Gaming Services Repair Tool for PC | Xbox Support
If you are having issues installing or updating Gaming Services on your PC, or if you are noticing that the Xbox app for PC is launching with missing content, you may want to download and run the Gaming Services Repair Tool for PC.
Find the Xbox console ID, device ID, and serial number
To register or request a repair for your Xbox Series X|S or Xbox One console, you need to know the serial number. You may also need to know the console ID or device ID. Did this resolve the issue? Learn where to find the console ID, device ID, and serial number on your Xbox console.
Xbox Insider Home | Xbox Support
The Xbox Insider Programme was built for you! On PC, Xbox console, or mobile, you can get early access to new games and features, join playtests with our developer partners, and provide valuable feedback to help shape the Xbox experience. Your feedback even earns you bonus XP! Do you want a scalable solution for real-world playtesting of your game?
深入認識 Windows 版 Xbox 應用程式
了解如何使用 Xbox 應用程式安裝及玩電腦遊戲、與好友聊天,以及從遠端或雲端玩 Xbox 遊戲。
Create incoming webhooks with Workflows for Microsoft Teams
An Incoming webhook lets external applications share content in chats and channels in Microsoft Teams. Webhooks are used as tools to track and notify. You can post to a channel or chat when a webhook request is received. Select More options next to the channel or chat you want to create a workflow for, and then select Workflows .
Microsoft Teams
新 Outlook 与经典 Outlook 之间的功能比较 - Microsoft 支持
我们正在积极听取你的反馈,并将根据你告诉我们的内容更新和更改功能路线图。 如果你有关于我们应该考虑将哪些内容添加到新 Outlook 的反馈,请使用应用内 帮助 > “提供反馈” 链接。 新 Outlook 和经典 Outlook 版本之间的功能比较
Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, iPhone 版我的 Office, 新的 Outlook for Windows,
Отслеживание достижений Xbox в игре
С помощью достижений вы можете увидеть, насколько далеко вы продвинулись в игре, и похвастаться перед своими друзьями. Справку по игре на разных устройствах см. в разделе: Устранение проблем с играми Xbox Play Anywhere. Дополнительные сведения об игре на нескольких консолях см. в разделе: Запуск игр на других консолях Xbox. Проблема решена?
Überprüfen der über Ihre Xbox getätigten Käufe
Sie können Ihre Xbox-Kaufhistorie auf Ihrer Xbox-Konsole oder im Internet einsehen. Führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus, um Ihre Daten zu überprüfen oder Hilfe bei einer Gebühr zu erhalten, die Sie nicht kennen. Ich glaube, mein Konto wurde gehackt. Wurde das Problem behoben? Erfahren Sie, wie Sie den Xbox-Kaufverlauf überprüfen.
Microsoft Copilot Pro시작하기
Microsoft Copilot Pro를 선호하는 Microsoft 365 앱에 최첨단 AI를 추가하여 창의력을 발휘하고, 자신감을 가지고 소통하고, 디지털 기술을 향상할 수 있습니다. *Copilot Pro 구독자는 웹 버전의 Word, Excel, PowerPoint 및 Outlook에서 아랍어, 중국어(간체), 중국어 ...