Jelszavak mentése vagy törlése a Microsoft Edge-ben
A Microsoft Edge megkönnyíti a jelszavak mentését a weben való böngészés során. Amikor új jelszót ad meg az edge böngészőben az asztali vagy mobileszközén, a Microsoft Edge megkérdezi, hogy szeretné-e megjegyezni a felhasználónevét és a jelszavát.
View my privacy options in the Microsoft Office Trust Center
The Trust Center is where you can find security and privacy settings for Microsoft Office programs. With the consistent appearance of the ribbon in Office programs, steps to find the Trust Center are the same for each program.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint, OneNote for Microsoft 365, Project Online 桌面客户端, Microsoft 365 专属 Publisher, Visio 计划 2, Excel 2024, Outlook 2024, PowerPoint 2024, OneNote 2024, Project Professional 2024, Project Standard 2024, Excel 2021, Word 2021, Outlook 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Project 专业版 2021, Project Standard 2021, Publisher 2021, Visio Professional 2021, Visio Standard 2021, OneNote 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Project Professional 2019, Project Standard 2019, Publisher 2019, Visio Professional 2019, Visio Standard 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016, OneNote 2016, Project 专业版 2016, Project Standard 2016, Publisher 2016, Visio 专业版 2016, Visio 标准版 2016
Error 0xC0000142 when you start an Office application
Note: If you have a suite such as Microsoft 365 Family, Office Home & Student 2016, or Office Home and Student 2013, search for the suite name, even if it's just a particular application you want to repair such as Word or Excel.If you have a standalone application such as Word or Excel, search for the application name.
Create custom functions in Excel - Microsoft Support
Custom functions, like macros, use the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language. They differ from macros in two significant ways. First, they use Function procedures instead of Sub procedures. That is, they start with a Function statement instead of a Sub statement and end with End Function instead of End Sub.Second, they perform calculations instead of taking actions.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Excel, Excel 网页版, Excel 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016
Surface camera not working - Microsoft Support
Force a restart. Select Start > Power > Shut down and wait a moment for your Surface to shut down. Then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds. If you see the logo screen appear after a few seconds, continue to hold for the full 20 seconds until you see the logo screen again.
Configuración del servidor que necesitará de su proveedor de correo ...
La mayoría de las aplicaciones de correo electrónico como Outlook pueden configurar automáticamente el servidor de correo electrónico. Si necesita configuración del servidor o ayuda para encontrar la configuración, haga clic en uno de los siguientes vínculos:
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 家庭版, Office 商业版, Office 365 小型企业版, Microsoft 365 管理员, 由世纪互联运营的 Office 365, 由世纪互联运营的 Office 365 - 小型企业管理员版,, 由世纪互联运营的 Office 365 - 管理员版, 新的 Outlook for Windows, Outlook for iOS, Outlook for Windows Phone 10, Windows 10 版 Outlook 邮件, 适用于 Exchange Server 2016 的 Outlook 网页版
Microsoft Defender ファイアウォールを有効または無効にする ...
Windows Defender ファイアウォールを有効または無効にする手順について説明します。 の Microsoft Defender[ファイアウォール] で、設定を [オン] に切り替えます。 使っているデバイスがネットワークに接続されている場合は、ネットワーク ポリシーの設定によって、これらの手順を完了できない可能 ...
Microsoft Defender の使用を開始する - Microsoft サポート
Microsoft Defenderは、マルウェアの保護、Web 保護、リアルタイムのセキュリティ通知、セキュリティに関するヒントを使用して、人々や家族がより安全なオンラインを維持するのに役立つセキュリティ アプリです。Microsoft Defender は、Microsoft 365 Familyまたは個人用サブスクリプションに含まれており ...
适用于: Android 上的 Microsoft Defender, iOS 上的 Microsoft Defender, Mac 上的 Microsoft Defender, Windows 上的 Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Defender Online
Tải Windows Media Player - Hỗ trợ của Microsoft
Tìm hiểu cách tải Windows Media Player 12 dành cho Windows 10, Windows 8.1 và Windows 7. Windows Media Player có sẵn cho thiết bị chạy Windows. Sử dụng bảng này để tìm đúng phiên bản Player cho hệ thống của bạn.
Copy, transfer or import files to your personal OneDrive
There are a couple of ways to move or transfer your files: Use File Explorer or Finder to copy files to another OneDrive. If you have OneDrive setup for both work/school and personal accounts, you can copy your files from one folder to another.
适用于: OneDrive for Business 24, OneDrive for Business, OneDrive (工作或学校), Microsoft Teams 教育版, OneDrive (家庭或个人), 由世纪互联运营的 OneDrive (工作或学校), OneDrive for Mac, Windows 版 OneDrive