修复 Windows 中的声音或音频问题 - Microsoft 支持
硬件问题可能由过时或运行不正常的驱动程序所致。 请确保音频驱动程序处于最新状态,并在需要时对其进行更新。 如果这不起作用,请尝试卸载音频驱动程序(它将自动重新安装)。
修复 Windows 中的蓝牙问题 - Microsoft 支持
如果上述步骤都不能修复你的蓝牙问题,请使用 Windows 反馈中心报告错误。 这可帮助 Microsoft 确定此问题的根本原因。 请提供发生问题时你正在执行的操作或采取的具体步骤的详细信息。
Herunterladen und Installieren von Apps - Microsoft-Support
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Apps herunterladen und installieren, die Sie aus Ihrem Microsoft 365 Business-Abonnement benötigen.
How to sign in to or out of Outlook.com - Microsoft Support
To get support in Outlook.com, click here or select Help on the menu bar and enter your query. If the self-help doesn't solve your problem, scroll down to Still need help? and select Yes.. To contact us in Outlook.com, you'll need to sign in.
Use Snipping Tool to capture screenshots - Microsoft Support
To capture a video snip, open Snipping Tool, select the Record button, then select New recording, or press Windows logo key + Shift + R.Select the area of the screen you wish to record, then select Start.When you are done, select Stop.At this point you can save the recording as-is or select Edit in Clipchamp to work with it in the Clipchamp video editor.
How to sign in to or out of Outlook.com - Microsoft Support
Learn how to sign in or out of your Outlook.com, Hotmail, Live, or MSN email account with Microsoft Support's step-by-step guide.
Sisäänkirjautuminen Hotmailiin - Microsoft-tuki
Vihjeitä: Kun kirjaudut sisään, valitse Kyllä Pysy kirjautuneena -kehotteessa, jos haluat siirtyä suoraan postilaatikkoosi seuraavan kerran (ei suositella jaetuille tietokoneille). Vaihtoehtoisesti voit valita Älä näytä tätä uudelleen -ruudun ja valita Ei, jos haluat, että salasanaasi pyydetään joka kerta.. Jos et voi kirjautua sisään tai olet unohtanut käyttäjänimesi tai ...
Cambiar la imagen del fondo de escritorio - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Nota: Si no puede seleccionar la opción Contenido destacado de Windows, es posible que el administrador haya deshabilitado la característica o que todavía no haya recibido la actualización.Esta característica se está implementando durante un período de tiempo. Para obtener más información, consulte ¿Cuándo obtendré las características más recientes de Microsoft 365?.
Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows - Microsoft Support
In quick settings: To find the quick setting for Bluetooth, select the Network, Sound, or Battery icons ( ) next to the time and date on the right side of your taskbar.Select Bluetooth to turn it on. If it's turned on without any Bluetooth devices connected, it might appear as Not connected . If you don't see Bluetooth in quick settings, you might need to add it.
Manage background activity for apps in Windows - Microsoft Support
On the settings page for that app, change the setting for Let this app run in the background.Here’s a summary of each option: Always: The app is always allowed to run in the background—receive info, send notifications, and stay up to date—even when you’re not actively using it. However, it might use more power as a result.