To get the most from your new MSN experience be sure to have the latest version of your preferred browser. This delivers the optimum user experience and will be available for most devices.
A less than optimal experience might mean that you cannot use or view the services, or the Today service might be different, or roaming across devices might not work. You can upgrade your browser to the latest version to get the optimum experience. If you're using an older browser, phone or tablet, you'll have a reduced experience that will allow access by feature phones as well as PCs running XP/IE6. If you are using a Microsoft operating system, the latest browsers are listed below:-
Internet Explorer 11 (Win 8+)
If you're using a browser other than Internet Explorer visit the page provided by the maker of that browser to find out how to get the latest version. Some examples are below:
Be sure to get the latest software update for your phone or tablet:
iPhone/iPad iOS (7+)
Windows Phone (8+)
Android Phone/Tablet (4+)
BlackBerry (10+)