Xbox Support
Xbox Support offers help for Xbox, Game Pass, and billing questions. Get advice and customer service in the Xbox Support community.
Why can’t I report an in-game voice chat? | Xbox Support
If you’ve experienced an issue with another Xbox player in-game, but you can’t report their in-game voice communications, keep reading to learn more about this feature’s requirements and limitations. For more info about submitting reports to Xbox Safety, visit: How to report a player or concern on Xbox.
使用适用于 Internet Explorer 11 的 ActiveX 控件 - Microsoft 支持
对 Internet Explorer 的支持已于 2022 年 6 月 15 日结束 在某些版本的 Windows 10 上通过Microsoft Edge 更新,将永久停用 Internet Explorer 11。 如果访问的任何网站需要 Internet Explorer 11,则可以在 Microsoft Edge 中使用 Internet Explorer 模式重新加载它。
Use rules to create an out of office message - Microsoft Support
Only certain types of accounts support the Automatic Replies (Out-of-Office) feature. If you don't see the Automatic Replies button, your email account doesn't support this feature.
Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office 商业版, Microsoft Office
Açılmazsa veya başlamazsa Dosya Gezgini'ni düzeltme
Windows 11'da Dosya Gezgini açmak için görev çubuğundaki Dosya Gezgini seçin veya klavyenizde Windows logo tuşu + E tuşlarına basın. Dosya Gezgini açılmazsa deneyebileceğiniz bazı çözümler burada belirtilmiştir.