Get started with SharePoint agents - Microsoft Support
Share your agent with others. Find the agent you want to share from the agent list. Select the ellipsis and then select Share.. You can then use the Copy Link option to grab a link to the file. You can send the link to your colleagues as you do for sharing other files.
Applies To:
Office for business, Microsoft Office
OneDrive’ı kapatma, devre dışı bırakma veya kaldırma
İpuçları: OneDrive'ı bir süre durdurmak veya tümünü kullanmamak istiyorsanız, aşağıdaki diğer çözümler şunlardır: Eşitlemeyi kısa bir süre için durdurmak istiyorsanız, OneDrive’da eşitlemeyi duraklatma ve sürdürme işlemini öğrenin. Bir dosyanın eşitlenmesini durdurmak istiyorsanız, OneDrive’da eşitlemeyi durdurma veya iptal etme makalesini okuyun.
Applies To:
OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Office for business, Microsoft 365 admin, OneDrive (work or school),, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive (work or school) operated by 21Vianet, OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows, SharePoint admin center, SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Small Business, SharePoint operated by 21Vianet
在 Windows 中通过网络共享文件 - Microsoft 支持
映射网络驱动器,以便从 Windows 的文件资源管理器中访问它,而无需每次查找或键入其网络地址。 从任务栏或“开始 ”菜单中打开“文件资源管理器”,或者按 Windows 徽标键 + E。 从左侧窗格中选择“此电脑”。然后,在“文件资源管理器”功能区中,选择“更多” > “映射网络驱动器”。
如何将我的 Xbox 控制器连接到电脑? | Xbox Support
可以通过使用 USB 电缆、适用于 Windows 的 Xbox 无线适配器或蓝牙将控制器连接到 Windows 设备。 有些 Windows 设备还附带了 Xbox 无线功能,因此无需适配器即可直接连接控制器。
Using tags in Microsoft Teams
@mention a tag in a channel. In a channel conversation, simply @mention a tag (type @ and the tag name) in your message and select the tag from the list.The tag will appear just like any @mention, and the people associated with the tag will be notified.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
Use a proxy server in Windows - Microsoft Support
In the Settings app on your Windows device, select Network & internet > Proxy. Under Manual proxy setup, next to Use a proxy server, select Set up.. In the Edit proxy server dialog box, do the following:. Turn on Use a proxy server.. In the Proxy IP address and Port boxes, enter the proxy server name or IP address and port (optional) in the respective boxes.
在 Microsoft Edge 中管理 Cookie:查看、允许、阻止、删除和使用
如果你不希望第三方站点在你的电脑上存储 Cookie,则可以阻止 Cookie。 但是执行此操作可能会导致某些页面无法正确显示,或者可能会从站点收到一条消息,通知你需要允许 Cookie 才能查看该站点。
Applies To:
Microsoft Edge
验证我的 帐户的备份电子邮件地址 - Microsoft 支持
若要在 中获取支持,请单击此处或选择菜单栏上的帮助,然后输入查询。 如果自助服务无法解决问题,请向下滚动到“仍需要帮助?”,然后选择“是”。 若要在 中联系我们,需要登录。
Applies To:
如何在 Windows 中使用多台显示器 - Microsoft 支持
提示: 如果你使用的是无线显示适配器,请将适配器连接到较新电视上的 HDMI 端口,然后以无线方式将电脑连接到该适配器。将无线显示适配器连接到电视后,转到Windows 11电脑,按 Windows 徽标 键+ K 打开“强制转换”,然后选择无线显示适配器。
Web 用 PowerPoint でプレゼンテーションを作成する - Microsoft サポート
保存. PowerPoint for the web で作業している場合、作業内容は数秒おきに保存されます。 [ファイル]、[コピーを保存] の順に選択すると、別の場所に複製を作成できます。または、[ファイル]、[形式を指定してダウンロード] の順に選択して、デバイスにコピーを保存します。
Applies To:
PowerPoint for the web