Set up an authenticator app as a two-step verification method
Note: If you receive a prompt asking whether to allow the app to access your camera (iOS) or to allow the app to take pictures and record video (Android). select Allow so the authenticator app can access your camera to take a picture of the QR code in the next step.If you don't allow the camera, you can still set up the authenticator app as described in Manually add an account to the app.
Anmelden bei oder Abmelden von - Microsoft-Support
Um Unterstützung in zu erhalten, klicken Sie hier, oder wählen Sie in der Menüleiste Hilfe- aus, und geben Sie Ihre Abfrage ein. Wenn ihr Problem durch die Selbsthilfe nicht behoben werden kann, scrollen Sie nach unten zu Benötigen Sie weitere Hilfe? und wählen Sie Ja aus.. Um uns in zu kontaktieren, müssen Sie sich anmelden.
在邮件应用中设置电子邮件 - Microsoft 支持
本文介绍如何将电子邮件帐户添加到邮件和日历应用,以便开始发送和接收电子邮件以及创建和管理事件。 注意: 可能需要在 “添加帐户 ”对话框中向下滚动以查看所有选项。 如果选择“Google”,将需要登录到 Google 帐户,输入双重验证码(若启用了此安全功能),然后向 Windows 授予访问你的信息 ...
适用于: Windows 10 版邮件, Windows 10 版 Outlook 邮件
Aan- of afmelden bij - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Als je ondersteuning wilt krijgen in, klik je hier of selecteer je Help op de menubalk en voer je je query in. Als de zelfhulp uw probleem niet oplost, schuift u omlaag naar Hebt u nog steeds hulp nodig? en selecteer Ja.. Als je contact met ons wilt opnemen in, moet je je aanmelden. Als u zich niet kunt aanmelden, klikt u hier.
在 iOS 邮件应用中设置 Outlook 帐户 - Microsoft 支持
如果你在 iOS 设备上设置电子邮件方面仍需要帮助,请使用以下批注框详细描述问题,便于我们在以后处理。 为获得最佳的体验,建议使用 Outlook for iOS 移动应用。 有关故障排除提示,请参阅排查移动设备上的电子邮件设置常见问题解答。 你也可以联系支持
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Outlook, Outlook 2024, Office 2024, Outlook 2024 for Mac, Office 2024 for Mac, Outlook 2021, Office 2021, Outlook 2021 for Mac, Office 2021 for Mac, Outlook 2019, Office 2019, Outlook 2016, Office 2016, Microsoft 365 家庭版, Office 商业版, Office 365 小型企业版, Microsoft 365 管理员, 由世纪互联运营的 Office 365, 由世纪互联运营的 Office 365 - 小型企业管理员版,, 由世纪互联运营的 Office 365 - 管理员版, 新的 Outlook for Windows, 适用于 Exchange Server 2016 的 Outlook 网页版, Outlook Web App
Get in-app help for Outlook for iOS and Android
Note: When you contact our support team, you won't receive an email or get a call back.But you'll receive a notification when the support team sends you a reply, and can easily communicate with them in the app. Look for the notification on the Settings and Contact Support icons.
适用于: Outlook for Android, Outlook for iOS
People app help - Microsoft Support
So when you email a contact from Mail, the app picks up that person's email address from the People app (which is where their contact info lives). Note: The People app for Windows 8/8.1 no longer supports integration with Facebook and Sina Weibo networks due to changes in the connection software from both services.
如何将电子邮件地址或电话号码添加到你的 Microsoft 帐户
将电子邮件地址或电话号码添加到你的 Microsoft 帐户并保留当前的联系人、网盘、订阅和帐户设置。 如果你的旧电子邮件地址或电话号码不能再满足你的要求,但又需要保存联系人、网盘、订阅和设置,则可以向现有的 Microsoft 帐户添加新的电子邮件地址或电话号码作为别名。
Complete console setup using the Xbox app on mobile
Insert 2 AA batteries into your Xbox Wireless Controller. Connect your controller to your console by pressing and holding the Pair button on each. The Pair button is found on the back of the controller (between the bumpers) and the front of the console (next to the USB port).; Press the Xbox button on your controller to power it on. It should immediately connect to your new console.
Get started with Project Web App - Microsoft Support
This section suggests starting points based on typical roles for working on a project: project managers, team members, portfolio managers, and site administrators. Project managers. In Project Web App, project managers are the people who create and maintain projects and tasks, assign resources to tasks, and track task work and status.
适用于: Project Server 2013, Project Online