlocalintranet.exe.manifest |
Ne velja |
37420 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:14 |
Ne velja |
reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
82968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1119256 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
274456 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
reportingservicesservice.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
16920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1725464 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
1332248 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswmi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
3382296 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswmi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
4218392 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
rsclientprint.cab |
Ne velja |
1185621 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:10 |
Ne velja |
sac.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
82968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlaccess.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
351768 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
sqladhlp90.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
114712 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlagent90.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1252888 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlbrowser.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
503832 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlcmd.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
533016 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlctr90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
67608 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlctr90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
131096 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqldiag.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1774104 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqldumper.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
68632 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqldumper.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
188952 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlmaint.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
244248 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlmanagerui.dll |
9.0.3282.0 |
6083608 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlmergx.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
445976 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlmgmprovider.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
236568 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlmgmprovider.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
618008 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlrepss90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
66584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlsac.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
1246232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:08 |
x86 |
sqlservr.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
72653336 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlsqm.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
140312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
sqlwb.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
823832 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
sqlwep.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
90648 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
sqlwep.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
220696 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
sqlwtsn.exe |
9.0.3282.0 |
99352 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
sqsrvres.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
146968 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
ssradd.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
42520 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssradd.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
94744 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
ssravg.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
43032 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssravg.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
94744 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
ssrmax.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
40984 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssrmax.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
88088 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
ssrmin.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
40984 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssrmin.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
88088 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
ssrpub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
30232 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
ssrpub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
64536 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
svrenumapi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
614936 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
svrenumapi.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
2351128 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
tablediff.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
87064 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
x86 |
thawbrkr.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
253288 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
txagg.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
204312 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
txagg.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
784920 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
txlookup.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
244760 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
txlookup.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
858136 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
txmergejoin.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
140824 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
txmergejoin.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
523288 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
xmlfilt.dll |
12.0.7822.0 |
445800 |
22-Jun-07 |
10:06 |
ia64 |
xmlsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
194584 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:09 |
x86 |
xmlsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
592408 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
xmlsub.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
592408 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
xpadsi90.exe |
2005.90.3282.0 |
126488 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
xpqueue.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
119832 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
xprepl.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
169496 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
xpstar90.dll |
2005.90.3282.0 |
967192 |
5-Aug-08 |
9:12 |
ia64 |
Servisni paket SP2 za storitve SQL Server 2000 Reporting Service Pack 2
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
microsoft.reportingservices.csvrendering.dll |
8.0.1062.0 |
57344 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
8.0.1062.0 |
270336 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
8.0.1062.0 |
270336 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
8.0.1062.0 |
364544 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
8.0.1062.0 |
389120 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
8.0.1062.0 |
262144 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
microsoft.reportingservices.processing.dll |
8.0.1062.0 |
1331200 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
8.0.1062.0 |
557056 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2000.80.1062.0 |
38912 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2000.80.1062.0 |
48640 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
reportingservicessqlsortwrapper.dll |
2000.80.1062.0 |
1120256 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
8.0.1062.0 |
503808 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
8.0.1062.0 |
770048 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:01 |
x86 |
rsclientprint.cab |
Ne velja |
1110000 |
4-Aug-08 |
22:02 |
Ne velja |
Informacije o datoteki za pregledovalnik za Microsoft Report
Različica te varnostne posodobitve v angleščini (Združene države) ima atribute datoteke (ali kasnejše atribute datoteke), ki so navedeni v tej tabeli. Datumi in ure za te datoteke so navedeni v koordiniranem univerzalnem času (UTC). Ko si ogledujete informacije o datoteki, je pretvorjena v lokalni čas. Če želite poiskati razliko med UTC-jem in lokalnim časom, uporabite zavihek časovni pas v elementu datum in čas na nadzorni plošči.
Za Microsoft Report Viewer, ki je bil predeljiv 2005 SP1
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll |
8.0.50727.1843 |
04-Jul-2008 |
06:53 |
3.624.960 |
Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel.dll |
8.0.50727.1843 |
04-Jul-2008 |
06:53 |
49.152 |
Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll |
8.0.50727.1843 |
04-Jul-2008 |
06:53 |
540.672 |
Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll |
8.0.50727.1843 |
04-Jul-2008 |
06:53 |
339.968 |
Za program Microsoft Report Viewer, ki je bil 2008
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll |
9.0.21022.142 |
15-Jul-2008 |
20:16 |
3.649.536 |
Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel.dll |
9.0.21022.142 |
15-Jul-2008 |
20:16 |
53.248 |
Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll |
9.0.21022.142 |
15-Jul-2008 |
20:16 |
1.810.432 |
Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll |
9.0.21022.142 |
15-Jul-2008 |
20:16 |
339.968 |
Informacije o datoteki za Microsoft Visual FoxPro
Različica te varnostne posodobitve v angleščini (Združene države) ima atribute datoteke (ali kasnejše atribute datoteke), ki so navedeni v tej tabeli. Datumi in ure za te datoteke so navedeni v koordiniranem univerzalnem času (UTC). Ko si ogledujete informacije o datoteki, je pretvorjena v lokalni čas. Če želite poiskati razliko med UTC-jem in lokalnim časom, uporabite zavihek časovni pas v elementu datum in čas na nadzorni plošči.
Za Visual FoxPro 8,0 Service Pack 1
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:54 |
1.724.416 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:54 |
1.724.416 |
Za Visual FoxPro 9,0 Service Pack 1
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:54 |
1.724.416 |
Za Visual FoxPro 9,0 Service Pack 2
Ime datoteke |
Različico |
Datum |
Čas |
Velikost |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:54 |
1.724.416 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:54 |
1.724.416 |
Informacije o datoteki za Microsoft Forefront Client Security
Različica te varnostne posodobitve v angleščini (Združene države) ima atribute datoteke (ali kasnejše atribute datoteke), ki so navedeni v tej tabeli. Datumi in ure za te datoteke so navedeni v koordiniranem univerzalnem času (UTC). Ko si ogledujete informacije o datoteki, je pretvorjena v lokalni čas. Če želite poiskati razliko med UTC-jem in lokalnim časom, uporabite zavihek časovni pas v elementu datum in čas na nadzorni plošči.
Za ospredje varnosti odjemalcev
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.4278 |
1.732.608 |
24-Apr-2008 |
06:16 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
397 |
24-Apr-2008 |
06:18 |
Ne velja |
Informacije o datoteki za Windows in za Internet Explorer 6 s servisnim paketom SP1
Različica te varnostne posodobitve v angleščini (Združene države) ima atribute datoteke (ali kasnejše atribute datoteke), ki so navedeni v tej tabeli. Datumi in ure za te datoteke so navedeni v koordiniranem univerzalnem času (UTC). Ko si ogledujete informacije o datoteki, je pretvorjena v lokalni čas. Če želite poiskati razliko med UTC-jem in lokalnim časom, uporabite zavihek časovni pas v elementu datum in čas na nadzorni plošči.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
Iecustom.dll |
6.0.2800.1585 |
43.984 |
13-Oct-2006 |
20:50 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.2800.1612 |
2.290.688 |
29-Apr-2008 |
14:22 |
x86 |
Iecustom.dll |
6.0.2800.1585 |
43.984 |
13-Oct-2006 |
20:50 |
x86 |
Windows XP, 32 – bitne različice
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
Zahteva SP |
Veja storitve |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.3352 |
1.724.416 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:54 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
397 |
19-Dec-2008 |
18:08 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
605 |
19-Dec-2008 |
18:08 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.1.3102.5581 |
1.724.416 |
15-Apr-2008 |
17:47 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
397 |
19-Dec-2008 |
18:02 |
Ne velja |
SP3 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
605 |
19-Dec-2008 |
18:02 |
Ne velja |
SP3 |
Windows Server 2003 in Windows XP, 64 – bitne različice
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
Zahteva SP |
Veja storitve |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.3126 |
2.883.584 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:15 |
x64 |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
399 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:15 |
Ne velja |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
609 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:15 |
Ne velja |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.3126 |
1.732.608 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:15 |
x86 |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
397 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:15 |
Ne velja |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
605 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:15 |
Ne velja |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.4278 |
2.883.584 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:43 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
399 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:43 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
609 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:43 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.4278 |
1.732.608 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:43 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
397 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:43 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
605 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:43 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Windows Server 2003, 32 – bitne različice
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
Zahteva SP |
Veja storitve |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.3126 |
1.732.608 |
24-Apr-2008 |
05:37 |
x86 |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
397 |
24-Apr-2008 |
05:38 |
Ne velja |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
605 |
24-Apr-2008 |
05:38 |
Ne velja |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.4278 |
1.732.608 |
24-Apr-2008 |
06:16 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
397 |
24-Apr-2008 |
06:18 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
605 |
24-Apr-2008 |
06:18 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Windows Server 2003, različice, ki temeljijo na Itaniumu
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
Zahteva SP |
Veja storitve |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.3126 |
5.287.936 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:00 |
IA-64 |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
398 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:00 |
Ne velja |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
607 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:00 |
Ne velja |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.3126 |
1.732.608 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:00 |
x86 |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
397 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:00 |
Ne velja |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
605 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:00 |
Ne velja |
SP1 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.4278 |
5.288.448 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:34 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
398 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:34 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
607 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:34 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.3790.4278 |
1.732.608 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:34 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
397 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:34 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Gdiplus.man |
Ne velja |
605 |
29-Jan-2009 |
17:34 |
Ne velja |
SP2 |
Windows Server 2008 in Windows Vista, 32-bitne različice
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6000.16683 |
1.744.896 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:24 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6000.20826 |
1.744.896 |
01-May-2008 |
03:16 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6001.18065 |
1.748.992 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:27 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6001.22170 |
1.748.992 |
01-May-2008 |
03:22 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6000.16683 |
1.823.232 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:24 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6000.20826 |
1.823.232 |
01-May-2008 |
03:16 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6001.18065 |
1.823.232 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:27 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6001.22170 |
1.823.232 |
01-May-2008 |
03:22 |
x86 |
Ime datoteke |
Package_1_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.238 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_1_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
3.497 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_2_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.401 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_2_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
3.664 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_3_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.243 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_3_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
3.506 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_4_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.245 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_4_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
3.506 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_5_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.245 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_5_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
3.506 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_6_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.240 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_6_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
3.501 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client_0_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.416 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client_0~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.435 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client_1_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.357 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client_1~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.377 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.691 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.722 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_sc_0_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.412 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_sc_0~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.431 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_sc_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.413 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_sc~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.432 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_server_0_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.415 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_server_0~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.435 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_server_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.421 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_server~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.440 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpesrv_0_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.412 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpesrv_0~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.431 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpesrv_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.420 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpesrv~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.439 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpe_0_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.410 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpe_0~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.429 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpe_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.414 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpe~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.433 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Update-bf.mum |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
3.493 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_2d7bed174b9ebd88201507c3a9559b8f_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.22170_none_709339f376bdc85f.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
627 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_706121a3a53151381e9f94344669d7b6_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.16683_none_adcecccda6b3ab77.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
627 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_82e7a5c853e9bbe90e9010703062a20b_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.16683_none_9bec08297484c7ec.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
627 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_962c1d07c894a4642bd456e614e026ef_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.22170_none_865d46dd24b8e4da.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
627 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_db062160e7e323dc6ed9b4cbfdafced4_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.18065_none_0264d72f0f33a6d4.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
627 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_e885f0ebde85b30bfc194c434e5e1061_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.18065_none_0a635ed693d8f3e2.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
627 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_eda3cb8b9c8d566b30527aea60ea9777_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.20826_none_356c7025fd4daca2.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
627 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_fb6256695ccf0fe48ed6fd5dfe69871e_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.20826_none_d2c7ba3b2c558bfd.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
627 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.16683_none_9ea0f08ac96e2537.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
05:57 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.20826_none_87cd0392e31b3a67.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
03:33 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.18065_none_9e7abe2ec9c13222.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
11:26 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.22170_none_87ae89a0e3672b5a.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
03:56 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.16683_none_8df25f6f6273fede.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
06:00 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.20826_none_771e72777c21140e.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
03:38 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.18065_none_8dcc2d1362c70bc9.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
11:31 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.22170_none_76fff8857c6d0501.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
04:02 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Windows Server 2008 in Windows Vista, 64-bitne različice
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6000.16683 |
2.189.312 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6000.20826 |
2.189.312 |
01-May-2008 |
03:25 |
x64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6001.18065 |
2.190.848 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:47 |
x64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6001.22170 |
2.190.848 |
01-May-2008 |
03:47 |
x64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6000.16683 |
2.332.160 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6000.20826 |
2.332.160 |
01-May-2008 |
03:25 |
x64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6001.18065 |
2.332.160 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:47 |
x64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6001.22170 |
2.332.160 |
01-May-2008 |
03:47 |
x64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6000.16683 |
1.744.896 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:24 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6000.20826 |
1.744.896 |
01-May-2008 |
03:16 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6001.18065 |
1.748.992 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:27 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6001.22170 |
1.748.992 |
01-May-2008 |
03:22 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6000.16683 |
1.823.232 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:24 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6000.20826 |
1.823.232 |
01-May-2008 |
03:16 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6001.18065 |
1.823.232 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:27 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6001.22170 |
1.823.232 |
01-May-2008 |
03:22 |
x86 |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_00b35f3bb498a220f1130c641ad53a3e_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.22170_none_a53a91c2bfe98529.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
922 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_014b1bb03e266dae9bb9229bbb64e9c8_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.20826_none_5b3447238e13d67c.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
922 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_0fc47c06392005dc7805a5f8cbccd688_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.20826_none_390d3d98cca7129b.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
631 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_19e8d2d57af2fb88aa5b1d1eb8bce30b_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.16683_none_2ad81ec9839d20c2.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
922 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_27a0a8b8c122d4baa3395a823c4a04fb_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.18065_none_03ff18594e33f5a4.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
922 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_3c9e2cb91c78c7f3f101359176702865_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.16683_none_fb86e2bd89a4d682.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
631 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_45503531deef0e7c4e9173d38c251740_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.18065_none_96199079c9b8906a.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
631 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_4e4fa89d16c400ad6000541644ed55ac_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.18065_none_ed1070135ecfb3fb.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
631 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_69f5ac176b95ecd08940cb177ba7542c_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.22170_none_d57e13e47f54f690.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
631 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
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Amd64_88ddaac2945c38ad04164fc29389ec8a_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.18065_none_1aecf13675d8c994.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
922 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_8b3e3b7243c63b9899fc426a7fd2bfb4_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.16683_none_7c94e478ae8e6ff3.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
631 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_921e0f54875b67491f0b0ea3492c6869_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.22170_none_3c0774abf3bc54cb.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
922 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_baa222e60433506acabc1c70e033be52_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.20826_none_aae1052b645a16e9.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
922 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_c0d5b323f54215ab9bc6144b3844cd42_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.16683_none_f7cb434290b2f4df.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
922 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_f2b615498118f74ce531322e9fae8f12_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.20826_none_f588c793f1fa420f.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
631 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_f771c2ccc8989c364bf72efbfd9def9f_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.22170_none_4b1226a6a917f35c.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
631 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.16683_none_56f3b9b3b4f1fc31.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.178 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
06:13 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.20826_none_401fccbbce9f1161.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.178 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
03:48 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.18065_none_56cd8757b545091c.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.178 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
10:34 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.22170_none_400152c9ceeb0254.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.178 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
04:15 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.16683_none_464528984df7d5d8.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.178 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
06:16 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.20826_none_2f713ba067a4eb08.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.178 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
03:53 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.18065_none_461ef63c4e4ae2c3.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.178 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
10:39 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.22170_none_2f52c1ae67f0dbfb.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.178 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
04:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_1_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.252 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_1_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
3.519 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_2_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.735 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_2_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.348 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_3_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.575 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_3_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.188 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_4_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.577 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_4_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.188 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_5_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.577 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_5_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.188 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_6_for_kb938464_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
2.254 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_6_for_kb938464~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
3.523 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client_0_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.424 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client_0~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.443 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client_1_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.365 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client_1~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.385 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.701 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_client~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.732 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_sc_0_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.420 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_sc_0~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.439 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_sc_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.421 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_sc~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.440 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_server_0_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.423 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_server_0~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.443 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_server_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.429 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_server~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.448 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpesrv_0_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.420 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpesrv_0~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.439 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpesrv_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.428 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpesrv~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.447 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpe_0_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.418 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpe_0~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.437 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpe_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.422 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Package_for_kb938464_winpe~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
1.441 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Update-bf.mum |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
3.519 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.16683_none_9ea0f08ac96e2537.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
05:57 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6000.20826_none_87cd0392e31b3a67.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
03:33 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.18065_none_9e7abe2ec9c13222.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
11:26 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.22170_none_87ae89a0e3672b5a.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
03:56 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.16683_none_8df25f6f6273fede.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
06:00 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6000.20826_none_771e72777c21140e.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
03:38 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.18065_none_8dcc2d1362c70bc9.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
11:31 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
X86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.22170_none_76fff8857c6d0501.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
4.160 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
04:02 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Različice sistema Windows Server 2008 in Windows Vista, ki temeljijo na procesorju Itanium
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platform |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6001.18065 |
4.906.496 |
30-Apr-2008 |
06:38 |
IA-64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6001.22170 |
4.906.496 |
01-May-2008 |
03:35 |
IA-64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6001.18065 |
5.260.800 |
30-Apr-2008 |
06:38 |
IA-64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6001.22170 |
5.260.800 |
01-May-2008 |
03:35 |
IA-64 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6001.18065 |
1.748.992 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:27 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
5.2.6001.22170 |
1.748.992 |
01-May-2008 |
03:22 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6001.18065 |
1.823.232 |
30-Apr-2008 |
05:27 |
x86 |
Gdiplus.dll |
6.0.6001.22170 |
1.823.232 |
01-May-2008 |
03:22 |
x86 |
Ime datoteke |
Ia64_0b363687151303c5b51edc527e5d566a_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.22170_none_2d73da9b9148508f.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
629 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Ia64_30ab59cf4af7b53009844141400e3874_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.22170_none_7709b48c1d8654e8.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
920 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Ia64_41c135bbe2fd69ee873a31c8eb6f7fe2_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.22170_none_82481ae944d45a24.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
920 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Ia64_9a335abb9862c42bf13dfb9c171621f4_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.18065_none_d0d64d80f7bc49f5.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
629 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Ia64_a02a0c35f24c31998bff4ccf02fa5e69_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.6001.22170_none_b355f8c654d30298.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
629 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Ia64_adc47c2d184a114a48225b0b0aad9c2a_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.18065_none_760f9b9a01af9f5a.manifest |
Različica datoteke |
Ne velja |
Velikost datoteke |
920 |
Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
22:24 |
Platform |
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01-May-2008 |
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30-Apr-2008 |
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01-May-2008 |
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30-Apr-2008 |
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01-May-2008 |
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01-May-2008 |
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01-May-2008 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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01-May-2008 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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01-May-2008 |
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22:24 |
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Datum (UTC) |
30-Apr-2008 |
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11:26 |
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Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
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30-Apr-2008 |
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Datum (UTC) |
01-May-2008 |
Čas (UTC) |
04:02 |
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