Pomembno: Namestite varnostno posodobitev z maja 2021. Ta posodobitev je nadomeščala ta varnostni popravek. Če želite več informacij, glejte ta Exchange spletnega dnevnika skupine:
S tem paketom varnostnih posodobitev odpravite ranljivosti v Microsoft Exchange Server. Če želite izvedeti več o teh ranljivostih, glejte te pogoste ranljivosti in izpostavljenosti (CVE):
CVE-2021-28480 – | Microsoft Exchange Server Ranljivost oddaljenega izvajanja kode
CvE-2021-28481 – | Microsoft Exchange Server Ranljivost oddaljenega izvajanja kode
CVE-2021-28482 – | Microsoft Exchange Server Ranljivost oddaljenega izvajanja kode
CvE-2021-28483 – | Microsoft Exchange Server Ranljivost oddaljenega izvajanja kode
CvE-2021-34473 – | Microsoft Exchange Server Ranljivost oddaljenega izvajanja kode
CvE-2021-34523 – | Microsoft Exchange Server Dvig ranljivosti pravic
CvE-2021-33766 – | Microsoft Exchange Server Ranljivost informacij o razkritjeh
Znane težave v tej posodobitvi
Znana težava 1
Ko poskušate ročno namestiti to varnostno posodobitev tako, da dvokliknete datoteko posodobitve (.msp), da jo zaženete v navadnem načinu (kar ni kot skrbnik), nekatere datoteke niso pravilno posodobljene.Ko pride do te težave, ne prejmete sporočila o napaki ali nobenega obvestila, da varnostna posodobitev ni bila pravilno nameščena. Lahko pa Outlook spletni dostop (OWA) in Exchange nadzorna plošča (ECP) prenehala delovati.
Do te težave pride v strežnikih, ki uporabljajo nadzor uporabniškega računa (UAC). Do te težave pride, ker varnostna posodobitev ne ustavi pravilno nekaterih Exchange, povezanih s storitvami.Če se želite izogniti tej težavi, upoštevajte ta navodila za ročno namestitev te varnostne posodobitve.
Opomba: Do te težave ne pride, če namestite posodobitev prek storitve Microsoft Update.
Izberite Začetni meniin vnesite cmd.
Med rezultati z desno tipko miške kliknite Ukazni pozivin nato izberite Zaženi kot skrbnik.
Če se prikaže pogovorno okno Nadzor uporabniškega računa, preverite, ali je privzeto dejanje dejanje, ki ga želite, in nato izberite Nadaljuj.
Vnesite celotno pot datoteke .msp in pritisnite tipko Enter.
Exchange posodobitve bodo storitve morda ostale onemogočene. Ta pogoj ne navaja, da posodobitev ni pravilno nameščena. Do tega pogoja lahko pride, če pride do težav s skripti nadzora storitve, ko Exchange storitve v običajno stanje.ukaznega poziva kot skrbnika.
Če želite odpraviti to težavo, z upraviteljem storitev obnovite vrsto zagona na Samodejno ,nato pa Exchange ročno zaženite storitev. Če se želite izogniti tej težavi, zaženite varnostno posodobitev v ukaznem pozivu na skrbniški ravni. Če želite več informacij o tem, kako odprete okno ukaznega poziva na skrbniški ravni, glejte Zagon -
Ko v spletnem brskalniku blokirate piškotke tretjih oseb, boste morda nenehno pozvani k temu, da zaupate določenemu dodatku, čeprav še naprej izbirate možnost zaupanja v zvezi z dodatkom. Do te težave pride tudi v načinih oken za zasebnost (kot je način InPrivate v Microsoft Edge). Do te težave pride, ker omejitve brskalnika preprečujejo zapis odgovora. Če želite zabeležiti odgovor in omogočiti dodatek, morate v nastavitvah brskalnika omogočiti piškotke od drugod za domeno, ki gosti OWA ali Office Online Server v nastavitvah brskalnika. Če želite omogočiti to nastavitev, si oglejte posebno dokumentacijo s podporo za brskalnik.
Znana težava 2
Ko namestite varnostno posodobitev za Exchange Server aprila, ukazi »cmdlet« , ki se zaženejo prek ukazne lupine za upravljanje storitve Exchange s priklicano storitvijo runspace, morda ne bodo uspeli in vrnejo to sporočilo o napaki:Opomba: Ta runspace ne podpira sintakse. Do tega lahko pride, če je runspace v načinu brez jezika.
Če želite več informacij, glejte Napaka »Sintaksa ni podprta v tem podproje prostoru« po namestitvi aprila 2021 Exchange posodobitev (ali novejše posodobitve)
Znana težava 3
Zahtevanje informacij o prostem/zasedenem času za uporabnika v drugem gozdu v zaupanja vrednem topologije med gozdi bo morda neuspešno in bo vrnilo to sporočilo o napaki samodejnega odkrivanja:Opomba: Oddaljeni strežnik je vrnil napako: (400) Slaba zahteva.
Če želite več informacij, glejte Napaka »(400) Neredna zahteva« med samodejnim odkrivanjem za prosto/zasedeno informacijami na uporabnika v zaupanja vredni topologiji med gozdi
Znana težava 4
Skrbniški računi ali računi storitve, ki se končajo z znakom za dolar ($), morda ne bodo uspeli, ko bodo poskusili vzpostaviti povezavo z ukazno lupino za Exchange ali Skrbniškim računom za Exchange. Edina rešitev za to težavo je, da uporabite račune, ki na koncu imena nima znaka za dolar.
Kako dobiti in namestiti posodobitev
1. način: Microsoft Update
Ta posodobitev je na voljo Windows posodobitev. Ko vklopite samodejno posodabljanje, se ta posodobitev samodejno prenese in namesti. Če želite več informacij o tem, kako vklopite samodejno posodabljanje, glejte Windows Posodobitev: pogosta vprašanja.
2. način: Katalog Microsoft Update
Če želite dobiti samostojni paket za to posodobitev, obiščite spletno mesto kataloga Microsoft Update.
3. način: Microsoftov center za prenose
Samostojni paket posodobitev lahko dobite prek Microsoftovega centra za prenose.
Več informacij
Informacije o uvajanju varnostnih posodobitev
Če želite informacije o uvedbi te posodobitve, glejte informacije o uvajanju varnostnih posodobitev: 13. april 2021.
Nadomestne informacije varnostnih posodobitev
Ta varnostna posodobitev je zamenjala te predhodno izdane posodobitve:
Informacije o datoteki
Informacije o hash datoteki
Ime posodobitve |
Ime datoteke |
Hash SHA1 |
Hash |
Exchange Server zbirni paket posodobitev 9 za leto 2019 |
Exchange2019-KB5001779-x64-en.msp |
6BF217B876381DB769BA8D4EF8FE2F1739841BDE |
557245D2B52C708A193DAAB46D35CA1683DCF1F651CC362B53DC6D7CAEB0E2F9 |
Exchange Server zbirni paket posodobitev 8 za leto 2019 |
Exchange2019-KB5001779-x64-en.msp |
B228041E258836DCC03B16B485DC7AA4FDDE7DC0 |
58DC3AEA33E5014BCE03FC905FA59332B5C1E673F9195C646AF5F1541E33AF87 |
Exchange Server 2016 zbirni paket posodobitev 20 |
Exchange2016-KB5001779-x64-en.msp |
6481BC6EE060541641EE21F0368F45563C03CFD8 |
F428F4F667539E1D7D2F7FC5A526E699D86718990622F8724E0258F4B4107518 |
Exchange Server zbirni paket posodobitev 19 za leto 2016 |
Exchange2016-KB5001779-x64-en.msp |
0368F19923C70B1824297FD333D056B5CB20AF37 |
7A2DF56EC99A6DF13258360DF79C01713C19AA0D35A33FB1FC8DC2CB12669123 |
Exchange Server zbirni paket posodobitev 23 za leto 2013 |
Exchange2013-KB5001779-x64-en.msp |
CC0DAAE493A268E495CA7B547CB1EA2A5A7A0556 |
2987759DFEDA4A2E7FCEC234938E1629A288D097E585BAAEEF40C5982DFE709A |
Exchange o datoteki strežnika
V angleški različici (Združene države) te posodobitve so nameščene datoteke z atributi, ki so navedeni v teh tabelah. Datumi in časi teh datotek so navedeni v coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Datumi in časi teh datotek v lokalnem računalniku so prikazani v lokalnem času skupaj s prednatimi glede na trenutne poletnega časa (DST). Poleg tega se lahko datumi in časi spremenijo, ko izvajate določene operacije v datotekah.
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platforma |
Activemonitoringeventmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
71,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Activemonitoringexecutionlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,522 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
Adduserstopfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,969 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Ademodule.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
106,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Airfilter.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
42,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
92,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Antispamcommon.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,505 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Asdat.msi |
Ne velja |
5,087,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
Ne velja |
Asentirs.msi |
Ne velja |
77,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
Asentsig.msi |
Ne velja |
73,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
Ne velja |
Bigfunnel.bondtypes.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
45,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
66,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.configuration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
118,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.entropy.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
44,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.filter.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
54,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.indexstream.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
68,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.neuraltree.dll |
Ne velja |
694,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x64 |
Bigfunnel.neuraltreeranking.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.poi.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
245,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.postinglist.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
189,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.query.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
101,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.ranking.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
109,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.syntheticdatalib.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
3,634,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.tracing.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
42,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.wordbreakers.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Cafe_airfilter_dll |
15.2.858.9 |
42,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Cafe_exppw_dll |
15.2.858.9 |
83,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Cafe_owaauth_dll |
15.2.858.9 |
92,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Calcalculation.ps1 |
Ne velja |
42,097 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Checkdatabaseredundancy.ps1 |
Ne velja |
94,606 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Chksgfiles.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
57,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Citsconstants.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,805 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Citslibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
82,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Citstypes.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Classificationengine_mce |
15.2.858.9 |
1,693,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Clusmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
134,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:41 |
x64 |
Coconet.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
48,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x64 |
Collectovermetrics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
81,684 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Collectreplicationmetrics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
41,870 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Commonconnectfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,931 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
Complianceauditservice.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
39,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Configureadam.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,804 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
Ne velja |
Configurecaferesponseheaders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,348 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Configurecryptodefaults.ps1 |
Ne velja |
42,035 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Configurenetworkprotocolparameters.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,810 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Configuresmbipsec.ps1 |
Ne velja |
39,868 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Configure_enterprisepartnerapplication.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,323 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Connectfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
37,141 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
Ne velja |
Connect_exchangeserver_help.xml |
Ne velja |
30,420 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
Ne velja |
Consoleinitialize.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
Ne velja |
Convertoabvdir.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,089 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Converttomessagelatency.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,572 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Convert_distributiongrouptounifiedgroup.ps1 |
Ne velja |
34,805 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Create_publicfoldermailboxesformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.tem |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts_exsmime.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
380,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x64 |
Cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,686,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
502 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts_policy.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
x86 |
Dagcommonlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
60,226 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Dependentassemblygenerator.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
22,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Diaghelper.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
66,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Diagnosticscriptcommonlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
16,334 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Disableinmemorytracing.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,402 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Disable_antimalwarescanning.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,229 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Disable_outsidein.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,690 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
Disklockerapi.dll |
Ne velja |
22,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x64 |
Dlmigrationmodule.psm1 |
Ne velja |
39,620 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Dsaccessperf.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
45,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x64 |
Dscperf.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
32,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x64 |
Dup_cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,686,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Dup_ext_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
601,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Ecpperfcounters.xml |
Ne velja |
31,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
Ne velja |
Edgeextensibility_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Edgeextensibility_policy.8.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Edgetransport.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
49,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Eext.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.inoma |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.tem |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.sicer |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.cit |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
505 |
04-apr-2021 |
06:23 |
Ne velja |
Eext_policy.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Enableinmemorytracing.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,404 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
Ne velja |
Enable_antimalwarescanning.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,603 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Enable_basicauthtooauthconverterhttpmodule.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Enable_crossforestconnector.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,634 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Enable_outlookcertificateauthentication.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Enable_outsidein.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,687 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
Engineupdateserviceinterfaces.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Escprint.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
20,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Ese.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
3,741,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x64 |
Eseback2.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
350,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Esebcli2.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
318,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:41 |
x64 |
Eseperf.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
108,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:40 |
x64 |
Eseutil.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
425,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x64 |
Esevss.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
44,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
x64 |
Etweseproviderresources.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
101,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Eventperf.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
59,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Exchange.depthtwo.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
40,093 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
649,694 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.partial.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
44,323 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,807 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.support.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
26,535 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
365,149 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
Ne velja |
Exchangeudfcommon.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
122,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Exchangeudfs.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
272,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Exchmem.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
86,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Exchsetupmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Exdbfailureitemapi.dll |
Ne velja |
27,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x64 |
Exdbmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
230,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Exeventperfplugin.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
25,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Exmime.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
364,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Exportedgeconfig.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,431 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Export_mailpublicfoldersformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,594 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Export_modernpublicfolderstatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,242 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Export_outlookclassification.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,374 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Export_publicfolderstatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,157 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Export_retentiontags.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Exppw.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
83,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Exprfdll.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
26,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Exrpc32.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
2,029,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Exrw.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
28,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x64 |
Exsetdata.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
2,779,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Exsetup.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
35,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Exsetupui.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
471,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Extrace.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
245,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x64 |
Ext_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
601,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Exwatson.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
44,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Fastioext.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
60,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Fil06f84122c94c91a0458cad45c22cce20 |
Ne velja |
784,630 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Fil143a7a5d4894478a85eefc89a6539fc8 |
Ne velja |
1,909,227 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Fil19f527f284a0bb584915f9994f4885c3 |
Ne velja |
648,759 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Fil1a9540363a531e7fb18ffe600cffc3ce |
Ne velja |
358,404 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
Fil220d95210c8697448312eee6628c815c |
Ne velja |
303,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
Fil2cf5a31e239a45fabea48687373b547c |
Ne velja |
652,758 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Fil397f0b1f1d7bd44d6e57e496decea2ec |
Ne velja |
784,627 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Fil3ab126057b34eee68c4fd4b127ff7aee |
Ne velja |
784,603 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Fil41bb2e5743e3bde4ecb1e07a76c5a7a8 |
Ne velja |
149,154 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
Ne velja |
Fil51669bfbda26e56e3a43791df94c1e9c |
Ne velja |
9,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Fil558cb84302edfc96e553bcfce2b85286 |
Ne velja |
85,258 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Fil55ce217251b77b97a46e914579fc4c64 |
Ne velja |
648,753 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Fil5a9e78a51a18d05bc36b5e8b822d43a8 |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Fil5c7d10e5f1f9ada1e877c9aa087182a9 |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Fil6569a92c80a1e14949e4282ae2cc699c |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Fil6a01daba551306a1e55f0bf6894f4d9f |
Ne velja |
648,729 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Fil8863143ea7cd93a5f197c9fff13686bf |
Ne velja |
648,759 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Fil8a8c76f225c7205db1000e8864c10038 |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Fil8cd999415d36ba78a3ac16a080c47458 |
Ne velja |
784,633 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Fil97913e630ff02079ce9889505a517ec0 |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Filaa49badb2892075a28d58d06560f8da2 |
Ne velja |
785,657 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Filae28aeed23ccb4b9b80accc2d43175b5 |
Ne velja |
648,756 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Filb17f496f9d880a684b5c13f6b02d7203 |
Ne velja |
784,633 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Filb94ca32f2654692263a5be009c0fe4ca |
Ne velja |
2,564,949 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
Ne velja |
Filbabdc4808eba0c4f18103f12ae955e5c |
Ne velja |
342,639,490 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
Ne velja |
Filc92cf2bf29bed21bd5555163330a3d07 |
Ne velja |
652,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Filcc478d2a8346db20c4e2dc36f3400628 |
Ne velja |
784,633 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Fild26cd6b13cfe2ec2a16703819da6d043 |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Filf2719f9dc8f7b74df78ad558ad3ee8a6 |
Ne velja |
785,639 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Filfa5378dc76359a55ef20cc34f8a23fee |
Ne velja |
1,427,187 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Filteringconfigurationcommands.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,267 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
Ne velja |
Filteringpowershell.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
223,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Filteringpowershell.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
29,668 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Filtermodule.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
180,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Fipexeuperfctrresource.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Fipexeventsresource.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
44,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Fipexperfctrresource.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
32,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Firewallres.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
72,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Fms.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
1,350,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Forefrontactivedirectoryconnector.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
110,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Fpsdiag.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
18,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Fsccachedfilemanagedlocal.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
822,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Fscconfigsupport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
56,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Fscconfigurationserver.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
430,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Fscconfigurationserverinterfaces.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Fsccrypto.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
208,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Fscipcinterfaceslocal.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
28,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Fscipclocal.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
38,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Fscsqmuploader.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
453,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Getucpool.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,811 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Getvalidengines.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,274 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamfilteringreport.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,829 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamsclhistogram.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,655 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenderdomains.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,711 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenderips.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,775 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,498 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtoprblproviders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,689 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtoprecipients.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,790 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Get_dleligibilitylist.ps1 |
Ne velja |
42,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Get_exchangeetwtrace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,983 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Get_publicfoldermailboxsize.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,062 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Get_storetrace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
51,871 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Huffman_xpress.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
32,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x64 |
Importedgeconfig.ps1 |
Ne velja |
77,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Import_mailpublicfoldersformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,516 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Import_retentiontags.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,858 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Inproxy.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
85,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Installwindowscomponent.ps1 |
Ne velja |
34,523 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Install_antispamagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,929 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Install_odatavirtualdirectory.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,983 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Interop.activeds.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.2.858.9 |
107,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
Ne velja |
Interop.adsiis.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.2.858.9 |
20,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
Interop.certenroll.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
142,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Interop.licenseinfointerface.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Interop.netfw.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
34,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Interop.plalibrary.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
72,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Interop.stdole2.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.2.858.9 |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
Interop.taskscheduler.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Interop.wuapilib.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
60,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Interop.xenroll.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
39,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Kerbauth.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
62,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x64 |
Licenseinfointerface.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
643,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Lpversioning.xml |
Ne velja |
20,470 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
Ne velja |
Mailboxdatabasereseedusingspares.ps1 |
Ne velja |
31,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Managedavailabilitycrimsonmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
138,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Managedstorediagnosticfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
126,277 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Managescheduledtask.ps1 |
Ne velja |
36,372 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Manage_metacachedatabase.ps1 |
Ne velja |
51,127 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Mce.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,693,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Measure_storeusagestatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,487 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Merge_publicfoldermailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,663 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.database.isam.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
127,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.dkm.proxy.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
26,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.activemonitoring.activemonitoringvariantconfig.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
68,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.activemonitoring.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.addressbook.service.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
233,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.addressbook.service.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.airsyncmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.comon.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,776,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.dll1 |
15.2.858.10 |
505,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.airsynchandler.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
76,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.anchorservice.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
135,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispam.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
23,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispamupdate.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispamupdatesvc.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.approval.applications.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
53,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
925,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
25,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.interfaces.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.audit.azureclient.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditlogsearch.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditlogsearchservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
70,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditstoragemonitorservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
94,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditstoragemonitorservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.authadmin.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.authadminservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.authservicehostservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.configuration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
79,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
396,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.eventlogs.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
21,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscoverv2.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
57,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.bandwidthmonitorservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
14,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.batchservice.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cabutility.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
276,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatedeployment.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
16,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatedeploymentservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
25,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatenotification.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatenotificationservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
23,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
377,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.eventlogs.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
83,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
2,971,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa2.server.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
5,029,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa2.servervariantconfiguration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
893,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.security.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
413,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.strings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
924,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.bandwidthmonitor.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
52,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.common.extensions.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
21,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.diskmonitor.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
33,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replay.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
3,515,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replicaseeder.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
108,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replicavsswriter.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
288,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.shared.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
625,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.agentconfig.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
86,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.componentconfig.transport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,830,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.adagentservicevariantconfig.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.directoryvariantconfig.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
466,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.domtvariantconfig.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
25,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.ismemberofresolverconfig.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
38,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.tenantrelocationvariantconfig.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
102,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.topologyservicevariantconfig.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
48,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.diskmanagement.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
67,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
172,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.encryption.variantconfig.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
113,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.il.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.inference.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
130,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.optics.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
63,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.processmanagermsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.protocols.popimap.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.search.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
108,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.search.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.smtp.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
51,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.suiteservices.suiteservicesvariantconfig.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.transport.azure.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
27,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.transport.monitoringconfig.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,042,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.commonmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
29,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditlogpumper.messages.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditservice.core.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
181,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditservice.messages.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
30,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
22,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.crimsonevents.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
85,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
41,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.recordreview.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
37,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.supervision.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
50,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskcreator.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
33,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskdistributioncommon.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,100,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskdistributionfabric.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
206,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskplugins.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
210,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compression.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.certificateauth.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
37,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.certificateauth.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
145,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.core.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.delegatedauth.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
53,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.delegatedauth.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.diagnosticsmodules.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
23,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.diagnosticsmodules.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.failfast.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
54,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.failfast.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.objectmodel.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,846,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.objectmodel.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.redirectionmodule.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
68,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.redirectionmodule.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.remotepowershellbackendcmdletproxymodule.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
21,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.remotepowershellbackendcmdletproxymodule.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.connectiondatacollector.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
25,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
169,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.eas.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
330,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.imap.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
173,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.pop.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
71,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.contentfilter.wrapper.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
203,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.client.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
27,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.configuration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
51,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
51,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.datamodel.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
46,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.core.strings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,093,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.core.timezone.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
57,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.deep.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
326,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
3,354,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
35,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.monitoring.ifx.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.connectors.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
165,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.consumermailboxprovisioning.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
619,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.directory.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
7,792,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.directory.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
80,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,790,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.groupmailboxaccesslayer.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,626,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.ha.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
375,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.imageanalysis.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
105,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mailboxfeatures.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mailboxloadbalance.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
224,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mapi.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
186,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.metering.contracts.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
39,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.metering.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
119,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.msosyncxsd.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
968,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.notification.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
141,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.personaldataplatform.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
769,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.providers.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
139,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.provisioning.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
56,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
453,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.scheduledtimers.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
32,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.clientstrings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
256,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
11,816,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
37,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storageconfigurationresources.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
655,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storeobjects.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
175,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.client.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
36,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.client.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.datacenter.management.activemonitoring.recoveryservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.datacenterstrings.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
72,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.delivery.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.certificatelogger.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
22,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
2,213,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
15.2.858.9 |
2,213,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.performancelogger.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
23,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
546,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
215,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.exchangejobs.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
194,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
146,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.fuseboxperfcounters.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
27,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnosticsaggregation.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnosticsaggregationservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
49,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.directory.topologyservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
28,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.directory.topologyservice.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
208,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.disklocker.events.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
88,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.disklocker.interop.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
32,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.drumtesting.calendarmigration.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
45,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.drumtesting.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
18,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
473,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.ha.events.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
206,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.ha.instance.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eac.flighting.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
131,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgecredentialsvc.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
21,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
148,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.datacenterproviders.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
220,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
23,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesyncsvc.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
97,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.export.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,266,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.export.dll.deploy |
15.2.858.9 |
1,266,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.application |
Ne velja |
16,508 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.exe.deploy |
15.2.858.9 |
87,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.manifest |
Ne velja |
67,495 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.strings.dll.deploy |
15.2.858.9 |
52,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.mailboxsearch.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
292,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.birthdaycalendar.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
73,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.defaultservicesettings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
45,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
218,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.management.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
78,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.bookings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
35,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.calendaring.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
935,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
336,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.connectors.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
52,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.contentsubmissions.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
32,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.context.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
60,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.datamodel.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
854,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.fileproviders.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
291,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.foldersharing.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
39,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.holidaycalendars.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
76,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.insights.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
166,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetinglocation.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,486,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetingparticipants.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
122,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetingtimecandidates.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
12,327,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.onlinemeetings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
264,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.people.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
37,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.peopleinsights.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
186,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.reminders.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
64,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.schedules.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
83,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.shellservice.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
63,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.tasks.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
100,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.xrm.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
144,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entityextraction.calendar.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
270,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.configuration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
130,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ews.configuration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
254,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.exchangecertificate.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.exchangecertificateservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
37,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.extensibility.internal.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
640,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.extensibility.partner.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
37,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.federateddirectory.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
146,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ffosynclogmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendhttpproxy.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
595,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendhttpproxy.eventlogs.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendtransport.monitoring.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.griffin.variantconfiguration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
99,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hathirdpartyreplication.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
42,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.helpprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
40,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.addressfinder.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
54,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:41 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
164,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.diagnostics.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
58,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.flighting.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
204,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.passivemonitor.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.proxyassistant.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routerefresher.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
38,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routeselector.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
48,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routing.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
180,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpredirectmodules.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
36,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:41 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httputilities.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
25,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.data.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,868,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.diagnosisutil.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
54,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.eopinstantprovisioning.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.idserialization.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
35,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.eventlog.dll.fe |
15.2.858.9 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
263,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.exe.fe |
15.2.858.9 |
263,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4service.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4service.exe.fe |
15.2.858.9 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imapconfiguration.dl1 |
15.2.858.9 |
53,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
216,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.hashtagsrelevance.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
32,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.peoplerelevance.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
281,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.ranking.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.safetylibrary.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
83,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.service.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.assistantsclientresources.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
94,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,840,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
71,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.meetingvalidator.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
175,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.instantmessaging.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
45,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.formprotector.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
159,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.msoprotector.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
51,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.ofcprotector.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
45,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.isam.databasemanager.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
32,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.isam.esebcli.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
100,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.jobqueue.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.jobqueueservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
271,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.killswitch.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
22,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.killswitchconfiguration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
33,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.auditing.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.certificatelog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.cmdletinfralog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
27,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.easlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
30,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.ecplog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
22,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
66,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.ewslog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
29,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.griffinperfcounter.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.groupescalationlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
20,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.httpproxylog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.hxservicelog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
34,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.iislog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
103,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.lameventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.migrationlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.oabdownloadlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
20,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.oauthcafelog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
16,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.outlookservicelog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
49,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.owaclientlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
44,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.owalog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
38,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.perflog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
10,375,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.pfassistantlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
29,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.rca.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
21,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.restlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
24,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.store.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.transportsynchealthlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
21,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
89,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.auditing.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
20,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.certificatelog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
26,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.cmdletinfralog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
21,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
28,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.easlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
28,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.errordetection.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
36,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.ewslog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
16,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.griffinperfcounter.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.groupescalationlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.httpproxylog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.hxservicelog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.iislog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
57,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.migrationlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.oabdownloadlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.oauthcafelog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
16,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.outlookservicelog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.owaclientlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.owalog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.perflog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
52,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.pfassistantlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.rca.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
34,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.restlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.store.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.transportsynchealthlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
43,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loguploader.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
165,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loguploaderproxy.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
54,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.assistants.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
9,055,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.attachmentthumbnail.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
33,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
124,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.crimsonevents.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
82,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
30,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalance.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
661,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalance.serverstrings.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
63,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.calendarsyncprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
175,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
2,791,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.complianceprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
53,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.contactsyncprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
151,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
966,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.easprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
185,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
31,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.googledocprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
39,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.imapprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
105,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.mapiprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
95,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.popprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.proxyclient.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.proxyservice.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
172,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.pstprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
102,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.remoteprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
98,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.storageprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
188,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.syncprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.xml.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
447,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.xrmprovider.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
89,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.monitoring.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
107,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriveragents.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
371,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedrivercommon.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
193,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriverdelivery.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
552,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriverdelivery.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
16,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.storedriversubmission.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
321,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.storedriversubmission.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.syncdelivery.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
45,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransportwatchdogservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
18,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransportwatchdogservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.managedlexruntime.mppgruntime.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
20,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.activedirectory.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
415,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.classificationdefinitions.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,269,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.compliancepolicy.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
39,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.basics.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
433,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
4,566,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.owaoptionstrings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
261,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanelmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
33,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.analysis.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
94,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
586,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.xml.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
3,543,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.detailstemplates.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
67,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
16,496,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.edge.systemmanager.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
58,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.infrastructure.asynchronoustask.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
23,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.jitprovisioning.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
101,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.migration.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
543,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.mobility.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
305,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.nativeresources.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
273,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.powershell.support.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
418,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.provisioning.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
275,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.psdirectinvoke.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
70,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.rbacdefinition.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
7,873,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.recipient.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,502,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.snapin.esm.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
71,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.systemmanager.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,249,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.transport.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,876,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.managementgui.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
5,366,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.managementmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
36,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mapihttpclient.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
117,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mapihttphandler.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
209,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagesecurity.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
79,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagesecurity.messagesecuritymsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.dlppolicyagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
156,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.edgeagents.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
65,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:40 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.filtering.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
58,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.hygienerules.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
29,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.journalagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
175,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.redirectionagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
28,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.retentionpolicyagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
75,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.rmsvcagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
207,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.rules.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
440,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.supervisoryreviewagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
83,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.transportruleagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
35,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.unifiedpolicycommon.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
53,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.unjournalagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
96,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.migration.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,110,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.migrationworkflowservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mobiledriver.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
135,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
5,065,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.monitoring.servicecontextprovider.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mrsmlbconfiguration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
68,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.net.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
5,086,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.net.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
265,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.networksettings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
37,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.notifications.broker.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.notifications.broker.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
549,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oabauthmodule.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
22,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oabrequesthandler.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
106,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oauth.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
291,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.objectstoreclient.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.odata.configuration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
277,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.odata.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
2,993,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
90,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.grain.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
101,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graincow.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
38,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graineventbasedassistants.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
45,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.grainpropagationengine.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
58,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graintransactionstorage.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
147,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graintransportdeliveryagent.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
26,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graphstore.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
184,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.permailboxkeys.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
26,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.secondarycopyquotamanagement.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
38,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.secondaryshallowcopylocation.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
55,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.security.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
147,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.semanticgraph.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
191,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.tasklogger.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
33,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.partitioncache.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
28,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.passivemonitoringsettings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
32,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.photogarbagecollectionservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.eventlog.dll.fe |
15.2.858.9 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
106,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.exe.fe |
15.2.858.9 |
106,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3service.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
24,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3service.exe.fe |
15.2.858.9 |
24,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.popconfiguration.dl1 |
15.2.858.9 |
42,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.popimap.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
264,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.popimap.core.dll.fe |
15.2.858.9 |
264,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.powersharp.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
358,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.powersharp.management.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
4,166,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.powershell.configuration.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
308,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.powershell.rbachostingtools.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
41,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protectedservicehost.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
30,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protocols.fasttransfer.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
137,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protocols.mapi.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
441,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioning.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioningagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
224,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioningservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
105,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pst.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
168,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pst.dll.deploy |
15.2.858.9 |
168,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pswsclient.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
259,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.publicfolders.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
72,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.crimsonevents.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
215,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
106,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.publishers.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
425,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.server.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
70,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.analysis.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.configuration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
215,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.core.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
168,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.ranking.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
343,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.retrieval.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
174,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.suggestions.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
95,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.realtimeanalyticspublisherservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
127,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
63,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.data.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
36,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.mailtagger.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.people.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
9,666,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.peopleindex.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
20,788,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.peopleranker.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
36,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.perm.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
97,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.sassuggest.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
28,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.upm.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
72,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.client.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.server.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
59,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpc.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,647,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
209,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.exmonhandler.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
60,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.handler.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
518,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.monitoring.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
161,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.parser.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
724,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.server.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
243,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.service.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
20,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.service.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
35,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpchttpmodules.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
42,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcoverhttpautoconfig.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
56,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcoverhttpautoconfig.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
27,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rules.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
130,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.saclwatcher.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.saclwatcherservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
20,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.safehtml.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
21,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.activities.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
267,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.contacts.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
111,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
112,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.services.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
622,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.bigfunnel.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
185,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.bigfunnel.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.blingwrapper.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
211,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.ediscoveryquery.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.engine.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
97,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.fast.configuration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
16,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.fast.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
436,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.files.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
274,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.flighting.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
24,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.mdb.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
218,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.service.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
26,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.applicationencryption.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
221,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,559,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.msarpsservice.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
19,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.securitymsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
28,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.admininterface.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
225,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
5,151,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.diagnostics.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
214,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.directoryservices.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
115,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.esebackinterop.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
82,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
80,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.fulltextindex.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
66,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.ha.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
81,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.lazyindexing.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
211,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.logicaldatamodel.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,341,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.mapidisp.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
511,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.multimailboxsearch.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
47,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.physicalaccess.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
873,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.propertydefinitions.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,352,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.propertytag.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.rpcproxy.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
130,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.storecommonservices.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,018,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.storeintegritycheck.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
111,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.workermanager.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
34,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.xpress.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicehost.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicehost.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
60,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.globallocatorcache.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
50,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.globallocatorcache.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.unifiedpolicysyncservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
74,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
8,480,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.eventlogs.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
30,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.ewshandler.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
633,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.ewsserialization.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,651,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.json.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
296,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.messaging.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
43,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.onlinemeetings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
233,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.surface.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
178,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.wcf.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
348,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.acquirelanguagepack.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
56,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.bootstrapper.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
93,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
296,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.commonbase.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
35,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.console.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
27,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.gui.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
114,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.parser.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
53,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.signverfwrapper.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
75,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.caches.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
142,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.client.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
58,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharepointsignalstore.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.slabmanifest.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
46,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sqm.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
46,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.store.service.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
28,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.store.worker.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
26,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeobjectsservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeobjectsservice.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
31,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeprovider.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,205,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.structuredquery.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
158,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.symphonyhandler.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
628,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.syncmigration.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.syncmigrationservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
16,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.systemprobemsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.textprocessing.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
221,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.textprocessing.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.addressbookpolicyroutingagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
29,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.antispam.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
138,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.contentfilter.cominterop.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
21,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.controlflow.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
40,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.faultinjectionagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
22,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.frontendproxyagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
21,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.hygiene.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
212,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.interceptoragent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
98,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.liveidauth.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
22,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.malware.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
169,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.malware.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.phishingdetection.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
20,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.prioritization.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.protocolanalysis.dbaccess.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
46,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.search.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
30,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.senderid.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
53,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.sharedmailboxsentitemsroutingagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
44,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.systemprobedrop.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.transportfeatureoverrideagent.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
46,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.trustedmailagents.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.cloudmonitor.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
28,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
457,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.contracts.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.decisionengine.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
30,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
4,183,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.dsapiclient.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
182,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
121,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.extensibility.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
403,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.extensibilityeventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.flighting.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
90,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.logging.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
88,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.logging.search.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
68,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.loggingcommon.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
63,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.monitoring.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
430,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.net.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
122,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.contracts.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
29,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.httpsubmission.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
60,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.requestbroker.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
50,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.scheduler.contracts.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
33,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.scheduler.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
113,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.smtpshared.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.contracts.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
52,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
675,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.management.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
23,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.agents.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
17,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
487,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.common.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.manager.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
306,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.manager.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.migrationrpc.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
46,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.worker.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,044,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.worker.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transportlogsearch.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transportsyncmanagersvc.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
18,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.troubleshootingtool.shared.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
118,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umcommon.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
924,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umcore.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,469,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umvariantconfiguration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
32,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedcontent.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
41,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedcontent.exchange.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicyfilesync.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicyfilesyncservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
83,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicysyncservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
50,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.antispam.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
642,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
186,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
67,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.excore.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
56,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.globalsettings.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
27,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.hygiene.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
120,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.protectionservice.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.threatintel.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
57,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.auth.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
35,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,054,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.xrm.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.wlmservicelet.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
23,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.wopiclient.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
77,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workingset.signalapi.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
17,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workingsetabstraction.signalapiabstraction.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
29,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
505,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.eventlogs.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.throttling.configuration.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.throttling.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
66,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.fast.contextlogger.json.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
113,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.exchange.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
57,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.interop.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.activedirectoryconnector.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
46,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.activedirectoryconnector.eventlog.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
15,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.common.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
23,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.diagnostics.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
22,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.eventpublisher.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
34,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.management.powershell.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
48,945 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.forefront.management.powershell.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
16,325 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
1,518,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.messages.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.management.outsidein.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
33,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.recoveryactionarbiter.contract.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.reporting.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
46,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.reporting.ondemandquery.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
50,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.isam.esent.collections.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
72,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.isam.esent.interop.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
541,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.managementgui.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
133,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.mce.interop.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
24,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.audit.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
124,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.client.discovery.unifiedexport.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
593,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.common.ipcommonlogger.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
42,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.core.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
217,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
854,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.extensions.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
485,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
413,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.ingestion.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
36,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliancepolicy.exchange.dar.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
84,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliancepolicy.platform.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,782,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoring.management.common.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
49,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoring.management.dll |
15.2.858.10 |
27,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoringlocal.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
174,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.monitoring.activemonitoring.recovery.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
166,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office365.datainsights.uploader.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
40,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Microsoft.online.box.shell.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.powershell.hostingtools.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
67,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.powershell.hostingtools_2.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
67,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.tailoredexperiences.core.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
120,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Migrateumcustomprompts.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,150 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Modernpublicfoldertomailboxmapgenerator.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Movemailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
61,196 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Movetransportdatabase.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,622 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Move_publicfolderbranch.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,556 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Mpgearparser.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
99,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Msclassificationadapter.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
248,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Msexchangecompliance.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
78,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x86 |
Msexchangedagmgmt.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
25,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Msexchangedelivery.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
38,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Msexchangefrontendtransport.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
31,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Msexchangehmhost.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
27,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x86 |
Msexchangehmrecovery.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
29,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x86 |
Msexchangemailboxassistants.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
72,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Msexchangemailboxreplication.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
20,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Msexchangemigrationworkflow.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
69,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Msexchangerepl.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
71,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x86 |
Msexchangesubmission.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
123,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Msexchangethrottling.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
39,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Msexchangetransport.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
74,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
139,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Msexchangewatchdog.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
55,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Mspatchlinterop.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
53,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x64 |
Nativehttpproxy.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
91,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x64 |
Navigatorparser.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
636,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Nego2nativeinterface.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
19,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
x64 |
Negotiateclientcertificatemodule.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
30,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Newtestcasconnectivityuser.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Newtestcasconnectivityuserhosting.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,607 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
Ne velja |
Ntspxgen.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
80,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:42 |
x64 |
Oleconverter.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
173,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Outsideinmodule.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
87,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Owaauth.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
92,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Perf_common_extrace.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
245,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x64 |
Perf_exchmem.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
86,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Pipeline2.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,454,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Preparemoverequesthosting.ps1 |
Ne velja |
71,023 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Prepare_moverequest.ps1 |
Ne velja |
73,257 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Productinfo.managed.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
27,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x86 |
Proxybinclientsstringsdll |
15.2.858.9 |
924,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
x86 |
Publicfoldertomailboxmapgenerator.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,266 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Quietexe.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x86 |
Redistributeactivedatabases.ps1 |
Ne velja |
250,572 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Reinstalldefaulttransportagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,659 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Remoteexchange.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,577 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
Ne velja |
Removeuserfrompfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,708 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Replaceuserpermissiononpfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,026 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Replaceuserwithuseronpfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Replaycrimsonmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
1,104,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:31 |
x64 |
Resetattachmentfilterentry.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Resetcasservice.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,731 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Reset_antispamupdates.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,105 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Restoreserveronprereqfailure.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,129 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Resumemailboxdatabasecopy.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,198 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Rightsmanagementwrapper.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
86,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Rollalternateserviceaccountpassword.ps1 |
Ne velja |
55,810 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Rpcperf.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
23,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x64 |
Rpcproxyshim.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
39,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
x64 |
Rulesauditmsg.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Safehtmlnativewrapper.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
34,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
x64 |
Scanenginetest.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
956,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Scanningprocess.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
739,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
x64 |
Searchdiagnosticinfo.ps1 |
Ne velja |
16,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Servicecontrol.ps1 |
Ne velja |
52,317 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
Ne velja |
Setmailpublicfolderexternaladdress.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,782 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Settingsadapter.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
116,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Setup.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
20,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:30 |
x86 |
Setupui.exe |
15.2.858.10 |
188,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:43 |
x86 |
Split_publicfoldermailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
52,217 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
Ne velja |
Startdagservermaintenance.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,851 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Statisticsutil.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
142,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:29 |
x64 |
Stopdagservermaintenance.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,137 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Storetsconstants.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,818 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Storetslibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,987 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Store_mapi_net_bin_perf_x64_exrpcperf.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
28,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:40 |
x64 |
Sync_mailpublicfolders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
43,955 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Sync_modernmailpublicfolders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
44,001 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Textconversionmodule.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
86,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:27 |
x64 |
Troubleshoot_ci.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,731 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Troubleshoot_databaselatency.ps1 |
Ne velja |
33,421 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
Ne velja |
Troubleshoot_databasespace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,017 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:36 |
Ne velja |
Uninstall_antispamagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,477 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Updateapppoolmanagedframeworkversion.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,058 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:38 |
Ne velja |
Updatecas.ps1 |
Ne velja |
35,786 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Updateconfigfiles.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,730 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Updateserver.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
3,014,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:28 |
x64 |
Update_malwarefilteringserver.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:37 |
Ne velja |
Web.config_053c31bdd6824e95b35d61b0a5e7b62d |
Ne velja |
31,814 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:34 |
Ne velja |
Wsbexchange.exe |
15.2.858.9 |
125,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:44 |
x64 |
X400prox.dll |
15.2.858.9 |
103,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:35 |
x64 |
_search.lingoperators.a |
15.2.858.9 |
34,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
_search.lingoperators.b |
15.2.858.9 |
34,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
_search.mailboxoperators.a |
15.2.858.10 |
290,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
_search.mailboxoperators.b |
15.2.858.10 |
290,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
_search.operatorschema.a |
15.2.858.9 |
485,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
Ne velja |
_search.operatorschema.b |
15.2.858.9 |
485,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:32 |
Ne velja |
_search.tokenoperators.a |
15.2.858.9 |
113,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
_search.tokenoperators.b |
15.2.858.9 |
113,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:33 |
Ne velja |
_search.transportoperators.a |
15.2.858.10 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
_search.transportoperators.b |
15.2.858.10 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
08:39 |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platforma |
Activemonitoringeventmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
71,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Activemonitoringexecutionlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,522 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Adduserstopfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,965 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Ademodule.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
106,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Airfilter.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
42,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
92,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Antispamcommon.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,505 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Asdat.msi |
Ne velja |
5,087,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Asentirs.msi |
Ne velja |
77,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Asentsig.msi |
Ne velja |
73,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Bigfunnel.bondtypes.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
45,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
66,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.configuration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
118,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.entropy.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
44,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.filter.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
54,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.indexstream.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
68,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.neuraltree.dll |
Ne velja |
694,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Bigfunnel.neuraltreeranking.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.poi.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
245,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.postinglist.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
189,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.query.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
101,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.ranking.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
109,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.syntheticdatalib.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
3,634,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.tracing.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
42,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.wordbreakers.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Cafe_airfilter_dll |
15.2.792.13 |
42,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Cafe_exppw_dll |
15.2.792.13 |
83,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Cafe_owaauth_dll |
15.2.792.13 |
92,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Calcalculation.ps1 |
Ne velja |
42,113 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Checkdatabaseredundancy.ps1 |
Ne velja |
94,622 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Chksgfiles.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
57,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Citsconstants.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,821 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Citslibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
82,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Citstypes.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Classificationengine_mce |
15.2.792.13 |
1,693,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Clusmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
134,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Coconet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
48,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Collectovermetrics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
81,660 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Collectreplicationmetrics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
41,886 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Commonconnectfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,971 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Complianceauditservice.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
39,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Configureadam.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,804 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Configurecaferesponseheaders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Configurecryptodefaults.ps1 |
Ne velja |
42,055 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Configurenetworkprotocolparameters.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,806 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Configuresmbipsec.ps1 |
Ne velja |
39,868 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Configure_enterprisepartnerapplication.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,323 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Connectfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
37,165 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Connect_exchangeserver_help.xml |
Ne velja |
30,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Consoleinitialize.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,228 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Convertoabvdir.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,093 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Converttomessagelatency.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,572 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Convert_distributiongrouptounifiedgroup.ps1 |
Ne velja |
34,805 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Create_publicfoldermailboxesformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.tako: |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts_exsmime.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
380,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,686,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.cit |
Ne velja |
507 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Cts_policy.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Dagcommonlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
60,242 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Dependentassemblygenerator.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
22,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Diaghelper.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
66,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Diagnosticscriptcommonlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
16,374 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Disableinmemorytracing.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,402 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Disable_antimalwarescanning.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,225 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Disable_outsidein.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,694 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Disklockerapi.dll |
Ne velja |
22,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Dlmigrationmodule.psm1 |
Ne velja |
39,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Dsaccessperf.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
45,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Dscperf.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
32,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Dup_cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,686,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Dup_ext_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
601,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Ecpperfcounters.xml |
Ne velja |
31,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Edgeextensibility_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Edgeextensibility_policy.8.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Edgetransport.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
49,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Eext.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.inoma |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.tem |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.sicer |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.cit |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
510 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:10 |
Ne velja |
Eext_policy.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Enableinmemorytracing.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,404 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Enable_antimalwarescanning.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,579 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Enable_basicauthtooauthconverterhttpmodule.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,604 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Enable_crossforestconnector.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,638 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Enable_outlookcertificateauthentication.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Enable_outsidein.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,683 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Engineupdateserviceinterfaces.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Escprint.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
20,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Ese.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
3,741,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Eseback2.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
350,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Esebcli2.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
318,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Eseperf.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
108,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Eseutil.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
425,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Esevss.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
44,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Etweseproviderresources.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
101,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Eventperf.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
59,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Exchange.depthtwo.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
40,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
649,725 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.partial.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
44,370 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,831 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.support.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
26,551 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
365,180 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Exchangeudfcommon.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
122,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Exchangeudfs.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
272,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Exchmem.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
86,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Exchsetupmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Exdbfailureitemapi.dll |
Ne velja |
27,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Exdbmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
230,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Exeventperfplugin.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
25,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Exmime.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
364,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Exportedgeconfig.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,427 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Export_mailpublicfoldersformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,598 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Export_modernpublicfolderstatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,246 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Export_outlookclassification.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,414 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Export_publicfolderstatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,165 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Export_retentiontags.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,084 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Exppw.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
83,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Exprfdll.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
26,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Exrpc32.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
2,029,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Exrw.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Exsetdata.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
2,779,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Exsetup.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
35,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Exsetupui.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
471,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Extrace.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
245,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Ext_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
601,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Exwatson.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
44,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Fastioext.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
60,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Fil06f84122c94c91a0458cad45c22cce20 |
Ne velja |
784,631 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil143a7a5d4894478a85eefc89a6539fc8 |
Ne velja |
1,909,228 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil19f527f284a0bb584915f9994f4885c3 |
Ne velja |
648,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil1a9540363a531e7fb18ffe600cffc3ce |
Ne velja |
358,405 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Fil220d95210c8697448312eee6628c815c |
Ne velja |
303,657 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Fil2cf5a31e239a45fabea48687373b547c |
Ne velja |
652,759 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil397f0b1f1d7bd44d6e57e496decea2ec |
Ne velja |
784,628 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil3ab126057b34eee68c4fd4b127ff7aee |
Ne velja |
784,604 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil41bb2e5743e3bde4ecb1e07a76c5a7a8 |
Ne velja |
149,154 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil51669bfbda26e56e3a43791df94c1e9c |
Ne velja |
9,345 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil558cb84302edfc96e553bcfce2b85286 |
Ne velja |
85,259 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil55ce217251b77b97a46e914579fc4c64 |
Ne velja |
648,754 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil5a9e78a51a18d05bc36b5e8b822d43a8 |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil5c7d10e5f1f9ada1e877c9aa087182a9 |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil6569a92c80a1e14949e4282ae2cc699c |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil6a01daba551306a1e55f0bf6894f4d9f |
Ne velja |
648,730 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Fil8863143ea7cd93a5f197c9fff13686bf |
Ne velja |
648,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil8a8c76f225c7205db1000e8864c10038 |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil8cd999415d36ba78a3ac16a080c47458 |
Ne velja |
784,634 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fil97913e630ff02079ce9889505a517ec0 |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Filaa49badb2892075a28d58d06560f8da2 |
Ne velja |
785,658 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Filae28aeed23ccb4b9b80accc2d43175b5 |
Ne velja |
648,757 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Filb17f496f9d880a684b5c13f6b02d7203 |
Ne velja |
784,634 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Filb94ca32f2654692263a5be009c0fe4ca |
Ne velja |
2,564,949 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Filbabdc4808eba0c4f18103f12ae955e5c |
Ne velja |
342,875,757 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Filc92cf2bf29bed21bd5555163330a3d07 |
Ne velja |
652,777 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Filcc478d2a8346db20c4e2dc36f3400628 |
Ne velja |
784,634 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Fild26cd6b13cfe2ec2a16703819da6d043 |
Ne velja |
1,596,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Filf2719f9dc8f7b74df78ad558ad3ee8a6 |
Ne velja |
785,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Filfa5378dc76359a55ef20cc34f8a23fee |
Ne velja |
1,427,187 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Filteringconfigurationcommands.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,267 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Filteringpowershell.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
223,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Filteringpowershell.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
29,652 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Filtermodule.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
180,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Fipexeuperfctrresource.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Fipexeventsresource.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
44,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Fipexperfctrresource.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
32,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Firewallres.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
72,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Fms.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
1,350,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Forefrontactivedirectoryconnector.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
110,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Fpsdiag.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
18,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Fsccachedfilemanagedlocal.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
822,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Fscconfigsupport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
56,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Fscconfigurationserver.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
430,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Fscconfigurationserverinterfaces.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Fsccrypto.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
208,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Fscipcinterfaceslocal.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Fscipclocal.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
38,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Fscsqmuploader.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
453,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Getucpool.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,811 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Getvalidengines.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,314 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamfilteringreport.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,809 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamsclhistogram.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,655 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenderdomains.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,727 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenderips.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,775 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,498 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtoprblproviders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,705 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtoprecipients.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,810 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Get_dleligibilitylist.ps1 |
Ne velja |
42,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Get_exchangeetwtrace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,987 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Get_publicfoldermailboxsize.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,066 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Get_storetrace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
51,871 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Huffman_xpress.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
32,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Importedgeconfig.ps1 |
Ne velja |
77,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Import_mailpublicfoldersformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,516 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Import_retentiontags.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,858 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Inproxy.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
85,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:08 |
x64 |
Installwindowscomponent.ps1 |
Ne velja |
34,539 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Install_antispamagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,929 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Install_odatavirtualdirectory.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,963 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Interop.activeds.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.2.792.13 |
107,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Interop.adsiis.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.2.792.13 |
20,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Interop.certenroll.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
142,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Interop.licenseinfointerface.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Interop.netfw.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
34,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Interop.plalibrary.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
72,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Interop.stdole2.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.2.792.13 |
27,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Interop.taskscheduler.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Interop.wuapilib.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
60,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Interop.xenroll.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
39,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Kerbauth.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
62,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Licenseinfointerface.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
643,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Lpversioning.xml |
Ne velja |
20,454 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Mailboxdatabasereseedusingspares.ps1 |
Ne velja |
31,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Managedavailabilitycrimsonmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
138,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Managedstorediagnosticfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
126,253 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Managescheduledtask.ps1 |
Ne velja |
36,356 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Manage_metacachedatabase.ps1 |
Ne velja |
51,123 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Mce.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,693,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Measure_storeusagestatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,487 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Merge_publicfoldermailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,663 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.database.isam.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
127,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.dkm.proxy.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
25,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.activemonitoring.activemonitoringvariantconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
68,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.activemonitoring.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.addressbook.service.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
233,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.addressbook.service.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.airsyncmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
43,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.comon.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,776,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.dll1 |
15.2.792.13 |
505,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.airsynchandler.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
76,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.anchorservice.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
135,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispam.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
23,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispamupdate.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispamupdatesvc.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
27,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.approval.applications.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
53,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
925,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
26,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.interfaces.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
43,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.audit.azureclient.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditlogsearch.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditlogsearchservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
70,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditstoragemonitorservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
94,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditstoragemonitorservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.authadmin.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.authadminservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
36,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.authservicehostservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.configuration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
79,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
396,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.eventlogs.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
21,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscoverv2.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
57,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.bandwidthmonitorservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.batchservice.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cabutility.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
276,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatedeployment.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
16,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatedeploymentservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
26,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatenotification.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatenotificationservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
23,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
377,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.eventlogs.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
83,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
2,971,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa2.server.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
5,029,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa2.servervariantconfiguration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
893,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.security.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
413,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.strings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
924,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.bandwidthmonitor.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
52,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.common.extensions.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
21,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.diskmonitor.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
33,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replay.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
3,515,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replicaseeder.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
108,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replicavsswriter.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
288,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.shared.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
625,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.agentconfig.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
86,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.componentconfig.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,830,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.adagentservicevariantconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
31,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.directoryvariantconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
466,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.domtvariantconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
26,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.ismemberofresolverconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
38,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.tenantrelocationvariantconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
102,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.topologyservicevariantconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
48,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.diskmanagement.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
67,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
172,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.encryption.variantconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
113,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.il.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.inference.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
130,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.optics.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
63,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.processmanagermsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.protocols.popimap.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.search.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
108,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.search.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.smtp.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
51,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.suiteservices.suiteservicesvariantconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
36,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.transport.azure.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
27,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.transport.monitoringconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,042,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.commonmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
29,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditlogpumper.messages.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditservice.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
181,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditservice.messages.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
22,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.crimsonevents.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
85,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
41,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.recordreview.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
37,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.supervision.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
50,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskcreator.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
33,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskdistributioncommon.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,100,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskdistributionfabric.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
206,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskplugins.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
210,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compression.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.certificateauth.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
37,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.certificateauth.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
145,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.core.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.delegatedauth.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
53,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.delegatedauth.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.diagnosticsmodules.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
23,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.diagnosticsmodules.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.failfast.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
54,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.failfast.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.objectmodel.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,846,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.objectmodel.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.redirectionmodule.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
68,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.redirectionmodule.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.remotepowershellbackendcmdletproxymodule.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
21,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.remotepowershellbackendcmdletproxymodule.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.connectiondatacollector.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
25,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
169,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.eas.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
330,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.imap.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
173,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.pop.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
71,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.contentfilter.wrapper.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
203,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.client.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
27,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.configuration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
51,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
51,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.datamodel.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.core.strings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,093,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.core.timezone.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
57,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.deep.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
326,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
3,353,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
35,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.monitoring.ifx.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.connectors.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
165,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.consumermailboxprovisioning.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
619,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.directory.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
7,792,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.directory.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
80,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,789,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.groupmailboxaccesslayer.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,626,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.ha.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
375,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.imageanalysis.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
105,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mailboxfeatures.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mailboxloadbalance.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
224,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mapi.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
186,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.metering.contracts.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
39,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.metering.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
119,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.msosyncxsd.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
968,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.notification.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
141,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.personaldataplatform.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
769,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.providers.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
139,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.provisioning.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
56,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
453,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.scheduledtimers.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
32,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.clientstrings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
256,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
11,815,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
37,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storageconfigurationresources.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
655,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storeobjects.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
175,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.client.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
36,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.client.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.datacenter.management.activemonitoring.recoveryservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.datacenterstrings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
72,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.delivery.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.certificatelogger.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
22,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
2,213,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
15.2.792.13 |
2,213,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.performancelogger.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
23,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
546,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
215,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.exchangejobs.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
194,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
146,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.fuseboxperfcounters.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
27,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnosticsaggregation.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnosticsaggregationservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
49,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.directory.topologyservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.directory.topologyservice.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
208,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.disklocker.events.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
88,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.disklocker.interop.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
32,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.drumtesting.calendarmigration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
45,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.drumtesting.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
473,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.ha.events.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
206,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.ha.instance.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eac.flighting.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
131,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgecredentialsvc.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
21,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
148,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.datacenterproviders.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
220,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
23,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesyncsvc.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
97,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.export.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,266,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.export.dll.deploy |
15.2.792.13 |
1,266,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.application |
Ne velja |
16,507 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.exe.deploy |
15.2.792.13 |
87,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.manifest |
Ne velja |
67,481 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.strings.dll.deploy |
15.2.792.13 |
52,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.mailboxsearch.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
292,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.birthdaycalendar.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
73,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.defaultservicesettings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
45,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
218,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.management.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
78,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.bookings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.calendaring.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
935,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
336,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.connectors.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
52,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.contentsubmissions.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
32,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.context.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
60,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.datamodel.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
854,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.fileproviders.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
291,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.foldersharing.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
39,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.holidaycalendars.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
76,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.insights.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
166,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetinglocation.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,486,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetingparticipants.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
122,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetingtimecandidates.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,327,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.onlinemeetings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
264,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.people.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
37,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.peopleinsights.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
186,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.reminders.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
64,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.schedules.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
83,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.shellservice.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
63,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.tasks.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
100,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.xrm.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
144,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entityextraction.calendar.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
270,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.configuration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
130,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ews.configuration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
254,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.exchangecertificate.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.exchangecertificateservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
37,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.extensibility.internal.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
640,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.extensibility.partner.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
37,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.federateddirectory.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
146,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ffosynclogmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendhttpproxy.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
596,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendhttpproxy.eventlogs.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendtransport.monitoring.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.griffin.variantconfiguration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
99,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hathirdpartyreplication.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
42,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.helpprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
40,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.addressfinder.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
54,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
164,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.diagnostics.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
58,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.flighting.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
204,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.passivemonitor.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.proxyassistant.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routerefresher.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
38,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routeselector.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
48,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routing.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
180,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpredirectmodules.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
36,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httputilities.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
26,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.data.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,868,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.diagnosisutil.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
54,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.eopinstantprovisioning.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
35,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.idserialization.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
35,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.eventlog.dll.fe |
15.2.792.13 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
263,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.exe.fe |
15.2.792.13 |
263,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4service.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4service.exe.fe |
15.2.792.13 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imapconfiguration.dl1 |
15.2.792.13 |
53,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
216,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.hashtagsrelevance.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
32,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.peoplerelevance.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
281,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.ranking.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.safetylibrary.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
83,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.service.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.assistantsclientresources.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
94,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,840,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
71,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.meetingvalidator.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
175,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.instantmessaging.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
45,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.formprotector.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
159,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.msoprotector.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
51,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.ofcprotector.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
45,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.isam.databasemanager.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
32,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.isam.esebcli.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
100,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.jobqueue.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.jobqueueservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
271,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.killswitch.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
22,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.killswitchconfiguration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
33,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.auditing.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.certificatelog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.cmdletinfralog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
27,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.easlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.ecplog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
22,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
66,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.ewslog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
29,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.griffinperfcounter.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.groupescalationlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
20,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.httpproxylog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.hxservicelog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
34,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.iislog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
103,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.lameventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
31,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.migrationlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.oabdownloadlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
20,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.oauthcafelog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
16,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.outlookservicelog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
49,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.owaclientlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
44,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.owalog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
38,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.perflog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
10,375,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.pfassistantlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
29,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.rca.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
21,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.restlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
24,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.store.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.transportsynchealthlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
21,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
89,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.auditing.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
20,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.certificatelog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
26,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.cmdletinfralog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
21,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.easlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.errordetection.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
36,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.ewslog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
16,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.griffinperfcounter.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.groupescalationlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.httpproxylog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.hxservicelog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.iislog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
57,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.migrationlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.oabdownloadlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.oauthcafelog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
16,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.outlookservicelog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.owaclientlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.owalog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.perflog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
52,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.pfassistantlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.rca.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
34,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.restlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.store.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.transportsynchealthlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
43,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loguploader.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
165,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loguploaderproxy.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
54,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.assistants.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
9,055,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.attachmentthumbnail.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
33,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
124,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.crimsonevents.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
82,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalance.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
661,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalance.serverstrings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
63,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.calendarsyncprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
175,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
2,791,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.complianceprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
53,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.contactsyncprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
151,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
966,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.easprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
185,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
31,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.googledocprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
39,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.imapprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
105,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.mapiprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
95,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.popprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
43,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.proxyclient.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.proxyservice.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
172,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.pstprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
102,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.remoteprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
98,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.storageprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
188,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.syncprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
43,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.xml.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
447,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.xrmprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
90,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.monitoring.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
107,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriveragents.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
371,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedrivercommon.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
193,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriverdelivery.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
552,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriverdelivery.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
16,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.storedriversubmission.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
321,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.storedriversubmission.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.syncdelivery.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
45,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransportwatchdogservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransportwatchdogservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.managedlexruntime.mppgruntime.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
20,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.activedirectory.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
415,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.classificationdefinitions.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,269,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.compliancepolicy.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
39,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.basics.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
433,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
4,563,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.owaoptionstrings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
261,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanelmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
33,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.analysis.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
94,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
586,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.xml.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
3,543,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.detailstemplates.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
67,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
16,498,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.edge.systemmanager.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
58,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.infrastructure.asynchronoustask.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
23,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.jitprovisioning.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
101,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.migration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
543,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.mobility.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
305,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.nativeresources.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
273,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.powershell.support.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
418,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.provisioning.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
275,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.psdirectinvoke.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
70,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.rbacdefinition.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
7,873,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.recipient.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,502,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.snapin.esm.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
71,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.systemmanager.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,249,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,876,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.managementgui.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
5,366,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.managementmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
36,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mapihttpclient.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
117,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mapihttphandler.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
209,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagesecurity.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
79,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagesecurity.messagesecuritymsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.dlppolicyagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
156,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.edgeagents.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
65,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.filtering.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
58,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.hygienerules.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
29,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.journalagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
175,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.redirectionagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.retentionpolicyagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
75,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.rmsvcagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
207,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.rules.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
440,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.supervisoryreviewagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
83,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.transportruleagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
35,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.unifiedpolicycommon.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
53,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.unjournalagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
96,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.migration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,110,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.migrationworkflowservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mobiledriver.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
135,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
5,066,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.monitoring.servicecontextprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mrsmlbconfiguration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
68,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.net.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
5,086,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.net.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
265,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.networksettings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
37,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.notifications.broker.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.notifications.broker.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
549,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oabauthmodule.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
22,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oabrequesthandler.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
106,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oauth.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
291,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.objectstoreclient.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.odata.configuration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
277,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.odata.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
2,993,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
90,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.grain.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
101,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graincow.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
38,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graineventbasedassistants.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
45,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.grainpropagationengine.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
58,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graintransactionstorage.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
147,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graintransportdeliveryagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
26,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graphstore.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
184,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.permailboxkeys.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
26,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.secondarycopyquotamanagement.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
38,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.secondaryshallowcopylocation.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
55,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.security.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
147,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.semanticgraph.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
191,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.tasklogger.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
33,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.partitioncache.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.passivemonitoringsettings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
32,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.photogarbagecollectionservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.eventlog.dll.fe |
15.2.792.13 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
106,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.exe.fe |
15.2.792.13 |
106,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3service.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
24,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3service.exe.fe |
15.2.792.13 |
24,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.popconfiguration.dl1 |
15.2.792.13 |
42,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.popimap.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
264,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.popimap.core.dll.fe |
15.2.792.13 |
264,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.powersharp.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
358,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.powersharp.management.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
4,166,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.powershell.configuration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
308,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.powershell.rbachostingtools.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
41,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protectedservicehost.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
30,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protocols.fasttransfer.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
137,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protocols.mapi.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
441,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioning.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioningagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
224,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioningservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
105,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pst.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
168,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pst.dll.deploy |
15.2.792.13 |
168,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pswsclient.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
259,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.publicfolders.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
72,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.crimsonevents.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
215,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
106,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.publishers.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
425,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.server.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
70,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.analysis.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.configuration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
215,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
168,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.ranking.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
343,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.retrieval.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
174,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.suggestions.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
95,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.realtimeanalyticspublisherservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
127,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
63,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.data.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.mailtagger.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.people.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
9,666,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.peopleindex.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
20,788,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.peopleranker.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.perm.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
97,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.sassuggest.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.upm.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
72,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.client.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.server.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
59,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpc.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,647,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
209,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.exmonhandler.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
60,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.handler.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
518,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.monitoring.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
161,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.parser.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
724,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.server.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
243,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.service.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
20,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.service.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
35,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpchttpmodules.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
42,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcoverhttpautoconfig.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
56,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcoverhttpautoconfig.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
27,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rules.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
130,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.saclwatcher.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.saclwatcherservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
20,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.safehtml.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
21,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.activities.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
267,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.contacts.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
110,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
112,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.services.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
622,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.bigfunnel.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
185,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.bigfunnel.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.blingwrapper.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
211,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.ediscoveryquery.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.engine.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
97,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.fast.configuration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
16,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.fast.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
436,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.files.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
274,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.flighting.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
24,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.mdb.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
217,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.service.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
26,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.applicationencryption.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
221,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,559,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.msarpsservice.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
19,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.securitymsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.admininterface.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
225,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
5,151,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.diagnostics.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
214,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.directoryservices.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
115,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.esebackinterop.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
82,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
80,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.fulltextindex.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
66,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.ha.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
81,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.lazyindexing.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
211,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.logicaldatamodel.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,341,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.mapidisp.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
511,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.multimailboxsearch.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
47,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.physicalaccess.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
873,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.propertydefinitions.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,352,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.propertytag.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.rpcproxy.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
130,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.storecommonservices.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,018,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.storeintegritycheck.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
111,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.workermanager.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
34,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.xpress.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicehost.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicehost.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
60,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.globallocatorcache.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
50,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.globallocatorcache.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.unifiedpolicysyncservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
74,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
8,481,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.eventlogs.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.ewshandler.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
633,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.ewsserialization.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,651,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.json.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
296,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.messaging.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.onlinemeetings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
233,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.surface.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
178,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.wcf.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
348,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.acquirelanguagepack.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
56,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.bootstrapper.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
93,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
296,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.commonbase.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
35,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.console.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.gui.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
114,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.parser.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
53,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.signverfwrapper.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
75,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.caches.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
142,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.client.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
24,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
58,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharepointsignalstore.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
27,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.slabmanifest.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
47,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sqm.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.store.service.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
28,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.store.worker.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
26,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeobjectsservice.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeobjectsservice.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
31,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeprovider.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,205,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.structuredquery.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
158,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.symphonyhandler.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
628,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.syncmigration.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.syncmigrationservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
16,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.systemprobemsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.textprocessing.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
221,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.textprocessing.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.addressbookpolicyroutingagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
29,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.antispam.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
138,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.contentfilter.cominterop.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
21,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.controlflow.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
40,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.faultinjectionagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
22,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.frontendproxyagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
21,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.hygiene.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
212,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.interceptoragent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
98,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.liveidauth.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
22,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.malware.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
169,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.malware.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.phishingdetection.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
20,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.prioritization.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
31,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.protocolanalysis.dbaccess.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.search.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.senderid.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
53,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.sharedmailboxsentitemsroutingagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
44,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.systemprobedrop.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.transportfeatureoverrideagent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.trustedmailagents.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.cloudmonitor.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
457,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.contracts.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.decisionengine.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
4,183,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.dsapiclient.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
182,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
121,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.extensibility.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
403,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.extensibilityeventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.flighting.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
90,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.logging.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
88,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.logging.search.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
68,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.loggingcommon.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
63,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.monitoring.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
430,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.net.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
122,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.contracts.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
29,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.httpsubmission.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
60,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.requestbroker.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
50,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.scheduler.contracts.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
33,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.scheduler.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
113,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.smtpshared.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.contracts.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
52,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
675,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.management.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
23,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.agents.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
487,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.common.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.manager.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
306,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.manager.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.migrationrpc.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.worker.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,044,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.worker.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transportlogsearch.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transportsyncmanagersvc.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
18,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.troubleshootingtool.shared.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
118,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umcommon.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
924,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umcore.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,469,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umvariantconfiguration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
32,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedcontent.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
41,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedcontent.exchange.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
24,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicyfilesync.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicyfilesyncservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
83,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicysyncservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
50,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.antispam.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
642,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
186,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
67,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.excore.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
56,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.globalsettings.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
27,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.hygiene.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
120,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.protectionservice.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
31,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.threatintel.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
57,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.auth.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,054,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.xrm.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.wlmservicelet.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
23,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.wopiclient.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
77,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workingset.signalapi.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
17,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workingsetabstraction.signalapiabstraction.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
29,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
505,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.eventlogs.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.throttling.configuration.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
36,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.throttling.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
66,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.fast.contextlogger.json.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
113,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.exchange.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
57,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.interop.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.activedirectoryconnector.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.activedirectoryconnector.eventlog.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
23,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.diagnostics.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
22,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.eventpublisher.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
34,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.management.powershell.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
48,949 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.forefront.management.powershell.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
16,325 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,519,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.messages.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.management.outsidein.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
33,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.recoveryactionarbiter.contract.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.reporting.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.reporting.ondemandquery.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
50,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.isam.esent.collections.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
72,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.isam.esent.interop.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
541,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.managementgui.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
133,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.mce.interop.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
24,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.audit.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
124,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.client.discovery.unifiedexport.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
593,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.common.ipcommonlogger.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
42,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
217,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
854,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.extensions.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
485,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
413,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.ingestion.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
36,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliancepolicy.exchange.dar.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
84,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliancepolicy.platform.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,782,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoring.management.common.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
49,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoring.management.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
27,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoringlocal.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
174,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.monitoring.activemonitoring.recovery.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
166,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office365.datainsights.uploader.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
40,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.online.box.shell.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
46,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.powershell.hostingtools.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.powershell.hostingtools_2.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Microsoft.tailoredexperiences.core.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
120,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Migrateumcustomprompts.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,150 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Modernpublicfoldertomailboxmapgenerator.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,092 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Movemailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
61,196 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Movetransportdatabase.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,630 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Move_publicfolderbranch.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Mpgearparser.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
99,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Msclassificationadapter.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
248,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Msexchangecompliance.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
78,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Msexchangedagmgmt.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
25,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Msexchangedelivery.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
38,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Msexchangefrontendtransport.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
31,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Msexchangehmhost.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
27,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Msexchangehmrecovery.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
29,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x86 |
Msexchangemailboxassistants.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
72,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Msexchangemailboxreplication.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
20,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Msexchangemigrationworkflow.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
69,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Msexchangerepl.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
71,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Msexchangesubmission.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
123,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Msexchangethrottling.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
39,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x86 |
Msexchangetransport.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
74,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
139,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Msexchangewatchdog.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
55,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Mspatchlinterop.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
53,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Nativehttpproxy.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
91,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Navigatorparser.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
636,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Nego2nativeinterface.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
19,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Negotiateclientcertificatemodule.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Newtestcasconnectivityuser.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Newtestcasconnectivityuserhosting.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,607 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Ntspxgen.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
80,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Oleconverter.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
173,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Outsideinmodule.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
87,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Owaauth.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
92,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Perf_common_extrace.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
245,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
x64 |
Perf_exchmem.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
86,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Pipeline2.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,454,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Preparemoverequesthosting.ps1 |
Ne velja |
71,019 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Prepare_moverequest.ps1 |
Ne velja |
73,253 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Productinfo.managed.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
27,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x86 |
Proxybinclientsstringsdll |
15.2.792.13 |
924,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Publicfoldertomailboxmapgenerator.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,262 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Quietexe.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Redistributeactivedatabases.ps1 |
Ne velja |
250,540 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Reinstalldefaulttransportagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,659 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Remoteexchange.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,601 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Removeuserfrompfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Replaceuserpermissiononpfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,030 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Replaceuserwithuseronpfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,036 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Replaycrimsonmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
1,104,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Resetattachmentfilterentry.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Resetcasservice.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,735 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Reset_antispamupdates.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,105 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Restoreserveronprereqfailure.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Resumemailboxdatabasecopy.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,198 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Rightsmanagementwrapper.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
86,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Rollalternateserviceaccountpassword.ps1 |
Ne velja |
55,814 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Rpcperf.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
23,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Rpcproxyshim.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
39,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x64 |
Rulesauditmsg.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Safehtmlnativewrapper.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
34,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
Scanenginetest.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
956,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Scanningprocess.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
739,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Searchdiagnosticinfo.ps1 |
Ne velja |
16,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Servicecontrol.ps1 |
Ne velja |
52,333 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Setmailpublicfolderexternaladdress.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,758 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Settingsadapter.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
116,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Setup.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
20,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
x86 |
Setupui.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
188,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x86 |
Split_publicfoldermailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
52,213 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Startdagservermaintenance.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,835 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Statisticsutil.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
142,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Stopdagservermaintenance.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,121 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Storetsconstants.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,858 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Storetslibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,007 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Store_mapi_net_bin_perf_x64_exrpcperf.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
28,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Sync_mailpublicfolders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
43,951 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Sync_modernmailpublicfolders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
44,001 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Textconversionmodule.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
86,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
Troubleshoot_ci.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,755 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Troubleshoot_databaselatency.ps1 |
Ne velja |
33,461 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Troubleshoot_databasespace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,033 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
Uninstall_antispamagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,477 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Updateapppoolmanagedframeworkversion.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,058 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Updatecas.ps1 |
Ne velja |
35,802 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Updateconfigfiles.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,746 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Updateserver.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
3,014,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
x64 |
Update_malwarefilteringserver.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,180 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
Web.config_053c31bdd6824e95b35d61b0a5e7b62d |
Ne velja |
31,814 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
Ne velja |
Wsbexchange.exe |
15.2.792.13 |
125,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:07 |
x64 |
X400prox.dll |
15.2.792.13 |
103,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
x64 |
_search.lingoperators.a |
15.2.792.13 |
34,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
_search.lingoperators.b |
15.2.792.13 |
34,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
_search.mailboxoperators.a |
15.2.792.13 |
290,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
_search.mailboxoperators.b |
15.2.792.13 |
290,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:05 |
Ne velja |
_search.operatorschema.a |
15.2.792.13 |
485,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
_search.operatorschema.b |
15.2.792.13 |
485,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
_search.tokenoperators.a |
15.2.792.13 |
113,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
_search.tokenoperators.b |
15.2.792.13 |
113,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:04 |
Ne velja |
_search.transportoperators.a |
15.2.792.13 |
67,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
_search.transportoperators.b |
15.2.792.13 |
67,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:06 |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platforma |
Activemonitoringeventmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
71,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Activemonitoringexecutionlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,546 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Adduserstopfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,929 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Ademodule.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
106,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Airfilter.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
42,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
92,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Antispamcommon.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,489 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Asdat.msi |
Ne velja |
5,087,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Asentirs.msi |
Ne velja |
77,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Asentsig.msi |
Ne velja |
73,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Bigfunnel.bondtypes.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
43,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
63,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.configuration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
99,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.entropy.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
44,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.filter.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
54,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.indexstream.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
54,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.poi.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
203,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.postinglist.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
122,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.query.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
99,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.ranking.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
79,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.syntheticdatalib.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
3,634,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.wordbreakers.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
46,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Cafe_airfilter_dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
42,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Cafe_exppw_dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
83,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Cafe_owaauth_dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
92,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Calcalculation.ps1 |
Ne velja |
42,137 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
Checkdatabaseredundancy.ps1 |
Ne velja |
94,606 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Chksgfiles.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
57,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Citsconstants.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,845 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Citslibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
82,700 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Citstypes.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Classificationengine_mce |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,693,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
Clusmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
134,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Coconet.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
48,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Collectovermetrics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
81,644 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Collectreplicationmetrics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
41,870 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Commonconnectfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,931 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Complianceauditservice.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
39,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Configureadam.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,764 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Configurecaferesponseheaders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,308 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Configurenetworkprotocolparameters.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,770 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Configuresmbipsec.ps1 |
Ne velja |
39,828 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Configure_enterprisepartnerapplication.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,283 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Connectfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
37,125 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Connect_exchangeserver_help.xml |
Ne velja |
30,396 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Consoleinitialize.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Convertoabvdir.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,053 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Converttomessagelatency.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,532 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Convert_distributiongrouptounifiedgroup.ps1 |
Ne velja |
34,765 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Create_publicfoldermailboxesformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.tem |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts_exsmime.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
380,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,686,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
501 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Cts_policy.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Dagcommonlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
60,262 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Dependentassemblygenerator.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
22,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Diaghelper.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
66,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Diagnosticscriptcommonlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
16,370 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Disableinmemorytracing.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,362 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Disable_antimalwarescanning.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,189 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Disable_outsidein.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,654 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Disklockerapi.dll |
Ne velja |
22,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Dlmigrationmodule.psm1 |
Ne velja |
39,580 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Dsaccessperf.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
45,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Dscperf.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
32,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x64 |
Dup_cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,686,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Dup_ext_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
601,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Ecpperfcounters.xml |
Ne velja |
31,188 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Edgeextensibility_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Edgeextensibility_policy.8.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Edgetransport.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
49,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Eext.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.inoma |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.tem |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.sicer |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.cit |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
504 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:13 |
Ne velja |
Eext_policy.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Enableinmemorytracing.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,364 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Enable_antimalwarescanning.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,563 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Enable_basicauthtooauthconverterhttpmodule.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,588 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Enable_crossforestconnector.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,598 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Enable_outlookcertificateauthentication.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,916 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Enable_outsidein.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,647 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Engineupdateserviceinterfaces.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Escprint.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
20,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Ese.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
3,695,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Eseback2.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
325,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Esebcli2.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
292,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Eseperf.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
116,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x64 |
Eseutil.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
398,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Esevss.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
44,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Etweseproviderresources.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
82,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Eventperf.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
59,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Exchange.depthtwo.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
40,093 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
648,596 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.partial.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
43,310 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,791 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.support.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
26,535 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
365,133 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Exchangeudfcommon.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
121,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Exchangeudfs.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
269,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Exchmem.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
85,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Exchsetupmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Exchucutil.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Exdbfailureitemapi.dll |
Ne velja |
27,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Exdbmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
229,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Exeventperfplugin.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
25,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x64 |
Exmime.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
364,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Exportedgeconfig.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,391 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Export_mailpublicfoldersformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,558 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Export_modernpublicfolderstatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,854 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Export_outlookclassification.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,418 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Export_publicfolderstatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,125 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Export_retentiontags.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,044 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Exppw.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
83,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Exprfdll.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
26,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x64 |
Exrpc32.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,922,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Exrw.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Exsetdata.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
2,779,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Exsetup.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
35,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Exsetupui.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
193,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Extrace.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
245,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Ext_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
601,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Exwatson.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
44,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Fastioext.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
60,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Fil06f84122c94c91a0458cad45c22cce20 |
Ne velja |
784,714 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Fil143a7a5d4894478a85eefc89a6539fc8 |
Ne velja |
1,909,228 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil19f527f284a0bb584915f9994f4885c3 |
Ne velja |
648,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil1a9540363a531e7fb18ffe600cffc3ce |
Ne velja |
358,405 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Fil220d95210c8697448312eee6628c815c |
Ne velja |
303,657 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Fil2cf5a31e239a45fabea48687373b547c |
Ne velja |
652,726 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Fil397f0b1f1d7bd44d6e57e496decea2ec |
Ne velja |
784,711 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil3ab126057b34eee68c4fd4b127ff7aee |
Ne velja |
784,687 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil41bb2e5743e3bde4ecb1e07a76c5a7a8 |
Ne velja |
149,154 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Fil51669bfbda26e56e3a43791df94c1e9c |
Ne velja |
9,345 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Fil558cb84302edfc96e553bcfce2b85286 |
Ne velja |
85,259 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil55ce217251b77b97a46e914579fc4c64 |
Ne velja |
648,754 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil5a9e78a51a18d05bc36b5e8b822d43a8 |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil5c7d10e5f1f9ada1e877c9aa087182a9 |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil6569a92c80a1e14949e4282ae2cc699c |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil6a01daba551306a1e55f0bf6894f4d9f |
Ne velja |
648,730 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Fil8863143ea7cd93a5f197c9fff13686bf |
Ne velja |
648,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Fil8a8c76f225c7205db1000e8864c10038 |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil8cd999415d36ba78a3ac16a080c47458 |
Ne velja |
784,717 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fil97913e630ff02079ce9889505a517ec0 |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Filaa49badb2892075a28d58d06560f8da2 |
Ne velja |
785,741 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Filae28aeed23ccb4b9b80accc2d43175b5 |
Ne velja |
648,757 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Filb17f496f9d880a684b5c13f6b02d7203 |
Ne velja |
784,717 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Filb94ca32f2654692263a5be009c0fe4ca |
Ne velja |
2,564,949 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Filbabdc4808eba0c4f18103f12ae955e5c |
Ne velja |
342,549,421 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Filc92cf2bf29bed21bd5555163330a3d07 |
Ne velja |
652,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Filcc478d2a8346db20c4e2dc36f3400628 |
Ne velja |
784,717 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Fild26cd6b13cfe2ec2a16703819da6d043 |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Filf2719f9dc8f7b74df78ad558ad3ee8a6 |
Ne velja |
785,723 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Filfa5378dc76359a55ef20cc34f8a23fee |
Ne velja |
1,427,187 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Filteringconfigurationcommands.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,231 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Filteringpowershell.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
223,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Filteringpowershell.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
29,668 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Filtermodule.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
180,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Fipexeuperfctrresource.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Fipexeventsresource.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
44,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x64 |
Fipexperfctrresource.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
32,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Firewallres.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
72,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Fms.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,350,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Forefrontactivedirectoryconnector.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
110,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Fpsdiag.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Fsccachedfilemanagedlocal.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
822,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Fscconfigsupport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
56,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Fscconfigurationserver.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
431,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Fscconfigurationserverinterfaces.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Fsccrypto.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
208,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Fscipcinterfaceslocal.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Fscipclocal.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
38,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Fscsqmuploader.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
453,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Getucpool.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,775 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Getvalidengines.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,310 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamfilteringreport.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,793 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamsclhistogram.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,639 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenderdomains.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,711 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenderips.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,759 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,482 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtoprblproviders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,689 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtoprecipients.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,794 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Get_dleligibilitylist.ps1 |
Ne velja |
42,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Get_exchangeetwtrace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,947 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Get_publicfoldermailboxsize.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,026 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Get_storetrace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
50,615 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Huffman_xpress.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
32,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Importedgeconfig.ps1 |
Ne velja |
77,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Import_mailpublicfoldersformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Import_retentiontags.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,818 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Inproxy.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
85,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x64 |
Installwindowscomponent.ps1 |
Ne velja |
34,559 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
Install_antispamagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,913 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Install_odatavirtualdirectory.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,983 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Interop.activeds.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.1.2242.5 |
107,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Interop.adsiis.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.1.2242.5 |
20,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Interop.certenroll.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
142,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Interop.licenseinfointerface.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Interop.netfw.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
34,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Interop.plalibrary.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
72,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Interop.stdole2.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.1.2242.5 |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Interop.taskscheduler.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
46,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Interop.wuapilib.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
60,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Interop.xenroll.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
39,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Kerbauth.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
62,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Licenseinfointerface.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
643,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Lpversioning.xml |
Ne velja |
20,454 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Mailboxdatabasereseedusingspares.ps1 |
Ne velja |
31,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Managedavailabilitycrimsonmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
138,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Managedstorediagnosticfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
125,841 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Managescheduledtask.ps1 |
Ne velja |
36,340 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Mce.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,693,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Measure_storeusagestatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,487 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Merge_publicfoldermailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,623 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.database.isam.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
127,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.dkm.proxy.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
26,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.activemonitoring.activemonitoringvariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
68,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.activemonitoring.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.addressbook.service.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
232,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.addressbook.service.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.airsyncmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
43,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.comon.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,775,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.dll1 |
15.1.2242.8 |
505,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.airsynchandler.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
76,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.anchorservice.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
135,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispam.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
23,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispamupdate.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispamupdatesvc.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
27,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.approval.applications.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
53,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
924,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
25,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.interfaces.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
42,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.audit.azureclient.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditlogsearch.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditlogsearchservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
70,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditstoragemonitorservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
94,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditstoragemonitorservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.authadmin.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.authadminservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.authservicehostservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.configuration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
79,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
396,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.eventlogs.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
21,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscoverv2.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
57,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.bandwidthmonitorservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.batchservice.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cabutility.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
276,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatedeployment.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
16,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatedeploymentservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
25,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatenotification.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatenotificationservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
23,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
377,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.eventlogs.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
83,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
2,970,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa2.server.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
5,028,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa2.servervariantconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
894,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.security.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
413,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.strings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
924,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.bandwidthmonitor.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
31,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
52,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.common.extensions.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
21,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.diskmonitor.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
33,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replay.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
3,478,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replicaseeder.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
108,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replicavsswriter.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
288,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.shared.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
621,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.agentconfig.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
86,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.componentconfig.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,827,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.adagentservicevariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
31,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.directoryvariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
466,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.domtvariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
25,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.ismemberofresolverconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
38,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.tenantrelocationvariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
102,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.topologyservicevariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
48,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.diskmanagement.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
67,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
172,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.encryption.variantconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
113,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.il.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.inference.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
130,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.optics.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
63,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.processmanagermsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.protocols.popimap.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.search.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
107,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.search.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.smtp.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
51,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.suiteservices.suiteservicesvariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
36,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.transport.azure.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
27,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.transport.monitoringconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,042,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.commonmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
29,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditlogpumper.messages.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditservice.core.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
181,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditservice.messages.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
30,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
22,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.crimsonevents.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
85,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
41,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.recordreview.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
37,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.supervision.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
50,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskcreator.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
33,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskdistributioncommon.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,100,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskdistributionfabric.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
206,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskplugins.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
210,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compression.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.certificateauth.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
37,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.certificateauth.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
145,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.core.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.delegatedauth.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
53,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.delegatedauth.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.diagnosticsmodules.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
23,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.diagnosticsmodules.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.failfast.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
54,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.failfast.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.objectmodel.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,845,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.objectmodel.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.redirectionmodule.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
68,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.redirectionmodule.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.remotepowershellbackendcmdletproxymodule.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
21,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.remotepowershellbackendcmdletproxymodule.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.connectiondatacollector.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
26,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
169,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.eas.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
330,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.imap.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
173,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.pop.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
71,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.contentfilter.wrapper.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
203,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.client.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.configuration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
51,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
51,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.datamodel.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
46,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.core.strings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,092,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.core.timezone.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
57,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.deep.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
326,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
3,353,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.monitoring.ifx.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.connectors.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
165,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.consumermailboxprovisioning.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
619,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.directory.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
7,782,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.directory.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
80,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,786,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.groupmailboxaccesslayer.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,626,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.ha.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
362,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.imageanalysis.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
105,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mailboxfeatures.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mailboxloadbalance.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
224,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mapi.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
186,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.metering.contracts.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
39,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.metering.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
119,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.msosyncxsd.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
968,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.notification.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
141,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.personaldataplatform.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
769,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.providers.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
139,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.provisioning.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
56,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
452,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.scheduledtimers.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
32,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.clientstrings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
256,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
11,641,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
37,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storageconfigurationresources.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
655,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storeobjects.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
174,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.client.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
36,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.client.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.datacenter.management.activemonitoring.recoveryservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.datacenterstrings.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
72,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.delivery.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.certificatelogger.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
22,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
2,210,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
15.1.2242.5 |
2,210,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.performancelogger.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
23,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
546,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
215,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.exchangejobs.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
193,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
146,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.fuseboxperfcounters.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
27,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnosticsaggregation.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnosticsaggregationservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
49,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.directory.topologyservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.directory.topologyservice.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
208,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.disklocker.events.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
88,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.disklocker.interop.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
32,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.drumtesting.calendarmigration.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
45,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.drumtesting.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
18,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
473,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.ha.events.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
206,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.ha.instance.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
36,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eac.flighting.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
131,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgecredentialsvc.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
21,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
148,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.datacenterproviders.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
220,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
23,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesyncsvc.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
97,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.export.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,266,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.export.dll.deploy |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,266,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.application |
Ne velja |
16,491 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.exe.deploy |
15.1.2242.5 |
87,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.manifest |
Ne velja |
67,465 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.strings.dll.deploy |
15.1.2242.5 |
52,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.mailboxsearch.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
294,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.birthdaycalendar.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
73,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.defaultservicesettings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
45,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
218,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.management.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
78,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.bookings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
35,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.calendaring.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
932,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
336,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.connectors.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
52,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.contentsubmissions.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
32,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.context.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
60,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.datamodel.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
854,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.fileproviders.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
291,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.foldersharing.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
39,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.holidaycalendars.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
76,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.insights.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
166,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetinglocation.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,486,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetingparticipants.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
122,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetingtimecandidates.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
12,327,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.onlinemeetings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
264,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.people.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
37,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.peopleinsights.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
186,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.reminders.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
64,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.schedules.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
83,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.shellservice.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
63,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.tasks.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
100,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.xrm.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
144,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entityextraction.calendar.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
270,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.configuration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
130,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ews.configuration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
254,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.exchangecertificate.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.exchangecertificateservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
37,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.extensibility.internal.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
640,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.extensibility.partner.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
37,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.federateddirectory.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
146,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ffosynclogmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendhttpproxy.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
593,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendhttpproxy.eventlogs.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendtransport.monitoring.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
30,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.griffin.variantconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
99,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hathirdpartyreplication.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
42,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.helpprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
40,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.addressfinder.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
54,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
163,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.diagnostics.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
58,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.flighting.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
204,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.passivemonitor.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.proxyassistant.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routerefresher.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
38,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routeselector.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
48,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routing.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
180,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpredirectmodules.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
36,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httputilities.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
26,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.data.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,868,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.diagnosisutil.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
54,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.eopinstantprovisioning.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.idserialization.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.eventlog.dll.fe |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
263,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.exe.fe |
15.1.2242.5 |
263,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4service.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
24,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4service.exe.fe |
15.1.2242.5 |
24,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imapconfiguration.dl1 |
15.1.2242.5 |
53,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
216,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.hashtagsrelevance.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
32,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.peoplerelevance.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
281,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.ranking.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.safetylibrary.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
83,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.service.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.assistantsclientresources.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
94,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,840,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
71,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.meetingvalidator.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
175,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.instantmessaging.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
45,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.formprotector.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
159,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.msoprotector.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
51,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.ofcprotector.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
45,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.isam.databasemanager.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
30,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.isam.esebcli.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
100,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.jobqueue.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.jobqueueservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
271,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.killswitch.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
22,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.killswitchconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
33,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.auditing.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.certificatelog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.cmdletinfralog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
27,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.easlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
30,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.ecplog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
22,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
66,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.ewslog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
29,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.griffinperfcounter.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.groupescalationlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
20,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.httpproxylog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.hxservicelog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
34,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.iislog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
103,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.lameventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.migrationlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.oabdownloadlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
20,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.oauthcafelog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
16,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.outlookservicelog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
49,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.owaclientlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
44,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.owalog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
38,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.perflog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
10,375,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.pfassistantlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
29,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.rca.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
21,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.restlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
24,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.store.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.transportsynchealthlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
21,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
89,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.auditing.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
20,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.certificatelog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
26,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.cmdletinfralog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
21,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.easlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.errordetection.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
36,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.ewslog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
16,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.griffinperfcounter.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.groupescalationlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.httpproxylog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.hxservicelog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.iislog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
57,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.migrationlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.oabdownloadlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.oauthcafelog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
16,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.outlookservicelog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.owaclientlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.owalog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.perflog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
52,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.pfassistantlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.rca.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
34,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.restlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.store.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.transportsynchealthlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loguploader.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
165,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loguploaderproxy.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
54,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.assistants.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
9,059,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.attachmentthumbnail.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
33,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
124,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.crimsonevents.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
82,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
30,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalance.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
661,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalance.serverstrings.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
63,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.calendarsyncprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
175,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
2,784,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.complianceprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
53,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.contactsyncprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
151,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
966,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.easprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
185,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
31,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.googledocprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
39,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.imapprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
105,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.mapiprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
94,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.popprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.proxyclient.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.proxyservice.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
172,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.pstprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
102,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.remoteprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
98,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.storageprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
188,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.syncprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
43,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.xml.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
447,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.xrmprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
89,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.monitoring.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
107,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriveragents.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
371,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedrivercommon.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
193,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriverdelivery.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
551,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriverdelivery.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
16,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.storedriversubmission.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
321,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.storedriversubmission.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.syncdelivery.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
45,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransportwatchdogservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
18,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransportwatchdogservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.managedlexruntime.mppgruntime.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
20,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.activedirectory.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
415,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.classificationdefinitions.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,269,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.compliancepolicy.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
39,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.basics.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
433,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
4,563,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.owaoptionstrings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
261,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanelmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
33,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.analysis.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
94,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
591,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.xml.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
3,560,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.detailstemplates.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
67,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
16,478,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.edge.systemmanager.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
58,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.infrastructure.asynchronoustask.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
23,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.jitprovisioning.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
101,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.migration.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
543,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.mobility.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
305,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.nativeresources.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
131,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.powershell.support.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
418,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.provisioning.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
275,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.psdirectinvoke.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
70,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.rbacdefinition.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
7,873,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.recipient.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,500,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.reportingwebservice.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
145,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.reportingwebservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.snapin.esm.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
71,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.systemmanager.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,249,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,876,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.managementgui.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
5,225,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.managementmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
36,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mapihttpclient.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
117,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mapihttphandler.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
209,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagesecurity.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
79,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagesecurity.messagesecuritymsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.dlppolicyagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
156,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.edgeagents.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
65,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
30,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.filtering.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
58,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.hygienerules.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
29,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.journalagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
175,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.redirectionagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
28,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.retentionpolicyagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
75,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.rmsvcagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
207,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.rules.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
440,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.supervisoryreviewagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
83,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.transportruleagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
35,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.unifiedpolicycommon.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
53,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.unjournalagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
96,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.migration.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,110,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.migrationworkflowservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mobiledriver.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
135,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
5,157,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.monitoring.servicecontextprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mrsmlbconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
68,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.net.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
5,084,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.net.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
265,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.networksettings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
37,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.notifications.broker.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.notifications.broker.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
549,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oabauthmodule.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
22,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oabrequesthandler.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
106,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oauth.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
291,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.objectstoreclient.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.odata.configuration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
277,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.odata.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
2,992,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
88,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.grain.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
101,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graincow.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
38,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graineventbasedassistants.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
45,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.grainpropagationengine.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
58,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graintransactionstorage.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
147,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graintransportdeliveryagent.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
26,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graphstore.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
184,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.permailboxkeys.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
26,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.secondarycopyquotamanagement.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
38,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.secondaryshallowcopylocation.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
55,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.security.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
147,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.semanticgraph.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
191,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.tasklogger.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
33,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.partitioncache.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.passivemonitoringsettings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
32,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.photogarbagecollectionservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.eventlog.dll.fe |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
106,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.exe.fe |
15.1.2242.5 |
106,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3service.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
24,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3service.exe.fe |
15.1.2242.5 |
24,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.popconfiguration.dl1 |
15.1.2242.5 |
42,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.popimap.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
264,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.popimap.core.dll.fe |
15.1.2242.5 |
264,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.powersharp.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
358,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.powersharp.management.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
4,168,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.powershell.configuration.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
326,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.powershell.rbachostingtools.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
41,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protectedservicehost.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protocols.fasttransfer.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
135,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protocols.mapi.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
436,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioning.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioningagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
224,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioningservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
105,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pst.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
168,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pst.dll.deploy |
15.1.2242.5 |
168,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pswsclient.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
259,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.publicfolders.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
72,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.crimsonevents.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
215,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
106,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.publishers.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
425,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.server.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
70,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.analysis.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
46,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.configuration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
206,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.core.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
163,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.ranking.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
342,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.retrieval.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
149,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.suggestions.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
95,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.realtimeanalyticspublisherservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
127,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
63,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.data.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
36,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.mailtagger.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.people.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
9,666,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.peopleindex.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
20,788,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.peopleranker.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.perm.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
97,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.sassuggest.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.upm.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
72,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.client.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.server.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
59,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpc.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,639,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
209,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.exmonhandler.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
60,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.handler.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
517,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.monitoring.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
161,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.parser.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
721,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.server.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
243,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.service.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
20,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.service.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
35,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpchttpmodules.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
42,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcoverhttpautoconfig.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
56,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcoverhttpautoconfig.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
27,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rules.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
130,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.saclwatcher.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.saclwatcherservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
20,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.safehtml.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
21,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.activities.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
267,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.contacts.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
111,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
112,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.services.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
622,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.bigfunnel.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
162,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.bigfunnel.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.blingwrapper.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
209,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.ediscoveryquery.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
17,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.engine.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
96,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.fast.configuration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
16,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.fast.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
435,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.files.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
274,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.flighting.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.mdb.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
219,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.service.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
26,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.applicationencryption.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
162,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,555,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.msarpsservice.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.securitymsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.admininterface.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
222,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,110,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.diagnostics.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
212,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.directoryservices.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
113,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.esebackinterop.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
82,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
80,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.fulltextindex.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
66,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.ha.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
81,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.lazyindexing.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
208,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.logicaldatamodel.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,163,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.mapidisp.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
504,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.multimailboxsearch.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
47,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.physicalaccess.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
848,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.propertydefinitions.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,219,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.propertytag.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
30,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.rpcproxy.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
120,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.storecommonservices.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,009,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.storeintegritycheck.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
111,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.workermanager.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
34,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.xpress.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicehost.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicehost.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
60,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.globallocatorcache.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
50,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.globallocatorcache.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.unifiedpolicysyncservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
74,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
8,477,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.eventlogs.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
30,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.ewshandler.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
633,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.ewsserialization.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,651,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.json.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
296,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.messaging.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.onlinemeetings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
233,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.surface.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
178,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.wcf.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
348,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.acquirelanguagepack.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
56,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.bootstrapper.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
94,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
297,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.commonbase.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
35,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.console.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
27,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.gui.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
115,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.parser.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
54,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.signverfwrapper.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
75,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.caches.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
142,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.client.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
58,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharepointsignalstore.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.slabmanifest.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
46,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sqm.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
46,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.store.service.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.store.worker.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
26,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeobjectsservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeobjectsservice.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
31,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeprovider.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,166,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.structuredquery.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
158,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.symphonyhandler.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
628,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.syncmigration.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.syncmigrationservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
16,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.systemprobemsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.textprocessing.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
221,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.textprocessing.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.addressbookpolicyroutingagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
29,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.antispam.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
138,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.contentfilter.cominterop.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
21,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.controlflow.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
40,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.faultinjectionagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
22,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.frontendproxyagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
21,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.hygiene.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
212,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.interceptoragent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
98,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.liveidauth.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
22,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.malware.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
169,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.malware.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.phishingdetection.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
20,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.prioritization.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
31,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.protocolanalysis.dbaccess.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
46,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.search.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.senderid.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
53,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.sharedmailboxsentitemsroutingagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
44,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.systemprobedrop.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.transportfeatureoverrideagent.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
46,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.trustedmailagents.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.cloudmonitor.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
457,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.contracts.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.decisionengine.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
30,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
4,181,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.dsapiclient.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
182,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
121,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.extensibility.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
403,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.extensibilityeventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.flighting.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
86,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.logging.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
88,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.logging.search.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
68,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.loggingcommon.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
63,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.monitoring.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
430,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.net.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
122,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.contracts.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
29,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.httpsubmission.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
60,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.requestbroker.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
50,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.scheduler.contracts.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
33,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.scheduler.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
113,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.smtpshared.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.contracts.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
52,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
675,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.management.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
21,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.agents.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
17,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
487,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.common.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.manager.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
306,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.manager.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.migrationrpc.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
46,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.worker.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,044,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.worker.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transportlogsearch.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transportsyncmanagersvc.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
18,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.callrouter.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
22,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.clientstrings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
60,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.grammars.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
211,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.lad.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
120,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.prompts.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
214,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.troubleshootingtool.shared.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
118,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.ucmaplatform.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
239,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umcommon.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
925,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umcore.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,471,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umvariantconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
32,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedcontent.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
41,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedcontent.exchange.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
24,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedmessaging.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
130,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicyfilesync.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicyfilesyncservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
83,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicysyncservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
50,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.antispam.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
642,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
186,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
67,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.excore.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
56,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.globalsettings.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
27,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.hygiene.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
120,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.protectionservice.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
31,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.threatintel.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
57,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.auth.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,054,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.xrm.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
67,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.wlmservicelet.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
23,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.wopiclient.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
77,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workingset.signalapi.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
17,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workingsetabstraction.signalapiabstraction.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
29,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
505,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.eventlogs.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.throttling.configuration.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
36,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.throttling.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
66,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.fast.contextlogger.json.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
113,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.exchange.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
57,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.interop.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.activedirectoryconnector.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
46,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.activedirectoryconnector.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.common.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
23,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.diagnostics.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
22,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.eventpublisher.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
34,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.management.powershell.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
48,902 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.forefront.management.powershell.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
16,294 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
1,518,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.messages.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.management.outsidein.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
33,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.recoveryactionarbiter.contract.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.reporting.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
46,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.reporting.ondemandquery.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
50,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.isam.esent.collections.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
72,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.isam.esent.interop.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
533,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.managementgui.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
133,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.mce.interop.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
24,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.audit.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
123,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.client.discovery.unifiedexport.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
593,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.common.ipcommonlogger.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
42,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.core.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
217,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
854,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.extensions.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
485,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
413,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.ingestion.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
36,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliancepolicy.exchange.dar.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
84,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliancepolicy.platform.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,782,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoring.management.common.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
49,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoring.management.dll |
15.1.2242.8 |
27,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoringlocal.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
174,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.monitoring.activemonitoring.recovery.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
166,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office365.datainsights.uploader.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
40,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.online.box.shell.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
46,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.powershell.hostingtools.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.powershell.hostingtools_2.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Microsoft.tailoredexperiences.core.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
120,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Migrateumcustomprompts.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,110 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Modernpublicfoldertomailboxmapgenerator.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,052 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Movemailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
61,116 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Movetransportdatabase.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,590 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Move_publicfolderbranch.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Mpgearparser.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
99,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Msclassificationadapter.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
248,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Msexchangecompliance.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
78,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Msexchangedagmgmt.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
25,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangedelivery.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
38,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Msexchangefrontendtransport.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
31,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangehmhost.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Msexchangehmrecovery.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
29,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangemailboxassistants.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
72,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangemailboxreplication.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
20,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangemigrationworkflow.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
69,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangerepl.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
71,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangesubmission.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
123,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangethrottling.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
39,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangetransport.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
74,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
139,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Msexchangewatchdog.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
55,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Mspatchlinterop.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
53,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Nativehttpproxy.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
91,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x64 |
Navigatorparser.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
636,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Nego2nativeinterface.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
19,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Negotiateclientcertificatemodule.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
30,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Newtestcasconnectivityuser.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,252 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Newtestcasconnectivityuserhosting.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,567 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Ntspxgen.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
80,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Oleconverter.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
173,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Outsideinmodule.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
87,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Owaauth.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
92,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Owasmime.msi |
Ne velja |
716,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Perf_common_extrace.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
245,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Perf_exchmem.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
85,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Pipeline2.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,454,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Powershell.rbachostingtools.dll_1bf4f3e363ef418781685d1a60da11c1 |
15.1.2242.8 |
41,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Preparemoverequesthosting.ps1 |
Ne velja |
70,983 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Prepare_moverequest.ps1 |
Ne velja |
73,217 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Productinfo.managed.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Proxybinclientsstringsdll |
15.1.2242.5 |
924,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x86 |
Publicfoldertomailboxmapgenerator.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,226 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Quietexe.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Redistributeactivedatabases.ps1 |
Ne velja |
250,540 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Reinstalldefaulttransportagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,659 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Remoteexchange.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,561 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Removeuserfrompfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Replaceuserpermissiononpfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,990 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Replaceuserwithuseronpfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Replaycrimsonmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
1,099,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Resetattachmentfilterentry.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Resetcasservice.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,695 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Reset_antispamupdates.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,089 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Restoreserveronprereqfailure.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,165 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
Resumemailboxdatabasecopy.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,238 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Rightsmanagementwrapper.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
86,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Rollalternateserviceaccountpassword.ps1 |
Ne velja |
55,778 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Rpcperf.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
23,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Rpcproxyshim.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
39,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Rulesauditmsg.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Rwsperfcounters.xml |
Ne velja |
23,052 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Safehtmlnativewrapper.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
34,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Scanenginetest.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
956,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Scanningprocess.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
738,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Searchdiagnosticinfo.ps1 |
Ne velja |
16,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Servicecontrol.ps1 |
Ne velja |
52,353 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Setmailpublicfolderexternaladdress.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,742 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Settingsadapter.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
116,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
x64 |
Setup.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
20,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Setupui.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
49,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Split_publicfoldermailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
52,177 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Startdagservermaintenance.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,875 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Statisticsutil.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
142,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x64 |
Stopdagservermaintenance.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,121 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Storetsconstants.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,854 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Storetslibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,031 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Store_mapi_net_bin_perf_x64_exrpcperf.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
28,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
x64 |
Sync_mailpublicfolders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
43,915 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Sync_modernmailpublicfolders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
43,957 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:15 |
Ne velja |
Textconversionmodule.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
86,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Troubleshoot_ci.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,755 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Troubleshoot_databaselatency.ps1 |
Ne velja |
33,461 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Troubleshoot_databasespace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,057 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Umservice.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
100,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x86 |
Umworkerprocess.exe |
15.1.2242.8 |
38,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
x86 |
Uninstall_antispamagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,461 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
Updateapppoolmanagedframeworkversion.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,018 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Updatecas.ps1 |
Ne velja |
32,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
Updateconfigfiles.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,766 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
Updateserver.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
3,014,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
Update_malwarefilteringserver.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:16 |
Ne velja |
Web.config_053c31bdd6824e95b35d61b0a5e7b62d |
Ne velja |
31,815 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
Ne velja |
Wsbexchange.exe |
15.1.2242.5 |
125,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
x64 |
X400prox.dll |
15.1.2242.5 |
103,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:14 |
x64 |
_search.lingoperators.a |
15.1.2242.5 |
34,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
_search.lingoperators.b |
15.1.2242.5 |
34,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:12 |
Ne velja |
_search.mailboxoperators.a |
15.1.2242.8 |
289,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
_search.mailboxoperators.b |
15.1.2242.8 |
289,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
_search.operatorschema.a |
15.1.2242.5 |
483,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
_search.operatorschema.b |
15.1.2242.5 |
483,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:13 |
Ne velja |
_search.tokenoperators.a |
15.1.2242.5 |
106,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
_search.tokenoperators.b |
15.1.2242.5 |
106,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
_search.transportoperators.a |
15.1.2242.8 |
64,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
_search.transportoperators.b |
15.1.2242.8 |
64,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:11 |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platforma |
Activemonitoringeventmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
71,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x64 |
Activemonitoringexecutionlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,522 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Adduserstopfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,945 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Ademodule.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
106,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Airfilter.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
42,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
92,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Antispamcommon.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,489 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Asdat.msi |
Ne velja |
5,087,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Asentirs.msi |
Ne velja |
77,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Asentsig.msi |
Ne velja |
73,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Bigfunnel.bondtypes.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
43,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
63,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.configuration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
99,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.entropy.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
44,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.filter.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
54,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.indexstream.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
54,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.poi.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
203,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.postinglist.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
122,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.query.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
99,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.ranking.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
79,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.syntheticdatalib.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
3,634,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Bigfunnel.wordbreakers.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
46,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Cafe_airfilter_dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
42,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Cafe_exppw_dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
83,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Cafe_owaauth_dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
92,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Calcalculation.ps1 |
Ne velja |
42,113 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Checkdatabaseredundancy.ps1 |
Ne velja |
94,606 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Chksgfiles.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
57,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x64 |
Citsconstants.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,821 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Citslibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
82,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Citstypes.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Classificationengine_mce |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,693,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Clusmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
134,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Coconet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
48,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Collectovermetrics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
81,684 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Collectreplicationmetrics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
41,886 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Commonconnectfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,967 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Complianceauditservice.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
39,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Configureadam.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,780 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Configurecaferesponseheaders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,324 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Configurenetworkprotocolparameters.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,786 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Configuresmbipsec.ps1 |
Ne velja |
39,844 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Configure_enterprisepartnerapplication.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,299 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Connectfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
37,165 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Connect_exchangeserver_help.xml |
Ne velja |
30,436 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Consoleinitialize.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Convertoabvdir.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,069 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Converttomessagelatency.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,548 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Convert_distributiongrouptounifiedgroup.ps1 |
Ne velja |
34,781 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Create_publicfoldermailboxesformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.tako: |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts_exsmime.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
380,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,686,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
509 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Cts_policy.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Cts_policy.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Dagcommonlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
60,262 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Dependentassemblygenerator.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
22,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Diaghelper.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
66,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Diagnosticscriptcommonlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
16,350 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
Ne velja |
Disableinmemorytracing.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,378 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Disable_antimalwarescanning.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,205 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Disable_outsidein.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,670 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Disklockerapi.dll |
Ne velja |
22,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Dlmigrationmodule.psm1 |
Ne velja |
39,596 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Dsaccessperf.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
45,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Dscperf.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
32,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Dup_cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,686,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Dup_ext_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
601,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Ecpperfcounters.xml |
Ne velja |
31,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
Ne velja |
Edgeextensibility_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Edgeextensibility_policy.8.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Edgetransport.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
49,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.inoma |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.tem |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.² |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.sicer |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.cit |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.versionpolicy.lv |
Ne velja |
512 |
04-apr-2021 |
07:22 |
Ne velja |
Eext_policy.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.14.4.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.0.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.15.20.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.1.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.2.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Eext_policy.8.3.microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Enableinmemorytracing.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,380 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Enable_antimalwarescanning.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,579 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Enable_basicauthtooauthconverterhttpmodule.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,604 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Enable_crossforestconnector.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,614 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Enable_outlookcertificateauthentication.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,932 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Enable_outsidein.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,663 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Engineupdateserviceinterfaces.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Escprint.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Ese.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
3,695,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Eseback2.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
325,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Esebcli2.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
292,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Eseperf.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
116,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Eseutil.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
398,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Esevss.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
44,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Etweseproviderresources.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
82,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Eventperf.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
59,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Exchange.depthtwo.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
40,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
648,639 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.partial.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
43,353 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,831 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.support.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
26,582 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
365,180 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Exchangeudfcommon.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
121,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Exchangeudfs.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
269,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Exchmem.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
85,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x64 |
Exchsetupmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x64 |
Exchucutil.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Exdbfailureitemapi.dll |
Ne velja |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Exdbmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
229,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Exeventperfplugin.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
25,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Exmime.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
364,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Exportedgeconfig.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,407 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Export_mailpublicfoldersformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,574 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Export_modernpublicfolderstatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,870 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Export_outlookclassification.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,378 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Export_publicfolderstatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,141 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Export_retentiontags.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,060 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Exppw.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
83,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Exprfdll.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
26,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Exrpc32.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,922,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Exrw.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Exsetdata.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
2,779,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x64 |
Exsetup.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
35,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Exsetupui.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
193,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Extrace.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
245,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Ext_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
601,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Exwatson.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
44,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Fastioext.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
60,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Fil06f84122c94c91a0458cad45c22cce20 |
Ne velja |
784,715 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Fil143a7a5d4894478a85eefc89a6539fc8 |
Ne velja |
1,909,229 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Fil19f527f284a0bb584915f9994f4885c3 |
Ne velja |
648,761 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
Ne velja |
Fil1a9540363a531e7fb18ffe600cffc3ce |
Ne velja |
358,406 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Fil220d95210c8697448312eee6628c815c |
Ne velja |
303,658 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
Ne velja |
Fil2cf5a31e239a45fabea48687373b547c |
Ne velja |
652,727 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
Ne velja |
Fil397f0b1f1d7bd44d6e57e496decea2ec |
Ne velja |
784,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Fil3ab126057b34eee68c4fd4b127ff7aee |
Ne velja |
784,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
Ne velja |
Fil41bb2e5743e3bde4ecb1e07a76c5a7a8 |
Ne velja |
149,154 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Fil51669bfbda26e56e3a43791df94c1e9c |
Ne velja |
9,346 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Fil558cb84302edfc96e553bcfce2b85286 |
Ne velja |
85,260 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Fil55ce217251b77b97a46e914579fc4c64 |
Ne velja |
648,755 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
Ne velja |
Fil5a9e78a51a18d05bc36b5e8b822d43a8 |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Fil5c7d10e5f1f9ada1e877c9aa087182a9 |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Fil6569a92c80a1e14949e4282ae2cc699c |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Fil6a01daba551306a1e55f0bf6894f4d9f |
Ne velja |
648,731 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Fil8863143ea7cd93a5f197c9fff13686bf |
Ne velja |
648,761 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Fil8a8c76f225c7205db1000e8864c10038 |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Fil8cd999415d36ba78a3ac16a080c47458 |
Ne velja |
784,718 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Fil97913e630ff02079ce9889505a517ec0 |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Filaa49badb2892075a28d58d06560f8da2 |
Ne velja |
785,742 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Filae28aeed23ccb4b9b80accc2d43175b5 |
Ne velja |
648,758 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
Ne velja |
Filb17f496f9d880a684b5c13f6b02d7203 |
Ne velja |
784,718 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Filb94ca32f2654692263a5be009c0fe4ca |
Ne velja |
2,564,949 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Filbabdc4808eba0c4f18103f12ae955e5c |
Ne velja |
342,878,821 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Filc92cf2bf29bed21bd5555163330a3d07 |
Ne velja |
652,745 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
Ne velja |
Filcc478d2a8346db20c4e2dc36f3400628 |
Ne velja |
784,718 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
Ne velja |
Fild26cd6b13cfe2ec2a16703819da6d043 |
Ne velja |
1,597,359 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Filf2719f9dc8f7b74df78ad558ad3ee8a6 |
Ne velja |
785,724 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Filfa5378dc76359a55ef20cc34f8a23fee |
Ne velja |
1,427,187 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Filteringconfigurationcommands.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,247 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Filteringpowershell.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
223,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Filteringpowershell.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
29,668 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
Ne velja |
Filtermodule.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
180,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Fipexeuperfctrresource.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Fipexeventsresource.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
44,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x64 |
Fipexperfctrresource.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
32,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Firewallres.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
72,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Fms.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,350,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x64 |
Forefrontactivedirectoryconnector.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
111,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Fpsdiag.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Fsccachedfilemanagedlocal.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
822,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x64 |
Fscconfigsupport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
56,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Fscconfigurationserver.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
430,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Fscconfigurationserverinterfaces.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Fsccrypto.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
208,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x64 |
Fscipcinterfaceslocal.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Fscipclocal.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
38,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Fscsqmuploader.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
453,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Getucpool.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,791 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Getvalidengines.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,310 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamfilteringreport.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,793 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamsclhistogram.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,655 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenderdomains.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,727 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenderips.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,775 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtopblockedsenders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,498 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtoprblproviders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,705 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Get_antispamtoprecipients.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,810 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Get_dleligibilitylist.ps1 |
Ne velja |
42,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Get_exchangeetwtrace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,963 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Get_publicfoldermailboxsize.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,042 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Get_storetrace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
50,651 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Huffman_xpress.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
32,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Importedgeconfig.ps1 |
Ne velja |
77,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Import_mailpublicfoldersformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Import_retentiontags.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,834 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Inproxy.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
85,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Installwindowscomponent.ps1 |
Ne velja |
34,539 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Install_antispamagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,929 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Install_odatavirtualdirectory.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,983 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Interop.activeds.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.1.2176.12 |
107,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Interop.adsiis.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
Ne velja |
Interop.certenroll.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
142,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Interop.licenseinfointerface.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Interop.netfw.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
34,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Interop.plalibrary.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
72,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Interop.stdole2.dll.4b7767dc_2e20_4d95_861a_4629cbc0cabc |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Interop.taskscheduler.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
46,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Interop.wuapilib.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
60,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Interop.xenroll.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
39,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Kerbauth.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
62,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Licenseinfointerface.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
643,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Lpversioning.xml |
Ne velja |
20,426 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Mailboxdatabasereseedusingspares.ps1 |
Ne velja |
31,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Managedavailabilitycrimsonmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
138,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Managedstorediagnosticfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
125,877 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Managescheduledtask.ps1 |
Ne velja |
36,380 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Mce.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,693,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Measure_storeusagestatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,487 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Merge_publicfoldermailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,639 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.database.isam.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
127,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.dkm.proxy.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
25,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.activemonitoring.activemonitoringvariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
68,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.activemonitoring.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.addressbook.service.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
232,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.addressbook.service.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.airsyncmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.comon.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,775,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.dll1 |
15.1.2176.12 |
505,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.airsynchandler.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
76,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.anchorservice.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
135,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispam.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
23,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispamupdate.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispamupdatesvc.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.approval.applications.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
53,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
924,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
25,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.interfaces.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
42,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.audit.azureclient.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditlogsearch.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditlogsearchservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
70,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditstoragemonitorservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
94,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditstoragemonitorservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.authadmin.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.authadminservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.authservicehostservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.configuration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
79,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
396,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.eventlogs.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscoverv2.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
57,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.bandwidthmonitorservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.batchservice.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cabutility.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
276,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatedeployment.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
16,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatedeploymentservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
26,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatenotification.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatenotificationservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
23,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
377,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.eventlogs.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
83,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
2,970,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa2.server.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
5,028,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa2.servervariantconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
894,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.security.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
413,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.strings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
924,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.bandwidthmonitor.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
52,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.common.extensions.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.diskmonitor.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
33,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replay.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
3,478,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replicaseeder.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
108,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replicavsswriter.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
288,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.shared.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
621,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.agentconfig.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
86,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.componentconfig.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,827,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.adagentservicevariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.directoryvariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
466,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.domtvariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
26,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.ismemberofresolverconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
38,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.tenantrelocationvariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
102,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.directory.topologyservicevariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
48,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.diskmanagement.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
67,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
172,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.encryption.variantconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
113,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.il.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.inference.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
130,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.optics.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
63,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.processmanagermsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.protocols.popimap.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.search.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
107,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.search.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.smtp.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
51,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.suiteservices.suiteservicesvariantconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.transport.azure.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.transport.monitoringconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,042,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.commonmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
29,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditlogpumper.messages.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditservice.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
181,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.auditservice.messages.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
22,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.crimsonevents.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
85,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
41,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.recordreview.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
37,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.supervision.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
50,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskcreator.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
33,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskdistributioncommon.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,100,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskdistributionfabric.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
206,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskplugins.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
210,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compression.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.certificateauth.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
37,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.certificateauth.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
145,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.core.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.delegatedauth.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
53,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.delegatedauth.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.diagnosticsmodules.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
23,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.diagnosticsmodules.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.failfast.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
54,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.failfast.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.objectmodel.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,845,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.objectmodel.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.redirectionmodule.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
68,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.redirectionmodule.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.remotepowershellbackendcmdletproxymodule.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.remotepowershellbackendcmdletproxymodule.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.connectiondatacollector.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
26,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
169,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.eas.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
330,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.imap.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
173,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.pop.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
71,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.contentfilter.wrapper.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
203,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.client.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.configuration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
51,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
51,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.context.datamodel.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
46,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.core.strings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,092,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.core.timezone.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
57,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.deep.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
326,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
3,353,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
35,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.monitoring.ifx.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.connectors.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
165,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.consumermailboxprovisioning.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
619,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.directory.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
7,782,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.directory.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
80,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,785,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.groupmailboxaccesslayer.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,626,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.ha.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
362,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.imageanalysis.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
105,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mailboxfeatures.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mailboxloadbalance.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
224,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mapi.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
186,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.metering.contracts.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
39,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.metering.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
119,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.msosyncxsd.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
968,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.notification.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
141,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.personaldataplatform.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
769,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.providers.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
139,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.provisioning.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
56,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
453,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.scheduledtimers.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
32,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.clientstrings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
256,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
11,641,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
37,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storageconfigurationresources.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
655,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storeobjects.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
174,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.client.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.client.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.datacenter.management.activemonitoring.recoveryservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.datacenterstrings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
72,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.delivery.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.certificatelogger.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
22,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
2,210,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
15.1.2176.12 |
2,210,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.performancelogger.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
23,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
546,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
215,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.exchangejobs.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
193,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
146,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.fuseboxperfcounters.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnosticsaggregation.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnosticsaggregationservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
49,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.directory.topologyservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.directory.topologyservice.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
208,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.disklocker.events.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
88,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.disklocker.interop.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
32,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.drumtesting.calendarmigration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
45,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.drumtesting.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
473,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.ha.events.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
206,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.ha.instance.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eac.flighting.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
131,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgecredentialsvc.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
148,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.datacenterproviders.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
220,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
23,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesyncsvc.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
97,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.export.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,266,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.export.dll.deploy |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,266,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.application |
Ne velja |
16,530 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.exe.deploy |
15.1.2176.12 |
87,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.manifest |
Ne velja |
67,483 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.strings.dll.deploy |
15.1.2176.12 |
52,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.mailboxsearch.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
294,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.birthdaycalendar.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
73,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.defaultservicesettings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
45,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
218,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.booking.management.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
78,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.bookings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
35,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.calendaring.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
932,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
336,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.connectors.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
52,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.contentsubmissions.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
32,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.context.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
60,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.datamodel.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
854,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.fileproviders.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
291,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.foldersharing.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
39,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.holidaycalendars.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
76,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.insights.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
166,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetinglocation.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,486,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetingparticipants.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
122,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.meetingtimecandidates.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
12,327,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.onlinemeetings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
264,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.people.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
37,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.peopleinsights.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
186,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.reminders.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
64,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.schedules.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
83,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.shellservice.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
63,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.tasks.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
100,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.xrm.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
144,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entityextraction.calendar.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
270,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.configuration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
130,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ews.configuration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
254,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.exchangecertificate.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.exchangecertificateservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
37,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.extensibility.internal.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
640,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.extensibility.partner.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
37,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.federateddirectory.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
146,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ffosynclogmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendhttpproxy.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
593,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendhttpproxy.eventlogs.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendtransport.monitoring.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.griffin.variantconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
99,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hathirdpartyreplication.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
42,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.helpprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
40,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.addressfinder.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
54,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
163,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.diagnostics.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
58,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.flighting.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
204,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.passivemonitor.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.proxyassistant.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routerefresher.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
38,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routeselector.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
48,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routing.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
180,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpredirectmodules.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httputilities.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
25,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.data.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,868,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.diagnosisutil.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
54,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.eopinstantprovisioning.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.idserialization.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
35,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.eventlog.dll.fe |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
263,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.exe.fe |
15.1.2176.12 |
263,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4service.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
24,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4service.exe.fe |
15.1.2176.12 |
24,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imapconfiguration.dl1 |
15.1.2176.12 |
53,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
216,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.hashtagsrelevance.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
32,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.peoplerelevance.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
281,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.ranking.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.safetylibrary.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
83,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.service.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.assistantsclientresources.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
94,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,840,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
71,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.meetingvalidator.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
175,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.instantmessaging.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
45,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.formprotector.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
159,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.msoprotector.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
51,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.irm.ofcprotector.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
45,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.isam.databasemanager.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.isam.esebcli.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
100,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.jobqueue.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.jobqueueservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
271,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.killswitch.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
22,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.killswitchconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
33,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.auditing.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.certificatelog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.cmdletinfralog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.easlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.ecplog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
22,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
66,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.ewslog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
29,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.griffinperfcounter.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.groupescalationlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.httpproxylog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.hxservicelog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
34,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.iislog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
103,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.lameventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.migrationlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.oabdownloadlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.oauthcafelog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
16,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.outlookservicelog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
49,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.owaclientlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
44,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.owalog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
38,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.perflog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
10,375,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.pfassistantlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
29,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.rca.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.restlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
24,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.store.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.transportsynchealthlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
89,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.auditing.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.certificatelog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
26,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.cmdletinfralog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.easlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.errordetection.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.ewslog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
16,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.griffinperfcounter.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.groupescalationlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.httpproxylog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.hxservicelog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.iislog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
57,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.migrationlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.oabdownloadlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.oauthcafelog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
16,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.outlookservicelog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.owaclientlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.owalog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.perflog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
52,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.pfassistantlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.rca.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
34,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.restlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.store.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.transportsynchealthlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loguploader.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
165,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loguploaderproxy.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
54,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.assistants.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
9,059,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.attachmentthumbnail.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
33,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
124,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.crimsonevents.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
82,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxassistants.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalance.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
661,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalance.serverstrings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
63,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.calendarsyncprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
175,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
2,784,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.complianceprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
53,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.contactsyncprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
151,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
966,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.easprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
185,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.googledocprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
39,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.imapprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
105,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.mapiprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
94,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.popprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
43,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.proxyclient.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.proxyservice.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
172,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.pstprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
102,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.remoteprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
98,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.storageprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
188,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.syncprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.xml.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
447,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.xrmprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
89,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.monitoring.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
107,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriveragents.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
371,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedrivercommon.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
193,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriverdelivery.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
551,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriverdelivery.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
16,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.storedriversubmission.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
321,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.storedriversubmission.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.syncdelivery.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
45,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransportwatchdogservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransportwatchdogservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.managedlexruntime.mppgruntime.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.activedirectory.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
415,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.classificationdefinitions.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,269,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.compliancepolicy.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
39,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.basics.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
433,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
4,560,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.owaoptionstrings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
261,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanelmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
33,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.analysis.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
94,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
591,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.xml.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
3,560,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.detailstemplates.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
67,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
16,478,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.edge.systemmanager.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
58,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.infrastructure.asynchronoustask.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
23,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.jitprovisioning.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
101,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.migration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
543,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.mobility.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
305,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.nativeresources.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
131,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.powershell.support.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
418,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.provisioning.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
275,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.psdirectinvoke.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
70,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.rbacdefinition.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
7,873,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.recipient.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,500,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.reportingwebservice.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
145,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.reportingwebservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.snapin.esm.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
71,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.systemmanager.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,249,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,876,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.managementgui.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
5,225,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.managementmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mapihttpclient.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
117,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mapihttphandler.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
209,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagesecurity.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
79,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagesecurity.messagesecuritymsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.dlppolicyagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
156,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.edgeagents.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
65,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.filtering.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
58,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.hygienerules.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
29,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.journalagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
175,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.redirectionagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.retentionpolicyagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
75,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.rmsvcagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
207,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.rules.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
440,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.supervisoryreviewagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
83,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.transportruleagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
35,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.unifiedpolicycommon.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
53,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.unjournalagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
96,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.migration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,110,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.migrationworkflowservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.mobiledriver.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
135,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
5,155,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.monitoring.servicecontextprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mrsmlbconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
68,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.net.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
5,084,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.net.rightsmanagement.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
265,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.networksettings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
37,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.notifications.broker.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.notifications.broker.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
549,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oabauthmodule.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
22,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oabrequesthandler.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
106,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oauth.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
291,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.objectstoreclient.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.odata.configuration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
277,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.odata.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
2,992,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
88,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.grain.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
101,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graincow.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
38,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graineventbasedassistants.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
45,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.grainpropagationengine.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
58,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graintransactionstorage.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
147,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graintransportdeliveryagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
26,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.graphstore.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
184,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.permailboxkeys.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
26,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.secondarycopyquotamanagement.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
38,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.secondaryshallowcopylocation.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
55,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.security.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
147,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.semanticgraph.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
191,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.officegraph.tasklogger.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
33,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.partitioncache.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.passivemonitoringsettings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
32,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.photogarbagecollectionservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.eventlog.dll.fe |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
106,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.exe.fe |
15.1.2176.12 |
106,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3service.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3service.exe.fe |
15.1.2176.12 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.popconfiguration.dl1 |
15.1.2176.12 |
42,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.popimap.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
264,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.popimap.core.dll.fe |
15.1.2176.12 |
264,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.powersharp.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
358,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.powersharp.management.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
4,168,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.powershell.configuration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
326,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.powershell.rbachostingtools.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
41,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protectedservicehost.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protocols.fasttransfer.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
135,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protocols.mapi.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
436,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioning.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioningagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
224,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioningservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
105,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pst.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
168,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pst.dll.deploy |
15.1.2176.12 |
168,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pswsclient.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
259,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.publicfolders.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
72,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.crimsonevents.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
215,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
106,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.publishers.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
425,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.server.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
70,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.analysis.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
46,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.configuration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
206,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
162,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.ranking.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
342,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.retrieval.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
149,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.query.suggestions.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
95,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.realtimeanalyticspublisherservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
127,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
63,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.data.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.mailtagger.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.people.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
9,666,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.peopleindex.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,788,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.peopleranker.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.perm.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
97,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.sassuggest.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.relevance.upm.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
72,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.client.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.routing.server.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
59,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpc.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,639,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
209,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.exmonhandler.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
60,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.handler.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
517,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.monitoring.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
161,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.parser.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
721,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.server.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
243,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.service.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.service.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
35,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpchttpmodules.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
42,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcoverhttpautoconfig.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
56,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcoverhttpautoconfig.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rules.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
130,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.saclwatcher.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.saclwatcherservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.safehtml.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.activities.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
267,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.contacts.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
110,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
112,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sandbox.services.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
622,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.bigfunnel.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
162,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.bigfunnel.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
12,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.blingwrapper.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
209,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.ediscoveryquery.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.engine.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
96,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.fast.configuration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
16,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.fast.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
435,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.files.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
274,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.flighting.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
24,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.mdb.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
219,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.service.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
26,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.applicationencryption.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
162,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,555,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.msarpsservice.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.securitymsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.admininterface.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
222,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,110,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.diagnostics.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
212,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.directoryservices.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
113,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.esebackinterop.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
82,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
80,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.fulltextindex.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
66,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.ha.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
81,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.lazyindexing.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
208,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.logicaldatamodel.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,163,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.mapidisp.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
504,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.multimailboxsearch.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
47,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.physicalaccess.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
848,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.propertydefinitions.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,219,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.propertytag.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.rpcproxy.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
120,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.storecommonservices.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,009,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.storeintegritycheck.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
110,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.workermanager.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
34,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.xpress.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicehost.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicehost.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
60,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.globallocatorcache.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
50,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.globallocatorcache.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.unifiedpolicysyncservicelet.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
74,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
8,477,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.eventlogs.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.ewshandler.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
633,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.ewsserialization.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,651,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.json.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
296,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.messaging.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
43,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.onlinemeetings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
233,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.surface.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
178,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.wcf.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
348,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.acquirelanguagepack.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
56,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.bootstrapper.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
94,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
297,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.commonbase.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
35,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.console.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.gui.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
115,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.parser.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
54,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.signverfwrapper.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
75,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.caches.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
142,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.client.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
24,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
58,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharepointsignalstore.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.slabmanifest.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
47,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sqm.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
46,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.store.service.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.store.worker.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
26,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeobjectsservice.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeobjectsservice.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeprovider.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,166,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.structuredquery.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
158,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.symphonyhandler.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
628,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.syncmigration.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.syncmigrationservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
16,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.systemprobemsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.textprocessing.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
221,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.textprocessing.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.addressbookpolicyroutingagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
29,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.antispam.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
138,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.contentfilter.cominterop.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.controlflow.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
40,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.faultinjectionagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
22,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.frontendproxyagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.hygiene.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
212,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.interceptoragent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
98,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.liveidauth.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
22,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.malware.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
169,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.malware.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.phishingdetection.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.prioritization.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
31,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.protocolanalysis.dbaccess.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
47,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.search.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.senderid.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
53,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.sharedmailboxsentitemsroutingagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
44,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.systemprobedrop.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.transportfeatureoverrideagent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.trustedmailagents.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
46,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.cloudmonitor.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
457,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.contracts.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.decisionengine.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
4,181,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.dsapiclient.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
182,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
121,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.extensibility.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
403,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.extensibilityeventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.flighting.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
86,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.logging.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
88,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.logging.search.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
68,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.loggingcommon.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
63,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.monitoring.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
430,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.net.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
122,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.contracts.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
29,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.protocols.httpsubmission.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
60,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.requestbroker.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
50,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.scheduler.contracts.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
33,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.scheduler.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
113,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.smtpshared.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.contracts.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
52,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
675,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.management.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
21,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.agents.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
487,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.common.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
12,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.manager.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
306,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.manager.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.migrationrpc.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
46,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.worker.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,044,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.worker.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transportlogsearch.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.transportsyncmanagersvc.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.callrouter.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
22,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.clientstrings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
60,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.grammars.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
211,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.lad.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
120,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.prompts.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
214,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.troubleshootingtool.shared.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
118,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.ucmaplatform.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
239,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umcommon.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
925,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umcore.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,471,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umvariantconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
32,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedcontent.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
41,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedcontent.exchange.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
24,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedmessaging.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
130,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicyfilesync.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicyfilesyncservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
83,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicysyncservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
50,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.antispam.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
642,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
186,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
67,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
12,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.excore.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
56,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.globalsettings.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.hygiene.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
120,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.protectionservice.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
31,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.threatintel.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
57,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.auth.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
35,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,054,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.xrm.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.wlmservicelet.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
23,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.wopiclient.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
77,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workingset.signalapi.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
17,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workingsetabstraction.signalapiabstraction.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
29,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
505,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.eventlogs.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.throttling.configuration.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.throttling.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
66,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.fast.contextlogger.json.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
113,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.exchange.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
57,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.interop.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.activedirectoryconnector.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
47,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.activedirectoryconnector.eventlog.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
15,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
23,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.diagnostics.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
22,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.filtering.eventpublisher.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
34,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.management.powershell.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
48,949 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.forefront.management.powershell.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
16,321 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,518,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.messages.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
13,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.management.outsidein.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
33,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.recoveryactionarbiter.contract.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
18,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.reporting.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.reporting.ondemandquery.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
50,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.isam.esent.collections.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
72,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.isam.esent.interop.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
533,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.managementgui.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
133,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.mce.interop.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
24,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.audit.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
123,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.client.discovery.unifiedexport.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
593,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.common.ipcommonlogger.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
42,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
217,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
854,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.console.extensions.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
485,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
413,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliance.ingestion.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
36,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliancepolicy.exchange.dar.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
84,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliancepolicy.platform.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,782,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoring.management.common.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
49,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoring.management.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoringlocal.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
174,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.monitoring.activemonitoring.recovery.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
166,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office365.datainsights.uploader.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
40,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.online.box.shell.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
46,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Microsoft.powershell.hostingtools.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.powershell.hostingtools_2.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
67,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.tailoredexperiences.core.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
120,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Migrateumcustomprompts.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,126 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Modernpublicfoldertomailboxmapgenerator.ps1 |
Ne velja |
29,068 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Movemailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
61,148 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Movetransportdatabase.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,606 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Move_publicfolderbranch.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Mpgearparser.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
99,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Msclassificationadapter.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
248,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Msexchangecompliance.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
78,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Msexchangedagmgmt.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
25,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Msexchangedelivery.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
38,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Msexchangefrontendtransport.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
31,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Msexchangehmhost.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x86 |
Msexchangehmrecovery.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
29,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x86 |
Msexchangemailboxassistants.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
72,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Msexchangemailboxreplication.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Msexchangemigrationworkflow.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
69,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Msexchangerepl.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
71,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Msexchangesubmission.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
123,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Msexchangethrottling.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
39,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Msexchangetransport.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
74,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
139,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Msexchangewatchdog.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
55,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x64 |
Mspatchlinterop.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
53,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Nativehttpproxy.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
91,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Navigatorparser.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
636,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Nego2nativeinterface.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
19,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Negotiateclientcertificatemodule.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
30,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Newtestcasconnectivityuser.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,268 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Newtestcasconnectivityuserhosting.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,583 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Ntspxgen.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
80,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x64 |
Oleconverter.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
173,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Outsideinmodule.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
87,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x64 |
Owaauth.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
92,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Owasmime.msi |
Ne velja |
716,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Perf_common_extrace.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
245,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Perf_exchmem.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
85,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
x64 |
Pipeline2.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,454,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Powershell.rbachostingtools.dll_1bf4f3e363ef418781685d1a60da11c1 |
15.1.2176.12 |
41,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
Ne velja |
Preparemoverequesthosting.ps1 |
Ne velja |
70,999 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Prepare_moverequest.ps1 |
Ne velja |
73,233 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Productinfo.managed.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
27,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Proxybinclientsstringsdll |
15.1.2176.12 |
924,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Publicfoldertomailboxmapgenerator.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,242 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Quietexe.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
14,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Redistributeactivedatabases.ps1 |
Ne velja |
250,540 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Reinstalldefaulttransportagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,639 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Remoteexchange.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,601 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Removeuserfrompfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Replaceuserpermissiononpfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,006 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Replaceuserwithuseronpfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Replaycrimsonmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
1,099,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Resetattachmentfilterentry.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Resetcasservice.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,711 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Reset_antispamupdates.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,105 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Restoreserveronprereqfailure.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,145 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Resumemailboxdatabasecopy.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,198 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Rightsmanagementwrapper.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
86,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Rollalternateserviceaccountpassword.ps1 |
Ne velja |
55,794 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Rpcperf.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
23,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x64 |
Rpcproxyshim.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
39,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Rulesauditmsg.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
12,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
Rwsperfcounters.xml |
Ne velja |
23,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Safehtmlnativewrapper.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
34,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x64 |
Scanenginetest.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
956,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Scanningprocess.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
739,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Searchdiagnosticinfo.ps1 |
Ne velja |
16,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Servicecontrol.ps1 |
Ne velja |
52,333 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Setmailpublicfolderexternaladdress.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,758 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Settingsadapter.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
116,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Setup.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
20,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x86 |
Setupui.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
49,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Split_publicfoldermailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
52,193 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Startdagservermaintenance.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,835 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Statisticsutil.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
142,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
x64 |
Stopdagservermaintenance.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,121 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Storetsconstants.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,818 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Storetslibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,991 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Store_mapi_net_bin_perf_x64_exrpcperf.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
28,552 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Sync_mailpublicfolders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
43,931 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Sync_modernmailpublicfolders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
43,977 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Textconversionmodule.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
86,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
x64 |
Troubleshoot_ci.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,715 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Troubleshoot_databaselatency.ps1 |
Ne velja |
33,421 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:21 |
Ne velja |
Troubleshoot_databasespace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,033 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
Umservice.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
100,216 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x86 |
Umworkerprocess.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
38,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:27 |
x86 |
Uninstall_antispamagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,477 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Updateapppoolmanagedframeworkversion.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,034 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Updatecas.ps1 |
Ne velja |
32,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Updateconfigfiles.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,746 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
Ne velja |
Updateserver.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
3,014,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
x64 |
Update_malwarefilteringserver.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Web.config_053c31bdd6824e95b35d61b0a5e7b62d |
Ne velja |
31,816 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:24 |
Ne velja |
Wsbexchange.exe |
15.1.2176.12 |
125,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
X400prox.dll |
15.1.2176.12 |
103,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:26 |
x64 |
_search.lingoperators.a |
15.1.2176.12 |
34,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
_search.lingoperators.b |
15.1.2176.12 |
34,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
_search.mailboxoperators.a |
15.1.2176.12 |
289,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
_search.mailboxoperators.b |
15.1.2176.12 |
289,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
_search.operatorschema.a |
15.1.2176.12 |
483,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
_search.operatorschema.b |
15.1.2176.12 |
483,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:22 |
Ne velja |
_search.tokenoperators.a |
15.1.2176.12 |
106,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
_search.tokenoperators.b |
15.1.2176.12 |
106,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
_search.transportoperators.a |
15.1.2176.12 |
64,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
_search.transportoperators.b |
15.1.2176.12 |
64,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:23 |
Ne velja |
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
Platforma |
Adduserstopfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,058 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
96,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Cafe_owaauth_dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
91,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
x64 |
Checkinvalidrecipients.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,125 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Citsconstants.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,869 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
Ne velja |
Citslibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
82,724 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Citstypes.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
Ne velja |
Commonconnectfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,011 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Configureadam.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,387 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Configurecaferesponseheaders.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,981 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Configurenetworkprotocolparameters.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Configuresmbipsec.ps1 |
Ne velja |
39,907 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Configure_enterprisepartnerapplication.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Connectfunctions.ps1 |
Ne velja |
38,383 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Connect_exchangeserver_help.xml |
Ne velja |
30,396 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Consoleinitialize.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Convertoabvdir.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,133 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Converttomessagelatency.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,612 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,653,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Diagnosticscriptcommonlibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
16,398 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
Ne velja |
Disableinmemorytracing.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,442 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Disable_antimalwarescanning.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,269 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Disable_outsidein.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,754 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Dup_cts_microsoft.exchange.data.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,653,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Dup_ext_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
396,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Edgetransport.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
40,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Enableinmemorytracing.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,444 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Enable_antimalwarescanning.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,643 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Enable_crossforestconnector.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,678 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Enable_outlookcertificateauthentication.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,979 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Enable_outsidein.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,727 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.depthtwo.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
38,403 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
502,270 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.partial.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
32,625 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,599 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.support.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
26,622 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Exchange.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
334,337 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Exchucutil.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Exportedgeconfig.ps1 |
Ne velja |
27,471 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Export_mailpublicfoldersformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
36,610 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Export_publicfolderstatistics.ps1 |
Ne velja |
23,209 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Export_retentiontags.ps1 |
Ne velja |
17,124 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Exrpc32.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,683,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x64 |
Exsetdata.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,749,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
x64 |
Exsetup.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
35,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Exsetupui.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
199,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Ext_microsoft.exchange.data.transport.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
396,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Fil00a59b0bf9ad6dbefaeb21bc52cadc |
Ne velja |
160,921 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil01265e3f95fffa90f103d6045ee1b646 |
Ne velja |
207,584 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil01464b610a1b9ca44bfd4aa2b20a0a47 |
Ne velja |
242,360 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil024514f3668d7fae2909c604a07f2cae |
Ne velja |
118,512 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil02886dbc65954c74ff5f004a4de087d0 |
Ne velja |
382,584 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil02aa6af1a7515d4d79a36ff53c2451cc |
Ne velja |
202,224 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil03094a694b8e463b811188f1414aafd9 |
Ne velja |
1,562 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil0346bb60fed433908e0d629870fa234f |
Ne velja |
42,453 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil03d6f5ce7cdbd650b4e31b9b17bfebdf |
Ne velja |
63,034 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil03df293f7a64512c7994f03b06b1cc9d |
Ne velja |
122,028 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil04648c9ff8319a4b2f4228ef41f3d558 |
Ne velja |
188,610 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil04be20231e54d4b1b9ae0adcee287d33 |
Ne velja |
3,319 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil05bd0d7761664f4f3447bc8b82cba551 |
Ne velja |
260,796 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil07291eda8c3b4bef35c20b117bc4dc89 |
Ne velja |
11,065 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil073611cea59a04ae5959ec5466f4f770 |
Ne velja |
206,119 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil07a54aa7bb7bff7a7ebaa792bbf2dcc3 |
Ne velja |
12,920 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil07d1178f9b4ec96c22a8240722e0bf9f |
Ne velja |
381,584 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil0807d7ff1190d89482f9590435e63704 |
Ne velja |
376,675 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil08a4c36edaa0a358721425799ae714fa |
Ne velja |
243,898 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil092fbdf7953d47bcaec4c494ad2a4620 |
Ne velja |
142,751 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Fil093c3f7e3d75f52ac3ae90f8d5c582cc |
Ne velja |
229,663 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil095e2ae2aad7e5fe67147fa275cf3657 |
Ne velja |
200,119 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil097d6a2a5acff36af3b3de457fece43f |
Ne velja |
317,272 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil098cd77950ecc93e59a6d478029be507 |
Ne velja |
2,003,210 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:06 |
Ne velja |
Fil0994fb28dc0ef8f87218c621ae86e134 |
Ne velja |
286,293 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Fil0aff9b8e03ff8a9bb1517388f2c44d1a |
Ne velja |
14,524 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil0bfa47954dd042005e90c2bd01cd0a37 |
Ne velja |
142,850 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil0d721f7ce4137c3bd63bdc89da0bb5cb |
Ne velja |
236,086 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil0dbb9c355360df6a4459d2007004c9e3 |
Ne velja |
208,728 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil0dcd409d2cf1a0fe1b1d23995972047e |
Ne velja |
264,787 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil0dd00b83250a9921930f80dfadd64420 |
Ne velja |
167,266 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil0ee631acb4cbeba6a8ce8838790ffba3 |
Ne velja |
225,959 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil0fe6c543ad5dce68f8da1d128ebff332 |
Ne velja |
303,122 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil0fefc0bb7650de7a8e100f27290b316c |
Ne velja |
939 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil1049e7dbf56476ddca7fbcdd54f1b796 |
Ne velja |
146,378 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil11364618faea90d632e254088444fc52 |
Ne velja |
3,359 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil1173f6b39fe7c9d910b8dc5bd19521f8 |
Ne velja |
361,118 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil119e3a5d3db8bc97fc7e5f8e81f2f8ca |
Ne velja |
197,448 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil1270dc39571f9c7aa6cfaadeff4f3640 |
Ne velja |
171,559 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil129c1192b00260084863bfb442d9ef93 |
Ne velja |
1,303 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil13fb2417bf46b85b2993d051b8ab7c66 |
Ne velja |
330,130 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil1426532f337ffd248ad8526e66f9fed6 |
Ne velja |
147,629 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil1591caf2c0ed95d3d7dc675a20701ee6 |
Ne velja |
114,064 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil15f38a12988013e8d68ce239be0d5f3d |
Ne velja |
171,283 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil162350ffb26be403359faaf6c45406cf |
Ne velja |
163,899 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil162b0371ffc6ab85232d5f1c2f4997e7 |
Ne velja |
9,782 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil1696980eba48067e2ae900f45faad78e |
Ne velja |
1,875 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil16fca2f0aaead1fbec7a463ca606a1ec |
Ne velja |
370,126 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil19183400565ab2ccc44ecaa477a5e3d1 |
Ne velja |
15,230 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil199e6bdb4f3b2b47c763319633da1136 |
Ne velja |
327,350 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil19ccdd118db9bfc3475814a4b4e08c08 |
Ne velja |
584,377 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil1a3b1da5816e3bb64056cf149788066b |
Ne velja |
480,547 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil1ac6267c3eb50d8e405d35e06e7c7878 |
Ne velja |
15,933 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil1b70faaee4a16f481d3565f701d210d2 |
Ne velja |
194,186 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil1bb83920715900f568a44fea64ebdf14 |
Ne velja |
409,070 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil1bbf3e38efe960ca2113daaab481b364 |
Ne velja |
3,474 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil1e3e47d491e73bf0ce9bd6368a869661 |
Ne velja |
114,721 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil1ebaeefd7727d6252ca22a5e152fc343 |
Ne velja |
8,138 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil1f3158c2364004336fefd7fa8c62086b |
Ne velja |
327,640 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil1f475a8603a1bbd01e1a40d53c813c9c |
Ne velja |
315,635 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil1fff4b705c9647b4ff3f83b020b2e237 |
Ne velja |
370,164 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil2039f6f47019d7eb8d50a7d7387e1326 |
Ne velja |
118,107 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil208b9e5328593cd0b5013b4cae2713f9 |
Ne velja |
335,423 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil2093384b2fd2dd4694e4452e9aacfc18 |
Ne velja |
383,683 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil20b9a11913964b245854e564a94544ed |
Ne velja |
144,647 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil20e584fabe14655761b29e602eed5cc9 |
Ne velja |
182,170 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil2143e07c2cac620dfefafd058902b0d3 |
Ne velja |
2,915 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil222a09c547b07ae712f31cf9175a5717 |
Ne velja |
116,530 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil2294c86871eb9882419d11de13a0e558 |
Ne velja |
866 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil2294eb56822388c24312aee15bef4d72 |
Ne velja |
3,423 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil235c6fa467f8662a9bcbd6fac8df465b |
Ne velja |
117,287 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil240bcf2747ef1821d63068b04d54a07d |
Ne velja |
163,794 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Fil24622e71b4f201522c30b5396079ebf9 |
Ne velja |
151,701 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil247b22302db2287f03bd385ba61ffe55 |
Ne velja |
398,137 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil25727a6a764ebd6cd89550c2c031c37c |
Ne velja |
160,115 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil265b8ec6d4ed498b5382cfc1027491a2 |
Ne velja |
82,741 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil280c8cbd4386b442b5c94af6708eaac8 |
Ne velja |
16,625 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil283358d58bb98df0557b67b6f747c86a |
Ne velja |
460,146 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil28b2b9d1b7e313e502a8835045c2d0d0 |
Ne velja |
15,031 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil2a6b0663833d438eea50ffe81c51ec83 |
Ne velja |
2,003,228 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:05 |
Ne velja |
Fil2adab262add65203b0c7c5bc1251e47f |
Ne velja |
312,638 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil2b2ac38f6e7b4a0553da72f403582cd5 |
Ne velja |
1,727 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil2bd8c15c9164155f212951a70631823f |
Ne velja |
5,285 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil2c21ffd8eb5ecd0f7c89a27b86951a7d |
Ne velja |
10,821 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil2db733aabd2264a64057e89820aca13c |
Ne velja |
13,759 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil2e63bcb4a6d04e10c147a6c3f92bfcab |
Ne velja |
670,945 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil2e6b2f8c3954b6bbc8ab2a22d1438d67 |
Ne velja |
114,990 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil2eba4c3b1398dc2169d3a58cf26d7494 |
Ne velja |
3,169 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil2f58bbe281f35794e1fadfd2d5372340 |
Ne velja |
151,951 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil31e9f5684b0b5ea70746907556f64515 |
Ne velja |
296,876 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil32c87816f9a713092dc110787ef42586 |
Ne velja |
35,050 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil32ede05fb6827d1a783e56be2937e471 |
Ne velja |
153,091 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil344d9c6f4f02142eba8c624f965acd67 |
Ne velja |
121,941 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil363d000c227039f27c69b128287ff68e |
Ne velja |
186,041 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil36da999539f10f4939d3c19fb7e77d53 |
Ne velja |
11,324 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil37589a1bee605be2ae1422c6d19521cd |
Ne velja |
384,396 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil3804327ae3bca4c1a589eed2acaf0909 |
Ne velja |
1,739 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil38494a0e60def94d88e8724029463551 |
Ne velja |
83,497 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil3859e6d9c6cf748d05be23536b9221c4 |
Ne velja |
124,060 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil39ee1f35ad97bd462c3ac5aec000a1c0 |
Ne velja |
210,413 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil3a42ef50a1ae3edbb7a00bc22f3434e3 |
Ne velja |
24,337 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil3b12709b2a6d1f6a5a9d96edbc2a9dd2 |
Ne velja |
211,288 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil3b8cc2b36f720baad95be0910e9346eb |
Ne velja |
154,799 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil3c3fb88b0193db7b45726833c054d1ed |
Ne velja |
4,920 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil3cccb1e1cc9707666a7232847b28158a |
Ne velja |
148,810 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil3d3af8f03141aadd16d3951f471e4ecd |
Ne velja |
472,586 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil3d952efb9613d0f0fa9c884c2e197c47 |
Ne velja |
64,742 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil3d96340571dcbbca40f9dda36cf8cc23 |
Ne velja |
376,491 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil3db21a7c265bee0f8897197ab8184cbb |
Ne velja |
407,449 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Fil3e7cd5352ab27351d37dc5a0d70eb5da |
Ne velja |
8,202 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil401dc81859f7ddf0518e04d60fb6f0f0 |
Ne velja |
127,242 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil4032894f9d18775fe5b8f517b9446ed2 |
Ne velja |
247,259 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil426e71bd7d39fbdac2f9aac2641b16f3 |
Ne velja |
1,923 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil4278d1df336a84435b4ce9034fb1a172 |
Ne velja |
718 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil42a5edd14a3d3f555fcd6172e48921fb |
Ne velja |
157,961 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil42c22971f1d5dc2196265e92d6da872f |
Ne velja |
150,392 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Fil442f08df8632cfa5f8638445f7151f04 |
Ne velja |
956 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil449a3b586a9163232e7d21b204dff9e2 |
Ne velja |
1,316 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil44a698d38545e9cd051d9db8fdfc900e |
Ne velja |
225,606 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil44afe89b21b16bf4b609ab451085526a |
Ne velja |
373,865 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil44d189470b9393ed19ca08defd240a38 |
Ne velja |
216,698 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil45cd37ad6b0169d99d0eb6dcba7d08d9 |
Ne velja |
166,781 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil46233812dcee5af00423b2fc332d0c5d |
Ne velja |
2,015,045 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:05 |
Ne velja |
Fil46ef8081ccac6e0c239c52cfc8c58dcf |
Ne velja |
4,743 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil476b430823a50cf77d9968f03858d69d |
Ne velja |
359,078 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil481ea15e0071beee36e6711fe55c7372 |
Ne velja |
307,725 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil4a3306ef5eda0d022a521f8bd6c3d940 |
Ne velja |
158,115 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil4a79082a6a63aa24efbd3f71b1a9f8e8 |
Ne velja |
139,064 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil4aa30f91267dc1dffacc9bb3f9e43367 |
Ne velja |
1,972 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil4b622a1d73e8a02febd3ad6f59e8b98c |
Ne velja |
12,107 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil4bc634eae6f3c142c6ed8d2927520cc3 |
Ne velja |
5,653 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil4bd7eb36b7c3567f715d5365f8047204 |
Ne velja |
142,286 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil4c0ab8720533c89e68ce63e86d429dde |
Ne velja |
381,163 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil4c177d04b538b102de0bc7af504ade88 |
Ne velja |
1,264 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil4cc43ed047118c3c70489c99f391ad41 |
Ne velja |
570,339 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil4cfa7a61721252f62fb29a0f1805bd48 |
Ne velja |
151,467 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil4d0f14d8c2b6b77898bcc5954a8335d4 |
Ne velja |
12,161 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil4d393ab247c2ec19d982c087d694252e |
Ne velja |
485,168 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil4e4dfdf527ace3b42d88eaea58ad4e00 |
Ne velja |
110,057 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Fil4f050d584b052cef56c611c7a6fc0b4d |
Ne velja |
440,314 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil4f0ff802c3382fc6cb28e90145915a91 |
Ne velja |
155,232 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil4fbdcc69c6687636e427226aab76d82c |
Ne velja |
165,120 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil50c8b757b4933533069fdb8f6b905e0d |
Ne velja |
158,190 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil50e303dde9fe96807796a25979e2814a |
Ne velja |
252,966 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil538089ef224df4976d311e8302364c00 |
Ne velja |
1,152,608 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:12 |
Ne velja |
Fil5387207480a1873bc7ed50c9eaed89c7 |
Ne velja |
2,003,225 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:06 |
Ne velja |
Fil53acea05108c4f46ff21c66f40cfaeec |
Ne velja |
150,387 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil540e2d0af94e0e486cae7a4a9e109676 |
Ne velja |
215,778 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil541882cdf469df98dbf0ac462de46344 |
Ne velja |
575,597 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil543079c26bd28998e4563bbd4cac1644 |
Ne velja |
4,186 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil54337210b89f5380a40a0904d6d860f8 |
Ne velja |
1,729 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil5542b08a74ea880a5f2bd8b269fc1231 |
Ne velja |
250,545 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil57beb556aec2d6e97c7b317de9f72304 |
Ne velja |
322,662 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil57fcce90719eee5eff1f954327649e53 |
Ne velja |
222,952 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil58337dc668f3e1a94ebd035dc310ef3a |
Ne velja |
3,653 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil59074b5deefeb2b4d32b58953cb77f9e |
Ne velja |
202,678 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil596d2b532682a216aced5af81a34785e |
Ne velja |
371,817 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil5aef2df4d623713792ff2e54a0abea77 |
Ne velja |
3,391 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil5b481af97947b02636fefbad6cf5332e |
Ne velja |
10,504 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil5b51bde4cf501f9d89d6fdd6084fb0dc |
Ne velja |
76,238 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil5c8127dbccdda444e35671ff4a274fc5 |
Ne velja |
164,462 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil5cd88aaf0a21ddb716f1da478f29fe22 |
Ne velja |
68,607 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil5d2722dc3289787a79451240b7a88ef3 |
Ne velja |
1,218 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil5d6827cff217e4dfce3affa1aa55d8f3 |
Ne velja |
476,341 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil5e56ac7a5a17eeba25534e146a5b96c5 |
Ne velja |
187,286 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil5f4f6a29ca46dc40a4f6ac9b8b772ce3 |
Ne velja |
203,484 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil5fd4bc51ae2ad462403cdc6a0cf9ffd0 |
Ne velja |
311,764 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil604f37df9e3b6c4d7c48f14c35a26977 |
Ne velja |
126,177 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil610677a0034b8232f2b460d83c22ce46 |
Ne velja |
481,442 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil6133c70794989aad906ec1c690498770 |
Ne velja |
1,669 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil63179e1cb286b0ef11dc63dc6af82432 |
Ne velja |
14,116 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil6356fbacb88d6b1b13e09aadb6887fbe |
Ne velja |
161,576 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil64dd0c27769e484c139e2503ec3eef51 |
Ne velja |
218,860 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil65080648928ede60012994a0baeca00b |
Ne velja |
309,691 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil6ad129a5d744ab89f7b431d1d495262a |
Ne velja |
60,605 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil6ae5c571deb81c557347776937eec424 |
Ne velja |
327,120 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil6c511826bfeecb77f6559c6b60d65511 |
Ne velja |
360,888 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil6c6539569c8b5a20bd7f4dc318576341 |
Ne velja |
305,628 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil6d0c3c83a060d3235e4a034bf754cdde |
Ne velja |
139,720 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil6ec9b1a61bc1b1de3666c8f074b638b0 |
Ne velja |
102,157,937 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:12 |
Ne velja |
Fil6f8d2fab306d136e7656db49710c3a48 |
Ne velja |
3,636 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil6fe7b10d2287827cf3c81b58b9c8b8ff |
Ne velja |
304,524 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil7189adae9ca485f37c0c74269ff71aca |
Ne velja |
12,644 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil71e73a51dc2a21736116b8807bb466e8 |
Ne velja |
156,649 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil7207154834a23fbc29d011e71d208a39 |
Ne velja |
163,997 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil720fe9713dec6be87ee03bce38fbfc36 |
Ne velja |
321,069 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil7332c61fe6101e9bae82c487d99082df |
Ne velja |
916 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil736e7b808675fe35044733ce258a9a73 |
Ne velja |
209,717 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil73c9286d8470aa113cba01507403eeba |
Ne velja |
123,453 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil73dbdc432c5bb5f29330a83a9faa7ae1 |
Ne velja |
319,119 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil74f06c9b75edb14687c2262ad6ae2557 |
Ne velja |
310,368 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil7511efbde449570e1079881ef478d89f |
Ne velja |
328,987 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil75c2cda8a128e765ff0af0755bfd328b |
Ne velja |
145,359 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil7622d867b4e32c321108f9585ae213e0 |
Ne velja |
143,754 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil764919a245fe2bc500925814cddfbdad |
Ne velja |
72,860 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil76a84f20ffd55d7ea12ac35d8380efd5 |
Ne velja |
425,083 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil7700cf10ad703df7c8918a0563a5e129 |
Ne velja |
170,409 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil780df069c247b8094634ab0404623781 |
Ne velja |
3,146 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil78360aa0f236f838f94a573fa0e591eb |
Ne velja |
306,391 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil788ad7e3f4abc8bfb4327d0b98934699 |
Ne velja |
3,264 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil789b96ff5e7f5c36651793db27c8b262 |
Ne velja |
156,482 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil7975d5410f26d07f08de47940983d903 |
Ne velja |
11,720 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil798d3f63fe34287c86fffb74428a321a |
Ne velja |
298,444 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Fil79b13a2c33d13735946561479fc859fa |
Ne velja |
133,726 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Fil79c7a259268acf783baef95ca5b23ec1 |
Ne velja |
152,767 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil7a2063c960c5cb61395e7839f1297cb5 |
Ne velja |
4,115 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil7a403fcd3c2773230c350d8e1d3cebf7 |
Ne velja |
104,032 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:03 |
Ne velja |
Fil7a9f06943db3abcb09bf15ae13ff2cd2 |
Ne velja |
137,922 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil7b670339ef54eea40a7516c12d2f0e92 |
Ne velja |
486,258 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil7b9dcb919f1fd2e3a1f6f379fbfaeef0 |
Ne velja |
165,327 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil7bc288d1803d8c01d917d4ae3424dd04 |
Ne velja |
371,056 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil7be03a57aa609693fcd744981699f067 |
Ne velja |
214,670 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil7cd60b323924095924a33c83b8160967 |
Ne velja |
515,462 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil7cddc3f217fc9bd77c3335a3bbe74040 |
Ne velja |
316,645 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil7d3d44cb179d947736c393335bc1d8a5 |
Ne velja |
323,379 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil7e1364e8b092a71503bb6ab4c0c8d043 |
Ne velja |
317,812 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil7f88ed25a2323690ef4603fcd5965e29 |
Ne velja |
146,052 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil7fc67e0ea132a46fa0c81ae793c6fafb |
Ne velja |
1,751 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil7ffa598af3dc4eba6484cfca34eff091 |
Ne velja |
487,790 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil7fffbc3b910469a09b1d0670696bd038 |
Ne velja |
298,276 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil802e831d6cd841b23e31f3ede7146efa |
Ne velja |
160,374 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil8032f47eeca48977d2f693f7644627ce |
Ne velja |
123,440 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil809e41480ae24ce8f65630fb91e72e3e |
Ne velja |
191,320 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil819cef16705be45debd0be4d68755dbb |
Ne velja |
22,679 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil819e4ee2c73b6dac7c9b217a2edccf64 |
Ne velja |
10,875 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil81c79182b21820eb762d4cc2ac59769f |
Ne velja |
165,056 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil828666eab0d3bdc61f9fe757bd60e3a2 |
Ne velja |
375,074 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil832eb962b387b4e7631ffa4158cb28cc |
Ne velja |
14,837 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil851524c7c4958c3155502d781c920d9b |
Ne velja |
81,295 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil86eb489656c398a89c25641e80f48303 |
Ne velja |
121,319 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil86fd0667d62cefa2ae6e49f317434bd6 |
Ne velja |
384,644 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil88ec4eef108486342f6b6921bccaea93 |
Ne velja |
943,740 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:12 |
Ne velja |
Fil89331bf5c45adb0d8a8ea178cc079709 |
Ne velja |
300,269 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil8a10c1556c031a0905905396871c93f7 |
Ne velja |
310,330 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil8b153dea503da810e5e578642a5c28fe |
Ne velja |
3,822 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil8c35bfdd38d7db1a373ae3b3a87a84b5 |
Ne velja |
164,030 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil8cbd0cddb9a1705309ebeabfe75fe38a |
Ne velja |
319,024 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil8dc3b8e19a7e2e60f48bf22687139503 |
Ne velja |
3,314 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil8e9637e486491d4df1ea670c5b33eb16 |
Ne velja |
3,600 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9007d7a068a4430d0ebefa4b039db1b4 |
Ne velja |
162,200 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9032e5295c43ed35e2cd2820ebd6af91 |
Ne velja |
308,546 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil9050234bc32f4d53dcf496a54c13c1f0 |
Ne velja |
362,146 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil9052d1a7df067454a5205ba61f60202c |
Ne velja |
414,847 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil907968cb2bdeead0a4c3dd51374b84f1 |
Ne velja |
160,076 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil90cb08f524bc6f2fd5d5c59c9e880a3b |
Ne velja |
408,856 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9141167468612be7f7ce04061b4ba430 |
Ne velja |
221,454 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil915152e03c7027618c1570479b195120 |
Ne velja |
115,620 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil9178f92f0a34fc57e83a4224c5cd4c6f |
Ne velja |
123,425 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil91b888a87f12e84cd76b09d8a8239110 |
Ne velja |
317,225 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil922f0dc015ce910e694c684667216edf |
Ne velja |
85,712 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil92839d18408beb0ccdd398fa8d63d256 |
Ne velja |
304,785 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil92b9f91110f3fc68adbba7781dca69f7 |
Ne velja |
955,169 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:12 |
Ne velja |
Fil936f4520f1f1a23512af78649723bd24 |
Ne velja |
1,787 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil95c4c617e843522bcbc5f0ea98be1499 |
Ne velja |
494,807 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil96195cf594115b0dbe9a6f0231ef1047 |
Ne velja |
313,299 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil963c3ba8ce3369f28a234d725b21bc1c |
Ne velja |
4,281 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9650173f54879818e5ec095eeb16ed0b |
Ne velja |
396,015 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil966154a8118d7385953a6d219e5eb17c |
Ne velja |
1,414 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil969cef7f118d3f325203fd0cb688b9ec |
Ne velja |
2,110,683 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil96d73a0c451e93f8ea3773e8fe0fbbfc |
Ne velja |
33,811 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Fil972290622741630c40e4aa0864c01aa4 |
Ne velja |
1,616 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil97937f8123552bc8e9d12b174086d31c |
Ne velja |
469,857 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil97cbf02bb228d8da0527ece430405ab2 |
Ne velja |
301,969 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil986b652b14f678fe052fed9bba96162e |
Ne velja |
163,883 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil98ef484ce7150b406e3016cd9924d142 |
Ne velja |
13,961 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9956a513417bb5463e0ba651a166baf0 |
Ne velja |
514,510 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil9ad3820a6c3baa899d30b5c2befddb0f |
Ne velja |
501,780 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil9bc19d53264a55a58e5f699c80356bb2 |
Ne velja |
1,818 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9be11b2ba300199597d09229eada5f26 |
Ne velja |
14,295 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9c53e682ec387e24b826b5f20d0d7744 |
Ne velja |
258,852 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil9cc47a8297b69ca8b92c5c5fbc5a72a9 |
Ne velja |
146,219 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fil9d179c67312a815f3d90f05dd98d935f |
Ne velja |
295,260 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil9d3115e00dd3480f86694eb0171e2ab7 |
Ne velja |
147,427 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil9de60681dee78970a404d53a64af2f30 |
Ne velja |
16,604 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9e9c8fdc13f8e3438936117f467c32f2 |
Ne velja |
3,647 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9ea96f90dc98136d2990b368e30cba7f |
Ne velja |
314,432 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fil9ef7a49aadd91bd2e7723a793c4ececa |
Ne velja |
196,624 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil9f4a9c9c0df85e4de8cef75ad843a4bf |
Ne velja |
853 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9fa4d749b570205397f22bb7798f1ad8 |
Ne velja |
191,467 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Fil9fb5c95485bb8d9d33d5f93c5aaf64b2 |
Ne velja |
16,227 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fil9fecbd76d57255e27cc95507f3aaab07 |
Ne velja |
329,540 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fila2743c24f7094b33d0d4449897c866a6 |
Ne velja |
119,408 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fila2f6a440343bc9ff6660fce140eadd2d |
Ne velja |
448,596 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fila505629643c3e008b8bd0e23a5c4e25d |
Ne velja |
413,212 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fila50b2e8bd5431612810b0fcf988a1828 |
Ne velja |
209,253 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Fila5363cc509db7b571c6c4c3cd9062471 |
Ne velja |
208,443 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Fila57f8bbbe3218e6ecf4f4d70668de2dc |
Ne velja |
314,531 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fila62c0ced269195777d4d83700b448c00 |
Ne velja |
380,561 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fila702279a2573d1ed8f2fcdee9713c0dd |
Ne velja |
209,728 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Fila8ced4b496da09516e99919d4eaf64f6 |
Ne velja |
159,063 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fila8f5e5a43d97dfb60f41dfc1b8459851 |
Ne velja |
508,891 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Fila913026b0e770b0a0f627ace5a752454 |
Ne velja |
322,902 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Filaac5e88adcaaf27436c416aa7a0165bd |
Ne velja |
249,029 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Filab134bb61b2e10157e892c40df3c7e86 |
Ne velja |
159,193 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Filab5e2407151586fb17aa6a5e23983146 |
Ne velja |
380,417 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:07 |
Ne velja |
Filab7106fec6a571b081793e6fd0772840 |
Ne velja |
324,317 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Filab84c7b0ea2c18151bdec3362357de28 |
Ne velja |
382,607 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Firadob3fe0c456bdeb57f38467806292a12 |
Ne velja |
169,689 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Filad3a7da52bfdbcdc556e7afee04e466d |
Ne velja |
370,571 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Filae12f186604e1e9a1564f0bd8d3f02d3 |
Ne velja |
422,675 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Filaef6c0ddd04caa6d726d5335dd817311 |
Ne velja |
202,927 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Filafc694642ba5b6098760517160b0e8bf |
Ne velja |
157,170 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Filafe4ec5e5c84f4cbbd605478cefc5629 |
Ne velja |
3,090 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Filb0d5f04a53228a377d15814c78465b27 |
Ne velja |
669 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Filb20b3cc21a25081a4bca14731ed24d46 |
Ne velja |
4,473 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Filb2511eb8cb15578d5607802d13cb5c4f |
Ne velja |
160,204 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:11 |
Ne velja |
Filb2d8808ed734ba4cdde6c0bb616a5918 |
Ne velja |
234,774 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Filb38126b47351a15bc93f1845dc8aba35 |
Ne velja |
326,044 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Filb3ecb6b553aa136a95f785fae49b7290 |
Ne velja |
318,445 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Filb4e11fab484f7e28061acd0a0b998b2b |
Ne velja |
297,352 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:09 |
Ne velja |
Filb52f287490a4bf46c9cead71b6c6d32f |
Ne velja |
377,427 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Filb6922820d7c8951d2c0a274c0247a024 |
Ne velja |
929 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Filb7953f6142a677d96f918f4748d335e8 |
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142,609 |
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Filb7980f151e3ac5df2176c1c9232a3a97 |
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422,398 |
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Filb7ebe5ea802d62f201cecf33058afa68 |
Ne velja |
158,931 |
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Filb94ca32f2654692263a5be009c0fe4ca |
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218,643 |
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08:12 |
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Filbaada6b445e5d018d30bae5f55810cbb |
Ne velja |
11,531 |
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Filbac509fa0e072d1cea52129ba1408636 |
Ne velja |
5,470 |
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Filbae1886423fa60040987b70277c99a66 |
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212,585 |
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Filbaee23394142e54df188a3681e7b00e0 |
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588,271 |
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Filbb4be32d89ad2d104df2959499c2c5dd |
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424,381 |
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Filbc0374f21dbcf9dcd43948267292d827 |
Ne velja |
151,684 |
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Filbce863d9e87e78f7b216f9063068fd70 |
Ne velja |
13,803 |
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Filbe0b71d79825d6251a88a486de2a0fae |
Ne velja |
175,794 |
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08:08 |
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Filbe5c25571628b164d9b0abeae72c357a |
Ne velja |
14,488 |
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08:03 |
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Filbe8804efe450de6f32592158385173af |
Ne velja |
162,776 |
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Filbec2fefb4339db1cb2a2a81c626af5b8 |
Ne velja |
148,912 |
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Filbf439d900d8e8c938a91453ceef33748 |
Ne velja |
385,061 |
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Filbfe5e54bbcd75097a2290bb9ffbf9129 |
Ne velja |
158,084 |
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Filbfebb0e9f43c859d9b0a3079fb790dca |
Ne velja |
140,997 |
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08:08 |
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Filc0360124072910524d4b1e78f11ea314 |
Ne velja |
149,305 |
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Filc070c10edde57f91e2b923f53638b156 |
Ne velja |
122,287 |
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Filc0a74236d5938545f3dd0d2e81fe5145 |
Ne velja |
609,713 |
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08:09 |
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Filc1246ec6443f5fdece97bee947f338b8 |
Ne velja |
163,350 |
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08:08 |
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Filc166412dec3b545aa718384ccdc0c3d1 |
Ne velja |
22,512 |
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Filc244723fb935bd0d0901b33c0fa3fef4 |
Ne velja |
309,279 |
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Filc2f5ff7a8957ea0ec0b802705b42e323 |
Ne velja |
166,161 |
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Filc320fdef8521e5bb17a5c121a74e650e |
Ne velja |
305,137 |
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08:11 |
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Filc3e271840e8b5de0e4ed893a9b69de17 |
Ne velja |
82,108 |
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Filc3f3571f7d40d7ad31bcbde165570280 |
Ne velja |
7,684 |
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Filc42459f85335dc5b0e754ebf75734c79 |
Ne velja |
118,946 |
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Filc4ab4e05a6193193ef464c60fae6cbd7 |
Ne velja |
120,705 |
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08:09 |
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Filc5ae06f5615759f92b67380884df008e |
Ne velja |
117,623 |
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Filc5c55afa5d74d23f6b65f3216e37d317 |
Ne velja |
1,526 |
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Filc786628612d2b1a245c8c71b29c30be3 |
Ne velja |
398,338 |
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Filc830aa3bd6a85d79ebf456c5e64b8035 |
Ne velja |
379,187 |
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08:09 |
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Filc8e516689a540bc63bb961f4097b7e57 |
Ne velja |
160,137 |
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08:10 |
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Filc8e6da9f10502e8ad2295645fd80d4e5 |
Ne velja |
121,496 |
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08:08 |
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Filc96a599a80f3de2e07c515d63158e572 |
Ne velja |
330,578 |
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Filc9c9f098bfe576e332d5448e341d7275 |
Ne velja |
153,366 |
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08:08 |
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Filca014992a789c86d642b1454a84b0471 |
Ne velja |
375,852 |
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Filca135d6cdf9927dde76343b8e7366baf |
Ne velja |
162,198 |
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Filca3d26a73693291377b5eed5ddcaa0f1 |
Ne velja |
161,841 |
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Filcac638de4b1f902ff58a662d4dac3d29 |
Ne velja |
56,854 |
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08:07 |
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Filcb5fa00024c3bc85ae7c993808e1b884 |
Ne velja |
120,208 |
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08:09 |
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Filcc0fdd022d9f5d8bc8ec46b80403d2e2 |
Ne velja |
1,589 |
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Filcc30666b183d540fe06d8954d0f2413b |
Ne velja |
3,297 |
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Filcc721cc9dd7ee55eb0e0698f712731d7 |
Ne velja |
2,003,228 |
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08:07 |
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Filccbc2448b8815f8b825a84cc78bb511c |
Ne velja |
11,405 |
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Filcd270becc68f50bf28755be77714be9e |
Ne velja |
394,132 |
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08:10 |
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Filcd886455496c5ec1862cf4aa506be262 |
Ne velja |
117,895 |
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08:08 |
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Filcddc4ce9e9c46991c0b22e91ba3704ba |
Ne velja |
160,587 |
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08:10 |
Ne velja |
Filcff1dd14fb439fc7e9daa9dcb3e116c5 |
Ne velja |
12,932 |
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Fild034d7905a9a668488c8afd111f03890 |
Ne velja |
317,800 |
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08:11 |
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Fild134087dcd6c80d2440a6f01ca531d43 |
Ne velja |
274,174 |
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08:09 |
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Fild14c12465bfbd20e37f23e7a26295b48 |
Ne velja |
365,935 |
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08:07 |
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Fild1b8d036a9c84b39ee432dce4f6d746f |
Ne velja |
139,345 |
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08:09 |
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Fild22b63170e5bf9a8ba95b20e77f6931a |
Ne velja |
121,042 |
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Fild303b30a374c6671b361236e01f4b5cf |
Ne velja |
164,590 |
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Fild4549c48b4b688ecc880a1f283799d3f |
Ne velja |
498,379 |
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08:09 |
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Fild4b4f55d65650fb68d8ae661f35a6cf3 |
Ne velja |
310,507 |
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08:09 |
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Fild4cd251093d729f1a42047080c2778eb |
Ne velja |
306,546 |
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08:08 |
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Fild51a17d6f91520b346fc51bc3328726b |
Ne velja |
145,877 |
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08:11 |
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Fild59daa81d7473621e57441d6ea0f15c0 |
Ne velja |
194,497 |
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Fild5bfe2feae3b6b40e6b16de030127c67 |
Ne velja |
155,310 |
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Fild5d8126bec59238a69351a093c4464d0 |
Ne velja |
3,790 |
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Fild5f03da3e3a095d1f2b4a304a98bf729 |
Ne velja |
157,712 |
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Fild68d4f36aac52c3202cf238e1f1e2964 |
Ne velja |
145,618 |
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08:09 |
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Ne velja |
309,585 |
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08:09 |
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Fild83a4ac68665cb7498564f6a2fa90824 |
Ne velja |
192,430 |
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08:08 |
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Fild84b6ccde6dad97a33cce010b6cf5541 |
Ne velja |
340,402 |
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Fild87dcf579f0d9dcbe4e7662caabee77e |
Ne velja |
1,363 |
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Fild8a7c51dd3b9661c0d3937db06a0f6cc |
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155,414 |
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08:11 |
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Ne velja |
316,058 |
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Fild95c9ba0d427e30ab018118c4f8473b3 |
Ne velja |
389,600 |
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08:08 |
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Filda6a4ae71e1b6b7ccfcb6a63a2127d4d |
Ne velja |
1,749 |
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Fildaad8f46b98411d7cb5457607ddc0097 |
Ne velja |
5,141 |
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Fildade2b2752b156e32704242e66737bf6 |
Ne velja |
3,404 |
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Fildaf7959b7c75db4261e040beb7293a13 |
Ne velja |
5,396 |
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Fildb3335f7da7296c0cebb1f9dcf0a13b6 |
Ne velja |
166,555 |
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Fildb508355a4e407081cba2130e65d580e |
Ne velja |
327,332 |
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08:08 |
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Fildb5fd75c40a38a12961a5701f3dd077c |
Ne velja |
11,205 |
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Fildc8c47decc0a980dde3b8835cbb1da3b |
Ne velja |
143,173 |
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08:09 |
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Fildcfc7c65952f1370410a552a0c3bdacb |
Ne velja |
143,634 |
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08:07 |
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Fildd3233d5a669fbdbc6e1395b93273f67 |
Ne velja |
147,257 |
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Fildd420a21b6ff581e2f8cba46cf9cfc00 |
Ne velja |
13,697 |
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Fildd57d9330db1e4c1c5076183b76a0429 |
Ne velja |
159,581 |
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Filde7edfbc94e0445055094a8412075849 |
Ne velja |
317,167 |
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Fildeb1eb5e06fd4f9ea01b736f7c5d3489 |
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Fildeef0cc1dbfd12d4e4898acabeb8cc0a |
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161,351 |
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File04ef21eb384d6ce69ac422ca5d202c8 |
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File09f49833cf1f2443418e2be8f1e0004 |
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File1425ffca08865888d2e0a662b85f22f |
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194,027 |
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14,799 |
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File2a091148b8ca423a6f1f046e0adf881 |
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4,257 |
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File3b0bd2216637faabef0676a9e81a5a6 |
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215,571 |
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File3f54d4045f48da2f6084516bace3e1e |
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163,145 |
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File45d1d7c137c59f6c1ffaab0ebc51f77 |
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292,978 |
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File54255e6002ed95d61afd7c75a5fa948 |
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370,103 |
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File5789132b8eb5f2f7efa7697590cf45c |
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156,176 |
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File5dacfcc6f5dfff94990a84e026c4de2 |
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17,437 |
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File70589c97d754e78d2fe2fed99eaebcc |
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314,666 |
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File71648118f1d0c1951edbcaa777d3a56 |
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251,235 |
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File783cced0fcba1ff313575bb1ca1c68c |
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364,541 |
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File7c5afad77df85fd91512963f2fbf6e6 |
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34,450 |
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File88a06b53e20b9e6752aa61d8e189c10 |
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155,990 |
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File8b19ea66e7ffe68e3352d0de6ef2729 |
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407,248 |
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File93062b648276336059fa449db4153a3 |
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12,123 |
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Filea581cb50d1d2cd07771d63c5b6dc51 |
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21,265 |
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Fileae73d48fc92a17e014b0abe1700f303 |
Ne velja |
156,338 |
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Filec4338229af7da65b4b819322b30edda |
Ne velja |
3,944 |
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Filec7f6fc187f8be14de5ec034c2d85229 |
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118,511 |
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Filecdb8669c113ce265be59f27aebb63c7 |
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201,438 |
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Fileeb9f8d46d03aa02e3a639c1190925ca |
Ne velja |
4,194 |
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Filefd2c6f724098d78412ccee1a36009ec |
Ne velja |
367,647 |
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Filf0c07502f8d3141d66a6c1fd4a71ca59 |
Ne velja |
4,352 |
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Filf1324936e054d2474bba214d9e6855a0 |
Ne velja |
390,378 |
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08:08 |
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Filf1b4b77518eb47dc1959750fec59dcdc |
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558,426 |
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Filf1dbefccbfa368491a69955663586af4 |
Ne velja |
234,623 |
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Filf21ccdcd3e87189b3373cbe88465bbed |
Ne velja |
160,091 |
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Filf257fa6642fbb757e3f26de753df4489 |
Ne velja |
322,187 |
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Filf29a31a400ab7bfd670be114c615e00e |
Ne velja |
440,018 |
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08:07 |
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Filf3015d007a6f5f56a11032dcd1ce8969 |
Ne velja |
1,875 |
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Filf312b9f00ef669d78efe9b0d80f99896 |
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209,647 |
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Filf31637de0f0a1e59a079df18e7f11f70 |
Ne velja |
532,038 |
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Filf423a2f8e32497160710c8152115c908 |
Ne velja |
739 |
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Filf4f7477b721b363112253d772077f40a |
Ne velja |
44,908 |
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Filf57cc0e30babe3fc1f5dcf14ffe60ce6 |
Ne velja |
569,467 |
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Filf588408b53c88d5458d0bdfcabd56663 |
Ne velja |
162,184 |
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Filf5c3373f3ffd93654bd1b1876513b75f |
Ne velja |
63,356 |
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Filf6d8842a14339881592611f23bb7b252 |
Ne velja |
11,215 |
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Filf703fe4b5a67deaaa43a5f6ec9473805 |
Ne velja |
510,613 |
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Filf7b4e504538e95c386061696b9d45120 |
Ne velja |
487,727 |
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Filf7ecfde79d2a28e873992ce54d255fa4 |
Ne velja |
12,496 |
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Filf8694f2cec5c365c0ef11b2f23dec843 |
Ne velja |
348,665 |
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Filf90a123a3d43f3927c5318df051b9542 |
Ne velja |
492,011 |
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Filf90f4fab546e82b6ef9b90297aef9ad7 |
Ne velja |
449,767 |
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Filf992eef20268ccc0eb06557927ff1afd |
Ne velja |
1,226 |
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Filf9a6877dcf00a67a311f48dad50b7e9b |
Ne velja |
62,482 |
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Filf9b49c84aebc070c43e273a673e1cf99 |
Ne velja |
14,419 |
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08:03 |
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Filf9e067ad79a7547e26462a712cbd2234 |
Ne velja |
166,529 |
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Filf9f6edd39dceaf9e49f9eb33efd6947e |
Ne velja |
13,469 |
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Filfac323bdf8297e52cb9758bc0f107bdf |
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272,915 |
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08:09 |
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Filfc185af7dea156a27d3ffbbb82d11e73 |
Ne velja |
1,874 |
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Filfca646dd1df179d1706cdf713ccc1069 |
Ne velja |
11,309 |
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Filfd686744556fc950cd80295cb80aff43 |
Ne velja |
249,760 |
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08:08 |
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Filfe0ef3ae7100cf23dd43d3efa4f0a0e9 |
Ne velja |
433,228 |
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08:08 |
Ne velja |
Filfe13d9d3d88bb5b431d4a796b8541c66 |
Ne velja |
63,672 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Filfe1f533df46bf985ea2b2ab30e5d6a35 |
Ne velja |
161,408 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:08 |
Ne velja |
Filfefeffa72c0a131333c1a98e9bb695c0 |
Ne velja |
45,162 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Filff7006991aa221e3c40687aae0081106 |
Ne velja |
3,184 |
10-sep-2020 |
08:10 |
Ne velja |
Filteringconfigurationcommands.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,303 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Getucpool.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,855 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Getvalidengines.ps1 |
Ne velja |
13,338 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Get_publicfoldermailboxsize.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,106 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Importedgeconfig.ps1 |
Ne velja |
77,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Import_mailpublicfoldersformigration.ps1 |
Ne velja |
36,522 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Import_retentiontags.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,898 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Lpversioning.xml |
Ne velja |
20,426 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:39 |
Ne velja |
Merge_publicfoldermailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
45,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.ceres.datalossprevention.dll.90160000_1164_0000_1000_1000000ff1ce |
16.0.1497.15 |
873,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:32 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.dkm.proxy.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
32,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.addressbook.service.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
218,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.airsync.dll1 |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,676,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:39 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.airsynchandler.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
59,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.anchorservice.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
137,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.antispamupdatesvc.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
27,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.approval.applications.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
53,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.assistants.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
339,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.auditlogsearchservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
70,616 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.authadminservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
36,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.authservicehostservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
15,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
360,384 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.autodiscoverv2.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
31,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.batchservice.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
33,208 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatedeploymentservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
26,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.certificatenotificationservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
23,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
158,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
3,030,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.owa2.server.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
2,269,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.clients.security.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
156,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.common.extensions.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
22,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replay.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
2,698,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replicaseeder.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
107,952 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.replicavsswriter.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
287,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.cluster.shared.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
462,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.diskmanagement.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
55,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
157,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.common.inference.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
39,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
85,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskdistributioncommon.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
173,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskdistributionfabric.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
74,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compliance.taskplugins.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
25,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.compression.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
17,872 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.certificateauth.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
37,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.core.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
111,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.delegatedauth.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
53,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.diagnosticsmodules.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
24,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.failfast.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
55,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.objectmodel.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,455,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.redirectionmodule.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
71,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.configuration.remotepowershellbackendcmdletproxymodule.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
21,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
77,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.eas.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
235,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.imap.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
115,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.connections.pop.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
74,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.core.strings.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
599,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.applicationlogic.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,271,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.directory.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
6,639,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,378,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.groupmailboxaccesslayer.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
314,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.ha.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
82,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.imageanalysis.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
108,024 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.mapi.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
175,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.metering.contracts.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
31,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.metering.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
99,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.providers.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
141,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.clientstrings.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
143,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.storage.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
8,145,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.data.throttlingservice.client.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
36,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.datacenterstrings.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
75,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.certificatelogger.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
22,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,934,800 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.performancelogger.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
23,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
321,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.exchangejobs.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
134,608 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnostics.service.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
127,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.diagnosticsaggregationservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
50,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.directory.topologyservice.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
192,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
279,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.dxstore.ha.instance.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
20,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgecredentialsvc.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
22,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
153,568 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesync.datacenterproviders.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
225,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.edgesyncsvc.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
98,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.export.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,126,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.export.dll.deploy |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,126,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.application |
Ne velja |
16,514 |
04-apr-2021 |
11:23 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.exporttool.manifest |
Ne velja |
67,578 |
04-apr-2021 |
11:08 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.mailboxsearch.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
295,904 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.birthdaycalendar.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
56,304 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.calendaring.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
208,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
155,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.datamodel.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
137,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.holidaycalendars.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
35,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.entities.people.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
37,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.configuration.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
16,312 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.eserepl.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
118,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.exchangecertificateservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
37,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.extensibility.internal.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
560,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.extensibility.partner.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
15,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.federateddirectory.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
76,792 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.frontendhttpproxy.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
571,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hathirdpartyreplication.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
42,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.helpprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
39,432 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.addressfinder.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
31,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
95,672 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.diagnostics.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
35,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.proxyassistant.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
17,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routerefresher.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
21,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routeselector.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
35,264 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpproxy.routing.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
63,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httpredirectmodules.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
27,072 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.httputilities.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
20,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.hygiene.data.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,033,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
230,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4.exe.fe |
15.0.1497.15 |
230,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4service.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
25,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.imap4service.exe.fe |
15.0.1497.15 |
25,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
71,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.mdbcommon.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
75,768 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.peoplerelevance.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
93,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.pipeline.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
21,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.inference.ranking.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
19,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.assistantsclientresources.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
35,320 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,662,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.infoworker.meetingvalidator.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
164,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.jobqueueservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
84,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.live.domainservices.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
122,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.analyzers.oabdownloadlog.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
20,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loganalyzer.extensions.oabdownloadlog.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
18,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loguploader.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
159,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.loguploaderproxy.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
61,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalance.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
346,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalance.serverstrings.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
43,448 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxloadbalanceclient.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
24,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,523,640 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
639,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.easprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
106,416 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.imapprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
61,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.mapiprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
91,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.popprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
42,424 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.proxyclient.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
121,776 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.proxyservice.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
148,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.pstprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
82,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.remoteprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
72,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.storageprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
120,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxreplicationservice.upgrade14to15.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
276,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedrivercommon.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
140,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.storedriverdelivery.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
517,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mailboxtransport.submission.storedriversubmission.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
191,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.compliancepolicy.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
38,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
6,405,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.controlpanel.owaoptionstrings.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
286,128 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.analysis.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
96,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.deployment.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
614,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.detailstemplates.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
70,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
19,301,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.edge.systemmanager.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
60,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.mobility.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
306,680 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.powershell.support.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
229,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.psdirectinvoke.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
47,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.rbacdefinition.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
6,657,528 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.recipient.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
854,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.reportingwebservice.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
146,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.snapin.esm.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
73,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.systemmanager.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,273,760 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.management.transport.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
764,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.managementgui.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
5,352,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mapihttpclient.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
115,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mapihttphandler.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
192,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagesecurity.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
78,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.edgeagents.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
66,016 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.hygienerules.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
28,656 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.journalagent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
173,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.redirectionagent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
25,560 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.rmsvcagent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
153,048 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.rules.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
309,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.transportruleagent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
34,288 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.messagingpolicies.unjournalagent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
98,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.migration.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
962,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.migrationmonitor.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
144,856 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.mobiledriver.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
139,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
3,922,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.monitoring.servicecontextprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
20,472 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.net.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
4,034,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.notifications.broker.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
173,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.notifications.brokerapi.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
56,240 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oabauthmodule.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
20,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.oabrequesthandler.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
73,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.photogarbagecollectionservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
15,352 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
92,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3.exe.fe |
15.0.1497.15 |
92,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3service.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
25,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pop3service.exe.fe |
15.0.1497.15 |
25,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.popimap.core.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
209,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.popimap.core.dll.fe |
15.0.1497.15 |
209,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.exchange.powersharp.management.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
4,177,912 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.powershell.configuration.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
261,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.powershell.rbachostingtools.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
41,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protectedservicehost.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
29,176 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protocols.fasttransfer.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
134,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.protocols.mapi.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
406,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioningagent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
228,344 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.provisioningservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
80,888 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
105,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.publishers.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
407,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.pushnotifications.server.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
72,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpc.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,466,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
150,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.exmonhandler.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
62,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.handler.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
483,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.monitoring.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
149,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.parser.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
733,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.server.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
207,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcclientaccess.service.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
31,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpchttpmodules.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
41,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rpcoverhttpautoconfig.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
51,192 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.rules.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
137,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.saclwatcherservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
20,464 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.core.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
290,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.engine.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
97,232 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.fast.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
329,168 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.mdb.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
175,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.query.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
95,184 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.search.service.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
29,136 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
804,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.security.msarpsservice.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
19,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.admininterface.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
216,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
413,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.diagnostics.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
190,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.directoryservices.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
95,736 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.esebackinterop.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
82,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x64 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.fulltextindex.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
67,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.ha.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
82,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.lazyindexing.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
190,944 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.logicaldatamodel.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
822,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.mapidisp.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
426,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.multimailboxsearch.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
48,096 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.physicalaccess.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
561,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.propertydefinitions.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
784,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.propertytag.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
30,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.rpcproxy.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
118,744 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.storecommonservices.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
738,280 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.storeintegritycheck.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
93,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.server.storage.workermanager.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
34,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicehost.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
54,752 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.servicelets.globallocatorcache.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
49,144 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
7,786,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.services.onlinemeetings.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
214,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.acquirelanguagepack.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
58,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.bootstrapper.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
84,984 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
308,200 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.commonbase.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
35,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.console.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
27,632 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.gui.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
120,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.setup.parser.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
54,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.client.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
22,992 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharedcache.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
56,824 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sharepointsignalstore.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
29,648 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.sqm.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
48,064 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.store.service.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
25,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.store.worker.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
26,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.storedriver.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
77,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.storeprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
998,376 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.syncmigrationservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
15,864 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.textprocessing.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
151,504 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.addressbookpolicyroutingagent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
24,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.antispam.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
96,256 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.contentfilter.cominterop.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
22,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.frontendproxyagent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
20,496 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.hygiene.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
217,104 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.interceptoragent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
103,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.liveidauth.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
17,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.malware.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
133,080 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.phishingdetection.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
21,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.prioritization.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
29,696 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.protocolanalysis.dbaccess.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
48,120 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.search.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
30,224 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.senderid.core.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
54,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.sharedmailboxsentitemsroutingagent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
28,664 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.systemprobedrop.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
17,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.agent.trustedmailagents.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
45,056 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
39,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
3,539,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.logging.search.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
73,720 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.loggingcommon.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
59,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.scheduler.contracts.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
21,488 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.scheduler.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
61,936 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.contracts.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
27,624 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.storage.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
35,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.agents.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
17,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
515,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.manager.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
316,928 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.migrationrpc.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
47,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.worker.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,079,784 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.transportsyncmanagersvc.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
18,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.callrouter.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
22,520 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.clientstrings.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
63,480 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.ucmaplatform.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
244,728 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umcommon.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
967,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.um.umcore.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,515,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedcontent.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
40,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedcontent.exchange.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
23,040 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.unifiedpolicysyncservicelet.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
38,896 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.variantconfiguration.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
761,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.workloadmanagement.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
193,536 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:32 |
x86 |
Microsoft.filtering.exchange.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
47,592 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.activedirectoryconnector.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
47,088 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.management.powershell.format.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
23,734 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.forefront.management.powershell.types.ps1xml |
Ne velja |
16,365 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.activemonitoring.local.components.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,170,960 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.monitoring.management.outsidein.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
31,248 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.reporting.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
42,456 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.forefront.reporting.ondemandquery.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
37,848 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.isam.esent.interop.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
473,584 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliancepolicy.exchange.dar.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
80,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.compliancepolicy.platform.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
1,244,112 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoring.management.common.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
51,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoring.management.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
28,160 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.activemonitoringlocal.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
544,704 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.monitoring.activemonitoring.recovery.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
166,400 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.office.datacenter.workertaskframeworkinternalprovider.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
252,368 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Migrateumcustomprompts.ps1 |
Ne velja |
19,190 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Movemailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
61,276 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Movetransportdatabase.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,670 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Move_publicfolderbranch.ps1 |
Ne velja |
35,202 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Msexchangedagmgmt.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
22,968 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Msexchangedelivery.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
31,712 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Msexchangefrontendtransport.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
25,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Msexchangehmhost.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
25,600 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Msexchangehmworker.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
34,832 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:38 |
x86 |
Msexchangemailboxassistants.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
2,391,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Msexchangemailboxreplication.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
20,408 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Msexchangemigrationworkflow.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
46,008 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Msexchangerepl.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
66,000 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Msexchangesubmission.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
61,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Msexchangethrottling.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
40,440 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Msexchangetransport.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
77,296 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x86 |
Msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
143,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Mspatchlinterop.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
53,688 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
x64 |
Newtestcasconnectivityuser.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,332 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Newtestcasconnectivityuserhosting.ps1 |
Ne velja |
24,647 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Owaauth.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
91,576 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
x64 |
Powershell.rbachostingtools.dll_1bf4f3e363ef418781685d1a60da11c1 |
15.0.1497.15 |
41,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
Ne velja |
Preparemoverequesthosting.ps1 |
Ne velja |
71,063 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Prepare_moverequest.ps1 |
Ne velja |
73,297 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Publicfoldertomailboxmapgenerator.ps1 |
Ne velja |
46,546 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Reinstalldefaulttransportagents.ps1 |
Ne velja |
20,808 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Remoteexchange.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,869 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Removeuserfrompfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,799 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Replaceuserpermissiononpfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,119 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Replaceuserwithuseronpfrecursive.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,129 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Resetattachmentfilterentry.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,544 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Resetcasservice.ps1 |
Ne velja |
21,775 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Rightsmanagementwrapper.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
79,272 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x64 |
Rollalternateserviceaccountpassword.ps1 |
Ne velja |
55,854 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Rpcproxyshim.dll |
15.0.1497.15 |
40,360 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x64 |
Rwsperfcounters.xml |
Ne velja |
23,032 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Searchdiagnosticinfo.ps1 |
Ne velja |
16,880 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Setup.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
20,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x86 |
Setupui.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
49,152 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:36 |
x86 |
Split_publicfoldermailbox.ps1 |
Ne velja |
104,516 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Storetsconstants.ps1 |
Ne velja |
15,878 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Storetslibrary.ps1 |
Ne velja |
28,055 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
Ne velja |
Transcodingservice.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
124,328 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
x64 |
Troubleshoot_ci.ps1 |
Ne velja |
22,775 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
Ne velja |
Troubleshoot_databaselatency.ps1 |
Ne velja |
33,485 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
Ne velja |
Troubleshoot_databasespace.ps1 |
Ne velja |
30,081 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:34 |
Ne velja |
Uglobal.js |
Ne velja |
866,860 |
04-apr-2021 |
09:57 |
Ne velja |
Umservice.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
102,920 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Umworkerprocess.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
38,392 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:35 |
x86 |
Updateapppoolmanagedframeworkversion.ps1 |
Ne velja |
14,098 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Update_malwarefilteringserver.ps1 |
Ne velja |
18,591 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:33 |
Ne velja |
Web.config_053c31bdd6824e95b35d61b0a5e7b62d |
Ne velja |
30,135 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:03 |
Ne velja |
Wsbexchange.exe |
15.0.1497.15 |
124,840 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
x64 |
_search.mailboxoperators.a |
15.0.1497.15 |
130,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:39 |
Ne velja |
_search.mailboxoperators.b |
15.0.1497.15 |
130,512 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:39 |
Ne velja |
_search.tokenoperators.a |
15.0.1497.15 |
80,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
Ne velja |
_search.tokenoperators.b |
15.0.1497.15 |
80,336 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
Ne velja |
_search.transportoperators.a |
15.0.1497.15 |
43,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
Ne velja |
_search.transportoperators.b |
15.0.1497.15 |
43,976 |
04-apr-2021 |
10:37 |
Ne velja |
Informacije o zaščiti in varnosti
Zaščitite se v spletu: Varnost sistema Windows podporo
Preberite, kako varujemo pred kibernetskimi grožnjami: Microsoftova varnost
Zgodovina sprememb
V spodnji tabeli so povzete najpomembnejše spremembe te teme.
Datum |
Opis |
25. junij 2021 |
Posodobitev razdelka »Znane težave v tej posodobitvi« je bila posodobljena z dodajanjem težav od 2 do 4. |
24. avgust 2021 |
Na seznam cvE so dodani trije elementi (34473, 34523 in 33766). |