Change the email address or phone number for your Microsoft account
Email addresses and phone numbers associated with your Microsoft account are called aliases and they use the same contacts, online storage, subscriptions, and account settings.
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Surface battery won’t charge or Surface won’t run on battery
Check in Surface app. Check the health of your Surface device using the Surface app. Open the Surface app. In the Surface app, expand Help & support to check the update status. If there are updates available, select the Check for updates button to open Windows Update and install the available updates. ...
Ativar o Windows - Suporte da Microsoft
Se estiver a instalar o Windows num novo dispositivo ou placa principal pela primeira vez e não tiver uma chave de produto, selecione Não tenho uma chave de produto durante os ecrãs de configuração da instalação. Quando solicitado, insira a conta da Microsoft que você deseja usar para comprar uma licença digital para este dispositivo.
Configurar encabezados y pies de página para diferentes secciones de un ...
Nota: Los encabezados y pies de página se vinculan por separado.Si usa encabezados y pies de página diferentes para cada sección, desactive la vinculación tanto para el encabezado como para el pie de página.
Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Word 2024, Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016
Surface 画面がちらつき、歪んでいる、またはその他の表示の ...
画面にちらつき、文字化けまたは歪んだ画像、画面の変色、明るさまたは調光、画面のスクランブル、画面を通した画面、アーティファクト (村)、死んだピクセルまたはスタックしたピクセルを含む画面、または黄色または茶色のバンディングがある画面が表示される場合は、この記事の手順に ...
Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser
If you open a page written in a different language than your preferred languages in settings, Microsoft Edge will automatically prompt you to translate it. The Translate icon appears in the address bar when you go to a web page that’s written in a foreign language. A language is considered foreign to you if it's not included in your Preferred languages list in Settings.
Microsoft Edge
Use the On-Screen Keyboard (OSK) to type - Microsoft Support
Open the On-Screen Keyboard. Go to Start , then select Settings > Accessibility > Keyboard, and turn on the On-Screen Keyboard toggle. A keyboard that can be used to move around the screen and enter text will appear on the screen. The keyboard will remain on the screen until you close it.
Verwenden mehrerer Monitore unter Windows - Microsoft-Support
Tipp: Wenn Sie einen drahtlosen Grafikkartenadapter verwenden, schließen Sie den Adapter an einen HDMI-Anschluss an neueren Fernsehern an, und verbinden Sie ihren PC dann drahtlos mit dem Adapter.Nachdem Sie den Adapter für die drahtlose Anzeige an Ihren Fernseher angeschlossen haben, wechseln Sie zu Ihrem Windows 11 PC, drücken Sie Windows-Logo-Taste + K, um Cast zu öffnen, und wählen ...
Sign in to Sway - Microsoft Support
Select the app launcher at the top left of the browser window. Select Sway from the Apps list. If you do not see Sway, select All apps. Can't find the app you're looking for? From the app launcher, select All apps to see an alphabetical list of the Microsoft 365 apps available to you. From there, you can search for a specific app.
Résoudre les problèmes audio dans Windows - Support Microsoft
Si vous rencontrez des problèmes de son ou audio, les suggestions suivantes peuvent vous aider. Ces conseils sont affichés dans l’ordre. Commencez par le premier de la liste ; s’il ne vous permet pas de résoudre votre problème, passez au suivant.