Xbox 액세서리 시작하기 | Xbox Support
액세서리를 시작 하 고 Xbox 게임 환경을 개선하는 방법에 대해 알아봅니다. 즉석 공유, 음성 채팅 및 사용자 지정 컨트롤은 액세서리가 Xbox 게임 환경을 개선하는 몇 가지 방법입니다.
How to manage game lists in the Xbox app on Windows
If contact us isn't working the way you expect, try the disability answer desk option on this page. Contact us
使用 Mac 连接 Xbox 控制台
了解如何使用 Mac 计算机而不是路由器连接到 Xbox 主机。如果要连接到 Xbox 主机但没有路由器,则可以通过 Mac 计算机进行连接。如果 Mac 连接到 Internet 并且安装了 AirPort Card,则可与主机共享其 Internet 连接。
OneDrive desktop app for earlier versions of Windows
Downloading the app means you agree to the Microsoft Services Agreement and privacy statement. This software might also download and install its updates automatically. What does the OneDrive folder do? When you install OneDrive for Windows, a copy of your OneDrive installation is downloaded to your PC and put in the OneDrive folder. This folder ...
OneDrive (家庭或个人), OneDrive for Mac, Windows 版 OneDrive
PC Gaming Preview Release Notes | Xbox Support
Make sure that you update the Xbox app, Gaming Services, and Game Bar to ensure you get all of the fixes! Note The release notes below are only for users enrolled in the PC Gaming Preview. For information on versions shipped to the public, please visit the following page linked below:
設定 Xbox Elite 無線控制器系列 2
了解如何重新對應按鈕、調整搖桿靈敏度,以及更新 Xbox Elite 無線控制器系列 2 的韌體。如果 [與我們聯絡] 無法達成您的期望,請嘗試此頁面上的 [身心障礙人士 Answer Desk] 選項。
Xbox Insider Hub アプリを入手する
ゲーム、アプリ、システム アップデート、新しい機能をプレビューできるように、Xbox Insider Hub アプリについて詳細に説明します。Xbox Insider Hub 使用すると、Xbox Insider Program に参加し、本体、ゲーム、アプリのプレビュー、その他のエクスペリエンスに一般公開前にアクセスできます。
Sign in to Xbox | Xbox Support
Note If you have an Xbox profile on another device and want to keep your profile history (gamertag, gamerscore, achievements, and so on), make sure you sign in using the same profile.
Felsökning av Game Bar i Windows | Xbox Support
Från och med oktober 2024 krävs Windows 10 22H2 eller senare för att vissa funktioner ska fungera korrekt i Xbox-appen och Game Bar. Du kan kontrollera din version av Windows under Inställningar > System > Om > Windows-specifikationer > Version.
Set up your handheld gaming device for cloud gaming
Game Pass Ultimate or a supported free to play game is required for cloud gaming.