Applies ToInternet Explorer 11 Internet Explorer 10
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After you upgrade to Internet Explorer 10 or Internet Explorer 11, you receive crash reports for your web-based applications.Additionally, when this issue occurs, if you use the Microsoft Symbol Server, the call stack contains a call to the wininet!NETWORK_MANAGER::ReadGuidsForConnectedNetworks function.


To resolve this issue, install the most recent cumulative security update for Internet Explorer. To do this, go to Microsoft Update. Additionally, see the technical information about the most recent cumulative security update for Internet Explorer.This update was first included the March cumulative security update for Internet Explorer (MS15-018).


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.


See the terminology that Microsoft uses to describe software updates.

More Information

The following is an example of a call stack that has public symbols when this issue occurs:ChildEBP RetAddr 199af204 76202fa1 ole32!CObjectContext::`vftable'+0x2199af9d0 76209e89 ole32!ICoCreateInstanceEx+0x243199afa30 76209dea ole32!CComActivator::DoCreateInstance+0xd9199afa54 76209da3 ole32!CoCreateInstanceEx+0x38199afa84 6adb2505 ole32!CoCreateInstance+0x37199afab0 6adb33fd netprofm!CPubINetworkListManager::EnsureNLPConnected+0x58199afac4 76a2165a netprofm!CPubINetworkListManager::GetNetworks+0x39199afb48 769fb053 wininet!NETWORK_MANAGER::ReadGuidsForConnectedNetworks+0x12d199afb6c 76a21a56 wininet!InternalReadGuidsForConnectedNetworks+0x86199afb8c 76a21c94 wininet!CSwpadSupport::ReadIdsForConnectedNetworks+0x1d199afbf4 76a2a278 wininet!NETWORK_MANAGER::SetWpadDecisionForCurrentNetwork+0x7a199afc90 76a2e235 wininet!AutoProxyResolver::UpdateAutoproxyWithCompletedDetection+0x220199afce4 76961366 wininet!AutoProxyWpadAndResultThread+0xee199afcf4 773e7df9 wininet!RefCountWorkItemThread+0xe199afd68 773d2b65 ntdll!RtlpTpWorkCallback+0x11d199afec8 74fe336a ntdll!TppWorkerThread+0x572199afed4 773bbf32 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe199aff14 773bbf05 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x70199aff2c 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b

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