
This article lists known issues with the setup and the removal of Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Express Editions. Additionally, this article discusses the features of Visual Studio 2008 SP1 for Express Editions.

More Information

Products to which Visual Studio 2008 SP1 for Express Editions applies

  • Supported versions of Windows that are not running any of the following editions of Visual Studio 2008:

    • Visual Studio 2008 Team Edition

    • Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition

    • Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition

  • The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

  • Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition

  • Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

  • Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition

  • Visual C# 2008 Express Edition

How to obtain Visual Studio 2008 SP1 for Express Editions

To obtain Visual Studio 2008 SP1 for Express Editions, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Changed features and fixed issues in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 for Express Editions

For more information about the changed features and fixed issues in Visual Studio 2008 SP1, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

951845 List of changes and fixed issues in Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 for Team Editions

951847 List of changes and fixed issues in the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1This service pack adds the following new features:

  • SQL Server 2008 Community Technology Preview (CTP) support is added to Visual Studio 2008

  • The following Visual Basic PowerPack controls have been added:

    • Line

    • Shape

    • Data Repeater

  • In Visual Basic, the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Service renaming process is improved.

  • Document level features are included for application level add-ins in Visual Studio Tools for Office.

  • Design-time support is added in the ClickOnce application for file name extensions and for Start menu customization.

  • You can send mail from work items in Team Foundation Server.

  • Version control usability improvements and Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS) converter improvements have been made in Team Foundation Server.

  • Improved Team System Web access integration with notifications is added in Team Foundation Server.

  • In Visual Studio Team Edition for Developers, support has improved for Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 in the Visual Studio Performance Tools (Profiler).

  • In Visual Studio Team Edition for Developers, 64-bit mixed mode (native/managed) instrumentation support is added in the Profiler.

  • In Visual C++, the Libraries support for Technical Report 1 (TR1) is added.

  • In Visual C++, the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) is improved to support the appearance and behavior of Microsoft Office.

  • In Visual Web Developer, SQL Server 2008 support for Web projects is added.

  • In Visual Web Developer, JavaScript formatting support is added.

  • In Visual Web Developer, the WCF Service renaming process is improved.

  • Debugging changes improve support for inspecting the results of in-memory Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) queries.

  • A new Visual C# feature is added to provide a richer set of error information about code.

  • Visual Studio Industry Partners (VSIP) partners are enabled to install one copy of files for a package that can be used by multiple isolated applications.

  • New features in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Designer include an Events tab, TabControl and Expander design time support, and code to XAML rename and go to definition functionality.

  • Visual Studio Tools for Office System (VSTO) is improved to support add-in error logging.

  • XSD Schema Explorer is improved.

  • The Step Into Specific debugging feature and the Step Filtering debugging feature for managed properties and managed operators are changed.

  • The debugger now can cancel symbol and source downloading from Microsoft Public Symbol Servers.

  • Streamlined support for Reference Source is added to the debugger.

  • The ADO.NET Entity Designer is added to ease data access.

  • You can now add "Local Database Cache" to device projects.

  • ASP.NET Dynamic Data templates and toolbox controls are added.

  • IIS 7.0 Managed Module and Handler templates are added.

  • Support for starting the WCF Test client debug of a WCF Service file (.svc) by pressing F5 is added.

Visual Web Developer 2008

Features and functionalities that are new, changed, or improved

  • Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition supports the Web Application project model and templates. Additionally, Visual Web Developer 2008 Express supports Class Library projects. You can create a separate assembly to save shared logic from your Web site or from your application.

  • Support for the JScript formatting commands is improved. The CTRL+K keyboard shortcut and the CTRL+D keyboard shortcut are now supported for stand-alone JScript (.js) files and for JScript in .aspx pages.

  • Support is added for Microsoft SQL Server 2008. You can connect to SQL Server 2008 in Server Explorer. The drag-and-drop operation from Server Explorer now supports code generation for the data types that are specific to SQL Server 2008. These data types include the following:

    • Date

    • Timespan

    • Datetime2

    • Datetimeoffset

  • Support is added for the Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 Managed Module project template and for the IIS 7 Handler project template. Therefore, you can create IIS 7 Managed Module projects and IIS 7 Handler projects in Visual Studio.

  • Project templates have been added so that you can use ASP.NET Dynamic Data controls. Visual Studio now includes project templates for creating Web sites and Web applications that use the new ASP.NET Dynamic Data feature.

Visual Basic

Features and functionalities that are added, changed, or improved

  • A code example editor for Visual Basic code is added to the Visual Studio 2008 IDE.

  • New XML objects are added to the Schema Wizard.

  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is added. This service pack lets you connect to and then work with SQL Server 2008 databases.

  • The Line control is added.

  • The Shape control is added.

  • The Data Repeater control is added.

Visual C++

Features and functionalities that are new, changed, or improved

  • The release version of TR1 is included in Visual Studio 2008 SP1.

Visual C#

New features and functionalities

  • This service pack adds debugging support for the following items:

    • Range variables in queries

    • Anonymous types

    • Generic type arguments

  • This service pack adds a new Visual C# IDE feature that provides a richer set of error information about your code. Specifically, this feature presents the expression-level errors that occur in open files to you according to your code. These expression-level errors were previously reported only after a build operation.

Changed features and functionalities

  • In earlier versions of Visual Studio, the task list is populated by using the ToDo tasks that are specified in open files. In this service pack, the Visual C# IDE extends this functionality. The Visual C# IDE populates the task list by using the ToDo tasks that are specified in the whole solution.

Improved features and functionalities

  • This service pack improves the performance of the Enumerable.Cast<T> method by disabling the primitive value conversions and the explicitly defined user conversions. An example of a primitive value conversion is a conversion from the int data type to the long data type.

  • This service pack improves the performance of the Where standard query operator and of the Select standard query operator.

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Designer

New features and functionalities

  • The Properties window now contains the Events tab. The Events tab lets you create events, assign events, and review events.

  • The Properties window now lets you sort properties alphabetically by property name and by category.

  • The Rename operations and the Go To Definition feature have been updated to work better with XAML. Rename operations in the code-behind file rename the XAML definition also. Additionally, you can move to the XAML declaration of a control by using the Go To Definition feature on an instance in the code-behind file.

  • You can now drag controls from the toolbox to the designer even when the XAML view is active. You can even drag controls from the toolbox to the XAML editor.

  • Snaplines are now implemented for control spacing. This lets you easily put a control at a fixed distance from other controls or from container edges.

  • The Expander control now expands automatically when the control is selected or when you drag another control over the Expand control. In this manner you can design the contents of the Expander control at design time without affecting the IsExpanded property at runtime.

  • You can now delete existing grid rows and columns by dragging the gridlines off the grid rail. This action will maintain the positions of all contained controls on the design.

Improved features and functionalities

  • Many stability and performance improvements have been made to Visual Studio 2008 SP1. A key area of improvements includes faster, more robust document loading and more accurate error reporting.

Windows SDK

Features and functionalities that are new, changed, or improved

  • Several tools in the Windows SDK have been updated.

Visual Studio Debugger

Changed features and functionalities (apply to all SKUs)

  • The Step Into Specific feature and the Step Filtering feature for managed properties and for managed operators are changed. The debugger avoids stepping into property getters and into operator overloads. To override this behavior, you can click Step Into-> in the shortcut menu at debug time.Additionally, you can disable this behavior completely. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. In Visual Studio 2008, click Options on the Tools menu.

    2. Expand Debugging, and then click General.

    3. Disable the "step into" behavior in the General pane.

Improved features and functionalities (apply to all VS Standard and later-version SKUs)

  • This update contains improvements for handling symbols and sources from Microsoft Public Servers. An option is added that easily enables symbol and source downloading from Microsoft Public Symbol Servers. You can also cancel symbol downloads that take a long time. To configure this option, follow these steps:

    1. In Visual Studio 2008, click Options on the Tools menu.

    2. Expand Debugging, and then click General.

    3. Disable the "step into" behavior in the General pane.

  • This update contains improvements for the Debugger Automation model. This update adds the Automation model support for address breakpoints and for Expression Evaluation on non-current threads or frames.

Data Projects

New features and functionalities

ADO.NET Entity Designer

The ADO.NET Entity Designer is added in all Visual Studio 2008 editions. The ADO.NET Entity Designer includes the following features.

  • Entity DesignerBy using Entity Designer, you can take the following actions:

    • Generate an entity data model from a database, and then display the model on the designer surface.

    • Validate models and mappings at design time.

    • Optionally embed Entity Framework metadata artifacts such as conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) artifacts, mapping specification language (MSL) artifacts, and store schema definition language (SSDL) artifacts in the output assembly.

    • Copy Entity Framework metadata artifacts to the output directory.

    • Update generated model and mappings when tables in the database change.

  • The Entity Mapping Details tool window In the Entity Mapping Details tool window, you can take the following actions:

    • View and edit mappings for entities and for associations.

    • Map an Entity hierarchy to a single table by using Table per Hierarchy (TPH) mapping.

    • Map an Entity hierarchy to multiple tables by using Table per Type (TPT) mapping.

    • Map entities to stored procedures.

    • Apply multiple conditions to a table mapping.

    • Split entities across tables.

    • Map associations.

  • The Model Browser tool window In the Model Browser tool window, you can take the following actions:

    • Visualize the model as a tree hierarchy.

    • Easily browse to entities, properties, and associations on the designer from the model browser and vice versa.

  • Support The ADO.NET Entity Designer adds support for the following:

    • Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition

    • The following new types in SQL Server 2008:

      • Date

      • Time

      • DateTime2

      • DateTimeOffset

      • Filestream

  • Object Relational Designer (O/R Designer) The O/R Designer in all Visual Studio 2008 editions supports the following new types in Microsoft SQL Server 2008:

    • Date

    • Time

    • DateTime2

    • DateTimeOffset

    • Filestream

XML Editor

The XML Schema Explorer is added to all Visual Studio 2008 editions except Express editions. The XML Schema Explorer includes the following features:

  • Presentation of schema sets in a tool window that shows a hierarchical view of an XML Schema Definition (XSD) and of related XSDs.

  • The ability to search over schema sets.

  • Sorting features, filtering features, and navigation features for schema sets.

  • Integration with the XML editor to enable navigation from the tree to the XML editor and vice versa.

Improved features and functionalities

XML Editor and XSLT debugger

Multiple customer requests and software updates were applied in the XML editor and in the XSLT debugger.

Known issues in this service pack and how to work around them

  • For multiple editions of Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft supports only those configurations in which all editions are at the same service pack level. If a computer is running multiple language versions of Visual Studio 2008, multiple editions of Visual Studio 2008, or both, all editions must be at the release level or at the SP1 level to be supported by Microsoft.

Hotfixes that are included in this service pack

KB Article



FIX: Visual Studio 2008 performance decreases when you step through source code that you downloaded from Reference Source Server


FIX: Error message when you compile a Visual C++ 2008 project: "Error C2471: cannot update program database"


Error message when you link a Visual C++ project by using the /INCREMENTAL build option in Visual Studio 2008: "LNK1000: Internal error during IncrBuildImage"


FIX: Error message when you check in a UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding file and then update the warehouse in Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server: "An unexpected exception occurred while calculating code churn"


FIX: You may encounter various problems when you try to generate type library information by using the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.dll assembly in Visual Studio 2008


FIX: You may experience performance issues in the IDE after you use Visual Studio 2008 to build a Visual Basic project


FIX: You can no longer connect to a Team Foundation server from Excel after you insert a column in a worksheet


FIX: You may receive a System.OutOfMemoryException exception when you run a load test in Visual Studio 2008 Team System Test Load Agent


A cumulative update for Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Web Developer Express 2008 is available


FIX: The Web recorder may miss a request or may miss some parameters when you use a Web recorder to record Web tests in Visual Studio 2008 Team System Test Edition


FIX: Visual Studio 2008 cannot correctly convert Visual Studio 2005 test projects


FIX: The DataSets panel is not available in the report designer when you open a SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 RDLC file in Visual Studio 2008


FIX: Error message when a user-defined function specifies the data source in a data-driven unit test in Visual Studio 2008 Team System: "The unit test adapter failed to connect to the data source or to read the data"


FIX: A file that is deleted from the source branch still exists in the target branch after you perform a merge operation in Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server


FIX: Error message when you try to use the Data Source Configuration Wizard together with an ODBC data source in Visual Studio 2008: "Procedures not supported"


FIX: The shortcut menu does not appear for many seconds when you right-click a project name in Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Explorer


FIX: You may be unable to undo local changes after you upgrade Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server to Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server


FIX: A triggered build does not occur after the build frequency interval elapses in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server


FIX: Error message when you use the Team Foundation Server feature in Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server: "A run-time error Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.BuildServerException"


FIX: The SIDs of Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server users do not change when you use the "TFSAdminUtil Sid" command together with the /Change option


FIX: The children of a folder may disappear after you rename the folder and check in the changes in Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server


FIX: The Visual Basic compiler (Vbc.exe) may use 100 percent of the CPU resources when you build a Visual Basic 2008 application that depends on many assemblies and on many references


FIX: Performance decreases when you migrate Visual Studio 2005 team build types to Visual Studio 2008 team build definitions

Fixed issues that were reported by customers

The following table lists some issues that this service pack fixes. No hotfixes were released to resolve these issues.

Visual Studio Tools for Office System 3.0

Connect ID



The VSTO and Visual Basic for Applications Interop does not work. This behavior causes the EnableVBACallers property to force a VBA error in Visual Studio 2008.


You add a text box control in a Microsoft Outlook Form region. Then, you try to copy, delete, or paste from the control by using the keyboard. When you do this, the text box control does not work.


The release version of VSTO 3.0 does not release the allocated memory by itself.


The data cache is corrupted when protected word customizations exist.

Visual Studio Web Developer 2008

Connect ID



When you compile a project that uses .refresh files, the .refresh files takes a long time to compile.


Spaces are inserted incorrectly when you format a cascading style sheet (.css) file.


The Web debugging operation fails if the compilation section is defined inside the location element in the Web.config file.


Cascading style sheet (CSS) IntelliSense adds double quotation marks in the class attribute after you enable the Insert attribute value quote when typing option.


When you add a new master page to the project, and you select a parent master page for the new master page, the default value of the AutoEventWireup attribute is set to False.


You receive a "Could not find CSS class selector "<Class_Name>"" error message when you click Go To Definition in the DIV class name.


When you debug a Web service, Visual Studio automatically updates the Web references in a Web client application that runs on the same computer.


You receive an "attribute is invalid - The value is invalid according to its datatype 'NmToken'" error message when you add more than one value to the traceOutputOptions attribute in the Web.config file.


You cannot add a nested master page as a new item in Web Application projects.


When you open two or more aspx pages, images are not displayed in Design view of Visual Studio 2008.


The color coding feature is unavailable when you edit a Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (.vbs) file in Visual Studio 2008.


Visual Studio 2008 stops responding when you work in large HTML files.


Visual Studio 2005 publishes the bin\vssver2.scc file.


Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 crashes when you format a stand-alone .css file.


When you use custom controls that are inside a Tab panel that is inside a Tab container in Details view, you receive an error message.


Cascading style sheet (.css) files in folders that are under the App_Themes folder are ignored at design time.


If you specify an external .config file in the configSource attribute of the compilation element in the Web.config file, the debug operation fails.


When you update the source of a parameter for a query that is defined for a SqlDatasouce object, Visual Studio 2008 corrupts the other parameters for the query.


You cannot use the Page.StyleSheetTheme property in a page that uses a master page.


In design mode, when you edit Web pages that contain tables, the Web page source code is broken


When you put Visual Studio on a secondary monitor in a dual monitor scenario, a problem occurs when you resize the editor.


When you link to a .css file in a master page by using the ~/ syntax, child pages cannot access the .css file.


Jscript IntelliSense does not work with the "Ext JS" JavaScript library.


The HTML designer does not replace the selection when you perform a paste operation.


The HTML designer does not accept keyboard shortcuts.


The HTML designer reverses the input text that replaces a selection if the selection has a tag.


The Syntax Highlighting feature is unavailable for classic .asp files.


The ASP.NET designer incorrectly put the <span> tag around SqlDataSource parameters.


If you select a control inside a table that is inside a panel, the control is selected incorrectly in Source mode.


A HTML page does not displayed correctly after you double-click a button in design view.


The Code View button and the Design View button are not enabled, and the F7 key and the SHIFT+F7 keyboard shortcut do not work.


You insert a <reference> tag to JavaScript file to point an embedded JavaScript file in a project in Visual Studio 2008. When you compile the project, you may receive an error message that resembles the following:

Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\ClassLibrary.dll" to "bin\Debug\ClassLibrary.dll". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\ClassLibrary.dll' because it is being used by another process.

This problem occurs when both files are open in the Visual Studio 2008 IDE.


In design mode of Visual Studio 2008, the "View Code" right shortcut menu entry is not always visible


The NavigateURL property of the Hyperlink control incorrectly resolves the URL.


JavaScript references in embedded assemblies are not followed


JavaScript IntelliSense contains a typographical error for the fontcolor method and for the fontsize method.


JavaScript IntelliSense does not display some members of the RegExp object.


ASP.NET rendering sometimes does not display pages that use nested master pages correctly


Javascript IntelliSense is turned off if the Navigation Bar option is disabled


HTML editor deletes randomly html codes from aspx pages specially the closing tags


When you connect a Microsoft laptop mouse to your computer, user interface problems occur.


When you use the LinkButton objects, a "HTML corruption" issue may occur.


When you render embedded tables that contain the “width= 100%” tag in the design view of Visual Studio 2008 IDE, the IDE may stop responding.


You can now disable the preview feature and open any content directly in Design View and set that behavior as default.


Visual Studio 2008 stops responding in Design View when you use animated gif image in an Atlas UpdateProgress control


Visual Studio Editor produces unexpected and incorrect HTML after you drag a Panel control to an UpdatePanel control.

Visual Basic

Connect ID



You receive incorrect error messages and behavior when you import XML namespaces.


Visual Basic projects are compiled slowly when they contain Web references.


You may encounter debugging performance issues when you use large arrays.


The IntelliSense completion list for Boolean variables displays the full list instead of only "True" and "False."


Incorrect value output is displayed in the immediate window.


The compiler may crash when you edit a Windows Forms application.


An application that contains a custom attribute causes the compiler to crash.


If you modify the property page, there should be a dirty flag shown. If you modify only one text input in the property page, the modification will be lost.


The "using System.Linq" directive is missing from the files that are generated by the Class Designer.


The publisher uses wrong configuration settings to compile and to publish projects and solutions.


Error message after you upgrade Visual Basic 6 code to Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition: "The operation could not be completed. The system cannot find the file specified."


Data connection to SQL Server 2008 fails.


Visual Studio 2008 installation disables connections to SQL 2008 CTP.


Error in the code that is generated by the DataSet Designer.


Typed DataSets relationships are broken.


Error message in Dataset Designer: "Requested value 'Properties' was not found."


When you use the component designer in an ASP.NET project, the Visual Basic Power Pack PrintForm component is shown in the toolbox.

Visual C++

Connect ID



The Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) tool for Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition is added in Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition Service Pack 1.


After you enable the /doc compiler option in Visual C++ 2008, the compiler crashes when you compile non-standard code that is compilable.


The default parameter of the ctor of the std::complex<T> object is incorrect.


You cannot use the intrin.h header file and the string.h header file at the same time.


When you use the _BIND_TO_CURRENT_VCLIBS_VERSION define in a project by using ATL on computer that has Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack installed, you receive "error LNK2001" error messages.


After you build a multibyte character set (MBCS) program that uses the GetSelText method of the RichEditCtrl class, the program returns an incorrect value.


You use the search_n algorithm to locate n consecutive integer values in a vector<int> object. If the value of n is greater than 3, an assertion may occur.


The is_pod class and the has_trivial_constructor class incorrectly return true when the class type neither is a pod nor has trivial default constructor.


In some applications whose .NCB file exceeds 64 megabytes (MB), IntelliSense may fail.


The compiler incorrectly returns false for the is_polymorphic class.

Visual C#

Connect ID



IntelliSense proposes read-only properties in object initializers.


The Remove Unused Usings command does not remove unbound using Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) statements.


The System.Linq.IGrouping interface cannot be used in a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) binding on the Key property, because the interface is implemented explicitly.


The Rename function in the Refactor feature does not always handle string contents correctly.


When you compile the code that has incorrectly formed comments by using the /doc option, you may receive an "Internal Compiler Error" error message.


When you create a generic event handler by using the "generate event handler on tab" feature, the Visual Studio 2008 IDE crashes.


The Using directive is not applied to both parts of a partial method if the Using directive is defined in different scopes.


The "==" operator and the "!= "operator do not work correctly when the operators compare a nullable value type with itself. This problem occurs when the value of the type is null.


IntelliSense does not show the extension methods that apply to generic type parameters.


Two lock statements in the same block may cause the compiler to crash.


When you press CTRL+ENTER or SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER in an XML comment, Visual Studio 2008 crashes.


The Debugger Visualizer template references the wrong version of the Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers assembly when an earlier version of Visual Studio is installed.


When you call a generic interface method in expression trees, value types are boxed.


Object initializers for value types do not work correctly in expression trees.


Object initializer works incorrectly with value-types variables


Expression trees that have user-defined conversions do not work correctly.


The true operator and the false operator do not work correctly in expression trees when these operators are overloaded.


Rename refactoring may cause Visual C# 2008 Express Edition to stop responding (hang).


When you pass a null reference to the GetHashCode function, certain StringComparers objects throw an ArgumentNullException exception. This exception is undocumented.


LINQ expression tree compiler throws a VerificationException exception on null constants for nullable types.


LINQ expression compiler crashes when you a well-formed expression tree involving an "is" operator and an operand whose return type is void.


Multiple issues occur when you compile the following code: "default(T) ?? t"


You have a solution that has many projects. If you click "Find All References" in the solution, the Visual Studio may stop responding or needs a long time to complete the operation.


When the Add method that is used by a collection initializer does not return void value, the expression compiler generates invalid code.


C# compiler creates an invalid expression tree when nullble user operator is used.


You construct an expression tree node for a new expression that uses the "System.Void " type, the expression tree node is constructed. When you compile the expression tree node, the expression compiler crashes.


C# compiler emits incorrect expression tree for enum binary operations.


If embedded statements are used without braces, compilers may throw an error and refuse to compile.


When you create a fixed size array in a data structure under Visual Studio 2008 targeting Compact Framework 2.0, you may receive the following error message:

Missing compiler required member ‘System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeValueTypeAttribute.ctor'


IntelliSense crashes IDE when you scroll through the members of an object from a third-party library.


Live semantic errors analysis incorrectly shows an error.


Live semantic errors analysis shows the following false error:

'The type 'int' must be a reference type

Visual Studio Debugger

Connect ID



You may not remove a breakpoint from a Microsoft ASP.NET application when you debug the application.


If you have two files that have the same name in different folders, breakpoints work only in one of the files.


The DataView visualizer is not displayed correctly.


You may encounter a problem when you use breakpoints on a computer that is running Windows Vista.


When the Microsoft symbol store is configured in Visual Studio and Visual Studio is running in Windows Vista, Visual Studio always displays the symbol license agreement.


You debug JavaScript by attaching the debugger to Iexplorer.exe by using Visual Studio 2008. If multiple script files that have the same name are loaded, breakpoints do not persist on the correct script file when the page is refreshed.


The StartupInfo.wShowWindow flag has different values when the program is started by using the Start Without Debugging option or the Start Debugging option.


You cannot redirect an application by using standard input (STDIN) and standard output (STDOUT) for debugging.

Visual Studio Team Editions

Connect ID



The "Generate Create Script to Project" operation fails when the solution contains both .dbp and .dbproj database projects.


When you try to open a query from a table that has a reserved word such as "PROC," the reserved word was enclosed in brackets ("[ ]") in Visual Studio 2005. However, if you try to view the table data in Visual Studio 2008, you receive a reserved word error message. If you manually add the square brackets and then you try to run the query, the square brackets are removed. Additionally, you receive the error message.


A program that is created in Visual Studio 2008 crashes during the Code Analysis process. Additionally, you receive a "fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler" error message.


The Visual Studio 2008 Code Analysis feature fails with an "InternalErrorException" exception when you analyze projects in which a file is included in multiple projects as a linked item.


If you implement an interface property, you may incorrectly trigger the "CA1725" message.


Visual Studio 2008 crashes and you receive a "fatal error C1001" error message when you declare a static local variable after a partly initialized array in code.


You receive an "error 2 CA0001" error message when more than one method has the same name and the same number of method type parameters.


Function names are sometimes displayed as hexadecimal addresses in profiler reports.


Profiler does not display error messages when you use unsupported command arguments, such as the left angle bracket ("<"), the right angle bracket (">"), or a pipe ("|").


Visual Studio 2008 may crash, if there is a code metrics calculation on a project in a collapsed solution folder that has an un-cached icon.


Custom Path check-in policy does not work with Code Analysis policy.


Code Analysis fails with nested generic class and generic constraint.

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Designer

Connect ID



When you use an XAML editor, some collapsed regions may automatically expand.


You cannot open a PageFunction page that uses the RemoveFromJournal property.


A Window-level ActiveX control event generates an error at design time.


The WPF designer displays an incorrect layout of controls.


WPF editor generates repeated exceptions that cause Visual Studio to close and restart.


The WPF designer incorrectly displays a horizontal scrollbar.


You add a control template for a button in WPF application in Visual Studio 2008. You create border for the button. When you try to preview the design, Visual Studio 2008 may crash.


When you edit a WPF application, Visual Studio 2008 IDE may crash.


Errors in User's controls in a WPF Application Project may crash Visual Studio 2008 Team System


XAML designer does not correctly show what will appear at runtime.


Visual Studio crashes when you add a StackPanel control to a paragraph


When you create a WPF application in Visual Basic, some menus and toolbars may stop responding, and you receive the following error message:

An unhandled exception has occurred.

Supported languages and operating systems

Supported languages

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 provides updates for the following versions of Visual Studio 2008:

  • English

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • Chinese (Traditional)

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Portuguese (Brazil)

Supported operating systems

  • Windows Server 2008 RTM or SP1

  • Windows Vista or SP1

  • Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) or a later version of Windows XP

  • Windows Server 2003 SP1 or a later version of Windows Server 2003Note If you must have support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Community Technology Preview (CTP), you must have Windows Server 2003 SP2 installed.

Installation requirements

  • Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 or a later version of Windows Installer must be installed on the destination computer. For more information, visit the following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site:

  • We recommend 512 MB or more of RAM.

Visual Studio 2008 Express Editions with SP1 support

Formal support is available through Microsoft Connect. For more information, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Installation/removal issues for all platforms

See the Readme document for more information.

Known issues with the service pack

See the Readme document for more information.


For more information about Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 Beta, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

945140 Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 release notes and a list of fixed issues

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