Rollup 1 for Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) Service Pack 4 (SP4) contains several changes to the Exchange Server 2013 template that fixes bugs and improves integration.
Fixes included
Touch-enabled devices may receive download policy violations when users browse mailboxes in Microsoft Outlook Web App.
Mobile devices may receive an "Object doesn't support this property or method" Javascript error message if Outlook Web App is configured to use an authentication repository that the user has not yet authenticated to.
The Web Monitor Security event log may contain many "URL Path Not Allowed" events that are logged when users browse Outlook Web App.
Users may be able to attach files to email messages through Outlook Web App even though the UAG Access Policies deny uploads.
This problem is fixed in Rollup 1 for Forefront UAG 2010 SP4. Rollup 1 for Forefront UAG 2010 SP4 contains changes to the Exchange Server 2013 Template, URLSet, and AppWrap configuration.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.
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