详细了解Surface Pro键盘和键盘盖 - Microsoft 支持
如果你不确定Surface Pro键盘盖和 Surface 专业键盘盖之间的区别,下面是一个摘要,可帮助你确定最适合你的内容。 Surface Pro键盘和 Surface 专业键盘盖是将设备变成笔记本电脑的附件。 你可以绘制、做笔记,并使设备更易于使用。 下面是一个摘要,可帮助你确定哪种配件适合你的需求。 Surface Pro键盘与 Surface Pro 8 及更高版本的型号兼容。 它们的连接器如下所示: Surface Pro专业键盘盖与 Surface Pro 7 及更早的型号兼容。 Surface Go 专业键盘盖与 Surface Go 型号兼容。 它们的连接器如下所示: 查找适用于 Surface 的键盘或专业键盘盖。 请务必查看提供的兼容性详细信息。
Xbox Support
You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Xbox Support. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.
更改浏览器主页 - Microsoft 支持
获取更改 Microsoft Edge、Internet Explorer 11、Google Chrome、Firefox 和 Safari 中的主页的步骤。
How do I delete old downloads? | Xbox Support
If you need to save space on your device’s hard drive, you can delete old puzzles in Microsoft Jigsaw that you don’t play any more. Follow the steps below to manage your space. Right-click on one of the downloaded puzzle collections you'd like to delete. Check the box on all puzzles you wish to delete.
Microsoft 日语输入法 - Microsoft 支持
本页可帮助你了解如何使用 Microsoft 日语输入法,包括输入法功能和键盘快捷方式。
我的 Xbox 控制器无法连接或打开 | Xbox Support
检查电池:将控制器电池更换为全新电池,或确保可充电控制器已充满电。(即使你的控制器仍有电,也请执行此操作 - 电池电量不足可能会导致出现连接和功能方面的问题。) 断电重启控制器按住 Xbox 按钮 5-10 秒钟,直到控制器关闭。 等待几秒钟,然后再次按 Xbox 按钮 重新打开控制器。
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Using Xbox replacement components | Xbox Support
Xbox replacement components provide you the freedom to make repairs to out-of-warranty Xbox devices yourself. These components are available for purchase directly from the Store and/or authorized service providers, and require tools and moderate technical skill to use.
Comandos e outras entradas | Xbox Support
Encontra ligações para as nossas páginas que descrevem detalhadamente como usar cada comando Xbox e outras entradas da consola e do Windows.
Make and receive phone calls from your PC - Microsoft Support
Calling requires Bluetooth capability on both your PC and on your Android device, so make sure you have it turned on for both. To make a call on your PC: Open the Phone Link and select Calls. In the Search your contacts box, search for a contact name or number. Alternately, you can directly enter a phone number on the dial pad.