Support for Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) ends on July 12, 2011. To continue receiving security updates for Windows, make sure you're running Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (SP2). For more information, refer to this Microsoft web page: Support is ending for some versions of Windows.


Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista is an important update for Windows Vista. Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) contains many security, reliability, and feature updates for Windows Vista. A program may experience a loss of functionality after you install Windows Vista SP1. However, most programs will continue to work as expected after you install Windows Vista SP1. This article lists programs that have been reported to experience a loss of functionality when they are installed on a Windows Vista SP1-based computer.Notes

  • This article should not be considered a comprehensive list of programs that experience loss of functionality when they run on a Windows Vista SP1-based computer.

  • If you are using a program that appears in this article, you may have to contact the software vendor for more information.

More Information

The following tables contain programs that are known to experience a loss of functionality when they are run on a Windows Vista SP1-based computer.If an application that is not mentioned in this article has a change in functionality after you install Windows Vista SP1, perform the following actions:

  • Restart the computer at least one time after you notice that the program is not working correctly. This may let services or pending functions finish to correct the problem.

  • Contact the software vendor. For example, visit the support area of the software vendor Web site. You may be able to find an application update that mentions Windows Vista SP1 or a newer version of the program that was released after Windows Vista SP1.

  • Report the problem to the software vendor. You may be able to use a contact link on the software vendor Web page to report the problem and to request an updated version of the application.

Programs that are blocked from starting after you install Windows Vista SP1

The programs in the following table have known compatibility problems with Windows Vista SP1. For reliability reasons, Microsoft blocks these programs from starting after you install Windows Vista SP1.Note These programs are blocked from starting with the approval of the third-party software vendor.

Program name

Program version

Software vendor

Web site for more information or for update software

More information

BitDefender AV or Internet Security



A supported version (2008 or a later version) is now available.

Fujitsu Shock Sensor

Fujitsu Limited

Current information about this issue is posted on the vendor Web site.

Fujitsu Shock Sensor


Use the provided Web link to install Shock Sensor version 2.0L20.

Jiangmin KV Antivirus



A supported version is now available.

Jiangmin KV Antivirus



A supported version is now available.

Zone Alarm Security Suite


Zone Alarm

A supported version ( or a later version) is now available.

Programs that do not run after you install Windows Vista SP1

The programs in the following table do not run after you install Windows Vista SP1.The following table may include either a suggestion for how to resolve the issue or a Web site where you may find a solution for the issue. If a solution currently does not exist, contact the software vendor. Or, visit the software vendor Web site for a recommended solution.

Program name

Program version

Software vendor

Web site for more information or for update software

More information

Iron Speed Designer


Iron Speed

A supported version (5.0.2 or a later version) is now available.

Xheo Licensing



A supported version (3.1 R17024 or a later version) is now available.

Free Allegiance



Current information about this issue is posted on the vendor Web site.

Programs that have a loss of functionality after you install Windows Vista SP1

The programs in the following table have a major or minor loss of functionality after you install Windows Vista SP1. We recommend that you contact the software vendor. Or, visit the software vendor Web site for a recommended solution or program update.

Program name

Program version

Software vendor

Issue or symptom

Web site for more information or for update software

More information

Rising Personal Firewall



Rising Personal Firewall disconnect functionality does not work in Windows Vista SP1

A supported version (2008 version) is now available.

Novell ZCM Agent



ZCM 10.0.x is not supported in Windows Vista SP1

Current information about this issue is posted on the vendor Web site.

For information about your hardware manufacturer, visit the following Web site: provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the performance or reliability of these products.

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