

本文介绍了如何在 Microsoft Word 2000 文档中嵌入 TrueType 字体。Word 使您可以在文档中嵌入 TrueType 字体,以便您可以查看和编辑的字体 (如果允许许可权),即使打开文档时未安装的字体的计算机上。

如何在 Word 文档中嵌入 TrueType 字体

若要保存 Word 文档中嵌入 TrueType 字体,请执行以下步骤:

  1. 在工具菜单上,单击选项。

  2. 单击保存选项卡。

  3. 选择嵌入 TrueType 字体复选框。

并不是所有的字体都允许,以便它们也可以嵌入。如果可以嵌入一种字体,这会增加文档的文件大小大约 TrueType 字体 (.ttf) 文件的大小。注意: 某些字体将作为单独的字体.ttf 文件处理正常、 粗体、 斜体和粗体斜体。在这种情况下,您的文件大小是文档的更大,如果使用粗体和斜体格式比如果不这样做。如果字体不具有加粗、 倾斜或加粗斜体版本,Microsoft Windows 从核心字体生成粗体或斜体。在这种情况下,文件大小does增大了如果使用粗体或斜体格式。字体嵌入许可权决定可能会如何在文档中嵌入字体。 Font licensed as Result --------------------------------------------------------------- Protected The font may not be embedded, copied, or modified. If you use a protected font in a document and this document is opened on a computer that does not have the font installed on it, a font substitution occurs. Word substitutes the closest font available on the computer for the missing protected font. Print/Preview The font is embedded and temporarily loaded on the target computer. Documents that contain print/preview fonts must be opened read-only, and no edits are stored in the document. Embedding a font of this nature has the least impact on file size increase. Editable The font behaves just like the print/preview fonts, except that you may also apply the font to other text in the same document. Installable The font is installed on the target computer permanently when you open the document. This allows you to use the new fonts as if you installed the fonts directly into Windows yourself. This type of embedded font has the greatest impact on file size because the entire font is included with the document. The size of the font file can vary greatly. To estimate the font file size, follow the steps in the procedure in the next section of this article.


注意: 以下步骤因为有多个版本的 Microsoft Windows,可能您的计算机上不同。如果是这样,请参阅产品文档来完成这些步骤。

  1. 单击开始,指向设置,然后单击控制面板。

  2. 双击字体图标。

  3. 用鼠标右键单击所需的字体,然后单击快捷菜单上的属性。大小的行中列出的磁盘上的字体大小。


